--- /dev/null
+#include "quakedef.h"
+#include "cap_avi.h"
+#define AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE 640 // GB ought to be enough for anyone
+typedef struct capturevideostate_avi_formatspecific_s
+ // AVI stuff
+ fs_offset_t videofile_firstchunkframes_offset;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_totalframes_offset1;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_totalframes_offset2;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_totalsampleframes_offset;
+ int videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_audio_start_offset;
+ int videofile_ix_master_video_inuse;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_video_start_offset;
+ fs_offset_t videofile_ix_movistart;
+ fs_offset_t position;
+ qboolean canseek;
+ sizebuf_t riffbuffer;
+ unsigned char riffbufferdata[128];
+ sizebuf_t riffindexbuffer;
+ int riffstacklevel;
+ fs_offset_t riffstackstartoffset[4];
+ fs_offset_t riffstacksizehint[4];
+ const char *riffstackfourcc[4];
+#define LOAD_FORMATSPECIFIC_AVI() capturevideostate_avi_formatspecific_t *format = (capturevideostate_avi_formatspecific_t *) cls.capturevideo.formatspecific
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Start(void)
+ memset(&format->riffbuffer, 0, sizeof(sizebuf_t));
+ format->riffbuffer.maxsize = sizeof(format->riffbufferdata);
+ format->riffbuffer.data = format->riffbufferdata;
+ format->position = 0;
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush(void)
+ if (format->riffbuffer.cursize > 0)
+ {
+ if (!FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, format->riffbuffer.data, format->riffbuffer.cursize))
+ cls.capturevideo.error = true;
+ format->position += format->riffbuffer.cursize;
+ format->riffbuffer.cursize = 0;
+ format->riffbuffer.overflowed = false;
+ }
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(const unsigned char *data, size_t size)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ if (!FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, data, size))
+ cls.capturevideo.error = true;
+ format->position += size;
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(int n)
+ if (format->riffbuffer.cursize + 4 > format->riffbuffer.maxsize)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ MSG_WriteLong(&format->riffbuffer, n);
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(int n)
+ if (format->riffbuffer.cursize + 2 > format->riffbuffer.maxsize)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ MSG_WriteShort(&format->riffbuffer, n);
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(const char *chunkfourcc)
+ if (format->riffbuffer.cursize + (int)strlen(chunkfourcc) > format->riffbuffer.maxsize)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ MSG_WriteUnterminatedString(&format->riffbuffer, chunkfourcc);
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteTerminatedString(const char *string)
+ if (format->riffbuffer.cursize + (int)strlen(string) > format->riffbuffer.maxsize)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ MSG_WriteString(&format->riffbuffer, string);
+static fs_offset_t SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition(void)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ //return FS_Tell(cls.capturevideo.videofile);
+ return format->position;
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push(const char *chunkfourcc, const char *listtypefourcc, fs_offset_t sizeHint)
+ if (listtypefourcc && sizeHint >= 0)
+ sizeHint += 4; // size hint is for INNER size
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(chunkfourcc);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(sizeHint);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ format->riffstacksizehint[format->riffstacklevel] = sizeHint;
+ format->riffstackstartoffset[format->riffstacklevel] = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ format->riffstackfourcc[format->riffstacklevel] = chunkfourcc;
+ ++format->riffstacklevel;
+ if (listtypefourcc)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(listtypefourcc);
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop(void)
+ fs_offset_t offset, sizehint;
+ int x;
+ unsigned char sizebytes[4];
+ // write out the chunk size and then return to the current file position
+ format->riffstacklevel--;
+ offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ sizehint = format->riffstacksizehint[format->riffstacklevel];
+ x = (int)(offset - (format->riffstackstartoffset[format->riffstacklevel]));
+ if(x != sizehint)
+ {
+ if(sizehint != -1)
+ {
+ int i;
+ Con_Printf("WARNING: invalid size hint %d when writing video data (actual size: %d)\n", (int) sizehint, x);
+ for(i = 0; i <= format->riffstacklevel; ++i)
+ {
+ Con_Printf(" RIFF level %d = %s\n", i, format->riffstackfourcc[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ sizebytes[0] = (x) & 0xff;sizebytes[1] = (x >> 8) & 0xff;sizebytes[2] = (x >> 16) & 0xff;sizebytes[3] = (x >> 24) & 0xff;
+ if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, -(x + 4), SEEK_END) >= 0)
+ {
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, sizebytes, 4);
+ }
+ FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_END);
+ }
+ if (offset & 1)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes((unsigned char *) "\0", 1);
+ }
+static void GrowBuf(sizebuf_t *buf, int extralen)
+ if(buf->cursize + extralen > buf->maxsize)
+ {
+ int oldsize = buf->maxsize;
+ unsigned char *olddata;
+ olddata = buf->data;
+ buf->maxsize = max(buf->maxsize * 2, 4096);
+ buf->data = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, buf->maxsize);
+ if(olddata)
+ {
+ memcpy(buf->data, olddata, oldsize);
+ Mem_Free(olddata);
+ }
+ }
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry(const char *chunkfourcc, int chunksize, int flags)
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ Host_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry called on non-seekable AVI");
+ if (format->riffstacklevel != 2)
+ Sys_Error("SCR_Capturevideo_RIFF_IndexEntry: RIFF stack level is %i (should be 2)\n", format->riffstacklevel);
+ GrowBuf(&format->riffindexbuffer, 16);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ MSG_WriteUnterminatedString(&format->riffindexbuffer, chunkfourcc);
+ MSG_WriteLong(&format->riffindexbuffer, flags);
+ MSG_WriteLong(&format->riffindexbuffer, (int)FS_Tell(cls.capturevideo.videofile) - format->riffstackstartoffset[1]);
+ MSG_WriteLong(&format->riffindexbuffer, chunksize);
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk(const char *fcc, const char *dwChunkId, fs_offset_t masteridx_counter, int *masteridx_count, fs_offset_t masteridx_start)
+ int nMatching;
+ int i;
+ fs_offset_t ix = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ fs_offset_t pos, sz;
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ Host_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk called on non-seekable AVI");
+ if(*masteridx_count >= AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE)
+ return;
+ nMatching = 0; // go through index and enumerate them
+ for(i = 0; i < format->riffindexbuffer.cursize; i += 16)
+ if(!memcmp(format->riffindexbuffer.data + i, dwChunkId, 4))
