set g_start_weapon_shotgun -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_uzi -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_grenadelauncher -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_minelayer -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_electro -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_crylink -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_nex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_minstanex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_porto -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_hook -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_hlac -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_rifle -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_tuba -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_fireball -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_seeker -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_balance_health_start 150
set g_balance_armor_start 0
set g_start_ammo_shells 40
set g_projectiles_damage 2
// possible values:
// -2: absolutely no damage to projectiles (no exceptions)
-// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, minelayer mines)
+// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, ML mines)
// 0: only damage from contents (lava/slime) or exceptions
// 1: only self damage or damage from contents or exceptions
// 2: allow all damage to projectiles normally
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 12
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
-// {{{ minelayer
-set g_balance_minelayer_damage 35
-set g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage 30
-set g_balance_minelayer_force 250
-set g_balance_minelayer_radius 175
-set g_balance_minelayer_proximityradius 150
-set g_balance_minelayer_speed 750
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime 60
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown 0
-set g_balance_minelayer_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 5
-set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_limit 4 // 0 disables the limit
-set g_balance_minelayer_protection 1 // don't explode if the mine would hurt the owner or a team mate
-set g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale 0
-set g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay -1 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
-set g_balance_minelayer_time 0.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage 45
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ electro
set g_balance_electro_lightning 0
set g_balance_hook_secondary_health 0
set g_balance_hook_secondary_damageforcescale 0
// }}}
-// {{{ hlac
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.25
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.0045
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.25
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 23
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 100
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.15
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 23
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 100
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
// }}}
-// {{{ rifle
-set g_balance_rifle_bursttime 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_tracer 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_shots 1
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_damage 60
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage 100
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_force 2
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_speed 35000
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_refire 0.8
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bulletconstant 130 // 56.3qu
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_reload 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_tracer 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_shots 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_damage 35
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage 15 // 50 damage only on head
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_spread 0.008
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_force 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_speed 20000
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_refire 0.15
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bulletconstant 130 // 18.3qu
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_ammo 80 //default: 80
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
// }}}
-// {{{ seeker
-set g_balance_seeker_type 0 // 0 = old seeker, 1 = new seeker. THIS IS A TEMPORARY CVAR FOR TESTING, will be removed later.
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_damage 15
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_force 50
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand 0.05
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_radius 100
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed 3000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_up 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_spread 0.4
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_accel 3000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo 2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 4
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 40
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_decel 6000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_delay 0.25
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 250
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_health 5
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange 45
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_radius 80
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_refire 0.5
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart 1
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist 800
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max 2500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed 700
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up 300
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 1250
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate 0.65
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo 1
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_health 5
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.7
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 9000
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime 10
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
-// End new seeker
set g_start_weapon_shotgun -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_uzi -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_grenadelauncher -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_minelayer -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_electro -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_crylink -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_nex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_minstanex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_porto -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_hook -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_hlac -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_rifle -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_tuba -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_fireball -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_seeker -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_balance_health_start 125
set g_balance_armor_start 0
set g_start_ammo_shells 20
set g_projectiles_damage 2
// possible values:
// -2: absolutely no damage to projectiles (no exceptions)
-// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, minelayer mines)
+// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, ML mines)
// 0: only damage from contents (lava/slime) or exceptions
// 1: only self damage or damage from contents or exceptions
// 2: allow all damage to projectiles normally
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 12
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
-// {{{ minelayer
-set g_balance_minelayer_damage 42
-set g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage 30
-set g_balance_minelayer_force 250
-set g_balance_minelayer_radius 175
-set g_balance_minelayer_proximityradius 150
-set g_balance_minelayer_speed 750
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime 60
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown 0
-set g_balance_minelayer_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 5
-set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_limit 3 // 0 disables the limit // LOG: 4 -> 3
-set g_balance_minelayer_protection 1 // don't explode if the mine would hurt the owner or a team mate
-set g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale 0
-set g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay -1 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
-set g_balance_minelayer_time 0.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage 45
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ electro
set g_balance_electro_lightning 1
set g_balance_hook_secondary_health 0
set g_balance_hook_secondary_damageforcescale 0
// }}}
-// {{{ hlac
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.075
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.001
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.25
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 15
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 70
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 40
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.15
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 20
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 13
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 100
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 45
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 0.8
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 4
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
// }}}
-// {{{ rifle
-set g_balance_rifle_bursttime 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_tracer 1
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_shots 1
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_damage 60
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage 60
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_force 2
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_speed 40000
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_animtime 1.4
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bulletconstant 110 // 62.2qu
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_reload 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_tracer 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_shots 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_damage 42
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage 42
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_spread 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_force 2
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_speed 20000
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_animtime 1.4
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bulletconstant 110 // 15.5qu
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_ammo 80 //default: 80
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
// }}}
-// {{{ seeker
-set g_balance_seeker_type 0 // 0 = old seeker, 1 = new seeker. THIS IS A TEMPORARY CVAR FOR TESTING, will be removed later.
