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-Original photograph of the earth courtesy of the
-Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center
-NASA Photo ID: ISS007-E-10807
-URL: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=ISS007&roll=E&frame=10807
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+Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center
+NASA Photo ID: ISS007-E-10807
+URL: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=ISS007&roll=E&frame=10807
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+ <path style="fill:#4981a7;filter:url(common.filters#antialias)" d="m21 9-17 34 4.5 3 22.5-32v-3h2v5h190v-5h2v3l22.5 32 4.5-3-17-34h-19l-2 3h-172l-2-3z"/>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="256" height="256">
+ <path style="fill:#3b1b07;opacity:.9" d="m21 14-6 8v212l6 8h214l6-8v-212l-6-8z"/>
+ <g style="fill:#f85d20;filter:url(common.filters#glow)">
+ <path d="m20 12-13 10v4l7 8.5v187l-7 8.5v4l13 10h2v-4l-6-8v-208l6-8v-4zm4 0v4h208v-4zm210 0v4l6 8v208l-6 8v4h2l13-10v-4l-7-8.5v-187l7-8.5v-4l-13-10zm-210 228v4h208v-4z"/>
+ <path d="m8 30v196l4-4.5v-186.5l-4-5zm240 0l-4 4.5v187l4 4.5v-196z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="filter:url(common.filters#antialias)">
+ <path style="fill:#f2ac73" d="m20 12-13 10v4l7 8.5v187l-7 8.5v4l13 10h2v-4l-6-8v-208l6-8v-4zm4 0v4h208v-4zm210 0v4l6 8v208l-6 8v4h2l13-10v-4l-7-8.5v-187l7-8.5v-4l-13-10zm-210 228v4h208v-4z"/>
+ <path style="fill:#fbd9bb" d="m8 30v196l4-4.5v-186.5l-4-5zm240 0l-4 4.5v187l4 4.5v-196z"/>
+ </g>
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# Task:
+# Render SVG files from ./path/file.svg to OUTDIR/path/file.tga
+# Overwrites existing tga files.
+# Usage:
+# ./render.sh OUTDIR SVG...
+# Examples:
+# One file: ./render.sh ~/.xonotic/data/gfx/menu luma/cursor.svg
+# All files: ./render.sh ~/.xonotic/data/gfx/menu $(find . -name "*.svg")
+# Dependencies:
+# Inkscape (1.0.1)
+# ImageMagick (7.0.7)
+outDir="$1"; shift
+for svg in "$@"; do
+ # Extract name components
+ svgDir=$(dirname -- "$svg")
+ svgName=$(basename -- "$svg" .svg)
+ # Compose target file names
+ dir="$outDir/$svgDir"
+ tga="$dir/$svgName.tga"
+ tmp="$dir/$svgName.tmp.png"
+ # Ensure target directory exists
+ mkdir --parent "$dir"
+ # Render image
+ inkscape --export-filename "$tmp" "$svg"
+ convert -auto-orient "$tmp" -compress RLE "$tga"
+ rm "$tmp"