+ ++nMatching;
+ sz = 2+2+4+4+4+4+4;
+ for(i = 0; i < format->riffindexbuffer.cursize; i += 16)
+ if(!memcmp(format->riffindexbuffer.data + i, dwChunkId, 4))
+ sz += 8;
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push(fcc, NULL, sz);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(2); // wLongsPerEntry
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0x0100); // bIndexType=1, bIndexSubType=0
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(nMatching); // nEntriesInUse
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(dwChunkId); // dwChunkId
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(format->videofile_ix_movistart & (fs_offset_t) 0xFFFFFFFFu);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(((fs_offset_t) format->videofile_ix_movistart) >> 32);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved
+ for(i = 0; i < format->riffindexbuffer.cursize; i += 16)
+ if(!memcmp(format->riffindexbuffer.data + i, dwChunkId, 4))
+ {
+ unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) (format->riffindexbuffer.data + i);
+ unsigned int flags = p[1];
+ unsigned int rpos = p[2];
+ unsigned int size = p[3];
+ size &= ~0x80000000;
+ if(!(flags & 0x10)) // no keyframe?
+ size |= 0x80000000;
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(rpos + 8);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(size);
+ }
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ pos = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, masteridx_start + 16 * *masteridx_count, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(ix & (fs_offset_t) 0xFFFFFFFFu);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(((fs_offset_t) ix) >> 32);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(pos - ix);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(nMatching);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ }
+ if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, masteridx_counter, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(++*masteridx_count);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ }
+ FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_END); // return value doesn't matter here
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(qboolean final)
+ // close the "movi" list
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ if(format->videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk("ix00", "00dc", format->videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset, &format->videofile_ix_master_video_inuse, format->videofile_ix_master_video_start_offset);
+ if(format->videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk("ix01", "01wb", format->videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset, &format->videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse, format->videofile_ix_master_audio_start_offset);
+ // write the idx1 chunk that we've been building while saving the frames (for old style players)
+ if(final && format->videofile_firstchunkframes_offset)
+ // TODO replace index creating by OpenDML ix##/##ix/indx chunk so it works for more than one AVI part too
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("idx1", NULL, format->riffindexbuffer.cursize);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(format->riffindexbuffer.data, format->riffindexbuffer.cursize);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ }
+ format->riffindexbuffer.cursize = 0;
+ // pop the RIFF chunk itself
+ while (format->riffstacklevel > 0)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ if(format->videofile_firstchunkframes_offset)
+ {
+ Con_DPrintf("Finishing first chunk (%d frames)\n", cls.capturevideo.frame);
+ if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, format->videofile_firstchunkframes_offset, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.frame);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ }
+ FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_END);
+ format->videofile_firstchunkframes_offset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ Con_DPrintf("Finishing another chunk (%d frames)\n", cls.capturevideo.frame);
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck(int framesize)
+ fs_offset_t cursize, curfilesize;
+ if (format->riffstacklevel != 2)
+ Sys_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck: chunk stack leakage!\n");
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ return;
+ // check where we are in the file
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ cursize = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition() - format->riffstackstartoffset[0];
+ curfilesize = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ // if this would overflow the windows limit of 1GB per RIFF chunk, we need
+ // to close the current RIFF chunk and open another for future frames
+ if (8 + cursize + framesize + format->riffindexbuffer.cursize + 8 + format->riffindexbuffer.cursize + 64 > 1<<30) // note that the Ix buffer takes less space... I just don't dare to / 2 here now... sorry, maybe later
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(false);
+ // begin a new 1GB extended section of the AVI
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVIX", -1);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", -1);
+ format->videofile_ix_movistart = format->riffstackstartoffset[1];
+ }
+// converts from BGRA32 to I420 colorspace (identical to YV12 except chroma plane order is reversed), this colorspace is handled by the Intel(r) 4:2:0 codec on Windows
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(int width, int height, unsigned char *instart, unsigned char *outstart)
+ int x, y;
+ int blockr, blockg, blockb;
+ int outoffset = (width/2)*(height/2);
+ unsigned char *b, *out;
+ // process one line at a time, and CbCr every other line at 2 pixel intervals
+ for (y = 0;y < height;y++)
+ {
+ // 1x1 Y
+ for (b = instart + (height-1-y)*width*4, out = outstart + y*width, x = 0;x < width;x++, b += 4, out++)
+ {
+ blockr = b[2];
+ blockg = b[1];
+ blockb = b[0];
+ *out = cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[0][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][2][blockb]];
+ }
+ if ((y & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ // 2x2 Cr and Cb planes
+ int inpitch = width*4;
+ for (b = instart + (height-2-y)*width*4, out = outstart + width*height + (y/2)*(width/2), x = 0;x < width/2;x++, b += 8, out++)
+ {
+ blockr = (b[2] + b[6] + b[inpitch+2] + b[inpitch+6]) >> 2;
+ blockg = (b[1] + b[5] + b[inpitch+1] + b[inpitch+5]) >> 2;
+ blockb = (b[0] + b[4] + b[inpitch+0] + b[inpitch+4]) >> 2;
+ // Cr
+ out[0 ] = cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[1][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][2][blockb] + 128];
+ // Cb
+ out[outoffset] = cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[2][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][2][blockb] + 128];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_VideoFrames(int num)
+ int x = 0, width = cls.capturevideo.width, height = cls.capturevideo.height;
+ unsigned char *in, *out;
+ // FIXME: width/height must be multiple of 2, enforce this?
