cvar_t con_chattime = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_chattime","30", "how long chat lines last, in seconds"};
cvar_t con_chat = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_chat","0", "how many chat lines to show in a dedicated chat area"};
cvar_t con_chatpos = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_chatpos","0", "where to put chat (negative: lines from bottom of screen, positive: lines below notify, 0: at top)"};
+cvar_t con_chatrect = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_chatrect","0", "use con_chatrect_x and _y to position con_notify and con_chat freely instead of con_chatpos"};
+cvar_t con_chatrect_x = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_chatrect_x","", "where to put chat, relative x coordinate of left edge on screen (use con_chatwidth for width)"};
+cvar_t con_chatrect_y = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_chatrect_y","", "where to put chat, relative y coordinate of top edge on screen (use con_chat for line count)"};
cvar_t con_chatwidth = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_chatwidth","1.0", "relative chat window width"};
cvar_t con_textsize = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_textsize","8", "console text size in virtual 2D pixels"};
cvar_t con_notifysize = {CVAR_SAVE, "con_notifysize","8", "notify text size in virtual 2D pixels"};
// register our cvars
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chat);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chatpos);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chatrect_x);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chatrect_y);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chatrect);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chatsize);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chattime);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&con_chatwidth);
int x = (int) (ti->x + (ti->width - width) * ti->alignment);
if(isContinuation && *ti->continuationString)
- x += (int) DrawQ_String(x, ti->y, ti->continuationString, strlen(ti->continuationString), ti->fontsize, ti->fontsize, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, NULL, false, ti->font);
+ x = (int) DrawQ_String(x, ti->y, ti->continuationString, strlen(ti->continuationString), ti->fontsize, ti->fontsize, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, NULL, false, ti->font);
if(length > 0)
DrawQ_String(x, ti->y, line, length, ti->fontsize, ti->fontsize, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, &(ti->colorindex), false, ti->font);
void Con_DrawNotify (void)
- float x, v;
- float chatstart, notifystart, inputsize;
+ float x, v, xr;
+ float chatstart, notifystart, inputsize, height;
float align;
char temptext[MAX_INPUTLINE];
int numChatlines;
numChatlines = con_chat.integer;
chatpos = con_chatpos.integer;
if (con_notify.integer < 0)
align = 0.5;
- if(numChatlines)
+ if(numChatlines || !con_chatrect.integer)
if(chatpos == 0)
v = notifystart + con_notifysize.value * Con_DrawNotifyRect(0, CON_MASK_INPUT | CON_MASK_HIDENOTIFY | (numChatlines ? CON_MASK_CHAT : 0) | CON_MASK_DEVELOPER, con_notifytime.value, 0, notifystart, vid_conwidth.value, con_notify.value * con_notifysize.value, con_notifysize.value, align, 0.0, "");
- // chat?
- if(numChatlines)
+ if(con_chatrect.integer)
+ {
+ x = con_chatrect_x.value * vid_conwidth.value;
+ v = con_chatrect_y.value * vid_conheight.value;
+ }
+ else
- v = chatstart + numChatlines * con_chatsize.value;
- Con_DrawNotifyRect(CON_MASK_CHAT, CON_MASK_INPUT, con_chattime.value, 0, chatstart, vid_conwidth.value * con_chatwidth.value, v - chatstart, con_chatsize.value, 0.0, 1.0, (utf8_enable.integer ? "^3\xee\x80\x8c\xee\x80\x8c\xee\x80\x8c " : "^3\014\014\014 ")); // 015 is ·> character in conchars.tga
+ x = 0;
+ if(numChatlines) // only do this if chat area is enabled, or this would move the input line wrong
+ v = chatstart;
+ height = numChatlines * con_chatsize.value;
+ if(numChatlines)
+ {
+ Con_DrawNotifyRect(CON_MASK_CHAT, CON_MASK_INPUT, con_chattime.value, x, v, vid_conwidth.value * con_chatwidth.value, height, con_chatsize.value, 0.0, 1.0, (utf8_enable.integer ? "^3\xee\x80\x8c\xee\x80\x8c\xee\x80\x8c " : "^3\014\014\014 ")); // 015 is ·> character in conchars.tga
+ v += height;
+ }
if (key_dest == key_message)
//static char *cursor[2] = { "\xee\x80\x8a", "\xee\x80\x8b" }; // { off, on }
// FIXME word wrap
inputsize = (numChatlines ? con_chatsize : con_notifysize).value;
- x = vid_conwidth.value - DrawQ_TextWidth(temptext, 0, inputsize, inputsize, false, FONT_CHAT);
- if(x > 0)
- x = 0;
+ xr = vid_conwidth.value - DrawQ_TextWidth(temptext, 0, inputsize, inputsize, false, FONT_CHAT);
+ x = min(xr, x);
DrawQ_String(x, v, temptext, 0, inputsize, inputsize, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, &colorindex, false, FONT_CHAT);