- export QCC="$PWD/gmqcc/gmqcc"
- ln -s $PWD data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
- - mkdir maps && wget -O maps/gitlab-ci.bsp https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic-maps.pk3dir/raw/master/maps/_init/_init.bsp
+ stage: test
+ - mkdir maps && wget -O maps/gitlab-ci.bsp https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic-maps.pk3dir/raw/master/maps/_init/_init.bsp
- make
- while read line; do
echo $line;
done < <(${ENGINE} +developer 1 +map gitlab-ci +sv_cmd runtest +exit)
- exit 1
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - wget -O data/g-23.pk3 http://beta.xonotic.org/autobuild-bsp/latest/g-23.pk3
+ - make
+ - EXPECT=dd534b9e83d5e07cd43e0a13ac61a646
+ - HASH=$(${ENGINE} -noconfig -nohome +exec serverbench.cfg
+ | tee /dev/stderr
+ | grep '^:'
+ | grep -v '^:gamestart:'
+ | grep -v '^:anticheat:'
+ | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ - echo 'expected:' $EXPECT
+ - echo ' actual:' $HASH
+ - test "$HASH" == "$EXPECT"
+ - exit $?
doxygen: # rename to 'pages' when gitlab.com allows pages to exceed 100MiB
stage: deploy