return 0;
+void View_EventChase(entity this)
+ // event chase camera
+ if(autocvar_chase_active <= 0) // greater than 0 means it's enabled manually, and this code is skipped
+ {
+ {
+ if(spectatee_status > 0)
+ {
+ if(!autocvar_chase_active)
+ {
+ cvar_set("chase_active", "-2");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_chase_active == -2)
+ cvar_set("chase_active", "0");
+ if(autocvar_chase_active == -2)
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_chase_active == -2)
+ cvar_set("chase_active", "0");
+ bool vehicle_chase = (hud != HUD_NORMAL && (autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle || spectatee_status > 0));
+ float vehicle_viewdist = 0;
+ vector vehicle_viewofs = '0 0 0';
+ if(vehicle_chase)
+ {
+ if(hud != HUD_BUMBLEBEE_GUN)
+ {
+ Vehicle info = Vehicles_from(hud);
+ vehicle_viewdist = info.height;
+ vehicle_viewofs = info.view_ofs;
+ if(vehicle_viewdist < 0) // when set below 0, this vehicle doesn't use third person view (gunner slots)
+ vehicle_chase = false;
+ }
+ else
+ vehicle_chase = false;
+ }
+ int eventchase = WantEventchase(this, vehicle_chase);
+ if (eventchase)
+ {
+ vector current_view_origin_override = '0 0 0';
+ vector view_offset_override = '0 0 0';
+ float chase_distance_override = 0;
+ bool custom_eventchase = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(CustomizeEventchase, this);
+ if(custom_eventchase)
+ {
+ current_view_origin_override = M_ARGV(0, vector);
+ view_offset_override = M_ARGV(1, vector);
+ chase_distance_override = M_ARGV(0, float);
+ }
+ eventchase_running = true;
+ // make special vector since we can't use view_origin (It is one frame old as of this code, it gets set later with the results this code makes.)
+ vector current_view_origin = (csqcplayer ? csqcplayer.origin : pmove_org);
+ if (custom_eventchase)
+ current_view_origin = current_view_origin_override;
+ // detect maximum viewoffset and use it
+ vector view_offset = autocvar_cl_eventchase_viewoffset;
+ if(vehicle_chase)
+ {
+ if(vehicle_viewofs)
+ view_offset = vehicle_viewofs;
+ else
+ view_offset = autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle_viewoffset;
+ }
+ if (custom_eventchase)
+ view_offset = view_offset_override;
+ if(view_offset)
+ {
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(current_view_origin, current_view_origin + view_offset + ('0 0 1' * autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs.z), MOVE_WORLDONLY, this);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1) { current_view_origin += view_offset; }
+ else { current_view_origin.z += max(0, (trace_endpos.z - current_view_origin.z) - autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs.z); }
+ }
+ // We must enable chase_active to get a third person view (weapon viewmodel hidden and own player model showing).
+ // Ideally, there should be another way to enable third person cameras, such as through setproperty()
+ // -1 enables chase_active while marking it as set by this code, and not by the user (which would be 1)
+ if(!autocvar_chase_active) { cvar_set("chase_active", "-1"); }
+ // make the camera smooth back
+ float chase_distance = autocvar_cl_eventchase_distance;
+ if(vehicle_chase)
+ {
+ if(vehicle_viewofs)
+ chase_distance = vehicle_viewdist;
+ else
+ chase_distance = autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle_distance;
+ }
+ if (custom_eventchase)
+ chase_distance = chase_distance_override;
+ if(autocvar_cl_eventchase_speed && eventchase_current_distance < chase_distance)
+ eventchase_current_distance += autocvar_cl_eventchase_speed * (chase_distance - eventchase_current_distance) * frametime; // slow down the further we get
+ else if(eventchase_current_distance != chase_distance)
+ eventchase_current_distance = chase_distance;
+ vector forward, right, up;
+ MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up);
+ vector eventchase_target_origin = (current_view_origin - (forward * eventchase_current_distance));
+ WarpZone_TraceBox(current_view_origin, autocvar_cl_eventchase_mins, autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs, eventchase_target_origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this);
+ // If the boxtrace fails, revert back to line tracing.
+ if(!this.viewloc)
+ if(trace_startsolid)
+ {
+ eventchase_target_origin = (current_view_origin - (forward * eventchase_current_distance));
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(current_view_origin, eventchase_target_origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this);
+ setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, (trace_endpos - (forward * autocvar_cl_eventchase_mins.z)));
+ }
+ else { setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, trace_endpos); }
+ if(!this.viewloc)
+ setproperty(VF_ANGLES, WarpZone_TransformVAngles(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_angles));
+ }
+ if (eventchase <= 0 && autocvar_chase_active < 0) // time to disable chase_active if it was set by this code
+ {
+ eventchase_running = false;
+ cvar_set("chase_active", "0");
+ eventchase_current_distance = 0; // start from 0 next time
+ }
+ }
+ // workaround for camera stuck between player's legs when using chase_active 1
+ // because the engine stops updating the chase_active camera when the game ends
+ else if(intermission)
+ {
+ cvar_settemp("chase_active", "-1");
+ eventchase_current_distance = 0;
+ }
void HUD_Crosshair_Vehicle(entity this)
-bool ov_enabled;
-float oldr_nearclip;
-float oldr_farclip_base;
-float oldr_farclip_world;
-float oldr_novis;
-float oldr_useportalculling;
-float oldr_useinfinitefarclip;
-float prev_myteam;
-int lasthud;
-float vh_notice_time;
-void CSQC_UpdateView(entity this, float w, float h)
+void View_NightVision()
- TC(int, w); TC(int, h);
- entity e;
- float fov;
- float f;
- vector vf_size, vf_min;
+ if(!(autocvar_r_fakelight >= 2 || autocvar_r_fullbright) || (serverflags & SERVERFLAG_ALLOW_FULLBRIGHT))
+ return;
+ // apply night vision effect
+ vector tc_00, tc_01, tc_10, tc_11;
+ vector rgb = '0 0 0';
float a;
- execute_next_frame();
