cvar_t cl_movement_maxairspeed = {0, "cl_movement_maxairspeed", "30", "how fast you can move while in the air (should match sv_maxairspeed)"};
cvar_t cl_movement_stopspeed = {0, "cl_movement_stopspeed", "100", "speed below which you will be slowed rapidly to a stop rather than sliding endlessly (should match sv_stopspeed)"};
cvar_t cl_movement_friction = {0, "cl_movement_friction", "4", "how fast you slow down (should match sv_friction)"};
+cvar_t cl_movement_waterfriction = {0, "cl_movement_waterfriction", "-1", "how fast you slow down (should match sv_friction), if less than 0 the cl_movement_friction variable is used instead"};
cvar_t cl_movement_edgefriction = {0, "cl_movement_edgefriction", "2", "how much to slow down when you may be about to fall off a ledge (should match edgefriction)"};
cvar_t cl_movement_stepheight = {0, "cl_movement_stepheight", "18", "how tall a step you can step in one instant (should match sv_stepheight)"};
cvar_t cl_movement_accelerate = {0, "cl_movement_accelerate", "10", "how fast you accelerate (should match sv_accelerate)"};
+cvar_t cl_movement_airaccelerate = {0, "cl_movement_airaccelerate", "-1", "how fast you accelerate while in the air (should match sv_airaccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead"};
+cvar_t cl_movement_wateraccelerate = {0, "cl_movement_wateraccelerate", "-1", "how fast you accelerate while in the air (should match sv_airaccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead"};
cvar_t cl_movement_jumpvelocity = {0, "cl_movement_jumpvelocity", "270", "how fast you move upward when you begin a jump (should match the quakec code)"};
cvar_t cl_gravity = {0, "cl_gravity", "800", "how much gravity to apply in client physics (should match sv_gravity)"};
cvar_t cl_slowmo = {0, "cl_slowmo", "1", "speed of game time (should match slowmo)"};
s.movevars_maxspeed = cl_movement_maxspeed.value;
s.movevars_spectatormaxspeed = cl_movement_maxspeed.value;
s.movevars_accelerate = cl_movement_accelerate.value;
- s.movevars_airaccelerate = cl_movement_accelerate.value;
- s.movevars_wateraccelerate = cl_movement_accelerate.value;
+ s.movevars_airaccelerate = cl_movement_airaccelerate.value < 0 ? cl_movement_accelerate.value : cl_movement_airaccelerate.value;
+ s.movevars_wateraccelerate = cl_movement_wateraccelerate.value < 0 ? cl_movement_accelerate.value : cl_movement_wateraccelerate.value;
s.movevars_friction = cl_movement_friction.value;
- s.movevars_waterfriction = cl_movement_friction.value;
+ s.movevars_waterfriction = cl_movement_waterfriction.value < 0 ? cl_movement_friction.value : cl_movement_waterfriction.value;
s.movevars_entgravity = 1;
s.movevars_jumpvelocity = cl_movement_jumpvelocity.value;
s.movevars_edgefriction = cl_movement_edgefriction.value;
cvar_t sv_maxspeed = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_maxspeed", "320", "maximum speed a player can accelerate to when on ground (can be exceeded by tricks)"};
cvar_t sv_maxairspeed = {0, "sv_maxairspeed", "30", "maximum speed a player can accelerate to when airborn (note that it is possible to completely stop by moving the opposite direction)"};
cvar_t sv_accelerate = {0, "sv_accelerate", "10", "rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed"};
+cvar_t sv_airaccelerate = {0, "sv_airaccelerate", "-1", "rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxairspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead"};
+cvar_t sv_wateraccelerate = {0, "sv_wateraccelerate", "-1", "rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead"};
static usercmd_t cmd;
host_client->edict->fields.server->idealpitch = -dir * sv_idealpitchscale.value;
-#if 1
static vec3_t wishdir, forward, right, up;
static float wishspeed;
addspeed = wishspd - currentspeed;
if (addspeed <= 0)
- accelspeed = sv_accelerate.value*wishspeed * sv.frametime;
+ accelspeed = (sv_airaccelerate.value < 0 ? sv_accelerate.value : sv_airaccelerate.value)*wishspeed * sv.frametime;
if (accelspeed > addspeed)
accelspeed = addspeed;
VectorNormalize (wishvel);
- accelspeed = sv_accelerate.value * wishspeed * sv.frametime;
+ accelspeed = (sv_wateraccelerate.value < 0 ? sv_accelerate.value : sv_wateraccelerate.value) * wishspeed * sv.frametime;
if (accelspeed > addspeed)
accelspeed = addspeed;
SV_AirMove ();
-extern cvar_t cl_rollspeed;
-extern cvar_t cl_rollangle;
-void SV_ClientThink(void)
- int j;
- vec3_t wishvel, wishdir, v, v_forward, v_right, v_up, start, stop;
- float wishspeed, f, limit;
- trace_t trace;
- if (host_client->edict->fields.server->movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE)
- return;
- f = DotProduct(host_client->edict->fields.server->punchangle, host_client->edict->fields.server->punchangle);
- if (f)
- {
- limit = sqrt(f);
- f = (limit - 10 * sv.frametime);
- f /= limit;
- f = max(0, f);
- VectorScale(host_client->edict->fields.server->punchangle, f, host_client->edict->fields.server->punchangle);
- }
- // if dead, behave differently
- if (host_client->edict->fields.server->health <= 0)
- return;
- AngleVectors(host_client->edict->fields.server->v_angle, v_forward, v_right, v_up);
- // show 1/3 the pitch angle and all the roll angle
- f = DotProduct(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity, v_right) * (1.0 / cl_rollspeed.value);
- host_client->edict->fields.server->angles[2] = bound(-1, f, 1) * cl_rollangle.value * 4;
