]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/xonotic.wiki.git/commitdiff
script for checking links
authorMartin Taibr <taibr.martin@gmail.com>
Thu, 23 Mar 2017 09:29:11 +0000 (10:29 +0100)
committerMartin Taibr <taibr.martin@gmail.com>
Thu, 23 Mar 2017 09:29:11 +0000 (10:29 +0100)
assets/check-and-fix.py [new file with mode: 0755]
assets/convert-wiki-links.py [deleted file]
assets/convert.sh [deleted file]
assets/redmine-to-gitlab/convert-wiki-links.py [new file with mode: 0755]
assets/redmine-to-gitlab/convert.sh [new file with mode: 0755]
assets/redmine-to-gitlab/rename.sh [new file with mode: 0755]
assets/rename.sh [deleted file]

diff --git a/assets/check-and-fix.py b/assets/check-and-fix.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ffd4f1d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Well, this wasn't supposed to be so long and complicated.
+# Anyway, it makes sure the wiki works on both Gitlab and Github by moving
+# stuff around and fixing links. Then it reports all remaining broken links
+# and unused files. Since the wiki is in git, you can use `git status`
+# and `git diff` to see the changes. You can also use the `--dry-run` flag
+# to print all changes the script would make without actually making them.
+# See Editing.md for more information.
+# Some stuff that could have been done better:
+#  - Not parsing Markdown with regex. Currently, we for example report
+#    broken links even though they're inside code blocks (e.g. Irclog.md)
+#  - Using the type system (and mypy) to distinguish different link types
+#    to make sure the right functions are called with the right link types
+#    (e.g. page links, file links, links with headers, urls, ...)
+#  - Checking outbound links for 404s.
+import sys
+import os
+import glob
+import regex  # sudo pip3 install regex
+import functools
+from typing import *
+from os.path import normpath, join, dirname, basename
+# yeah, well, this is ugly but sure beats putting the regex on one line
+def compile_regex(rgx: str):
+    # regex (unlike re) supports non-constant length look-behinds
+    return regex.compile(
+        "".join(
+            [line.strip() for line in rgx]))
+# examples:
+# [Page link](Some_Page)
+# [Url link](http://example.com)
+# ![Image](image_1.png)
+# [![Image link to image](image_inner.png)](image_outer.png)
+# [![Image link to page](image_inner.png)](Archive/Some_Page)
+# regex.sub doesnt support overlapping - we have to use lookbehinds.
+# Practically, the inner link will never be a page so we don't need to
+# sub it, but later we can reuse the regex to go through all the links
+# and check that they're valid.
+LINK_REGEX = compile_regex("""
+    \[
+        (?:
+            [^\[\]]*
+        |
+            \!\[
+                [^\[\]]*
+            \]
+            \(
+                [^()]*
+            \)
+        )
+    \]
+    ([^()]*)
+dry_run = False
+def strip_header_link(link: str) -> str:
+    "remove links to headers inside the file"
+    header_index = link.rfind('#')
+    if header_index != -1:
+        link = link[:header_index]
+    return link
+def convert_page_name(path: str) -> str:
+    "path can be with or without .md"
+    if path.startswith("_"):
+        # ignore header, footer etc
+        return path
+    if "-" in path:
+        # don't wanna break stuff like mapping-entity-func_door
+        return path
+    headerless = strip_header_link(path)
+    # don't reformat these links because they're often linked to from outside
+    for exc in ["Repository_Access", "Halogenes_Newbie_Corner"]:
+        if headerless == exc or headerless == exc + ".md":
+            return path
+    return basename(path).replace("_", "-")
+def convert_page_link(link: str) -> str:
+    header_index = link.rfind('#')
+    if header_index != -1:
+        header = link[header_index + 1:]
+        if "_" in header:
+            print("warning: underscore in header: {}".format(link))
+    return convert_page_name(link)
+def find_paths() -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
+    all_paths = sorted(filter(
+        os.path.isfile,
+        [name for name in glob.iglob('**', recursive=True)]))
+    md_paths = sorted(filter(lambda s: s.endswith(".md"), all_paths))
+    return all_paths, md_paths
+def fix_dir_structure():
+    _, md_paths = find_paths()
+    for path in md_paths:
+        fixed = convert_page_name(path)
+        if fixed == path:
+            continue
+        if os.path.exists(fixed):
+            print("warning: collision: {}".format(path))
+        elif dry_run:
+            print("would rename {} to {}".format(path, fixed))
+        else:
+            os.rename(path, fixed)
+def is_between_files(link: str) -> bool:
+    if "://" in link or link.startswith("#"):
+        # http(s) link or link to header on the same page
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def is_page_link(link: str) -> bool:
+    # this is a best guess, i don't think there is a foolproof way to tell
+    if link.startswith("assets") or link.startswith("img"):
+        # hopefully nobody adds more directories
+        return False
+    if "." in basename(link):
+        # hopefully it's an extension
+        return False