+ if(!nightvision_noise)
+ {
+ nightvision_noise = new(nightvision_noise);
+ }
+ if(!nightvision_noise2)
+ {
+ nightvision_noise2 = new(nightvision_noise2);
+ }
+ // color tint in yellow
+ drawfill('0 0 0', autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', '0.5 1 0.3', 1, DRAWFLAG_MODULATE);
+ // draw BG
+ a = Noise_Pink(nightvision_noise, frametime * 1.5) * 0.05 + 0.15;
+ rgb = '1 1 1';
+ tc_00 = '0 0 0' + '0.2 0 0' * sin(time * 0.3) + '0 0.3 0' * cos(time * 0.7);
+ tc_01 = '0 2.25 0' + '0.6 0 0' * cos(time * 1.2) - '0 0.3 0' * sin(time * 2.2);
+ tc_10 = '1.5 0 0' - '0.2 0 0' * sin(time * 0.5) + '0 0.5 0' * cos(time * 1.7);
+ //tc_11 = '1 1 0' + '0.6 0 0' * sin(time * 0.6) + '0 0.3 0' * cos(time * 0.1);
+ tc_11 = tc_01 + tc_10 - tc_00;
+ R_BeginPolygon("gfx/nightvision-bg.tga", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ R_PolygonVertex('0 0 0', tc_00, rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0', tc_10, rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_11, rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_01, rgb, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ // draw FG
+ a = Noise_Pink(nightvision_noise2, frametime * 0.1) * 0.05 + 0.12;
+ rgb = '0.3 0.6 0.4' + '0.1 0.4 0.2' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime);
+ tc_00 = '0 0 0' + '1 0 0' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) + '0 1 0' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime);
+ tc_01 = tc_00 + '0 3 0' * (1 + Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) * 0.2);
+ tc_10 = tc_00 + '2 0 0' * (1 + Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) * 0.3);
+ tc_11 = tc_01 + tc_10 - tc_00;
+ R_BeginPolygon("gfx/nightvision-fg.tga", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ R_PolygonVertex('0 0 0', tc_00, rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0', tc_10, rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_11, rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_01, rgb, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
- ++framecount;
+void DrawReticle(entity this)
+ if(!autocvar_cl_reticle || MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawReticle))
+ {
+ reticle_type = 0;
+ return;
+ }
- stats_get();
- hud = STAT(HUD);
+ float is_dead = (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0);
+ string reticle_image = string_null;
+ bool wep_zoomed = false;
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ entity wepe = viewmodels[slot];
+ Weapon wep = wepe.activeweapon;
+ if(wep != WEP_Null && wep.wr_zoom)
+ {
+ bool do_zoom = wep.wr_zoom(wep, NULL);
+ if(!reticle_image && wep.w_reticle && wep.w_reticle != "")
+ reticle_image = wep.w_reticle;
+ wep_zoomed += do_zoom;
+ }
+ }
+ // Draw the aiming reticle for weapons that use it
+ // reticle_type is changed to the item we are zooming / aiming with, to decide which reticle to use
+ // It must be a persisted float for fading out to work properly (you let go of the zoom button for
+ // the view to go back to normal, so reticle_type would become 0 as we fade out)
+ if(spectatee_status || is_dead || hud != HUD_NORMAL || this.viewloc)
+ {
+ // no zoom reticle while dead
+ reticle_type = 0;
+ }
+ else if(wep_zoomed && autocvar_cl_reticle_weapon)
+ {
+ if(reticle_image) { reticle_type = 2; }
+ else { reticle_type = 0; }
+ }
+ else if(button_zoom || zoomscript_caught)
+ {
+ // normal zoom
+ reticle_type = 1;
+ }
- if(hud != HUD_NORMAL && lasthud == HUD_NORMAL)
- vh_notice_time = time + autocvar_cl_vehicles_notify_time;
+ if(reticle_type)
+ {
+ vector reticle_pos = '0 0 0', reticle_size = '0 0 0';
+ if(autocvar_cl_reticle_stretch)
+ {
+ reticle_size.x = vid_conwidth;
+ reticle_size.y = vid_conheight;
+ reticle_pos.x = 0;
+ reticle_pos.y = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reticle_size.x = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
+ reticle_size.y = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
+ reticle_pos.x = (vid_conwidth - reticle_size.x) / 2;
+ reticle_pos.y = (vid_conheight - reticle_size.y) / 2;
+ }
- lasthud = hud;
+ float f = (zoomscript_caught) ? 1 : current_zoomfraction;
- ReplicateVars(false);
- if (ReplicateVars_NOT_SENDING())
- ReplicateVars_DELAY(0.8 + random() * 0.4); // no need to check cvars every frame
+ if(f)
+ {
+ switch(reticle_type)
+ {
+ case 1: drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/reticle_normal", reticle_size, '1 1 1', f * autocvar_cl_reticle_normal_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break;
+ case 2: if(reticle_image) drawpic(reticle_pos, reticle_image, reticle_size, '1 1 1', f * autocvar_cl_reticle_weapon_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- HUD_Scale_Disable();
+// visual overlay while in liquids
+// provides some effects to the postprocessing function
+void HUD_Contents()
+ if(!autocvar_hud_contents || MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(HUD_Contents))
+ return;
- if(autocvar__hud_showbinds_reload) // menu can set this one
+ // improved polyblend
+ float contentalpha_temp, incontent, liquidalpha, contentfadetime;
+ vector liquidcolor;
+ switch(pointcontents(view_origin))
- db_close(binddb);
- binddb = db_create();
- cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "0");
+ liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_water_alpha;
+ liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_water_color);
+ incontent = 1;
+ break;
+ liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_lava_alpha;
+ liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_lava_color);
+ incontent = 1;
+ break;
+ liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_slime_alpha;
+ liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_slime_color);
+ incontent = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ liquidalpha = 0;
+ liquidcolor = '0 0 0';
+ incontent = 0;
+ break;
- if(checkextension("DP_CSQC_MINFPS_QUALITY"))
- view_quality = getproperty(VF_MINFPS_QUALITY);
+ if(incontent) // fade in/out at different speeds so you can do e.g. instant fade when entering water and slow when leaving it.