+ in = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer;
+ out = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer + width*height*4;
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(width, height, in, out);
+ x = width*height+(width/2)*(height/2)*2;
+ while(num-- > 0)
+ {
+ if(format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck(8 + x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry("00dc", x, 0x10); // AVIIF_KEYFRAME
+ }
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVIX", 12+8+x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", 8+x);
+ }
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("00dc", NULL, x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(out, x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ }
+ }
+void SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_EndVideo()
+ if(format->canseek)
+ {
+ // close any open chunks
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(true);
+ // go back and fix the video frames and audio samples fields
+ if(format->videofile_totalframes_offset1)
+ if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, format->videofile_totalframes_offset1, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.frame);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ }
+ if(format->videofile_totalframes_offset2)
+ if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, format->videofile_totalframes_offset2, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.frame);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ }
+ if (cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
+ {
+ if(format->videofile_totalsampleframes_offset)
+ if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, format->videofile_totalsampleframes_offset, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundsampleframe);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (format->riffindexbuffer.data)
+ {
+ Mem_Free(format->riffindexbuffer.data);
+ format->riffindexbuffer.data = NULL;
+ }
+ FS_Close(cls.capturevideo.videofile);
+ cls.capturevideo.videofile = NULL;
+ Mem_Free(format);
+void SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_SoundFrame(const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length)
+ int x;
+ unsigned char bufstereo16le[PAINTBUFFER_SIZE * 4];
+ unsigned char* out_ptr;
+ size_t i;
+ // write the sound buffer as little endian 16bit interleaved stereo
+ for(i = 0, out_ptr = bufstereo16le; i < length; i++, out_ptr += 4)
+ {
+ int n0, n1;
+ n0 = paintbuffer[i].sample[0];
+ n0 = bound(-32768, n0, 32767);
+ out_ptr[0] = (unsigned char)n0;
+ out_ptr[1] = (unsigned char)(n0 >> 8);
+ n1 = paintbuffer[i].sample[1];
+ n1 = bound(-32768, n1, 32767);
+ out_ptr[2] = (unsigned char)n1;
+ out_ptr[3] = (unsigned char)(n1 >> 8);
+ }
+ x = length*4;
+ if(format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck(8 + x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry("01wb", x, 0x10); // AVIIF_KEYFRAME
+ }
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVIX", 12+8+x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", 8+x);
+ }
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("01wb", NULL, x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(bufstereo16le, x);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ }
+void SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo()
+ int width = cls.capturevideo.width;
+ int height = cls.capturevideo.height;
+ int n, d;
+ unsigned int i;
+ double aspect;
+ aspect = vid.width / (vid.height * vid_pixelheight.value);
+ cls.capturevideo.format = CAPTUREVIDEOFORMAT_AVI_I420;
+ cls.capturevideo.videofile = FS_OpenRealFile(va("%s.avi", cls.capturevideo.basename), "wb", false);
+ cls.capturevideo.endvideo = SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_EndVideo;
+ cls.capturevideo.videoframes = SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_VideoFrames;
+ cls.capturevideo.soundframe = SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_SoundFrame;
+ cls.capturevideo.formatspecific = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeof(capturevideostate_avi_formatspecific_t));
+ {
+ format->canseek = (FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Start();
+ // enclosing RIFF chunk (there can be multiple of these in >1GB files, the later ones are "AVIX" instead of "AVI " and have no header/stream info)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVI ", format->canseek ? -1 : 12+(8+56+12+(12+52+8+40+8+68)+(cls.capturevideo.soundrate?(12+12+52+8+18):0)+12+(8+4))+12+(8+(((int) strlen(engineversion) | 1) + 1))+12);
+ // AVI main header
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "hdrl", format->canseek ? -1 : 8+56+12+(12+52+8+40+8+68)+(cls.capturevideo.soundrate?(12+12+52+8+18):0)+12+(8+4));
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("avih", NULL, 56);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((int)(1000000.0 / cls.capturevideo.framerate)); // microseconds per frame
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // max bytes per second
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // padding granularity
+ format->videofile_firstchunkframes_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // total frames
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // initial frames
+ if (cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(2); // number of streams
+ else
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // number of streams
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // suggested buffer size
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // width
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // height
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[0]
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[1]
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[2]
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[3]
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // video stream info
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "strl", format->canseek ? -1 : 12+52+8+40+8+68);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strh", "vids", 52);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("I420"); // stream fourcc (I420 colorspace, uncompressed)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // flags
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // priority
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // language
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // initial frames
+ // find an ideal divisor for the framerate
+ FindFraction(cls.capturevideo.framerate, &n, &d, 1000);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(d); // samples/second divisor
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(n); // samples/second multiplied by divisor
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // start
+ format->videofile_totalframes_offset1 = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0xFFFFFFFF); // length
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width*height+(width/2)*(height/2)*2); // suggested buffer size
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // quality
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // sample size
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame left
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame top
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(width); // frame right
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(height); // frame bottom
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // video stream format
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strf", NULL, 40);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(40); // BITMAPINFO struct size
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // width
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // height
