return this;
#define entityclass(...) OVERLOAD(entityclass, __VA_ARGS__)
#define entityclass_1(name) entityclass_2(name, Object)
// The parameter is used across [[accumulate]] functions
// Macro to hide this implementation detail
-#define NEW(cname) (spawn##cname(new(cname)))
+#define NEW(cname, ...) \
+ OVERLOAD(spawn##cname, new(cname), ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define CONSTRUCTOR(cname, ...) \
+ cname OVERLOAD(spawn##cname, cname this, __VA_ARGS__)
.string vtblname;
.entity vtblbase;
+void RegisterClasses() { }
+ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(__static_init, RegisterClasses)
#define VTBL(cname, base) \
+ INIT_STATIC(cname); \
entity cname##_vtbl; \
- STATIC_INIT(cname##_vtbl) { \
- entity e = NEW(cname); \
+ void cname##_vtbl_init() { \
+ cname e = new(vtbl); \
+ spawn##cname##_static(e); \
e.vtblname = #cname; \
- e.classname = "vtbl"; \
/* Top level objects refer to themselves */ \
- e.vtblbase = base ? base : e; \
+ e.vtblbase = base##_vtbl ? base##_vtbl : e; \
cname##_vtbl = e; \
- }
+ } \
+ ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterClasses, cname##_vtbl_init)
-#define INIT_STATIC(cname) [[accumulate]] entity spawn##cname(entity this)
-#define INIT(cname) [[accumulate]] void spawn##cname##_init(entity this)
+#define INIT_STATIC(cname) [[accumulate]] void spawn##cname##_static(cname this)
+#define INIT(cname) [[accumulate]] cname spawn##cname##_1(cname this)
#define CLASS(cname, base) \
entityclass(cname, base); \
class(cname) .bool instanceOf##cname; \
- INIT(cname) { } \
- INIT_STATIC(cname); \
- VTBL(cname, base##_vtbl) \
+ VTBL(cname, base) \
INIT_STATIC(cname) { \
if (cname##_vtbl) { \
copyentity(cname##_vtbl, this); \
- spawn##cname##_init(this); \
- return this; \
+ return; \
} \
- spawn##base(this); \
+ spawn##base##_static(this); \
this.instanceOf##cname = true; \
+ } \
+ INIT(cname) { \
+ /* Only statically initialize the current class, it contains everything it inherits */ \
+ if (cname##_vtbl.vtblname == this.classname) { \
+ spawn##cname##_static(this); \
+ this.classname = #cname; \
+ this.vtblname = string_null; \
+ this.vtblbase = cname##_vtbl; \
+ } \
+ spawn##base##_1(this); \
#define METHOD(cname, name, prototype) \
class(cname) .type name[cnt];
#define ENDCLASS(cname) \
- [[last]] INIT_STATIC(cname) { return this; }
+ [[last]] INIT(cname) { return this; }
#define SUPER(cname) (cname##_vtbl.vtblbase)
-#define spawnNULL(e)
-#define NULL_vtbl NULL
-CLASS(Object, NULL)
+#define spawn_static(this)
+#define spawn_1(this)
+#define _vtbl NULL
+CLASS(Object, ); ENDCLASS(Object)
+#undef spawn_static
+#undef spawn_1
+#undef _vtbl