+ { // also lets delcare previous values for blending properties, this way it isn't reset until after you have entered a different content
+ contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeintime;
+ liquidalpha_prev = liquidalpha;
+ liquidcolor_prev = liquidcolor;
+ }
- view_quality = 1;
+ contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeouttime;
- button_attack2 = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this);
- button_zoom = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ZOOM(this);
+ contentalpha_temp = bound(0, drawframetime / max(0.0001, contentfadetime), 1);
+ contentavgalpha = contentavgalpha * (1 - contentalpha_temp) + incontent * contentalpha_temp;
- vf_size = getpropertyvec(VF_SIZE);
- vf_min = getpropertyvec(VF_MIN);
- vid_width = vf_size.x;
- vid_height = vf_size.y;
+ if(contentavgalpha)
+ drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), liquidcolor_prev, contentavgalpha * liquidalpha_prev, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_hud_contents_blur && contentavgalpha)
+ {
+ content_blurpostprocess.x = 1;
+ content_blurpostprocess.y = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur;
+ content_blurpostprocess.z = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur_alpha;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ content_blurpostprocess.x = 0;
+ content_blurpostprocess.y = 0;
+ content_blurpostprocess.z = 0;
+ }
+ }
+// visual pain effects on the screen
+// provides some effects to the postprocessing function
+void HUD_Damage()
+ if(!autocvar_hud_damage || STAT(FROZEN))
+ return;
- vector reticle_pos = '0 0 0', reticle_size = '0 0 0';
vector splash_pos = '0 0 0', splash_size = '0 0 0';
+ splash_size.x = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
+ splash_size.y = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
+ splash_pos.x = (vid_conwidth - splash_size.x) / 2;
+ splash_pos.y = (vid_conheight - splash_size.y) / 2;
- WaypointSprite_Load();
+ float myhealth_flash_temp;
+ myhealth = STAT(HEALTH);
- CSQCPlayer_SetCamera();
+ // fade out
+ myhealth_flash = max(0, myhealth_flash - autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate * frametime);
+ // add new damage
+ myhealth_flash = bound(0, myhealth_flash + dmg_take * autocvar_hud_damage_factor, autocvar_hud_damage_maxalpha);
- if(player_localentnum <= maxclients) // is it a client?
- current_player = player_localentnum - 1;
- else // then player_localentnum is the vehicle I'm driving
- current_player = player_localnum;
- myteam = entcs_GetTeam(current_player);
+ float pain_threshold, pain_threshold_lower, pain_threshold_lower_health;
+ pain_threshold = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold;
+ pain_threshold_lower = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower;
+ pain_threshold_lower_health = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower_health;
- if(myteam != prev_myteam)
+ if(pain_threshold_lower && myhealth < pain_threshold_lower_health)
- myteamcolors = colormapPaletteColor(myteam, 1);
- FOREACH(hud_panels, true, it.update_time = time);
- prev_myteam = myteam;
+ pain_threshold = pain_threshold - max(autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min, fabs(sin(M_PI * time / autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period))) * pain_threshold_lower * (1 - max(0, myhealth)/pain_threshold_lower_health);
- float is_dead = (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0);
+ myhealth_flash_temp = bound(0, myhealth_flash - pain_threshold, 1);
- // FIXME do we need this hack?
- if(isdemo())
+ if(myhealth_prev < 1)
- // in demos, input_buttons do not work
- button_zoom = (autocvar__togglezoom == "-");
+ if(myhealth >= 1)
+ {
+ myhealth_flash = 0; // just spawned, clear the flash immediately
+ myhealth_flash_temp = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myhealth_flash += autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate * frametime; // dead
+ }
- else if(button_zoom
- && autocvar_cl_unpress_zoom_on_death
- && (spectatee_status >= 0)
- && (is_dead || intermission))
+ if(spectatee_status == -1 || intermission)
- // no zoom while dead or in intermission please
- localcmd("-zoom\n");
- button_zoom = false;
+ myhealth_flash = 0; // observing, or match ended
+ myhealth_flash_temp = 0;
- // abused multiple places below
- entity local_player = ((csqcplayer) ? csqcplayer : CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1));
- if(!local_player)
- local_player = this; // fall back!
+ myhealth_prev = myhealth;
- // event chase camera
- if(autocvar_chase_active <= 0) // greater than 0 means it's enabled manually, and this code is skipped
+ // IDEA: change damage color/picture based on player model for robot/alien species?
+ // pro: matches model better
+ // contra: it's not red because blood is red, but because red is an alarming color, so red should stay
+ // maybe different reddish pics?
+ if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage || autocvar_cl_gentle)
+ if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage == 2)
- if(spectatee_status > 0)
- {
- if(!autocvar_chase_active)
- {
- cvar_set("chase_active", "-2");
- goto skip_eventchase_death;
- }
- }
- else if(autocvar_chase_active == -2)
- cvar_set("chase_active", "0");
- if(autocvar_chase_active == -2)
- goto skip_eventchase_death;
+ if(myhealth_flash < pain_threshold) // only randomize when the flash is gone
+ myhealth_gentlergb = randomvec();
- else if(autocvar_chase_active == -2)
- cvar_set("chase_active", "0");
- bool vehicle_chase = (hud != HUD_NORMAL && (autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle || spectatee_status > 0));
+ else
+ myhealth_gentlergb = stov(autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_color);
- float vehicle_viewdist = 0;
- vector vehicle_viewofs = '0 0 0';
+ if(myhealth_flash_temp > 0)
+ drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), myhealth_gentlergb, autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier * bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ else if(myhealth_flash_temp > 0)
+ drawpic(splash_pos, "gfx/blood", splash_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(vehicle_chase)
+ if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing) // we still need to set this anyway even when chase_active is set, this way it doesn't get stuck on.