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_damage 15
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_force 50
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand 0.05
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_radius 100
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed 3000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_up 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_spread 0.4
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_accel 1400
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo 2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 3 // LOG: 8 -> 3
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 30 // LOG: 15 -> 30
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_decel 1400
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_delay 0.25
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 150 // LOG: 100 -> 150
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_health 5
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange 45
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_radius 80
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_refire 0.5
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart 1
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist 800
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max 2500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed 700
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up 300
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 1300 // LOG: 1400 -> 1300
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate 0.65
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo 1
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_health 5
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.75 // LOG: 0.7 -> 0.75
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 5000
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime 10
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
-// End new seeker
set g_start_weapon_shotgun -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_uzi -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_grenadelauncher -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_minelayer -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_electro -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_crylink -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_nex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_minstanex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_porto -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_hook -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_hlac -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms" // UNTIL IT CAN BE REMOVED FROM CODE
-set g_start_weapon_rifle -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms" // UNTIL IT CAN BE REMOVED FROM CODE
set g_start_weapon_tuba -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_start_weapon_fireball -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_seeker -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
set g_balance_health_start 100
set g_balance_armor_start 0
set g_start_ammo_shells 15
set g_projectiles_damage 1
// possible values:
// -2: absolutely no damage to projectiles (no exceptions)
-// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, minelayer mines)
+// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, ML mines)
// 0: only damage from contents (lava/slime) or exceptions
// 1: only self damage or damage from contents or exceptions
// 2: allow all damage to projectiles normally
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo 0 //default: 12
set g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time 2
// }}}
-// {{{ minelayer
-set g_balance_minelayer_damage 40
-set g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage 20
-set g_balance_minelayer_force 250
-set g_balance_minelayer_radius 175
-set g_balance_minelayer_proximityradius 150
-set g_balance_minelayer_speed 1000
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime 10
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown 0.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 4
-set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_limit 3 // 0 disables the limit
-set g_balance_minelayer_protection 0 // don't explode if the mine would hurt the owner or a team mate
-set g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale 0
-set g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay -1 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
-set g_balance_minelayer_time 0.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage 45
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ electro
set g_balance_electro_lightning 0
set g_balance_hook_secondary_health 15
set g_balance_hook_secondary_damageforcescale 0
// }}}
-// {{{ hlac // TO BE REMOVED
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.25
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.0045
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.25
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 18
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 9
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 90
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.15
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.15
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 15
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 7.5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 90
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
// }}}
-// {{{ rifle
-set g_balance_rifle_bursttime 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_tracer 1
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_shots 1
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_damage 40
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage 40
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_force 100
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_speed 40000
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_refire 1.2
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bulletconstant 110 // 62.2qu
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_reload 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_tracer 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_shots 4
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_damage 10
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage 20
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_spread 0.04
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_force 50
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_speed 20000
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_refire 0.9
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bulletconstant 110 // 15.5qu
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_ammo 80 //default: 80
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_time 2
// }}}
// {{{ tuba
set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z 0
set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
// }}}
-// {{{ seeker
-set g_balance_seeker_type 1 // 0 = old seeker, 1 = new seeker. THIS IS A TEMPORARY CVAR FOR TESTING, will be removed later.
