exec hud_wickedhud_default.cfg
+// user preference cvars (i.e. shouldn't be adjusted by a skin config)
+seta hud_weaponicons_number 1 "1 = show number of weapon, 2 = show bound key of weapon"
+seta hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_time 1 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"
+seta hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_fadetime 0.25 "fade out time"
+seta hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow 40 "percentage at which the accuracy color is yellow"
+seta hud_notify_time 10 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"
+seta hud_notify_fadetime 3 "fade out time"
+seta hud_timer_increment 0 "show elapsed time instead of remaining time"
+seta hud_radar_scale 4096 "distance you can see on the team radar"
+seta hud_radar_rotation 0 "rotation mode: you set what points up. 0 = player, 1 = west, 2 = south, 3 = east, 4 = north"
+seta hud_radar_zoommode 0 "zoom mode: 0 = zoomed by default, 1 = zoomed when +zoom, 2 = always zoomed, 3 = always zoomed out"
+alias hud_radar_rotate "toggle hud_radar_rotation 0 1 2 3 4"
+seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_time 1 "time between framerate display updates, smaller values yield less accuracy"
+seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals 0 "amount of decimals to show"
+seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage 1 "use an averaging method for calculating fps instead of counting frametime like engine does"
+seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_new_weight 0.1 "weight of latest data point"
+seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_instantupdate_change_threshold 0.5 "threshold for fps change when to update instantly, to make big fps changes update faster"
// scoreboard
seta scoreboard_columns default
seta scoreboard_border_thickness 1 "scoreboard border thickness"
seta hud_weaponicons 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_weaponicons_pos "0.930000 0.090000" "position of this panel"
seta hud_weaponicons_size "0.040000 0.490000" "size of this panel"
-seta hud_weaponicons_number 1 "1 = show number of weapon, 2 = show bound key of weapon"
-seta hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow 40 "percentage at which the accuracy color is yellow"
seta hud_weaponicons_complainbubble 1 "complain bubble (out of ammo, weapon not available etc)"
-seta hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_time 1 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"
seta hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_padding -10 "padding for the complainbubble"
-seta hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_fadetime 0.25 "fade out time"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg "border_weaponicons" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_notify_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
seta hud_notify_flip 0 "order the list top to bottom instead of bottom to top"
seta hud_notify_print 0 "also con_notify print the messages that are shown on the notify panel"
-seta hud_notify_time 10 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"
-seta hud_notify_fadetime 3 "fade out time"
seta hud_timer 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_timer_pos "0.880000 0.015000" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_timer_size "0.100000 0.032520" "size of this panel"
-seta hud_timer_increment 0 "show elapsed time instead of remaining time"
seta hud_timer_bg "border_timer" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default background"
seta hud_timer_bg_color "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background color"
seta hud_timer_bg_color_team "" "override panel color with team color in team based games"
seta hud_radar_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_radar_bg_padding "-3" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
seta hud_radar_foreground_alpha 0.8 "alpha of the map"
-seta hud_radar_scale 4096 "distance you can see on the team radar"
-seta hud_radar_rotation 0 "rotation mode: you set what points up. 0 = player, 1 = west, 2 = south, 3 = east, 4 = north"
-seta hud_radar_zoommode 0 "zoom mode: 0 = zoomed by default, 1 = zoomed when +zoom, 2 = always zoomed, 3 = always zoomed out"
-alias hud_radar_rotate "toggle hud_radar_rotation 0 1 2 3 4"
seta hud_score 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_score_pos "0.020000 0.930000" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_engineinfo_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than \"\" = override default panel background alpha"
seta hud_engineinfo_bg_border "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default size of border around the background"
seta hud_engineinfo_bg_padding "" "if set to something else than \"\" = override default padding of contents from border"
-seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_time 1 "time between framerate display updates, smaller values yield less accuracy"
-seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals 0 "amount of decimals to show"
-seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage 1 "use an averaging method for calculating fps instead of counting frametime like engine does"
-seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_new_weight 0.1 "weight of latest data point"
-seta hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_instantupdate_change_threshold 0.5 "threshold for fps change when to update instantly, to make big fps changes update faster"
seta hud_infomessages 1 "enable/disable this panel
seta hud_infomessages_pos "0.020000 0.680000" "position of this base of the panel"
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_bg_padding \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_bg_padding")), "\"", "\n"));
switch(i) {
- fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_accuracy_yellow \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_accuracy_yellow")), "\"", "\n"));
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_complainbubble \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_complainbubble")), "\"", "\n"));
- fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_complainbubble_size \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_complainbubble_size")), "\"", "\n"));
+ fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_complainbubble_padding \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_complainbubble_padding")), "\"", "\n"));
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_onlycurrent \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_onlycurrent")), "\"", "\n"));
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_flip \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_flip")), "\"", "\n"));
- fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_info_top \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_info_top")), "\"", "\n"));
+ fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_print \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_print")), "\"", "\n"));
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", panel_name, "_foreground_alpha \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_foreground_alpha")), "\"", "\n"));