color 0x4F4B46 0x000000
rotate -180 180 -20 20
+// tuba does not use the weapon damage effect
+// laser damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_laser
+count 3
+type smoke
+tex 0 8
+color 0x880000 0xff4400
+size 8 16
+sizeincrease 10
+alpha 128 16 128
+gravity 0
+originjitter 4 4 16
+velocityjitter 0.4 0.4 0.6
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.35
+rotate 0 180 -30 30
+// shotgun damage effect, normal blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_shotgun
+count 0.5
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 4 9
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_shotgun
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 8 16
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x420000
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// shotgun damage effect, alien blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_shotgun_alien
+count 0.5
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 4 9
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xDC9BCD 0xDC9BCD
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_shotgun_alien
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 8 16
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x204010
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// shotgun damage effect, robot blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_shotgun_robot
+count 0.5
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 4 9
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xC0D890 0xC0D890
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_shotgun_robot
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 8 16
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x301860
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// uzi damage effect, normal blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_uzi
+count 0.25
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 3 8
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_uzi
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 6 12
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x420000
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// uzi damage effect, alien blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_uzi_alien
+count 0.25
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 3 8
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xDC9BCD 0xDC9BCD
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_uzi_alien
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 6 12
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x204010
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// uzi damage effect, robot blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_uzi_robot
+count 0.25
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 3 8
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xC0D890 0xC0D890
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_uzi_robot
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 6 12
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x301860
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// minelayer damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_minelayer
+count 2
+type smoke
+tex 48 55
+size 6 12
+alpha 256 16 256
+gravity -0.5
+color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
+sizeincrease -10
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 6 6 8
+velocityjitter 22 22 50
+// smoke
+effect weapondamage_minelayer
+type alphastatic
+count 2
+tex 0 8
+size 4 8
+sizeincrease 5
+alpha 128 32 128
+color 0x000000 0x111111
+gravity -0.3
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 6 6 8
+velocityjitter 11 11 50
+// light
+effect weapondamage_minelayer
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 60
+lightradiusfade 280
+lightcolor 0.9 0.6 0.2
+// grenadelauncher damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_grenadelauncher
+count 2
+type smoke
+tex 48 55
+size 6 12
+alpha 256 16 256
+gravity -0.5
+color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
+sizeincrease -10
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 6 6 8
+velocityjitter 22 22 50
+// smoke
+effect weapondamage_grenadelauncher
+type alphastatic
+count 2
+tex 0 8
+size 4 8
+sizeincrease 5
+alpha 128 32 128
+color 0x000000 0x111111
+gravity -0.3
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 6 6 8
+velocityjitter 11 11 50
+// light
+effect weapondamage_grenadelauncher
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 60
+lightradiusfade 280
+lightcolor 0.9 0.6 0.2
+// electro damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_electro
+count 2
+type static
+tex 47 47
+color 0x66ffff 0x2288ff
+size 10 20
+sizeincrease -16
+alpha 48 8 48
+gravity -0.0001
+airfriction 0.2
+liquidfriction 0.8
+originjitter 16 16 32
+velocityjitter 8 8 16
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.5
+rotate 180 360 -30 30
+// plasma smoke
+effect weapondamage_electro
+count 4
+type smoke
+tex 0 8
+color 0x2244ff 0x002266
+size 8 16
+sizeincrease 10
+alpha 64 16 64
+gravity 0
+originjitter 4 4 16
+velocityjitter 0.4 0.4 0.6
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.35
+rotate 0 180 -30 30
+// light
