//g_balance_teams 1 // 0 will show players the team selection menu after joining instead of automaticly putting them on the smaller team
//g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 1 // 0 to prevent switchint to a bigger/begger team
-//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider (disabled by default, uncomment this line to enable)
+//g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider (disabled by default, uncomment this line to enable)
//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here (if not set, your bans are just sent to the sync URIs, but no bans are retrieved from there)
//g_spawnshieldtime 1 // time for which players are protected after spawn