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(3); // planes
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(12); // bitcount
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("I420"); // compression
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width*height+(width/2)*(height/2)*2); // size of image
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // x pixels per meter
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // y pixels per meter
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // color used
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // color important
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // master index
+ if(format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("indx", NULL, -1);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(4); // wLongsPerEntry
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // bIndexSubType=0, bIndexType=0
+ format->videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // nEntriesInUse
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("00dc"); // dwChunkId
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved1
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved2
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved3
+ format->videofile_ix_master_video_start_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ for(i = 0; i < AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE * 4; ++i)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // fill up later
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ }
+ // extended format (aspect!)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("vprp", NULL, 68);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // VideoFormatToken
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // VideoStandard
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((int)cls.capturevideo.framerate); // dwVerticalRefreshRate (bogus)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // dwHTotalInT
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // dwVTotalInLines
+ FindFraction(aspect, &n, &d, 1000);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((n << 16) | d); // dwFrameAspectRatio // TODO a word
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // dwFrameWidthInPixels
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // dwFrameHeightInLines
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // nFieldPerFrame
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // CompressedBMWidth
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // CompressedBMHeight
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // ValidBMHeight
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // ValidBMWidth
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMXOffset
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMYOffset
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMXOffsetInT
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMYValidStartLine
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ if (cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
+ {
+ // audio stream info
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "strl", format->canseek ? -1 : 12+52+8+18);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strh", "auds", 52);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // stream fourcc (PCM audio, uncompressed)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // flags
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // priority
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // language
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // initial frames
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // samples/second divisor
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((int)(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)); // samples/second multiplied by divisor
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // start
+ format->videofile_totalsampleframes_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0xFFFFFFFF); // length
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundrate * 2); // suggested buffer size (this is a half second)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // quality
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(4); // sample size
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame left
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame top
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame right
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame bottom
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // audio stream format
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strf", NULL, 18);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(1); // format (uncompressed PCM?)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(2); // channels (stereo)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundrate); // sampleframes per second
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundrate * 4); // average bytes per second
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(4); // block align
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(16); // bits per sample
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // size
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // master index
+ if(format->canseek)
+ {
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("indx", NULL, -1);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(4); // wLongsPerEntry
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // bIndexSubType=0, bIndexType=0
+ format->videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // nEntriesInUse
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("01wb"); // dwChunkId
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved1
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved2
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved3
+ format->videofile_ix_master_audio_start_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ for(i = 0; i < AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE * 4; ++i)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // fill up later
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ }
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ }
+ format->videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse = format->videofile_ix_master_video_inuse = 0;
+ // extended header (for total #frames)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "odml", 8+4);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("dmlh", NULL, 4);
+ format->videofile_totalframes_offset2 = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // close the AVI header list
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // software that produced this AVI video file
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "INFO", 8+((strlen(engineversion) | 1) + 1));
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("ISFT", NULL, strlen(engineversion) + 1);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteTerminatedString(engineversion);
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // enable this junk filler if you like the LIST movi to always begin at 4KB in the file (why?)
+#if 0
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("JUNK", NULL);
+ x = 4096 - SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
+ while (x > 0)
+ {
+ const char *junkfiller = "[ DarkPlaces junk data ]";
+ int i = min(x, (int)strlen(junkfiller));
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes((const unsigned char *)junkfiller, i);
+ x -= i;
+ }
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // begin the actual video section now
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", format->canseek ? -1 : 0);
+ format->videofile_ix_movistart = format->riffstackstartoffset[1];
+ // we're done with the headers now...