+    # files in root without extension will fail
+    return True
+def replace_link(changes: List[str], match) -> str:
+    text = match.group()
+    link_start = match.start(1) - match.start()
+    link_end = match.end(1) - match.start()
+    link = text[link_start:link_end]
+    if is_between_files(link) and is_page_link(link):
+        new_link = convert_page_link(link)
+        new_text = text[:link_start] + new_link + text[link_end:]
+        if text != new_text:
+            changes.append("\t{} -> {}".format(text, new_text))
+        return new_text
+    else:
+        return text
+def fix_links():
+    _, md_paths = find_paths()
+    for path in md_paths:
+        with open(path, 'r+') as f:
+            contents = f.read()
+            changes = []
+            replacer = functools.partial(replace_link, changes)
+            contents_new = LINK_REGEX.sub(replacer, contents)
+            if dry_run and any(changes):
+                print("would convert these links in {}:".format(path))
+                for change in changes:
+                    print(change)
+            if not dry_run and contents != contents_new:
+                f.seek(0)
+                f.write(contents_new)
+                f.truncate()
+def link_to_path(current_file: str, link: str) -> str:
+    #           nothing     .           ..          /
+    # gitlab    root        current     current     root
+    # gollum    current     current     current     root
+    # github    ok          ok          broken      broken
+    # when not using subdirs, nothing or "." works for all 3
+    if link.startswith("..") or link.startswith("/"):
+        print("file: {} bad link: {}", link)
+    # path relative to wiki root, not curent file
+    current_dir = dirname(current_file)
+    link = normpath(join(current_dir, link))
+    link = strip_header_link(link)
+    # page links don't have an extension - add it
+    extension_index = link.rfind('.')
+    if extension_index == -1:
+        link = link + '.md'
+    return link
+def get_file_links(path: str) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
+    with open(path, 'r') as f:
+        contents = f.read()
+        for match in LINK_REGEX.finditer(contents):
+            link = match.group(1)
+            if is_between_files(link):
+                yield link
+def canonicalize(path: str) -> str:
+    # spaces and capitalization don't seem to matter for pages
+    if path.endswith(".md"):
+        return path.replace(" ", "-").casefold()
+    else:
+        return path
+def find_broken(all_paths: List[str], md_paths: List[str]):
+    canonical_paths = [canonicalize(path) for path in all_paths]
+    for path in md_paths:
+        if path == "Irclog.md":
+            continue  # TODO need to parse MD properly to avoid false posiives
+        for link in get_file_links(path):
+            link_target = canonicalize(link_to_path(path, link))
+            if not link_target in canonical_paths:
+                #print("broken link in {}: {} -> {}".format(path, link, link_target))
+                print("broken link in {}: {}".format(path, link))
+def walk_links(canonical_to_real: Dict[str, str], is_linked: Dict[str, bool], current_path: str):
+    canonical = canonicalize(current_path)
+    if canonical not in canonical_to_real:
+        # broken link - nothing to do here, we check broken links elsewhere
+        # because here we're not guaranteed to walk through all files
+        #print("not in known paths: {}".format(current_path))
+        return
+    current_path = canonical_to_real[canonical]
+    if is_linked[current_path]:
+        return
+    is_linked[current_path] = True
+    if current_path.endswith(".md"):
+        for link in get_file_links(current_path):
+            link_target = link_to_path(current_path, link)
+            walk_links(canonical_to_real, is_linked, link_target)
+def find_unlinked(all_paths: List[str]):
+    canonical_to_real = {canonicalize(path): path for path in all_paths}
+    is_linked = {path: False for path in all_paths}
+    # ignore these 2 - currently they don't show on GitLab but do on GitHub
+    is_linked["_Footer.md"] = True
+    is_linked["_Sidebar.md"] = True
+    walk_links(canonical_to_real, is_linked, "Home.md")
+    for path, linked in is_linked.items():
+        if not linked:
+            print("not reachable from Home: {}".format(path))
+def check_links():
+    all_paths, md_paths = find_paths()
+    find_broken(all_paths, md_paths)
+    find_unlinked(all_paths)
+def main():
+    global dry_run
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--dry-run":
+        dry_run = True
+    # convert file paths - put everything into root
+    fix_dir_structure()
+    # convert links on all pages
+    fix_links()
+    # look for broken links and unlinked files
+    check_links()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/assets/convert-wiki-links.py b/assets/convert-wiki-links.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 9479bae..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# not a simple sed script because I can do non-greedy easier here :x
-# changing gollum/wiki links to markdown/markup syntax (no redlinks support... fuuu gitlab)
-# but not the other way around...
