set g_vore_neighborprey_distance 4 "Distance by which prey inside the same stomach are positioned away from each other. 0 disables seeing neighboring prey"\r
set g_vore_neighborprey_distance_item 16 "Distance by which items inside the same stomach are positioned away from each other. 0 disables seeing neighboring items"\r
set g_vore_swallowmodel_range 100 "Distance by which the swallow model oscillates based on swallow progress"\r
+set g_vore_swallowfade 1 "Players fade out while being swallowed"\r
seta cl_healthsize_fov 0.2 "offset field of view by this amount based on size, to further induce the effect of being large or small"\r
set g_healthsize 1 "Players shrink and grow based on health, by this amount"\r
self.effects &~= EF_NODEPTHTEST;\r
if not(self.stat_eaten)\r
+ {\r
self.alpha = default_player_alpha;\r
+ if(cvar("g_vore_swallowfade"))\r
+ if not(other == self && !chase)\r
+ self.alpha *= 1 - self.swallow_progress_prey; // fade players out as they are swallowed, to better simulate their disappearing\r
+ }\r
else if(cvar("g_vore_neighborprey_distance") && self.predator == other.predator && !(chase || other.classname == "observer"))\r
self.alpha = default_player_alpha; // allow seeing neighboring prey\r
- 0.7: Re-enable cl_deathfade.\r
- 0.7: HUD icon when stunned.\r
+- 0.7: Better portrait images.
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