+ {
+ if(autocvar_hud_damage_blur && myhealth_flash_temp)
- if(hud != HUD_BUMBLEBEE_GUN)
- {
- Vehicle info = Vehicles_from(hud);
- vehicle_viewdist = info.height;
- vehicle_viewofs = info.view_ofs;
- if(vehicle_viewdist < 0) // when set below 0, this vehicle doesn't use third person view (gunner slots)
- vehicle_chase = false;
- }
- else
- vehicle_chase = false;
+ damage_blurpostprocess.x = 1;
+ damage_blurpostprocess.y = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur;
+ damage_blurpostprocess.z = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur_alpha;
+ else
+ {
+ damage_blurpostprocess.x = 0;
+ damage_blurpostprocess.y = 0;
+ damage_blurpostprocess.z = 0;
+ }
+ }
- int eventchase = WantEventchase(this, vehicle_chase);
- if (eventchase)
+void View_PostProcessing()
+ float e1 = (autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha != 0);
+ float e2 = (autocvar_hud_powerup != 0);
+ if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing && (e1 || e2)) // TODO: Remove this code and re-do the postprocess handling in the engine, where it properly belongs.
+ {
+ // enable or disable rendering types if they are used or not
+ if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable") != e1) { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", ftos(e1)); }
+ if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable") != e2) { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable", ftos(e2)); }
+ // blur postprocess handling done first (used by hud_damage and hud_contents)
+ if((damage_blurpostprocess.x || content_blurpostprocess.x))
- vector current_view_origin_override = '0 0 0';
- vector view_offset_override = '0 0 0';
- float chase_distance_override = 0;
- bool custom_eventchase = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(CustomizeEventchase, this);
- if(custom_eventchase)
+ float blurradius = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess.y + content_blurpostprocess.y, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius);
+ float bluralpha = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess.z + content_blurpostprocess.z, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha);
+ if(blurradius != old_blurradius || bluralpha != old_bluralpha) // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
- current_view_origin_override = M_ARGV(0, vector);
- view_offset_override = M_ARGV(1, vector);
- chase_distance_override = M_ARGV(0, float);
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(blurradius), " ", ftos(bluralpha), " 0 0"));
+ old_blurradius = blurradius;
+ old_bluralpha = bluralpha;
- eventchase_running = true;
+ }
+ else if(cvar_string("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1") != "0 0 0 0") // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
+ {
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0");
+ old_blurradius = 0;
+ old_bluralpha = 0;
+ }
- // make special vector since we can't use view_origin (It is one frame old as of this code, it gets set later with the results this code makes.)
- vector current_view_origin = (csqcplayer ? csqcplayer.origin : pmove_org);
- if (custom_eventchase)
- current_view_origin = current_view_origin_override;
+ // edge detection postprocess handling done second (used by hud_powerup)
+ float sharpen_intensity = 0, strength_finished = STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED), invincible_finished = STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED);
+ if (strength_finished - time > 0) { sharpen_intensity += (strength_finished - time); }
+ if (invincible_finished - time > 0) { sharpen_intensity += (invincible_finished - time); }
- // detect maximum viewoffset and use it
- vector view_offset = autocvar_cl_eventchase_viewoffset;
- if(vehicle_chase)
- {
- if(vehicle_viewofs)
- view_offset = vehicle_viewofs;
- else
- view_offset = autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle_viewoffset;
- }
- if (custom_eventchase)
- view_offset = view_offset_override;
+ sharpen_intensity = bound(0, ((STAT(HEALTH) > 0) ? sharpen_intensity : 0), 5); // Check to see if player is alive (if not, set 0) - also bound to fade out starting at 5 seconds.
- if(view_offset)
+ if(autocvar_hud_powerup && sharpen_intensity > 0)
+ {
+ if(sharpen_intensity != old_sharpen_intensity) // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
- WarpZone_TraceLine(current_view_origin, current_view_origin + view_offset + ('0 0 1' * autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs.z), MOVE_WORLDONLY, this);
- if(trace_fraction == 1) { current_view_origin += view_offset; }
- else { current_view_origin.z += max(0, (trace_endpos.z - current_view_origin.z) - autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs.z); }
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", strcat(ftos((sharpen_intensity / 5) * autocvar_hud_powerup), " ", ftos(-sharpen_intensity * autocvar_hud_powerup), " 0 0"));
+ old_sharpen_intensity = sharpen_intensity;
+ }
+ else if(cvar_string("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2") != "0 0 0 0") // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
+ {
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", "0 0 0 0");
+ old_sharpen_intensity = 0;
+ }
- // We must enable chase_active to get a third person view (weapon viewmodel hidden and own player model showing).
