swampspd_mod = self.swamp_slowdown; //cvar("g_balance_swamp_moverate");
+ // conveyors: check if we still convey stuff
+ float conveyor_broken = FALSE;
+ if(self.groundentity.classname == "func_conveyor")
+ if(self.groundentity.nextthink)
+ {
+ if(!WarpZoneLib_BoxTouchesBrush(self.absmin + '0 0 -1', self.absmax + '0 0 -1', self.groundentity, self))
+ self.groundentity = world;
+ }
+ if(!self.groundentity)
+ {
+ tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 -1', self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + '0 0 -1', MOVE_NORMAL, self);
+ if(trace_ent.classname == "func_conveyor")
+ self.groundentity = trace_ent;
+ }
+ // conveyors: first fix velocity
+ if(self.groundentity.classname == "func_conveyor")
+ if(self.groundentity.nextthink)
+ self.velocity -= self.groundentity.movedir;
if(self.classname != "player")
maxspd_mod = autocvar_sv_spectator_speed_multiplier;
self.velocity = self.velocity * f;
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ /*
+ Mathematical analysis time!
+ Our goal is to invert this mess.
+ For the two cases we get:
+ v = v0 * (1 - frametime * (autocvar_sv_stopspeed / v0) * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ = v0 - frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction
+ v0 = v + frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction
+ and
+ v = v0 * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ v0 = v / (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ These cases would be chosen ONLY if:
+ v0 < autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v + frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction < autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v < autocvar_sv_stopspeed * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ and, respectively:
+ v0 >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v / (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction) >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ */
// acceleration
if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
self.lastground = time;
+ // conveyors: then break velocity again
+ if(self.groundentity.classname == "func_conveyor")
+ if(self.groundentity.nextthink)
+ self.velocity += self.groundentity.movedir;
self.lastflags = self.flags;
self.lastclassname = self.classname;
for(other = world; (other = findentity(other, groundentity, self)); )
- if(!WarpZoneLib_BoxTouchesBrush(other.absmin + '0 0 -1', other.absmax + '0 0 -1', self, other))
- {
- other.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
- continue;
- }
if(other.flags & FL_CLIENT) // doing it via velocity has quite some advantages
- {
- float f = 1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction;
- if(f > 0)
- other.velocity += self.movedir * self.speed * (1 / f - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- tracebox(other.origin, other.mins, other.maxs, other.origin + self.movedir * (self.speed * sys_frametime), MOVE_NORMAL, other);
- if(trace_fraction > 0)
- setorigin(other, trace_endpos);
- }
+ continue; // done in SV_PlayerPhysics
+ // stupid conveyor code
+ tracebox(other.origin, other.mins, other.maxs, other.origin + self.movedir * sys_frametime, MOVE_NORMAL, other);
+ if(trace_fraction > 0)
+ setorigin(other, trace_endpos);
self.nextthink = time;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
if (!self.speed)
self.speed = 200;
+ self.movedir = self.movedir * self.speed;
self.think = conveyor_think;