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
+ if (format->riffstacklevel != 2)
+ Sys_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_BeginVideo: broken AVI writing code (stack level is %i (should be 2) at end of headers)\n", format->riffstacklevel);
+ if(!format->canseek)
+ {
+ // close the movi immediately
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ // close the AVI immediately (we'll put all frames into AVIX)
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+void SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo();
// video capture cvars
static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_quality = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_quality", "16", "video quality factor (0 to 63), or -1 to use bitrate only; higher is better"};
-static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitrate = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_quality", "-1", "video bitrate (45000 to 2000000 kbps), or -1 to use quality only; higher is better"};
+static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitrate = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitrate", "-1", "video bitrate (45 to 2000 kbps), or -1 to use quality only; higher is better"};
static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_bitrate_multiplier = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_bitrate_multiplier", "1.5", "how much more bit rate to use for keyframes, specified as a factor of at least 1"};
static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_frequency = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_frequency", "64", "maximum number of frames between two key frames (1 to 1000)"};
static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_mindistance = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_mindistance", "8", "minimum number of frames between two key frames (1 to 1000)"};
static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_auto_threshold = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_auto_threshold", "80", "threshold for key frame decision (0 to 100)"};
static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_noise_sensitivity = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_noise_sensitivity", "1", "video noise sensitivity (0 to 6); lower is better"};
static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_sharpness = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_sharpness", "0", "sharpness (0 to 2); lower is sharper"};
-static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality", "5", "audio quality (-1 to 10); higher is better"};
+static cvar_t cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality", "1", "audio quality (-1 to 10); higher is better"};
// ogg.h stuff
typedef int16_t ogg_int16_t;
theora_state ts;
vorbis_dsp_state vd;
vorbis_block vb;
+ vorbis_info vi;
yuv_buffer yuv;
int channels;
-#define LOAD_FORMATSPECIFIC() capturevideostate_ogg_formatspecific_t *format = (capturevideostate_ogg_formatspecific_t *) cls.capturevideo.formatspecific
+#define LOAD_FORMATSPECIFIC_OGG() capturevideostate_ogg_formatspecific_t *format = (capturevideostate_ogg_formatspecific_t *) cls.capturevideo.formatspecific
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_Begin()
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_EndVideo()
+ ogg_page pg;
+ ogg_packet pt;
+ // repeat the last frame so we can set the end-of-stream flag
+ qtheora_encode_YUVin(&format->ts, &format->yuv);
+ qtheora_encode_packetout(&format->ts, true, &pt);
+ qogg_stream_packetin(&format->to, &pt);
+ if(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
+ {
+ qvorbis_analysis_wrote(&format->vd, 0);
+ while(qvorbis_analysis_blockout(&format->vd, &format->vb) == 1)
+ {
+ qvorbis_analysis(&format->vb, NULL);
+ qvorbis_bitrate_addblock(&format->vb);
+ while(qvorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&format->vd, &pt))
+ qogg_stream_packetin(&format->vo, &pt);
+ }
+ }
+ while(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->to, &pg) > 0)
+ {
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
+ }
+ if(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
+ {
+ while(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->vo, &pg) > 0)
+ {
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
+ }
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ int result = qogg_stream_flush (&format->to, &pg);
+ if (result < 0)
+ fprintf (stderr, "Internal Ogg library error.\n"); // TODO Host_Error
+ if (result <= 0)
+ break;
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
+ }
+ if(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
+ {
+ while (1) {
+ int result = qogg_stream_flush (&format->vo, &pg);
+ if (result < 0)
+ fprintf (stderr, "Internal Ogg library error.\n"); // TODO Host_Error
+ if (result <= 0)
+ break;
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
+ }
+ qogg_stream_clear(&format->vo);
+ qvorbis_block_clear(&format->vb);
+ qvorbis_dsp_clear(&format->vd);
+ }
+ qogg_stream_clear(&format->to);
+ qtheora_clear(&format->ts);
+ qvorbis_info_clear(&format->vi);
+ Mem_Free(format->yuv.y);
+ Mem_Free(format->yuv.u);
+ Mem_Free(format->yuv.v);
+ Mem_Free(format);
+ FS_Close(cls.capturevideo.videofile);
+ cls.capturevideo.videofile = NULL;
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_YUV()
+ int x, y;
+ int blockr, blockg, blockb;
+ unsigned char *b = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer;
+ int w = cls.capturevideo.width;
+ int h = cls.capturevideo.height;
+ int inpitch = w*4;
+ for(y = 0; y < h; ++y)
+ {
+ for(b = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer + (h-1-y)*w*4, x = 0; x < w; ++x)
+ {
+ blockr = b[2];
+ blockg = b[1];
+ blockb = b[0];
+ format->yuv.y[x + format->yuv.y_stride * y] =
+ cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[0][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][2][blockb]];
+ b += 4;
+ }
+ if((y & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ for(b = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer + (h-2-y)*w*4, x = 0; x < w/2; ++x)
+ {
+ blockr = (b[2] + b[6] + b[inpitch+2] + b[inpitch+6]) >> 2;
+ blockg = (b[1] + b[5] + b[inpitch+1] + b[inpitch+5]) >> 2;
+ blockb = (b[0] + b[4] + b[inpitch+0] + b[inpitch+4]) >> 2;
+ format->yuv.u[x + format->yuv.uv_stride * (y/2)] =
+ cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[1][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][2][blockb] + 128];
+ format->yuv.v[x + format->yuv.uv_stride * (y/2)] =
+ cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[2][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][2][blockb] + 128];
+ b += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_VideoFrames(int num)
+ ogg_page pg;
+ ogg_packet pt;
+ // data is in cls.capturevideo.outbuffer as BGRA and has size width*height
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_YUV();
+ while(num-- > 0)
+ {
+ qtheora_encode_YUVin(&format->ts, &format->yuv);
+ qtheora_encode_packetout(&format->ts, false, &pt);
+ qogg_stream_packetin(&format->to, &pt);
+ while(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->to, &pg) > 0)
+ {
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
+ }
+ }
+static void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_SoundFrame(const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length)
+ float **vorbis_buffer;
+ size_t i;
+ int j;
+ ogg_page pg;
+ ogg_packet pt;
+ vorbis_buffer = qvorbis_analysis_buffer(&format->vd, length);
+ for(i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ {
+ for(j = 0; j < cls.capturevideo.soundchannels; ++j)
+ vorbis_buffer[j][i] = paintbuffer[i].sample[j] / 32768.0f;
+ }
+ qvorbis_analysis_wrote(&format->vd, length);
+ while(qvorbis_analysis_blockout(&format->vd, &format->vb) == 1)
+ {
+ qvorbis_analysis(&format->vb, NULL);
+ qvorbis_bitrate_addblock(&format->vb);
+ while(qvorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&format->vd, &pt))
+ qogg_stream_packetin(&format->vo, &pt);
+ }
+ while(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->vo, &pg) > 0)
+ {
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
+ FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
+ }
+void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo()
cls.capturevideo.videofile = FS_OpenRealFile(va("%s.ogv", cls.capturevideo.basename), "wb", false);
+ cls.capturevideo.endvideo = SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_EndVideo;
+ cls.capturevideo.videoframes = SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_VideoFrames;
+ cls.capturevideo.soundframe = SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_SoundFrame;
cls.capturevideo.formatspecific = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeof(capturevideostate_ogg_formatspecific_t));
int num, denom;
ogg_page pg;
ogg_packet pt, pt2, pt3;
theora_comment tc;
vorbis_comment vc;
theora_info ti;
- vorbis_info vi;
format->serial1 = rand();
qogg_stream_init(&format->to, format->serial1);
ti.quick_p = true; // http://mlblog.osdir.com/multimedia.ogg.theora.general/2004-07/index.shtml
ti.dropframes_p = false;
- ti.target_bitrate = cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitrate.integer;
+ ti.target_bitrate = cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitrate.integer * 1000;
ti.quality = cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_quality.integer;
if(ti.target_bitrate <= 0)
// vorbis?