+effect weapondamage_electro
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 50
+lightradiusfade 220
+lightcolor 0.2 0.8 1.0
+// crylink damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_crylink
+count 2
+type static
+tex 38 38
+color 0xff44ff 0x9966ff
+size 8 16
+sizeincrease -8
+alpha 48 16 48
+gravity -0.0001
+airfriction 0.6
+liquidfriction 0.8
+originjitter 8 8 16
+velocityjitter 10 10 20
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.5
+rotate 180 360 -30 30
+// plasma smoke
+effect weapondamage_crylink
+count 4
+type smoke
+tex 0 8
+color 0x8844ff 0x662244
+size 10 20
+sizeincrease 6
+alpha 64 16 64
+gravity 0.001
+originjitter 6 6 12
+velocityjitter 0.4 0.4 0.6
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.35
+rotate 0 180 -30 30
+// light
+effect weapondamage_crylink
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 50
+lightradiusfade 240
+lightcolor 0.8 0.2 1.0
+// hlac damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_hlac
+count 3
+type smoke
+tex 0 8
+color 0x880000 0xff4400
+size 8 16
+sizeincrease 10
+alpha 128 16 128
+gravity 0
+originjitter 4 4 16
+velocityjitter 0.4 0.4 0.6
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.35
+rotate 0 180 -30 30
+// nex damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_nex
+count 1
+type static
+tex 47 47
+color 0xffffff 0x88ffff
+size 7 14
+sizeincrease -14
+alpha 64 8 64
+gravity -0.0001
+airfriction 0.1
+liquidfriction 0.6
+originjitter 4 4 8
+velocityjitter 8 8 16
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.5
+rotate 180 360 -30 30
+// plasma smoke
+effect weapondamage_nex
+count 2
+type smoke
+tex 0 8
+color 0x6688ff 0x226688
+size 5 10
+sizeincrease 8
+alpha 64 16 64
+gravity 0
+originjitter 6 6 12
+velocityjitter 0.5 0.5 0.8
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.35
+rotate 0 180 -30 30
+// light
+effect weapondamage_nex
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 60
+lightradiusfade 280
+lightcolor 0.8 1.0 1.0
+// minstanex damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_minstanex
+count 2
+type static
+tex 47 47
+color 0xffffff 0x88ffff
+size 10 20
+sizeincrease -14
+alpha 64 8 64
+gravity -0.0001
+airfriction 0.1
+liquidfriction 0.6
+originjitter 4 4 8
+velocityjitter 8 8 16
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.5
+rotate 180 360 -30 30
+// plasma smoke
+effect weapondamage_minstanex
+count 4
+type smoke
+tex 0 8
+color 0x6688ff 0x226688
+size 8 16
+sizeincrease 8
+alpha 64 16 64
+gravity 0
+originjitter 6 6 12
+velocityjitter 0.5 0.5 0.8
+velocitymultiplier 0
+airfriction -0.35
+rotate 0 180 -30 30
+// light
+effect weapondamage_minstanex
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 60
+lightradiusfade 240
+lightcolor 0.8 1.0 1.0
+// sniperrifle damage effect, normal blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_sniperrifle
+count 0.25
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 3 8
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_sniperrifle
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 6 12
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x420000
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// sniperrifle damage effect, alien blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_sniperrifle_alien
+count 0.25
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 3 8
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xDC9BCD 0xDC9BCD
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_sniperrifle_alien
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 6 12
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x204010
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// sniperrifle damage effect, robot blood
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_sniperrifle_robot
+count 0.25
+type blood
+tex 24 32
+size 3 8
+alpha 256 256 64
+color 0xC0D890 0xC0D890
+bounce -1
+airfriction 1
+liquidfriction 4
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+velocitymultiplier 5
+staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+staintex 16 24
+//blood mist
+effect weapondamage_sniperrifle_robot
+countabsolute 1
+type alphastatic
+tex 0 8
+size 6 12
+alpha 100 256 400
+color 0x000000 0x301860
+originjitter 11 11 11
+// seeker damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_seeker
+count 2
+type smoke
+tex 48 55
+size 5 10
+alpha 256 16 256
+gravity -0.5
+color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
+sizeincrease -10
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 5 5 7
+velocityjitter 22 22 50
+// smoke
+effect weapondamage_seeker
+type alphastatic
+count 2
+tex 0 8
+size 3 6
+sizeincrease 5
+alpha 128 32 128
+color 0x000000 0x111111
+gravity -0.3
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 5 5 7
+velocityjitter 11 11 50
+// light
+effect weapondamage_seeker
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 65
+lightradiusfade 280
+lightcolor 0.9 0.7 0.2
+// hagar damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_hagar
+count 2
+type smoke
+tex 48 55
+size 5 10
+alpha 256 16 256
+gravity -0.5
+color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
+sizeincrease -10
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 5 5 7