-# since external links and images are better left using portable markdown syntax
-import os
-import re
-FILES = ('.md',)
-RX = [
-#      (re.compile(r''), ''),
-       # I'm sure this could be cleaner... but it works (order is important (with \W for french chars), or [[a|b]] is matched to [a|b](a|b) !)
-       (re.compile(r'(?u)\[\[([\w\W \\/\.#\(\)_-]+?)\|([\w\W \\/\.#\(\)_-]+?)\]\]'), r'[\1](\2)'), # [[This|that#top]] -> [This](that#top)
-       (re.compile(r'(?u)\[\[([\w\W \\/\.#\(\)_-]+?)\]\]'), r'[\1](\1)'), # [[This]] -> [This](This)
-path = '.'
-lsdir = os.listdir(path)
-for f in lsdir:
-       file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(f)
-       new_f = file_name + file_extension + '.rx'
-       if file_extension in FILES:
-               i = os.path.join(path, f)
-               o = os.path.join(path, new_f)
-               with open(i, "r") as inf, open(o, "w") as outf:
-                       for line in inf:
-                               for search, replace in RX:
-                                       #line = search.sub(replace, line)
-                                       line = re.sub(search, replace, line)
-                               outf.write(line)
-               os.rename(o, i)
diff --git a/assets/convert.sh b/assets/convert.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e7d4a55..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Textile to Markdown in-place conversion
-for file in `ls *.md`; do
-       [ -f ${file} ] && [ ! -h ${file} ] || continue
-       pandoc -f textile -t markdown_github ${file} > ${file}.bak
-       mv ${file}.bak ${file}
diff --git a/assets/redmine-to-gitlab/convert-wiki-links.py b/assets/redmine-to-gitlab/convert-wiki-links.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..9479bae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# not a simple sed script because I can do non-greedy easier here :x
+# changing gollum/wiki links to markdown/markup syntax (no redlinks support... fuuu gitlab)
+# but not the other way around...
+# since external links and images are better left using portable markdown syntax
+import os
+import re
+FILES = ('.md',)
+RX = [
+#      (re.compile(r''), ''),
+       # I'm sure this could be cleaner... but it works (order is important (with \W for french chars), or [[a|b]] is matched to [a|b](a|b) !)
+       (re.compile(r'(?u)\[\[([\w\W \\/\.#\(\)_-]+?)\|([\w\W \\/\.#\(\)_-]+?)\]\]'), r'[\1](\2)'), # [[This|that#top]] -> [This](that#top)
+       (re.compile(r'(?u)\[\[([\w\W \\/\.#\(\)_-]+?)\]\]'), r'[\1](\1)'), # [[This]] -> [This](This)
+path = '.'
+lsdir = os.listdir(path)
+for f in lsdir:
+       file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(f)
+       new_f = file_name + file_extension + '.rx'
+       if file_extension in FILES:
+               i = os.path.join(path, f)
+               o = os.path.join(path, new_f)
+               with open(i, "r") as inf, open(o, "w") as outf:
+                       for line in inf:
+                               for search, replace in RX:
+                                       #line = search.sub(replace, line)
+                                       line = re.sub(search, replace, line)
+                               outf.write(line)
+               os.rename(o, i)
diff --git a/assets/redmine-to-gitlab/convert.sh b/assets/redmine-to-gitlab/convert.sh
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..e7d4a55
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Textile to Markdown in-place conversion
+for file in `ls *.md`; do
+       [ -f ${file} ] && [ ! -h ${file} ] || continue
+       pandoc -f textile -t markdown_github ${file} > ${file}.bak
+       mv ${file}.bak ${file}
diff --git a/assets/redmine-to-gitlab/rename.sh b/assets/redmine-to-gitlab/rename.sh
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..03bd61e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+rename 's/\.textile$/$1.md/' *.textile
diff --git a/assets/rename.sh b/assets/rename.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 03bd61e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-rename 's/\.textile$/$1.md/' *.textile