set g_playerclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against playerclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
set g_botclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against botclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
-set g_grappling_hook 0 "let players spawn with the grappling hook which allows them to pull themselves up"
-set g_grappling_hook_useammo 0 "use ammunition with the off-hand grappling hook"
set g_spawn_alloweffects 1 "allow clients to enable spawn point and event effects such as particles and sounds, see cl_spawn_ cvars for more info"
set g_spawn_furthest 0.5 "this amount of the spawns shall be far away from any players"
set g_spawn_useallspawns 0 "use all spawns, e.g. also team spawns in non-teamplay, and all spawns, even enemy spawns, in teamplay"
set g_buffs_flight_time 60 "flight buff carry time"
+// ================
+// grappling hook
+// ================
+set g_grappling_hook 0 "let players spawn with the grappling hook which allows them to pull themselves up"
+set g_grappling_hook_useammo 0 "use ammunition with the off-hand grappling hook"
// ==============
// vampire hook
// ==============
set g_vampirehook_teamheal "1" "hooking teammates drains hooker's health"
+// =================
+// offhand blaster
+// =================
+set g_offhand_blaster 0 "whether to enable offhand blaster"
// ===============
// rocket minsta
// ===============