set sv_join_notices ""
set sv_join_notices_time 15
- seta g_superspectate 0 "server side, allows extended spectator functions through the cmd interface. followpowerup, followstrength, followstshield or followfc [red|blue] will transfer spectation to the relevent player, if any"
+set cl_ghost_items 0.45 "enable ghosted items (when between 0 and 1, overrides the alpha value)"
+set cl_ghost_items_color "-1 -1 -1" "color of ghosted items, 0 0 0 leaves the color unchanged"
+set sv_simple_items 1 "allow or forbid client use of simple items"
+set cl_simple_items 0 "enable simple items (if server allows)"
+set cl_simpleitems_postfix "_simple" "posfix to add fo model name when simple items are enabled"
+set cl_fullbright_items 0 "enable fullbright items (if server allows, controled by g_fullbrightitems)"
+set cl_weapon_stay_color "2 0.5 0.5" "Color of picked up weapons when g_weapon_stay > 0"
+set cl_weapon_stay_alpha 0.75 "Alpha of picked up weapons when g_weapon_stay > 0"
++seta g_superspectate 0 "server side, allows extended spectator functions through the cmd interface. followpowerup, followstrength, followstshield or followfc [red|blue] will transfer spectation to the relevent player, if any"