- qvorbis_info_init(&vi);
- qvorbis_encode_init_vbr(&vi, cls.capturevideo.soundchannels, cls.capturevideo.soundrate, bound(-1, cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality.value, 10) * 0.1);
+ qvorbis_info_init(&format->vi);
+ qvorbis_encode_init_vbr(&format->vi, cls.capturevideo.soundchannels, cls.capturevideo.soundrate, bound(-1, cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality.value, 10) * 0.099);
- qvorbis_analysis_init(&format->vd, &vi);
+ qvorbis_analysis_init(&format->vd, &format->vi);
qvorbis_block_init(&format->vd, &format->vb);
qogg_stream_packetin(&format->vo, &pt3);
- qvorbis_info_clear(&vi);
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_EndVideo()
- ogg_page pg;
- ogg_packet pt;
- // repeat the last frame so we can set the end-of-stream flag
- qtheora_encode_YUVin(&format->ts, &format->yuv);
- qtheora_encode_packetout(&format->ts, true, &pt);
- qogg_stream_packetin(&format->to, &pt);
- if(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
- {
- qvorbis_analysis_wrote(&format->vd, 0);
- while(qvorbis_analysis_blockout(&format->vd, &format->vb) == 1)
- {
- qvorbis_analysis(&format->vb, NULL);
- qvorbis_bitrate_addblock(&format->vb);
- while(qvorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&format->vd, &pt))
- qogg_stream_packetin(&format->vo, &pt);
- }
- }
- if(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->to, &pg) > 0)
- {
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
- }
- if(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
- {
- if(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->vo, &pg) > 0)
- {
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
- }
- }
- while (1) {
- int result = qogg_stream_flush (&format->to, &pg);
- if (result < 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Internal Ogg library error.\n"); // TODO Host_Error
- if (result <= 0)
- break;
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
- }
- if(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
- {
- while (1) {
- int result = qogg_stream_flush (&format->vo, &pg);
- if (result < 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Internal Ogg library error.\n"); // TODO Host_Error
- if (result <= 0)
- break;
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
- }
- qogg_stream_clear(&format->vo);
- qvorbis_block_clear(&format->vb);
- qvorbis_dsp_clear(&format->vd);
- }
- qogg_stream_clear(&format->to);
- qtheora_clear(&format->ts);
- Mem_Free(format->yuv.y);
- Mem_Free(format->yuv.u);
- Mem_Free(format->yuv.v);
- Mem_Free(format);
- // cl_screen.c does this
- // FS_Close(cls.capturevideo.videofile);
- // cls.capturevideo.videofile = NULL;
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_YUV()
- int x, y;
- int blockr, blockg, blockb;
- unsigned char *b = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer;
- int w = cls.capturevideo.width;
- int h = cls.capturevideo.height;
- int inpitch = w*4;
- for(y = 0; y < h; ++y)
- {
- for(b = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer + (h-1-y)*w*4, x = 0; x < w; ++x)
- {
- blockr = b[2];
- blockg = b[1];
- blockb = b[0];
- format->yuv.y[x + format->yuv.y_stride * y] =
- cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[0][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][2][blockb]];
- b += 4;
- }
- if((y & 1) == 0)
- {
- for(b = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer + (h-2-y)*w*4, x = 0; x < w/2; ++x)
- {
- blockr = (b[2] + b[6] + b[inpitch+2] + b[inpitch+6]) >> 2;
- blockg = (b[1] + b[5] + b[inpitch+1] + b[inpitch+5]) >> 2;
- blockb = (b[0] + b[4] + b[inpitch+0] + b[inpitch+4]) >> 2;
- format->yuv.u[x + format->yuv.uv_stride * (y/2)] =
- cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[1][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][2][blockb] + 128];
- format->yuv.v[x + format->yuv.uv_stride * (y/2)] =
- cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[2][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][2][blockb] + 128];
- b += 8;
- }
- }
- }
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_VideoFrame()
- ogg_page pg;
- ogg_packet pt;
- // data is in cls.capturevideo.outbuffer as BGRA and has size width*height
- SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_YUV();
- qtheora_encode_YUVin(&format->ts, &format->yuv);
- qtheora_encode_packetout(&format->ts, false, &pt);
- qogg_stream_packetin(&format->to, &pt);
- while(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->to, &pg) > 0)
- {
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
- }
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_SoundFrame(const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length)
- float **vorbis_buffer;
- size_t i;
- int j;
- ogg_page pg;
- ogg_packet pt;
- vorbis_buffer = qvorbis_analysis_buffer(&format->vd, length);
- for(i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < cls.capturevideo.soundchannels; ++j)
- vorbis_buffer[j][i] = paintbuffer[i].sample[j] / 32768.0f;
- }
- qvorbis_analysis_wrote(&format->vd, length);
- while(qvorbis_analysis_blockout(&format->vd, &format->vb) == 1)
- {
- qvorbis_analysis(&format->vb, NULL);
- qvorbis_bitrate_addblock(&format->vb);
- while(qvorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&format->vd, &pt))
- qogg_stream_packetin(&format->vo, &pt);
- }
- while(qogg_stream_pageout(&format->vo, &pg) > 0)
- {
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.header, pg.header_len);
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, pg.body, pg.body_len);
- }
-#include "snd_main.h"
void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_Init();
qboolean SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_Available();
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_Begin();
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_EndVideo();
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_VideoFrame();
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_SoundFrame(const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length);
+void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo();
void SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_CloseDLL();
#include "cl_collision.h"
#include "libcurl.h"
#include "csprogs.h"
+#include "cap_avi.h"
#include "cap_ogg.h"
// we have to include snd_main.h here only to get access to snd_renderbuffer->format.speed when writing the AVI headers
cvar_t scr_screenshot_gammaboost = {CVAR_SAVE, "scr_screenshot_gammaboost","1", "gamma correction on saved screenshots and videos, 1.0 saves unmodified images"};
// scr_screenshot_name is defined in fs.c
cvar_t cl_capturevideo = {0, "cl_capturevideo", "0", "enables saving of video to a .avi file using uncompressed I420 colorspace and PCM audio, note that scr_screenshot_gammaboost affects the brightness of the output)"};
+cvar_t cl_capturevideo_printfps = {0, "cl_capturevideo_printfps", "1", "prints the frames per second captured in capturevideo (is only written to the log file, not to the console, as that would be visible on the video)"};
cvar_t cl_capturevideo_width = {0, "cl_capturevideo_width", "0", "scales all frames to this resolution before saving the video"};