- // Ideally, there should be another way to enable third person cameras, such as through setproperty()
- // -1 enables chase_active while marking it as set by this code, and not by the user (which would be 1)
- if(!autocvar_chase_active) { cvar_set("chase_active", "-1"); }
+ if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess") == 0)
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "2");
+ }
+ else if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess") == 2)
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "0");
- // make the camera smooth back
- float chase_distance = autocvar_cl_eventchase_distance;
- if(vehicle_chase)
- {
- if(vehicle_viewofs)
- chase_distance = vehicle_viewdist;
- else
- chase_distance = autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle_distance;
- }
- if (custom_eventchase)
- chase_distance = chase_distance_override;
+void View_Lock()
+ if(autocvar_cl_lockview || (!autocvar_hud_cursormode && (autocvar__hud_configure && spectatee_status <= 0 || intermission > 1 || QuickMenu_IsOpened())))
+ {
+ setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, freeze_org);
+ setproperty(VF_ANGLES, freeze_ang);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ freeze_org = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN);
+ freeze_ang = getpropertyvec(VF_ANGLES);
+ }
- if(autocvar_cl_eventchase_speed && eventchase_current_distance < chase_distance)
- eventchase_current_distance += autocvar_cl_eventchase_speed * (chase_distance - eventchase_current_distance) * frametime; // slow down the further we get
- else if(eventchase_current_distance != chase_distance)
- eventchase_current_distance = chase_distance;
+void View_DemoCamera()
+ if(camera_active) // Camera for demo playback
+ {
+ if(autocvar_camera_enable)
+ CSQC_Demo_Camera();
+ else
+ {
+ cvar_set("chase_active", ftos(chase_active_backup));
+ cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "0");
+ camera_active = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(autocvar_camera_enable)
+ if(autocvar_camera_enable && isdemo())
+ {
+ // Enable required Darkplaces cvars
+ chase_active_backup = autocvar_chase_active;
+ cvar_set("chase_active", "2");
+ cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "1");
+ camera_active = true;
+ camera_mode = false;
+ }
+ }
- vector forward, right, up;
- MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up);
+#ifdef BLURTEST
+void View_BlurTest()
+ if(time > blurtest_time0 && time < blurtest_time1)
+ {
+ float t = (time - blurtest_time0) / (blurtest_time1 - blurtest_time0);
+ float r = t * blurtest_radius;
+ float f = 1 / (t ** blurtest_power) - 1;
- vector eventchase_target_origin = (current_view_origin - (forward * eventchase_current_distance));
- WarpZone_TraceBox(current_view_origin, autocvar_cl_eventchase_mins, autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs, eventchase_target_origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this);
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "1");
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(r), " ", ftos(f), " 0 0"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "0");
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0");
+ }
- // If the boxtrace fails, revert back to line tracing.
- if(!local_player.viewloc)
- if(trace_startsolid)
- {
- eventchase_target_origin = (current_view_origin - (forward * eventchase_current_distance));
- WarpZone_TraceLine(current_view_origin, eventchase_target_origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this);
- setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, (trace_endpos - (forward * autocvar_cl_eventchase_mins.z)));
- }
- else { setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, trace_endpos); }
+void View_CheckButtonStatus()
+ float is_dead = (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0);
- if(!local_player.viewloc)
- setproperty(VF_ANGLES, WarpZone_TransformVAngles(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_angles));
- }
+ // FIXME do we need this hack?
+ if(isdemo())
+ {
+ // in demos, input_buttons do not work
+ button_zoom = (autocvar__togglezoom == "-");
+ }
+ else if(button_zoom
+ && autocvar_cl_unpress_zoom_on_death
+ && (spectatee_status >= 0)
+ && (is_dead || intermission))
+ {
+ // no zoom while dead or in intermission please
+ localcmd("-zoom\n");
+ button_zoom = false;
+ }
- if (eventchase <= 0 && autocvar_chase_active < 0) // time to disable chase_active if it was set by this code
+ if(autocvar_fov <= 59.5)
+ {
+ if(!zoomscript_caught)
- eventchase_running = false;
- cvar_set("chase_active", "0");
- eventchase_current_distance = 0; // start from 0 next time
+ localcmd("+button9\n");
+ zoomscript_caught = 1;
- // workaround for camera stuck between player's legs when using chase_active 1
- // because the engine stops updating the chase_active camera when the game ends
- else if(intermission)
+ else
- cvar_settemp("chase_active", "-1");
- eventchase_current_distance = 0;
+ if(zoomscript_caught)
+ {
+ localcmd("-button9\n");
+ zoomscript_caught = 0;
+ }
- LABEL(skip_eventchase_death);
- // do lockview after event chase camera so that it still applies whenever necessary.
- if(autocvar_cl_lockview || (!autocvar_hud_cursormode && (autocvar__hud_configure && spectatee_status <= 0 || intermission > 1 || QuickMenu_IsOpened())))
+ if(active_minigame && HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened())
- setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, freeze_org);
- setproperty(VF_ANGLES, freeze_ang);
+ if(!minigame_wasactive)
+ {
+ localcmd("+button12\n");
+ minigame_wasactive = true;
+ }
- else
+ else if(minigame_wasactive)
- freeze_org = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN);
- freeze_ang = getpropertyvec(VF_ANGLES);
+ localcmd("-button12\n");
+ minigame_wasactive = false;
- WarpZone_FixView();
- //WarpZone_FixPMove();
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ entity wepent = viewmodels[slot];
+ if(wepent.last_switchweapon != wepent.switchweapon)
+ {
+ weapontime = time;
+ wepent.last_switchweapon = wepent.switchweapon;
+ if(slot == 0 && button_zoom && autocvar_cl_unpress_zoom_on_weapon_switch)
+ {
+ localcmd("-zoom\n");
+ button_zoom = false;
+ }
+ if(slot == 0 && autocvar_cl_unpress_attack_on_weapon_switch)
+ {
+ localcmd("-fire\n");
+ localcmd("-fire2\n");
+ button_attack2 = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(wepent.last_activeweapon != wepent.activeweapon)
+ {
+ wepent.last_activeweapon = wepent.activeweapon;
+ entity e = wepent.activeweapon;
+ if(e.netname != "")
+ localcmd(strcat("\ncl_hook_activeweapon ", e.netname), "\n");
+ else if(slot == 0)
+ localcmd("\ncl_hook_activeweapon none\n");
+ }
+ }
- vector ov_org = '0 0 0';
- vector ov_mid = '0 0 0';
- vector ov_worldmin = '0 0 0';
- vector ov_worldmax = '0 0 0';
+bool ov_enabled;
+float oldr_nearclip;
+float oldr_farclip_base;
+float oldr_farclip_world;
+float oldr_novis;
+float oldr_useportalculling;
+float oldr_useinfinitefarclip;
+vector ov_org = '0 0 0';
+vector ov_mid = '0 0 0';
+vector ov_worldmin = '0 0 0';
+vector ov_worldmax = '0 0 0';
+void View_Ortho()
+ ov_org = '0 0 0';
+ ov_mid = '0 0 0';
+ ov_worldmin = '0 0 0';
+ ov_worldmax = '0 0 0';
ov_worldmin = mi_picmin;
ov_enabled = false;
+void View_UpdateFov()
+ vector fov;
+ if(autocvar_cl_orthoview)
+ fov = GetOrthoviewFOV(ov_worldmin, ov_worldmax, ov_mid, ov_org);
+ else if(csqcplayer.viewloc)
+ fov = GetViewLocationFOV(110); // enforce 110 fov, so things don't look odd
+ else
+ fov = GetCurrentFov(autocvar_fov);
+ setproperty(VF_FOV, fov);
+void CSQC_UpdateView(entity this, float w, float h)
+ TC(int, w); TC(int, h);
+ execute_next_frame();
+ ++framecount;
+ stats_get();
+ hud = STAT(HUD);
+ ReplicateVars(false);
+ if (ReplicateVars_NOT_SENDING())
+ ReplicateVars_DELAY(0.8 + random() * 0.4); // no need to check cvars every frame
+ HUD_Scale_Disable();
+ if(autocvar__hud_showbinds_reload) // menu can set this one
+ {
+ db_close(binddb);
+ binddb = db_create();
+ cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "0");
+ }
+ if(checkextension("DP_CSQC_MINFPS_QUALITY"))
+ view_quality = getproperty(VF_MINFPS_QUALITY);
+ else
+ view_quality = 1;
+ button_attack2 = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this);
+ button_zoom = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ZOOM(this);
+ vector vf_size = getpropertyvec(VF_SIZE);
+ vector vf_min = getpropertyvec(VF_MIN);
+ vid_width = vf_size.x;
+ vid_height = vf_size.y;
+ WaypointSprite_Load();
+ CSQCPlayer_SetCamera();
+ if(player_localentnum <= maxclients) // is it a client?