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_damage 15
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_force 50
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand 0.05
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_radius 100
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed 3000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_up 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_spread 0.4
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo 1
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_health 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.75 // LOG: 0.7 -> 0.75
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 5000
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime 10
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_accel 1500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo 2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 3 // LOG: 8 -> 3
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 16 // LOG: 15 -> 30
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_decel 6000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_delay 0.25
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage 8
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 50 // LOG: 100 -> 150
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_health 1
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange 45
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_radius 70
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_refire 0.25
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist 800
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max 2500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed 1500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 2000 // LOG: 1400 -> 1300
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate 0.15
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
-// End new seeker
set g_projectiles_damage 2
// possible values:
// -2: absolutely no damage to projectiles (no exceptions)
-// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, minelayer mines)
+// -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, ML mines)
// 0: only damage from contents (lava/slime) or exceptions
// 1: only self damage or damage from contents or exceptions
// 2: allow all damage to projectiles normally
scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit 2
// other config files
-exec new_toys.cfg // run BEFORE balance to make sure balance wins
+exec mutator_new_toys.cfg // run BEFORE balance to make sure balance wins
exec balanceXonotic.cfg
exec ctfscoring-ai.cfg
exec effects-normal.cfg
--- /dev/null
+set g_new_toys 0 "Mutator 'New Toys': enable extra fun guns"
+set g_new_toys_autoreplace 2 "0: never replace, 1: always auto replace guns by available new toys, 2: randomly auto replace guns by available new toys"
+set g_weaponreplace_hlac ""
+set g_weaponreplace_minelayer ""
+set g_weaponreplace_rifle ""
+set g_weaponreplace_seeker ""
+set g_start_weapon_hlac -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms" // UNTIL IT CAN BE REMOVED FROM CODE
+set g_start_weapon_minelayer -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_rifle -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms" // UNTIL IT CAN BE REMOVED FROM CODE
+set g_start_weapon_seeker -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+// {{{ hlac
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.25
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.0045
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.25
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 18
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 9
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 90
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 70
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 9000
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.15
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.4
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 1
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary 1
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.15
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 15
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 7.5
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 90
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 70
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 9000
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 1
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
+set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
+// }}}
+// {{{ minelayer
+set g_balance_minelayer_damage 40
+set g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage 20
+set g_balance_minelayer_force 250
+set g_balance_minelayer_radius 175
+set g_balance_minelayer_proximityradius 150
+set g_balance_minelayer_speed 1000
+set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime 10
+set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown 0.5
+set g_balance_minelayer_refire 1.5
+set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.4
+set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 4
+set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
+set g_balance_minelayer_limit 3 // 0 disables the limit
+set g_balance_minelayer_protection 0 // don't explode if the mine would hurt the owner or a team mate
+set g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale 0
+set g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay -1 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
+set g_balance_minelayer_time 0.5
+set g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage 45
+set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
+set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
+set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
+// }}}
+// {{{ rifle
+set g_balance_rifle_bursttime 0
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_tracer 1
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_shots 1
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_damage 40
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage 40
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_spread 0
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_force 100
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_speed 40000
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_refire 1.2
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_animtime 0.4
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_ammo 10
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_bulletconstant 110 // 62.2qu
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_burstcost 0
+set g_balance_rifle_primary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary 1
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_reload 0
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_tracer 0
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_shots 4
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_damage 10
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage 20
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_spread 0.04
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_force 50
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_speed 20000
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_refire 0.9
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_animtime 0.3
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_ammo 10
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bulletconstant 110 // 15.5qu
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_burstcost 0
+set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
+set g_balance_rifle_reload_ammo 80 //default: 80
+set g_balance_rifle_reload_time 2
+// }}}
+// {{{ seeker
+set g_balance_seeker_type 1 // 0 = old seeker, 1 = new seeker. THIS IS A TEMPORARY CVAR FOR TESTING, will be removed later.
