// avoiding dangers and obstacles
- offset = (vdist(this.velocity, >, 32) ? this.velocity * 0.5 : v_forward * 32);
- vector dst_ahead = this.origin + this.view_ofs + offset;
+ offset = (vdist(this.velocity - eZ * this.velocity.z, >, 32) ? this.velocity * 0.5 : v_forward * 32);
+ vector dst_ahead = this.origin + offset;
vector dst_down = dst_ahead - '0 0 3000';
- // Look ahead
- traceline(this.origin + this.view_ofs, dst_ahead, true, NULL);
// Check head-banging against walls
- if(vdist(this.origin + this.view_ofs - trace_endpos, <, 25) && !(this.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER))
+ traceline(this.origin, dst_ahead, true, NULL);
+ if(vdist(this.origin - trace_endpos, <, 25) && !(this.aistatus & AI_STATUS_OUT_WATER))
- if(this.facingwalltime && time > this.facingwalltime)
+ if(!this.facingwalltime)
+ this.facingwalltime = time + 0.2;
+ else if(time > this.facingwalltime)
- this.ignoregoal = this.goalcurrent;
- this.ignoregoaltime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_ignoregoal_timeout;
+ navigation_clearroute(this);
this.bot_strategytime = 0;
- else
- {
- this.facingwalltime = time + 0.05;
- }
- {
this.facingwalltime = 0;
- if(this.ignoregoal != NULL && time > this.ignoregoaltime)
- {
- this.ignoregoal = NULL;
- this.ignoregoaltime = 0;
- }
- }
// Check for water/slime/lava and dangerous edges
// (only when the bot is on the ground or jumping intentionally)
this.aistatus &= ~AI_STATUS_DANGER_AHEAD;
+ dst_ahead = this.origin + this.view_ofs + offset;
+ dst_down = dst_ahead - '0 0 3000';
+ traceline(this.origin + this.view_ofs, dst_ahead, true, NULL);
bool unreachable = false;
if(trace_fraction == 1 && this.jumppadcount == 0 && !this.goalcurrent.wphardwired )