"DP_QC_FS_SEARCH " // Black: same as in the menu qc
+// DP_MD3_TAGINFO extension coded by VorteX
+//float(entity ent, string tagname) gettagindex;
+void PF_gettagindex (void)
+ edict_t *e = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0);
+ const char *tagname = G_STRING(OFS_PARM1);
+ int modelindex, tagindex, i;
+ model_t *model;
+ if (e == sv.edicts)
+ PF_WARNING("gettagindex: can't affect world entity\n");
+ if (e->e->free)
+ PF_WARNING("gettagindex: can't affect free entity\n");
+ modelindex = (int)e->v->modelindex;
+ if (modelindex <= 0 || modelindex > MAX_MODELS)
+ {
+ Con_DPrintf("gettagindex(entity #%i): null or non-precached model\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(e));
+ return;
+ }
+ model = sv.models[modelindex];
+ tagindex = -1;
+ if (model->data_overridetagnamesforskin && (unsigned int)e->v->skin < (unsigned int)model->numskins && model->data_overridetagnamesforskin[(unsigned int)e->v->skin].num_overridetagnames)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < model->data_overridetagnamesforskin[(unsigned int)e->v->skin].num_overridetagnames; i++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(tagname, model->data_overridetagnamesforskin[(unsigned int)e->v->skin].data_overridetagnames[i].name))
+ {
+ tagindex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tagindex == -1)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < model->alias.aliasnum_tags; i++)
+ {
+ if (!(strcmp(tagname, model->alias.aliasdata_tags[i].name)))
+ {
+ tagindex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tagindex == -1)
+ Con_DPrintf("gettagindex(entity #%i): tag \"%s\" not found\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(e), tagname);
+ G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = tagindex + 1;
+// Warnings/errors code:
+// 0 - normal (everything all-right)
+// 1 - world entity
+// 2 - free entity
+// 3 - null or non-precached model
+// 4 - no tags with requested index
+int SV_GetTagMatrix (matrix4x4_t *out, edict_t *ent, int tagindex)
+ eval_t *val;
+ float scale;
+ int modelindex, tagsnum, reqframe;
+ matrix4x4_t entitymatrix, tagmatrix;
+ model_t *model;
+ Matrix4x4_CreateIdentity(out); // warnings and errors return identical matrix
+ if (ent == sv.edicts)
+ return 1;
+ if (ent->e->free)
+ return 2;
+ modelindex = (int)ent->v->modelindex;
+ if (modelindex <= 0 || modelindex > MAX_MODELS)
+ return 3;
+ model = sv.models[modelindex];
+ tagsnum = model->alias.aliasnum_tags;
+ if (tagindex <= 0 || tagindex > tagsnum)
+ {
+ if (tagsnum && tagindex) // Only appear if model has no tags or not-null tag requested
+ return 4;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (ent->v->frame < 0 || ent->v->frame > model->alias.aliasnum_tagframes)
+ reqframe = 0; // if model has wrong frame, engine automatically switches to model first frame
+ else
+ reqframe = ent->v->frame;
+ // just reusing a temp
+ modelindex = (tagindex - 1) + ent->v->frame*tagsnum;
+ // transform tag by its own entity matrix
+ Matrix4x4_Copy(&tagmatrix, &model->alias.aliasdata_tags[modelindex].matrix);
+ // FIXME: add scale parameter
+ scale = 1;
+ // Alias models have inverse pitch, bmodels can't have tags, so don't check for modeltype...