+ current_player = player_localentnum - 1;
+ else // then player_localentnum is the vehicle I'm driving
+ current_player = player_localnum;
+ myteam = entcs_GetTeam(current_player);
+ // abused multiple places below
+ entity local_player = ((csqcplayer) ? csqcplayer : CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1));
+ if(!local_player)
+ local_player = this; // fall back!
+ View_EventChase(local_player);
+ // do lockview after event chase camera so that it still applies whenever necessary.
+ View_Lock();
+ WarpZone_FixView();
+ //WarpZone_FixPMove();
+ View_Ortho();
// run viewmodel_draw before updating view_angles to the angles calculated by WarpZone_FixView
// viewmodel_draw needs to use the view_angles set by the engine on every CSQC_UpdateView call
view_angles = getpropertyvec(VF_ANGLES);
MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, view_forward, view_right, view_up);
-#ifdef BLURTEST
- if(time > blurtest_time0 && time < blurtest_time1)
- {
- float r, t;
- t = (time - blurtest_time0) / (blurtest_time1 - blurtest_time0);
- r = t * blurtest_radius;
- f = 1 / (t ** blurtest_power) - 1;
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "1");
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(r), " ", ftos(f), " 0 0"));
- }
- else
- {
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "0");
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0");
- }
+#ifdef BLURTEST
+ View_BlurTest();
- fov = autocvar_fov;
- if(fov <= 59.5)
- {
- if(!zoomscript_caught)
- {
- localcmd("+button9\n");
- zoomscript_caught = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(zoomscript_caught)
- {
- localcmd("-button9\n");
- zoomscript_caught = 0;
- }
- }
- if(active_minigame && HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened())
- {
- if(!minigame_wasactive)
- {
- localcmd("+button12\n");
- minigame_wasactive = true;
- }
- }
- else if(minigame_wasactive)
- {
- localcmd("-button12\n");
- minigame_wasactive = false;
- }
+ View_CheckButtonStatus();
ColorTranslateMode = autocvar_cl_stripcolorcodes;
- for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
- {
- entity wepent = viewmodels[slot];
- if(wepent.last_switchweapon != wepent.switchweapon)
- {
- weapontime = time;
- wepent.last_switchweapon = wepent.switchweapon;
- if(slot == 0 && button_zoom && autocvar_cl_unpress_zoom_on_weapon_switch)
- {
- localcmd("-zoom\n");
- button_zoom = false;
- }
- if(slot == 0 && autocvar_cl_unpress_attack_on_weapon_switch)
- {
- localcmd("-fire\n");
- localcmd("-fire2\n");
- button_attack2 = false;
- }
- }
- if(wepent.last_activeweapon != wepent.activeweapon)
- {
- wepent.last_activeweapon = wepent.activeweapon;
- e = wepent.activeweapon;
- if(e.netname != "")
- localcmd(strcat("\ncl_hook_activeweapon ", e.netname), "\n");
- else if(slot == 0)
- localcmd("\ncl_hook_activeweapon none\n");
- }
- }
// ALWAYS Clear Current Scene First
vid_conheight = autocvar_vid_conheight;
vid_pixelheight = autocvar_vid_pixelheight;
- if(autocvar_cl_orthoview) { setproperty(VF_FOV, GetOrthoviewFOV(ov_worldmin, ov_worldmax, ov_mid, ov_org)); }
- else if(csqcplayer.viewloc) { setproperty(VF_FOV, GetViewLocationFOV(110)); } // enforce 110 fov, so things dont look odd
- else { setproperty(VF_FOV, GetCurrentFov(fov)); }
+ View_UpdateFov();
- if(camera_active) // Camera for demo playback
- {
- if(autocvar_camera_enable)
- CSQC_Demo_Camera();
- else
- {
- cvar_set("chase_active", ftos(chase_active_backup));
- cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "0");
- camera_active = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(autocvar_camera_enable)
- if(autocvar_camera_enable && isdemo())
- {
- // Enable required Darkplaces cvars
- chase_active_backup = autocvar_chase_active;
- cvar_set("chase_active", "2");
- cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "1");
- camera_active = true;
- camera_mode = false;
- }
- }
+ View_DemoCamera();
// Draw the Crosshair
setproperty(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0); //Make sure engine crosshairs are always hidden
// next R_RenderScene call
drawstring('0 0 0', "", '1 1 0', '1 1 1', 0, 0);
- if(autocvar_r_fakelight >= 2 || autocvar_r_fullbright)
- if (!(serverflags & SERVERFLAG_ALLOW_FULLBRIGHT))
- {
- // apply night vision effect
- vector tc_00, tc_01, tc_10, tc_11;
- vector rgb = '0 0 0';
- if(!nightvision_noise)
- {
- nightvision_noise = new(nightvision_noise);
- }
- if(!nightvision_noise2)
- {
- nightvision_noise2 = new(nightvision_noise2);
- }
- // color tint in yellow
- drawfill('0 0 0', autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', '0.5 1 0.3', 1, DRAWFLAG_MODULATE);
- // draw BG
- a = Noise_Pink(nightvision_noise, frametime * 1.5) * 0.05 + 0.15;
- rgb = '1 1 1';
- tc_00 = '0 0 0' + '0.2 0 0' * sin(time * 0.3) + '0 0.3 0' * cos(time * 0.7);
