-d (Mitchell) darkplaces client: lerp lightstyles (Mitchell)
-d (Mitchell) darkplaces menu: player setup menu network speed is never applying to rate (Mitchell)
-d (QorpsE) darkplaces renderer: figure out what's wrong with gloss rendering vertex calculations, which may be GF2 related (QorpsE)
+-d (Sajt) darkplaces protocol: PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 malfunctioning after a few seconds, probably not acknowledging packets properly (Sajt)
+-d (Sajt) darkplaces renderer: fix the bug causing models in an unlit map to be black when they should be fullbright (Sajt)
+-d (Sajt) dpmod: set oldorigin when spawning to prevent being stuck at the spawn from causing an instant teleport back to where you died (Sajt)
-d (Speeds) darkplaces client: add a config saving command (Speeds)
-d (Throvold@uboot.com) darkplaces client: add cvars for sbar alpha (background and foreground) (Throvold@uboot.com)
+-d (Tomaz) darkplaces renderer: water shader not working with fog (Tomaz)
+-d (Urre) darkplaces protocol: expand viewzoom to two bytes (8bit.8bit fixedpoint instead of 0.8bit like it is now) (Urre)
+-d (Urre) darkplaces renderer: make static entities work in realtime lighting mode, like func_illusionary for example, they're currently black (Urre)
+-d (VorteX) darkplaces renderer: fix EF_ADDITIVE alias model entities not appearing in realtime lighting mode (VorteX)
-d (avirox) darkplaces editlights: light entity loader is broken, it ends up with scrambled colors (avirox, Tomaz)
-d (de-we) darkplaces docs: add de-we to credits page for the great icons (de-we)
-d (frightfan) darkplaces client: add ability to load gfx/particlefont.tga (Vermeulen, frightfan, Error)
-d (jeremy janzen) darkplaces sound: dsound broken, needs to be managed as part of video system (jeremy janzen)
-d (joe hill) dpmod: make grapple off-hand (joe hill)
-d (mashakos) darkplaces editlights: add r_editlights_editall command, same as _edit but affects all lights (mashakos)
--d darkplaces protocol: PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 malfunctioning after a few seconds, probably not acknowledging packets properly (Sajt)
--d darkplaces protocol: expand viewzoom to two bytes (8bit.8bit fixedpoint instead of 0.8bit like it is now) (Urre)
--d darkplaces renderer: fix EF_ADDITIVE alias model entities not appearing in realtime lighting mode (VorteX)
--d darkplaces renderer: fix the bug causing models in an unlit map to be black when they should be fullbright (Sajt)
--d darkplaces renderer: make static entities work in realtime lighting mode, like func_illusionary for example, they're currently black (Urre)
--d darkplaces renderer: water shader not working with fog (Tomaz)
--d dpmod: set oldorigin when spawning to prevent being stuck at the spawn from causing an instant teleport back to where you died (Sajt)
-f (Mitchell) darkplaces: add crude DML model loading with animation list (ask Riot for dml library) (Mitchell)
-f (Option42) darkplaces: crashes on radeon in rare situations that seem to occur in dpmod dm 7 mode? (Option42)
--f darkplaces protocol: PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5 not sending skin? (Sajt)
+-f (Sajt) darkplaces protocol: PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5 not sending skin? (Sajt)
0 darkplaces client: add back cl_particles_lighting cvar and add back the particle lighting (romi)
0 darkplaces client: add back random framegroup animation sync for sprites and models so torch flames don't play in sync (Elric)
0 darkplaces client: add cvars to control lighting quality to allow performance tradeoffs; r_shadow_ options for use of dot3 shading, etc