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entitymatrix, ent->v->origin[0], ent->v->origin[1], ent->v->origin[2], -ent->v->angles[0], ent->v->angles[1], ent->v->angles[2], scale);
+ Matrix4x4_Concat(out, &entitymatrix, &tagmatrix);
+ // True origin for rotation (Matrix4x4_Concat creates wrong), this is done using all rotation matrix
+ out->m[0][3] = entitymatrix.m[0][3] + scale*tagmatrix.m[0][3]*(entitymatrix.m[0][0] + entitymatrix.m[0][1] + entitymatrix.m[0][2]);
+ out->m[1][3] = entitymatrix.m[1][3] + scale*tagmatrix.m[1][3]*(entitymatrix.m[1][0] + entitymatrix.m[1][1] + entitymatrix.m[1][2]);
+ out->m[2][3] = entitymatrix.m[2][3] + scale*tagmatrix.m[2][3]*(entitymatrix.m[2][0] + entitymatrix.m[2][1] + entitymatrix.m[2][2]);
+ /* Optimised variant with only v_forward using
+ out->m[0][3] = entitymatrix.m[0][3] + scale*entitymatrix.m[0][0]*tagmatrix.m[0][3];
+ out->m[1][3] = entitymatrix.m[1][3] + scale*entitymatrix.m[1][0]*tagmatrix.m[1][3];
+ out->m[2][3] = entitymatrix.m[2][3] + scale*entitymatrix.m[2][0]*tagmatrix.m[2][3];
+ */
+ // additional actions for render-view entities
+ if ((val = GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_viewmodelforclient)) && val->edict)
+ ent = EDICT_NUM(val->edict);
+ // FIXME: "circle" bug, add bobbing (cl_bob), add scale parameter
+ scale = 1;
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entitymatrix, ent->v->origin[0], ent->v->origin[1], ent->v->origin[2] + ent->v->view_ofs[2], ent->v->v_angle[0], ent->v->v_angle[1], ent->v->v_angle[2], scale);
+ Matrix4x4_Concat(out, &entitymatrix, out);
+ out->m[0][3] = entitymatrix.m[0][3] + scale*entitymatrix.m[0][0]*out->m[0][3];
+ out->m[1][3] = entitymatrix.m[1][3] + scale*entitymatrix.m[1][0]*out->m[1][3];
+ out->m[2][3] = entitymatrix.m[2][3] + scale*entitymatrix.m[2][0]*out->m[2][3];
+ Con_DPrintf("SV_GetTagMatrix: returned origin is %f %f %f\n", out->m[0][3], out->m[1][3], out->m[2][3]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // RENDER_VIEWMODEL can't be attached by tag, right?
+ val = GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_tag_entity);
+ if (val->edict)
+ do
+ {
+ ent = EDICT_NUM(val->edict);
+ // FIXME: add scale parameter
+ Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&entitymatrix, ent->v->origin[0], ent->v->origin[1], ent->v->origin[2], -ent->v->angles[0], ent->v->angles[1], ent->v->angles[2], scale);
+ Matrix4x4_Concat(out, &entitymatrix, &tagmatrix);
+ // True origin for rotation (Matrix4x4_Concat creates wrong), this is done using all rotation matrix
+ out->m[0][3] = entitymatrix.m[0][3] + scale*tagmatrix.m[0][3]*(entitymatrix.m[0][0] + entitymatrix.m[0][1] + entitymatrix.m[0][2]);
+ out->m[1][3] = entitymatrix.m[1][3] + scale*tagmatrix.m[1][3]*(entitymatrix.m[1][0] + entitymatrix.m[1][1] + entitymatrix.m[1][2]);
+ out->m[2][3] = entitymatrix.m[2][3] + scale*tagmatrix.m[2][3]*(entitymatrix.m[2][0] + entitymatrix.m[2][1] + entitymatrix.m[2][2]);
+ }
+ while ((val = GETEDICTFIELDVALUE(ent, eval_tag_entity)) && val->edict);
+ }
+ return 0;
+//vector(entity ent, float tagindex) gettaginfo;
+void PF_gettaginfo (void)
+ edict_t *e = G_EDICT(OFS_PARM0);
+ int tagindex = (int)G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1);
+ matrix4x4_t tag_matrix;
+ int returncode;
+ returncode = SV_GetTagMatrix(&tag_matrix, e, tagindex);
+ Matrix4x4_ToVectors(&tag_matrix, pr_global_struct->v_forward, pr_global_struct->v_right, pr_global_struct->v_up, G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN));
+ switch(returncode)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ PF_WARNING("gettagindex: can't affect world entity\n");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ PF_WARNING("gettagindex: can't affect free entity\n");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ Con_DPrintf("SV_GetTagMatrix(entity #%i): null or non-precached model\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(e));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ Con_DPrintf("SV_GetTagMatrix(entity #%i): model has no tag with requested index %i\n", NUM_FOR_EDICT(e), tagindex);
+ break;
+ }
// DP_QC_FS_SEARCH extension
PF_cvar_string, // #448 string(string s) cvar_string (DP_QC_CVAR_STRING)
PF_findflags, // #449 entity(entity start, .float fld, float match) findflags (DP_QC_FINDFLAGS)
PF_findchainflags, // #450 entity(.float fld, float match) findchainflags (DP_QC_FINDCHAINFLAGS)
-NULL, // #451
-NULL, // #452
+PF_gettagindex, // #451 float(entity ent, string tagname) gettagindex (DP_QC_GETTAGINFO)
+PF_gettaginfo, // #452 vector(entity ent, float tagindex) gettaginfo (DP_QC_GETTAGINFO)
NULL, // #453
NULL, // #454
NULL, // #455