* Splash image for the login / waiting screen on the forum
* Website design
+h2. Forum structure
+h3. General
+Post anything on anything here
+h3. Xonotic - News
+Comment on the news and view past news
+h3. Xonotic - Editing
+Post anything to do with editing Xonotic here.
+Whether its problems you've had, questions, or if you just want to show off your work.
+h3. Xonotic - Contests
+Mapping, modding contests, FOTM, and more.
+h3. Xonotic - Gameplay
+Discuss Xonotic gameplay here.
+h3. Xonotic - Performance Tips
+Tips on how to tweak Xonotic for the best performance
+h3. Xonotic - Development
+Developer discussion of experimental fixes, changes, and improvements.
+h3. Xonotic - Map Releases
+h3. Xonotic - Support
+(Locked section, with sticky thread which points people to dev.xonotic.org "How to report bugs")
+h3. Xonotic - Map Reviews TBD
+Community reviews of maps (both official and user-made).
+_Comment: This is likely to be confused with the Map Releases section. Do we want to keep this section?_