me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticCheckBox(0, "con_closeontoggleconsole", "\"enter console\" also closes"));
me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Show binds:"));
- me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextSlider("sbar_showbinds"));
- e.addValue(e, "Actions", "0");
+ me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextSlider("hud_showbinds"));
+ e.addValue(e, "Commands", "0");
e.addValue(e, "Bound keys", "1");
e.addValue(e, "Both", "2");
- me.TR(me);
- me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticCheckBoxEx(2, 0, "cl_showpressedkeys", "Show pressed keys"));
\cl_gunalign\Position of the weapon model; requires reconnect
\crosshair_per_weapon\Set a different crosshair for each weapon, good if you play without weapon models
-\crosshair_color_override\Also set the color of the crosshair depending on the weapon you are currently holding
+\crosshair_color_per_weapon\Set the color of the crosshair depending on the weapon you are currently holding
\crosshair_size\Adjust the size of the crosshair
-\crosshair_color_alpha\Adjust the opacity of the crosshair
-\crosshair_color_red\Red color component of the crosshair color
-\crosshair_color_green\Green color component of the crosshair color
-\crosshair_color_blue\Blue color component of the crosshair color
+\crosshair_alpha\Adjust the opacity of the crosshair
+\crosshair_color\Adjust the crosshair color
\sbar_hudselector\Use the old HUD layout
\XonoticMultiplayerDialog/Radar, HUD & Waypoints...\Adjust the radar, HUD and waypoints
\_cl_name\Name under which you will appear in the game
\m_pitch\Invert mouse movement on the Y-axis
\vid_dgamouse\Make use of DGA mouse input
\con_closeontoggleconsole\Allow the console toggling bind to also close the console
-\sbar_showbinds\Display actions / bound keys in the strings shown during the game
-\cl_showpressedkeys\Show which movement keys the player is pressing
\XonoticSettingsDialog/Video\Video settings
\vid_width\Screen resolution
\showtime\Show current time of day, useful on screenshots
\showdate\Show current date, useful on screenshots
\showfps\Show your rendered frames per second
-\cl_showspeed\Show the speed of the player
-\cl_showspeed_unit\Select the unit used by the speedometer. qu/s = in/s
-\cl_showacceleration\Show the acceleration of the player
-\cl_showacceleration_scale\Excaggerate the accelerometer by this scale multiplier
\XonoticSettingsDialog/Advanced settings...\Advanced settings where you can tweak every single variable of the game
\g_friendlyfire\Percentage of damage dealt to teammates
\g_mirrordamage\Percentage of teamdamage that will be mirrored to you
\g_tdm_teams_override\Override the default amount of teams in teamgames
-\cl_teamradar_background_alpha\Opacity value of the radar background
\viewsize\Enable/disable the HUD background
-\sbar_alpha_bg\Opacity value of the HUD background
-\sbar_color_bg_r\Red color component of the HUD background
-\sbar_color_bg_g\Green color component of the HUD background
-\sbar_color_bg_b\Blue color component of the HUD background
-\sbar_color_bg_team\Team color saturation of the HUD background
\cl_hidewaypoints\Show various gametype specific waypoints
\g_waypointsprite_scale\Scale multiplier of the waypoints
\g_waypointsprite_alpha\Control transparency of the waypoints