org = gettaginfo(self.owner, self.bone);
- //dprint(strcat(vtos(gettaginfo(self.owner, self.bone)), " --------\n"));
// Scan the owner of all gibs in the world. If a gib owner is the same as the player we're applying
// the effect to, it means our player is gibbed. Therefore, apply particles to the gibs instead.
if(autocvar_cl_gentle || autocvar_cl_gentle_damage)
+ if(self.model == "" || !self.model)
+ return;
specstr = species_prefix(specnum);
life = bound(0, dmg * autocvar_cl_damageeffect_lifetime, autocvar_cl_damageeffect_lifetime_max);
if(!closest || vlen(hitorg - gettaginfo(self, i)) <= vlen(hitorg - gettaginfo(self, closest)))
closest = i;
e = spawn();
e.owner = self;
e.bone = closest;