- if (!host_client->edict->fields.server->fixangle)
- {
- host_client->edict->fields.server->angles[0] = (host_client->edict->fields.server->v_angle[0] + host_client->edict->fields.server->punchangle[0]) * -0.333;
- host_client->edict->fields.server->angles[1] = host_client->edict->fields.server->v_angle[1] + host_client->edict->fields.server->punchangle[1];
- }
- if ((int)host_client->edict->fields.server->flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
- {
- host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity[0] = host_client->edict->fields.server->movedir[0];
- host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity[1] = host_client->edict->fields.server->movedir[1];
- if (sv.time > host_client->edict->fields.server->teleport_time || host_client->edict->fields.server->waterlevel == 0)
- {
- host_client->edict->fields.server->flags = (int)host_client->edict->fields.server->flags - ((int)host_client->edict->fields.server->flags & FL_WATERJUMP);
- host_client->edict->fields.server->teleport_time = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- // swim
- if (host_client->edict->fields.server->waterlevel >= 2)
- if (host_client->edict->fields.server->movetype != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
- {
- if (host_client->cmd.forwardmove == 0 && host_client->cmd.sidemove == 0 && host_client->cmd.upmove == 0)
- {
- // drift towards bottom
- wishvel[0] = 0;
- wishvel[1] = 0;
- wishvel[2] = -60;
- }
- else
- {
- for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
- wishvel[j] = v_forward[j] * host_client->cmd.forwardmove + v_right[j] * host_client->cmd.sidemove;
- wishvel[2] += host_client->cmd.upmove;
- }
- wishspeed = VectorLength(wishvel);
- wishspeed = min(wishspeed, sv_maxspeed.value) * 0.7;
- // water friction
- f = VectorLength(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity) * (1 - sv.frametime * sv_friction.value);
- if (f > 0)
- f /= VectorLength(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity);
- else
- f = 0;
- VectorScale(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity, f, host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity);
- // water acceleration
- if (wishspeed <= f)
- return;
- f = wishspeed - f;
- limit = sv_accelerate.value * wishspeed * sv.frametime;
- if (f > limit)
- f = limit;
- limit = VectorLength(wishvel);
- if (limit)
- f /= limit;
- VectorMA(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity, f, wishvel, host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity);
- return;
- }
- // if not flying, move horizontally only
- if (host_client->edict->fields.server->movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY)
- {
- VectorClear(wishvel);
- wishvel[1] = host_client->edict->fields.server->v_angle[1];
- AngleVectors(wishvel, v_forward, v_right, v_up);
- }
- // hack to not let you back into teleporter
- VectorScale(v_right, host_client->cmd.sidemove, wishvel);
- if (sv.time >= host_client->edict->fields.server->teleport_time || host_client->cmd.forwardmove > 0)
- VectorMA(wishvel, host_client->cmd.forwardmove, v_forward, wishvel);
- if (host_client->edict->fields.server->movetype != MOVETYPE_WALK)
- wishvel[2] += cmd.upmove;
- VectorCopy(wishvel, wishdir);
- VectorNormalize(wishdir);
- wishspeed = VectorLength(wishvel);
- if (wishspeed > sv_maxspeed.value)
- wishspeed = sv_maxspeed.value;
- if (host_client->edict->fields.server->movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP || host_client->edict->fields.server->movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY)
- {
- VectorScale(wishdir, wishspeed, host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity);
- return;
- }
- if ((int)host_client->edict->fields.server->flags & FL_ONGROUND) // walking
- {
- // friction
- f = host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity[0] * host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity[0] + host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity[1] * host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity[1];
- if (f)
- {
- f = sqrt(f);
- VectorCopy(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity, v);
- v[2] = 0;
- // if the leading edge is over a dropoff, increase friction
- limit = 16.0f / f;
- VectorMA(host_client->edict->fields.server->origin, limit, v, v);
- v[2] += host_client->edict->fields.server->mins[2];
- VectorCopy(v, start);
- VectorCopy(v, stop);
- stop[2] -= 34;
- trace = SV_Move(start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, host_client->edict);
- // apply friction
- if (f < sv_stopspeed.value)
- f = sv_stopspeed.value / f;
- else
- f = 1;
- if (trace.fraction == 1)
- f *= sv_edgefriction.value;
- f = 1 - sv.frametime * f * sv_friction.value;
- if (f < 0)
- f = 0;
- VectorScale(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity, f, host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity);
- }
- }
- else // airborn
- wishspeed = min(wishspeed, 30);
- // ground or air acceleration
- f = wishspeed - DotProduct(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity, wishdir);
- if (f > 0)
- {
- limit = sv_accelerate.value * sv.frametime * wishspeed;
- if (f > limit)
- f = limit;
- VectorMA(host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity, f, wishdir, host_client->edict->fields.server->velocity);
- }