+velocityjitter 22 22 50
+// smoke
+effect weapondamage_hagar
+type alphastatic
+count 2
+tex 0 8
+size 3 6
+sizeincrease 5
+alpha 128 32 128
+color 0x000000 0x111111
+gravity -0.3
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 5 5 7
+velocityjitter 11 11 50
+// light
+effect weapondamage_hagar
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 65
+lightradiusfade 280
+lightcolor 0.9 0.7 0.2
+// fireball damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_fireball
+count 4
+type smoke
+tex 48 55
+size 10 20
+alpha 192 16 192
+gravity -0.5
+color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
+sizeincrease -10
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 8 8 24
+velocityjitter 22 22 50
+// smoke
+effect weapondamage_fireball
+type alphastatic
+count 4
+tex 0 8
+size 8 16
+sizeincrease 5
+alpha 128 32 128
+color 0x000000 0x111111
+gravity -0.3
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 8 8 24
+velocityjitter 11 11 50
+// light
+effect weapondamage_fireball
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 65
+lightradiusfade 280
+lightcolor 0.9 0.6 0.2
+// rocketlauncher damage effect
+// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum(effectnum), org, '0 0 0', 1);
+effect weapondamage_rocketlauncher
+count 3
+type smoke
+tex 48 55
+size 7 14
+alpha 256 16 256
+gravity -0.5
+color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
+sizeincrease -10
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 6 6 8
+velocityjitter 22 22 50
+// smoke
+effect weapondamage_rocketlauncher
+type alphastatic
+count 3
+tex 0 8
+size 5 10
+sizeincrease 5
+alpha 128 32 128
+color 0x000000 0x111111
+gravity -0.3
+originoffset 0 0 10
+originjitter 6 6 8
+velocityjitter 11 11 50
+// light
+effect weapondamage_rocketlauncher
+trailspacing 8
+lightradius 60
+lightradiusfade 280
+lightcolor 0.9 0.6 0.2
+// porto does not use the weapon damage effect
+// hook does not use the weapon damage effect
+ // metal impact effect
+ // used in qcsrc/server/mutators/sandbox.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("impact_metal"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ effect impact_metal
+ count 1
+ type alphastatic
+ tex 0 8
+ size 3 6
+ sizeincrease 10
+ alpha 25 64 50
+ gravity -0.01
+ color 0x000000 0x886666
+ originjitter 20 20 5
+ // sparks
+ effect impact_metal
+ count 2
+ type spark
+ tex 41 41
+ color 0xFFCC22 0xFF4422
+ size 2 2
+ alpha 255 255 112
+ bounce 1.8
+ stretchfactor 0.5
+ velocityjitter 200 200 300
+ velocitymultiplier 2
+ airfriction 2
+ gravity 1
+ // stone impact effect
+ // used in qcsrc/server/mutators/sandbox.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("impact_stone"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ effect impact_stone
+ count 1
+ type alphastatic
+ tex 0 8
+ size 3 6
+ sizeincrease 15
+ alpha 50 128 75
+ gravity -0.01
+ color 0x000000 0xcc9966
+ originjitter 20 20 5
+ // debris
+ effect impact_stone
+ notunderwater
+ count 1
+ type alphastatic
+ tex 66 68
+ color 0x000000 0x886644
+ size 1 2
+ alpha 450 750 300
+ gravity 1.3
+ airfriction 0.5
+ bounce 1.2
+ velocityjitter 124 124 324
+ rotate -180 180 -1000 1000
+ // wood impact effect
+ // used in qcsrc/server/mutators/sandbox.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("impact_wood"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ effect impact_wood
+ count 1
+ type alphastatic
+ tex 0 8
+ size 3 6
+ sizeincrease 10
+ alpha 50 128 75
+ gravity -0.01
+ color 0x000000 0xcc9966
+ originjitter 20 20 5
+ // sparks
+ effect impact_wood
+ count 2
+ type spark
+ tex 41 41
+ color 0x221100 0x221100
+ size 1 8
+ alpha 255 255 75
+ bounce 1.5
+ velocityjitter 180 180 260
+ velocitymultiplier 2
+ airfriction 2
+ gravity 1
+ // flesh impact effect
+ // used in qcsrc/server/mutators/sandbox.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("impact_flesh"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ effect impact_flesh
+ count 0.5
+ type alphastatic
+ tex 0 8
+ size 8 12
+ alpha 100 256 400
+ color 0x000000 0x420000
+ originjitter 11 11 11
+ // blood splash
+ effect impact_flesh
+ count 0.3
+ type blood
+ tex 24 32
+ size 2 6
+ alpha 256 256 64
+ color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
+ bounce -1
+ airfriction 1
+ liquidfriction 4
+ velocityjitter 96 96 96
+ velocitymultiplier 5
+ staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
+ staintex 16 24
+ // hagar trail
+ // smoke
+ effect tr_hagar
+ trailspacing 4
+ type smoke
+ color 0x101010 0x000000
+ tex 0 8
+ size 3 2
+ bounce 1
+ sizeincrease 10
+ alpha 300 400 780
+ originjitter 1 1 1
+ velocityjitter 1 1 1
+ velocitymultiplier -0.02
+ //gravity -0.11
+ // fire
+ effect tr_hagar
+ notunderwater
+ trailspacing 4
+ type static
+ color 0xffdf72 0x811200
+ tex 48 55
+ size 5 2
+ sizeincrease -15
+ alpha 100 144 988
+ airfriction 8
+ velocityjitter 32 32 32
+ velocitymultiplier -1.0
+ // bubbles
+ effect tr_hagar
+ underwater
+ trailspacing 16
+ type bubble
+ tex 62 62
+ color 0x404040 0x808080
+ size 1 1
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ gravity -0.125
+ bounce 1.5
+ liquidfriction 4
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16