return cachepics; // return the first one
pic = cachepics + (numcachepics++);
+ memset(pic, 0, sizeof(*pic));
strlcpy (pic->name, path, sizeof(pic->name));
// link into list
pic->chain = cachepichash[hashkey];
cachepichash[hashkey] = pic;
+ // TODO why does this crash?
+ if(pic->allow_free_tex && pic->tex)
+ R_PurgeTexture(pic->tex);
// check whether it is an dynamic texture (if so, we can directly use its texture handler)
pic->flags = cachepicflags;
pic->tex = CL_GetDynTexture( path );
// if so, set the width/height, too
if( pic->tex ) {
+ pic->allow_free_tex = false;
pic->width = R_TextureWidth(pic->tex);
pic->height = R_TextureHeight(pic->tex);
// we're done now (early-out)
return pic;
+ pic->allow_free_tex = true;
pic->hasalpha = true; // assume alpha unless we know it has none
pic->texflags = texflags;
pic->autoload = (cachepicflags & CACHEPICFLAG_NOTPERSISTENT);
pic->tex = draw_generatepic(pic->name, (cachepicflags & CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET) != 0);
pic->width = R_TextureWidth(pic->tex);
pic->height = R_TextureHeight(pic->tex);
+ pic->allow_free_tex = (pic->tex != r_texture_notexture);
return pic;
- if (pic == NULL)
+ if (numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
- if (numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
- {
- Con_Printf ("Draw_NewPic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS\n");
- // FIXME: support NULL in callers?
- return cachepics; // return the first one
- }
- pic = cachepics + (numcachepics++);
- strlcpy (pic->name, picname, sizeof(pic->name));
- // link into list
- pic->chain = cachepichash[hashkey];
- cachepichash[hashkey] = pic;
+ Con_Printf ("Draw_NewPic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS\n");
+ // FIXME: support NULL in callers?
+ return cachepics; // return the first one
+ pic = cachepics + (numcachepics++);
+ memset(pic, 0, sizeof(*pic));
+ strlcpy (pic->name, picname, sizeof(pic->name));
+ // link into list
+ pic->chain = cachepichash[hashkey];
+ cachepichash[hashkey] = pic;
pic->flags = CACHEPICFLAG_NEWPIC; // disable texflags checks in Draw_CachePic
pic->width = width;
pic->height = height;
- if (pic->tex)
+ if (pic->allow_free_tex && pic->tex)
pic->tex = R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, picname, width, height, pixels_bgra, TEXTYPE_BGRA, (alpha ? TEXF_ALPHA : 0), -1, NULL);
return pic;