if player_id <= 2:
player_id = -1;
- game_type_cd = "dm"
+ game_type_cd = None
if request.params.has_key("game_type"):
game_type_cd = request.params["game_type"]
if limit > 50:
limit = 50
+ games_raw = DBSession.query(sa.distinct(Game.game_id)).\
+ filter(Game.game_id == PlayerWeaponStat.game_id).\
+ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == 6)
+ if game_type_cd is not None:
+ games_raw = games_raw.filter(Game.game_type_cd == game_type_cd)
+ games_raw = games_raw.order_by(Game.game_id.desc()).limit(limit).all()
weapon_stats_raw = DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat).\
- from_statement(
- "SELECT * "
- "FROM player_weapon_stats "
- "WHERE player_id = :player_id "
- "AND game_id IN ("
- "SELECT distinct g.game_id "
- "FROM player_weapon_stats pws, games g "
- "WHERE pws.game_id = g.game_id "
- "AND g.game_type_cd = :game_type_cd "
- "AND pws.player_id = :player_id "
- "ORDER BY g.game_id desc "
- "LIMIT :limit "
- ") "
- "ORDER BY game_id"
- ).params(player_id=player_id,
- game_type_cd=game_type_cd, limit=limit).all()
+ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == 6).\
+ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id.in_(games_raw)).all()
weapon_stats = [ws.to_dict() for ws in weapon_stats_raw]
- games = []
+ # NVD3 expects data points for all weapons used across the
+ # set of games *for each* point on the x axis. This means populating
+ # zero-valued weapon stat entries for games where a weapon was not
+ # used in that game, but was used in another game for the set
+ games_to_weapons = {}
+ weapons_used = []
for ws in weapon_stats_raw:
- if ws.game_id not in games:
- games.append(ws.game_id)
+ if ws.game_id not in games_to_weapons:
+ games_to_weapons[ws.game_id] = [ws.weapon_cd]
+ else:
+ games_to_weapons[ws.game_id].append(ws.weapon_cd)
+ if ws.weapon_cd not in weapons_used:
+ weapons_used.append(ws.weapon_cd)
+ games = sorted(games_to_weapons.keys())
+ log.debug(games_to_weapons)
+ log.debug(weapons_used)
+ log.debug(games)
return {
"weapon_stats": weapon_stats,
+ "weapons_used": weapon_stats,
"games": games,