cvar_t cl_capturevideo_height = {0, "cl_capturevideo_height", "0", "scales all frames to this resolution before saving the video"};
cvar_t cl_capturevideo_realtime = {0, "cl_capturevideo_realtime", "0", "causes video saving to operate in realtime (mostly useful while playing, not while capturing demos), this can produce a much lower quality video due to poor sound/video sync and will abort saving if your machine stalls for over a minute"};
cvar_t shownetgraph = {CVAR_SAVE, "shownetgraph", "0", "shows a graph of packet sizes and other information, 0 = off, 1 = show client netgraph, 2 = show client and server netgraphs (when hosting a server)"};
cvar_t cl_demo_mousegrab = {0, "cl_demo_mousegrab", "0", "Allows reading the mouse input while playing demos. Useful for camera mods developed in csqc. (0: never, 1: always)"};
-#define AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE 640 // GB ought to be enough for anyone
int jpeg_supported = false;
qboolean scr_initialized; // ready to draw
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_screenshot_gammaboost);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_capturevideo);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_capturevideo_printfps);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_capturevideo_width);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_capturevideo_height);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_capturevideo_realtime);
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Start(void)
- memset(&cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer, 0, sizeof(sizebuf_t));
- cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.maxsize = sizeof(cls.capturevideo.riffbufferdata);
- cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.data = cls.capturevideo.riffbufferdata;
- cls.capturevideo.position = 0;
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush(void)
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize > 0)
- {
- if (!FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.data, cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize))
- cls.capturevideo.error = true;
- cls.capturevideo.position += cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize;
- cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize = 0;
- cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.overflowed = false;
- }
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(const unsigned char *data, size_t size)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- if (!FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, data, size))
- cls.capturevideo.error = true;
- cls.capturevideo.position += size;
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(int n)
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize + 4 > cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.maxsize)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- MSG_WriteLong(&cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer, n);
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(int n)
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize + 2 > cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.maxsize)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- MSG_WriteShort(&cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer, n);
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(const char *chunkfourcc)
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize + (int)strlen(chunkfourcc) > cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.maxsize)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- MSG_WriteUnterminatedString(&cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer, chunkfourcc);
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteTerminatedString(const char *string)
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.cursize + (int)strlen(string) > cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer.maxsize)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- MSG_WriteString(&cls.capturevideo.riffbuffer, string);
-static fs_offset_t SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition(void)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- //return FS_Tell(cls.capturevideo.videofile);
- return cls.capturevideo.position;
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push(const char *chunkfourcc, const char *listtypefourcc, fs_offset_t sizeHint)
- if (listtypefourcc && sizeHint >= 0)
- sizeHint += 4; // size hint is for INNER size
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(chunkfourcc);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(sizeHint);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- cls.capturevideo.riffstacksizehint[cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel] = sizeHint;
- cls.capturevideo.riffstackstartoffset[cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel] = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- cls.capturevideo.riffstackfourcc[cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel] = chunkfourcc;
- ++cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel;
- if (listtypefourcc)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(listtypefourcc);
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop(void)
- fs_offset_t offset, sizehint;
- int x;
- unsigned char sizebytes[4];
- // write out the chunk size and then return to the current file position
- cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel--;
- offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- sizehint = cls.capturevideo.riffstacksizehint[cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel];
- x = (int)(offset - (cls.capturevideo.riffstackstartoffset[cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel]));
- if(x != sizehint)
- {
- if(sizehint != -1)
- {
- int i;
- Con_Printf("WARNING: invalid size hint %d when writing video data (actual size: %d)\n", (int) sizehint, x);
- for(i = 0; i <= cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel; ++i)
- {
- Con_Printf(" RIFF level %d = %s\n", i, cls.capturevideo.riffstackfourcc[i]);
- }
- }
- sizebytes[0] = (x) & 0xff;sizebytes[1] = (x >> 8) & 0xff;sizebytes[2] = (x >> 16) & 0xff;sizebytes[3] = (x >> 24) & 0xff;
- if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, -(x + 4), SEEK_END) >= 0)
- {
- FS_Write(cls.capturevideo.videofile, sizebytes, 4);
- }
- FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_END);
- }
- if (offset & 1)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes((unsigned char *) "\0", 1);
- }
-static void GrowBuf(sizebuf_t *buf, int extralen)
- if(buf->cursize + extralen > buf->maxsize)
- {
- int oldsize = buf->maxsize;
- unsigned char *olddata;
- olddata = buf->data;
- buf->maxsize = max(buf->maxsize * 2, 4096);
- buf->data = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, buf->maxsize);
- if(olddata)
- {
- memcpy(buf->data, olddata, oldsize);
- Mem_Free(olddata);
- }
- }
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry(const char *chunkfourcc, int chunksize, int flags)
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- Host_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry called on non-seekable AVI");
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel != 2)
