seta scoreboard_accuracy_border_thickness 1 "accuracy stats border thickness"
seta scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows 0 "use two rows instead of one"
seta scoreboard_accuracy 1 "show accuracy stats panel on scoreboard"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_r 0 "red color component of the HUD background"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_g 0.25 "green color component of the HUD background"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_b 0.17 "blue color component of the HUD background"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_team 0.5 "team color multiplier of the HUD background"
+seta scoreboard_color_bg_r 0 "red color component of the scoreboard background"
+seta scoreboard_color_bg_g 0.25 "green color component of the scoreboard background"
+seta scoreboard_color_bg_b 0.17 "blue color component of the scoreboard background"
+seta scoreboard_color_bg_team 0.5 "team color multiplier of the scoreboard background"
seta scoreboard_alpha_bg 0.6 "scoreboard background alpha"
seta scoreboard_alpha_fg 1 "scoreboard foreground alpha"
seta scoreboard_alpha_name 0.9 "alpha of player text in scoreboard list other than self"
float i;
float weapon_hit, weapon_damage, weapon_stats;
- float fontsize = 40 * 1/3;
float weapon_cnt = WEP_COUNT - 3; // either minstanex/nex are hidden, no port-o-launch, no tuba
float rows;
rows = 1;
float height = 40;
- if(warmup_stage)
- {
- return pos;
- }
+ float fontsize = height * 1/3;
+ float weapon_height = height * 2/3;
+ float weapon_width = sbwidth / weapon_cnt;
drawstring(pos, strcat("Accuracy stats (average ", ftos(average_accuracy), "%)"), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', scoreboard_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
pos_y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize_y;
for(i = 0; i < weapon_cnt/rows; ++i)
if(!mod(i, 2))
- drawfill(pos + '1 0 0' * (sbwidth/weapon_cnt) * rows * i, '0 1 0' * height * rows + '1 0 0' * (sbwidth/weapon_cnt) * rows, '0 0 0', scoreboard_alpha_bg * 0.2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawfill(pos + '1 0 0' * weapon_width * rows * i, '0 1 0' * height * rows + '1 0 0' * weapon_width * rows, '0 0 0', scoreboard_alpha_bg * 0.2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// row highlighting
for(i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
- drawfill(pos + '0 1 0' * height * (2/3) + '0 1 0' * height * i, '1 0 0' * sbwidth + '0 1 0' * fontsize, '1 1 1', scoreboard_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawfill(pos + '0 1 0' * weapon_height + '0 1 0' * height * i, '1 0 0' * sbwidth + '0 1 0' * fontsize, '1 1 1', scoreboard_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawfont = hud_bigfont;
float weapons_with_stats;
weapons_with_stats = 0;
if(rows == 2)
- pos_x += sbwidth/weapon_cnt / 2;
+ pos_x += weapon_width / 2;
g_minstagib = 1; // TODO: real detection for minstagib?
weapon_alpha = 0.2 * scoreboard_alpha_fg;
// weapon icon
- drawpic_aspect_skin(pos, strcat("weapon", self.netname), '1 0 0' * sbwidth * (1/weapon_cnt) + '0 1 0' * height * (2/3), '1 1 1', weapon_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_aspect_skin(pos, strcat("weapon", self.netname), '1 0 0' * weapon_width + '0 1 0' * weapon_height, '1 1 1', weapon_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// the accuracy
if(weapon_damage) {
weapons_with_stats += 1;
s = strcat(ftos(weapon_stats),"%");
float padding;
- padding = ((sbwidth/weapon_cnt) - stringwidth(s, FALSE, '1 0 0' * fontsize)) / 2; // center the accuracy value
+ padding = (weapon_width - stringwidth(s, FALSE, '1 0 0' * fontsize)) / 2; // center the accuracy value
float weapon_hit, weapon_damage;
weapon_damage = weapon_fired[self.weapon-WEP_FIRST];
rgb = rgb + factor * (acc_color(j+1) - rgb);
- drawstring(pos + '1 0 0' * padding + '0 1 0' * height * (2/3), s, '1 1 0' * fontsize, rgb, scoreboard_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawstring(pos + '1 0 0' * padding + '0 1 0' * weapon_height, s, '1 1 0' * fontsize, rgb, scoreboard_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- pos_x += sbwidth/weapon_cnt * rows;
+ pos_x += weapon_width * rows;
if(rows == 2 && i == 6) {
pos_x -= sbwidth;
pos_y += height;
average_accuracy = floor(average_accuracy / weapons_with_stats);
if(rows == 2)
- pos_x -= sbwidth/weapon_cnt / 2;
+ pos_x -= weapon_width / 2;
pos_x -= sbwidth;
pos_y += height;
pos = HUD_DrawScoreboardRankings(pos, pl, rgb, bg_size);
- else if(cvar("scoreboard_accuracy") && spectatee_status != -1) {
+ else if(cvar("scoreboard_accuracy") && spectatee_status != -1 && !warmup_stage) {
pos = HUD_DrawScoreboardAccuracyStats(pos, GetTeamRGB(myteam), bg_size);