- tc_01 = '0 2.25 0' + '0.6 0 0' * cos(time * 1.2) - '0 0.3 0' * sin(time * 2.2);
- tc_10 = '1.5 0 0' - '0.2 0 0' * sin(time * 0.5) + '0 0.5 0' * cos(time * 1.7);
- //tc_11 = '1 1 0' + '0.6 0 0' * sin(time * 0.6) + '0 0.3 0' * cos(time * 0.1);
- tc_11 = tc_01 + tc_10 - tc_00;
- R_BeginPolygon("gfx/nightvision-bg.tga", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- R_PolygonVertex('0 0 0', tc_00, rgb, a);
- R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0', tc_10, rgb, a);
- R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_11, rgb, a);
- R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_01, rgb, a);
- R_EndPolygon();
- // draw FG
- a = Noise_Pink(nightvision_noise2, frametime * 0.1) * 0.05 + 0.12;
- rgb = '0.3 0.6 0.4' + '0.1 0.4 0.2' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime);
- tc_00 = '0 0 0' + '1 0 0' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) + '0 1 0' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime);
- tc_01 = tc_00 + '0 3 0' * (1 + Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) * 0.2);
- tc_10 = tc_00 + '2 0 0' * (1 + Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) * 0.3);
- tc_11 = tc_01 + tc_10 - tc_00;
- R_BeginPolygon("gfx/nightvision-fg.tga", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- R_PolygonVertex('0 0 0', tc_00, rgb, a);
- R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0', tc_10, rgb, a);
- R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_11, rgb, a);
- R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_01, rgb, a);
- R_EndPolygon();
- }
- if(autocvar_cl_reticle && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawReticle))
- {
- string reticle_image = string_null;
- bool wep_zoomed = false;
- for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
- {
- entity wepe = viewmodels[slot];
- Weapon wep = wepe.activeweapon;
- if(wep != WEP_Null && wep.wr_zoom)
- {
- bool do_zoom = wep.wr_zoom(wep, NULL);
- if(!reticle_image && wep.w_reticle && wep.w_reticle != "")
- reticle_image = wep.w_reticle;
- wep_zoomed += do_zoom;
- }
- }
- // Draw the aiming reticle for weapons that use it
- // reticle_type is changed to the item we are zooming / aiming with, to decide which reticle to use
- // It must be a persisted float for fading out to work properly (you let go of the zoom button for
- // the view to go back to normal, so reticle_type would become 0 as we fade out)
- if(spectatee_status || is_dead || hud != HUD_NORMAL || local_player.viewloc)
- {
- // no zoom reticle while dead
- reticle_type = 0;
- }
- else if(wep_zoomed && autocvar_cl_reticle_weapon)
- {
- if(reticle_image) { reticle_type = 2; }
- else { reticle_type = 0; }
- }
- else if(button_zoom || zoomscript_caught)
- {
- // normal zoom
- reticle_type = 1;
- }
- if(reticle_type)
- {
- if(autocvar_cl_reticle_stretch)
- {
- reticle_size.x = vid_conwidth;
- reticle_size.y = vid_conheight;
- reticle_pos.x = 0;
- reticle_pos.y = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- reticle_size.x = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- reticle_size.y = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- reticle_pos.x = (vid_conwidth - reticle_size.x) / 2;
- reticle_pos.y = (vid_conheight - reticle_size.y) / 2;
- }
- if(zoomscript_caught)
- f = 1;
- else
- f = current_zoomfraction;
- if(f)
- {
- switch(reticle_type)
- {
- case 1: drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/reticle_normal", reticle_size, '1 1 1', f * autocvar_cl_reticle_normal_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break;
- case 2: if(reticle_image) drawpic(reticle_pos, reticle_image, reticle_size, '1 1 1', f * autocvar_cl_reticle_weapon_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(reticle_type != 0) { reticle_type = 0; }
- }
- // improved polyblend
- if(autocvar_hud_contents && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(HUD_Contents))
- {
- float contentalpha_temp, incontent, liquidalpha, contentfadetime;
- vector liquidcolor;
- switch(pointcontents(view_origin))
- {
- liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_water_alpha;
- liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_water_color);
- incontent = 1;
- break;
- liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_lava_alpha;
- liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_lava_color);
- incontent = 1;
- break;
- liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_slime_alpha;
- liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_slime_color);
- incontent = 1;
- break;
- default:
- liquidalpha = 0;
- liquidcolor = '0 0 0';
- incontent = 0;
- break;
- }
- if(incontent) // fade in/out at different speeds so you can do e.g. instant fade when entering water and slow when leaving it.