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime 0.1
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_damage 15
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage 10
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_force 50
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime 0.1
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand 0.05
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_radius 100
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed 3000
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_up 1000
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_z 0
+set g_balance_seeker_flac_spread 0.4
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo 1
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime 0.2
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale 0
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_health 0
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime 15
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.75 // LOG: 0.7 -> 0.75
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 5000
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime 10
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_accel 1500
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo 2
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime 0.2
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 3 // LOG: 8 -> 3
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 16 // LOG: 15 -> 30
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale 4
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_decel 6000
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_delay 0.25
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage 8
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 50 // LOG: 100 -> 150
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_health 1
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime 15
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy 0
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay 0.2
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange 45
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_radius 70
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_refire 0.25
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart 0
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist 800
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max 2500
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min 1000
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed 1500
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up 0
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z 0
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 2000 // LOG: 1400 -> 1300
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_spread 0
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate 0.15
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
+set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
+// End new seeker
+++ /dev/null
-set g_new_toys 0 "Mutator 'New Toys': enable extra fun guns"
-set g_new_toys_autoreplace 2 "0: never replace, 1: always auto replace guns by available new toys, 2: randomly auto replace guns by available new toys"
-set g_weaponreplace_hlac ""
-set g_weaponreplace_minelayer ""
-set g_weaponreplace_rifle ""
-set g_weaponreplace_seeker ""
-set g_start_weapon_hlac -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms" // UNTIL IT CAN BE REMOVED FROM CODE
-set g_start_weapon_minelayer -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_rifle -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms" // UNTIL IT CAN BE REMOVED FROM CODE
-set g_start_weapon_seeker -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-// {{{ hlac
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.25
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.0045
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.25
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 18
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 9
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 90
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.15
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.15
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 15
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 7.5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 90
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 9000
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 1
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 6
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo 0 //default: 20
-set g_balance_hlac_reload_time 2
-// }}}
-// {{{ minelayer
-set g_balance_minelayer_damage 40
-set g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage 20
-set g_balance_minelayer_force 250
-set g_balance_minelayer_radius 175
-set g_balance_minelayer_proximityradius 150
-set g_balance_minelayer_speed 1000
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime 10
-set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown 0.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 4
-set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_limit 3 // 0 disables the limit
-set g_balance_minelayer_protection 0 // don't explode if the mine would hurt the owner or a team mate
-set g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale 0
-set g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay -1 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
-set g_balance_minelayer_time 0.5
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage 45
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage 40
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius 200
-set g_balance_minelayer_remote_force 300
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_reload_time 2
-// }}}
-// {{{ rifle
-set g_balance_rifle_bursttime 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_tracer 1
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_shots 1
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_damage 40
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage 40
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_force 100
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_speed 40000
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_refire 1.2
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bulletconstant 110 // 62.2qu
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_primary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary 1
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_reload 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_tracer 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_shots 4
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_damage 10
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage 20
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_spread 0.04
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_force 50
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_speed 20000
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_refire 0.9
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bulletconstant 110 // 15.5qu
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_burstcost 0
-set g_balance_rifle_secondary_bullethail 0 // empty magazine on shot
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_ammo 80 //default: 80
-set g_balance_rifle_reload_time 2
-// }}}
-// {{{ seeker
-set g_balance_seeker_type 1 // 0 = old seeker, 1 = new seeker. THIS IS A TEMPORARY CVAR FOR TESTING, will be removed later.
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo 0.5
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_damage 15
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_force 50
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand 0.05
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_radius 100
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed 3000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_up 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_flac_spread 0.4
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo 1
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_health 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.75 // LOG: 0.7 -> 0.75
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 5000
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime 10
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_accel 1500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo 2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 3 // LOG: 8 -> 3
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 16 // LOG: 15 -> 30
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_decel 6000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_delay 0.25
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage 8
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 50 // LOG: 100 -> 150
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_health 1
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange 45
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_radius 70
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_refire 0.25
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist 800
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max 2500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min 1000
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed 1500
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 2000 // LOG: 1400 -> 1300
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_spread 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate 0.15
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo 0 //default: 15
-set g_balance_seeker_reload_time 2
-// End new seeker