csqc_progsize.flags = sizeflags;
+ if(cls.demoplayback)
+ if(!strncmp(msg, "curl --clear_autodownload\ncurl --pak --forthismap --as ", 55))
+ {
+ // special handling for map download commands
+ // run these commands IMMEDIATELY, instead of waiting for a client frame
+ // that way, there is no black screen when playing back demos
+ // I know this is a really ugly hack, but I can't think of any better way
+ // FIXME find the actual CAUSE of this, and make demo playback WAIT
+ // until all maps are loaded, then remove this hack
+ char buf[MAX_INPUTLINE];
+ const char *p, *q;
+ size_t l;
+ p = msg;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ q = strchr(p, '\n');
+ if(q)
+ l = q - p;
+ else
+ l = strlen(p);
+ if(l > sizeof(buf) - 1)
+ l = sizeof(buf) - 1;
+ strlcpy(buf, p, l + 1); // strlcpy needs a + 1 as it includes the newline!
+ Cmd_ExecuteString(buf, src_command);
+ p += l;
+ if(*p == '\n')
+ ++p; // skip the newline and continue
+ else
+ break; // end of string or overflow
+ }
+ Cmd_ExecuteString("curl --clear_autodownload", src_command); // don't inhibit CSQC loading
+ return;
+ }