- { // also lets delcare previous values for blending properties, this way it isn't reset until after you have entered a different content
- contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeintime;
- liquidalpha_prev = liquidalpha;
- liquidcolor_prev = liquidcolor;
- }
- else
- contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeouttime;
- contentalpha_temp = bound(0, drawframetime / max(0.0001, contentfadetime), 1);
- contentavgalpha = contentavgalpha * (1 - contentalpha_temp) + incontent * contentalpha_temp;
- if(contentavgalpha)
- drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), liquidcolor_prev, contentavgalpha * liquidalpha_prev, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
- {
- if(autocvar_hud_contents_blur && contentavgalpha)
- {
- content_blurpostprocess.x = 1;
- content_blurpostprocess.y = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur;
- content_blurpostprocess.z = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur_alpha;
- }
- else
- {
- content_blurpostprocess.x = 0;
- content_blurpostprocess.y = 0;
- content_blurpostprocess.z = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if(autocvar_hud_damage && !STAT(FROZEN))
- {
- splash_size.x = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- splash_size.y = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
- splash_pos.x = (vid_conwidth - splash_size.x) / 2;
- splash_pos.y = (vid_conheight - splash_size.y) / 2;
- float myhealth_flash_temp;
- myhealth = STAT(HEALTH);
- // fade out
- myhealth_flash = max(0, myhealth_flash - autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate * frametime);
- // add new damage
- myhealth_flash = bound(0, myhealth_flash + dmg_take * autocvar_hud_damage_factor, autocvar_hud_damage_maxalpha);
- float pain_threshold, pain_threshold_lower, pain_threshold_lower_health;
- pain_threshold = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold;
- pain_threshold_lower = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower;
- pain_threshold_lower_health = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower_health;
- if(pain_threshold_lower && myhealth < pain_threshold_lower_health)
- {
- pain_threshold = pain_threshold - max(autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min, fabs(sin(M_PI * time / autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period))) * pain_threshold_lower * (1 - max(0, myhealth)/pain_threshold_lower_health);
- }
- myhealth_flash_temp = bound(0, myhealth_flash - pain_threshold, 1);
- if(myhealth_prev < 1)
- {
- if(myhealth >= 1)
- {
- myhealth_flash = 0; // just spawned, clear the flash immediately
- myhealth_flash_temp = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- myhealth_flash += autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate * frametime; // dead
- }
- }
- if(spectatee_status == -1 || intermission)
- {
- myhealth_flash = 0; // observing, or match ended
- myhealth_flash_temp = 0;
- }
- myhealth_prev = myhealth;
- // IDEA: change damage color/picture based on player model for robot/alien species?
- // pro: matches model better
- // contra: it's not red because blood is red, but because red is an alarming color, so red should stay
- // maybe different reddish pics?
- if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage || autocvar_cl_gentle)
- {
- if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage == 2)
- {
- if(myhealth_flash < pain_threshold) // only randomize when the flash is gone
- myhealth_gentlergb = randomvec();
- }
- else
- myhealth_gentlergb = stov(autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_color);
- if(myhealth_flash_temp > 0)
- drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), myhealth_gentlergb, autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier * bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else if(myhealth_flash_temp > 0)
- drawpic(splash_pos, "gfx/blood", splash_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing) // we still need to set this anyway even when chase_active is set, this way it doesn't get stuck on.
- {
- if(autocvar_hud_damage_blur && myhealth_flash_temp)
- {
- damage_blurpostprocess.x = 1;
- damage_blurpostprocess.y = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur;
- damage_blurpostprocess.z = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur_alpha;
- }
- else
- {
- damage_blurpostprocess.x = 0;
- damage_blurpostprocess.y = 0;
- damage_blurpostprocess.z = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- float e1 = (autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha != 0);
- float e2 = (autocvar_hud_powerup != 0);
- if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing && (e1 || e2)) // TODO: Remove this code and re-do the postprocess handling in the engine, where it properly belongs.
- {
- // enable or disable rendering types if they are used or not
- if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable") != e1) { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", ftos(e1)); }
- if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable") != e2) { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable", ftos(e2)); }
- // blur postprocess handling done first (used by hud_damage and hud_contents)
- if((damage_blurpostprocess.x || content_blurpostprocess.x))
- {
- float blurradius = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess.y + content_blurpostprocess.y, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius);
- float bluralpha = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess.z + content_blurpostprocess.z, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha);
- if(blurradius != old_blurradius || bluralpha != old_bluralpha) // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
- {
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(blurradius), " ", ftos(bluralpha), " 0 0"));
- old_blurradius = blurradius;
- old_bluralpha = bluralpha;
- }
- }
- else if(cvar_string("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1") != "0 0 0 0") // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
- {
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0");
- old_blurradius = 0;
- old_bluralpha = 0;
- }
- // edge detection postprocess handling done second (used by hud_powerup)
- float sharpen_intensity = 0, strength_finished = STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED), invincible_finished = STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED);
- if (strength_finished - time > 0) { sharpen_intensity += (strength_finished - time); }
- if (invincible_finished - time > 0) { sharpen_intensity += (invincible_finished - time); }
- sharpen_intensity = bound(0, ((STAT(HEALTH) > 0) ? sharpen_intensity : 0), 5); // Check to see if player is alive (if not, set 0) - also bound to fade out starting at 5 seconds.
- if(autocvar_hud_powerup && sharpen_intensity > 0)
- {
- if(sharpen_intensity != old_sharpen_intensity) // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
- {
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", strcat(ftos((sharpen_intensity / 5) * autocvar_hud_powerup), " ", ftos(-sharpen_intensity * autocvar_hud_powerup), " 0 0"));
- old_sharpen_intensity = sharpen_intensity;
- }
- }
- else if(cvar_string("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2") != "0 0 0 0") // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible
- {
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", "0 0 0 0");
- old_sharpen_intensity = 0;
- }
- if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess") == 0)
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "2");
- }
- else if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess") == 2)
- cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "0");
- {
- ctf_view();
- } else */
+ View_NightVision();
+ DrawReticle(local_player);
+ HUD_Contents();
+ HUD_Damage();
+ View_PostProcessing();
// draw 2D entities
IL_EACH(g_drawables_2d, it.draw2d, it.draw2d(it));