- Sys_Error("SCR_Capturevideo_RIFF_IndexEntry: RIFF stack level is %i (should be 2)\n", cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel);
- GrowBuf(&cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer, 16);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- MSG_WriteUnterminatedString(&cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer, chunkfourcc);
- MSG_WriteLong(&cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer, flags);
- MSG_WriteLong(&cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer, (int)FS_Tell(cls.capturevideo.videofile) - cls.capturevideo.riffstackstartoffset[1]);
- MSG_WriteLong(&cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer, chunksize);
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk(const char *fcc, const char *dwChunkId, fs_offset_t masteridx_counter, int *masteridx_count, fs_offset_t masteridx_start)
- int nMatching;
- int i;
- fs_offset_t ix = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- fs_offset_t pos, sz;
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- Host_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk called on non-seekable AVI");
- if(*masteridx_count >= AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE)
- return;
- nMatching = 0; // go through index and enumerate them
- for(i = 0; i < cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize; i += 16)
- if(!memcmp(cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data + i, dwChunkId, 4))
- ++nMatching;
- sz = 2+2+4+4+4+4+4;
- for(i = 0; i < cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize; i += 16)
- if(!memcmp(cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data + i, dwChunkId, 4))
- sz += 8;
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push(fcc, NULL, sz);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(2); // wLongsPerEntry
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0x0100); // bIndexType=1, bIndexSubType=0
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(nMatching); // nEntriesInUse
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC(dwChunkId); // dwChunkId
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_movistart & (fs_offset_t) 0xFFFFFFFFu);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(((fs_offset_t) cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_movistart) >> 32);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved
- for(i = 0; i < cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize; i += 16)
- if(!memcmp(cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data + i, dwChunkId, 4))
- {
- unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) (cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data + i);
- unsigned int flags = p[1];
- unsigned int rpos = p[2];
- unsigned int size = p[3];
- size &= ~0x80000000;
- if(!(flags & 0x10)) // no keyframe?
- size |= 0x80000000;
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(rpos + 8);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(size);
- }
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- pos = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, masteridx_start + 16 * *masteridx_count, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(ix & (fs_offset_t) 0xFFFFFFFFu);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(((fs_offset_t) ix) >> 32);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(pos - ix);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(nMatching);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- }
- if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, masteridx_counter, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(++*masteridx_count);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- }
- FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_END); // return value doesn't matter here
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(qboolean final)
- // close the "movi" list
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- if(cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk("ix00", "00dc", cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset, &cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_video_inuse, cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_video_start_offset);
- if(cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk("ix01", "01wb", cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset, &cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse, cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_audio_start_offset);
- // write the idx1 chunk that we've been building while saving the frames (for old style players)
- if(final && cls.capturevideo.videofile_firstchunkframes_offset)
- // TODO replace index creating by OpenDML ix##/##ix/indx chunk so it works for more than one AVI part too
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("idx1", NULL, cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data, cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- }
- cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize = 0;
- // pop the RIFF chunk itself
- while (cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel > 0)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- if(cls.capturevideo.videofile_firstchunkframes_offset)
- {
- Con_DPrintf("Finishing first chunk (%d frames)\n", cls.capturevideo.frame);
- if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, cls.capturevideo.videofile_firstchunkframes_offset, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.frame);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- }
- FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_END);
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_firstchunkframes_offset = 0;
- }
- else
- Con_DPrintf("Finishing another chunk (%d frames)\n", cls.capturevideo.frame);
-static void SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck(int framesize)
- fs_offset_t cursize, curfilesize;
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel != 2)
- Sys_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck: chunk stack leakage!\n");
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- return;
- // check where we are in the file
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- cursize = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition() - cls.capturevideo.riffstackstartoffset[0];
- curfilesize = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- // if this would overflow the windows limit of 1GB per RIFF chunk, we need
- // to close the current RIFF chunk and open another for future frames
- if (8 + cursize + framesize + cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize + 8 + cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.cursize + 64 > 1<<30) // note that the Ix buffer takes less space... I just don't dare to / 2 here now... sorry, maybe later
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(false);
- // begin a new 1GB extended section of the AVI
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVIX", -1);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", -1);
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_movistart = cls.capturevideo.riffstackstartoffset[1];
- }
void SCR_CaptureVideo_BeginVideo(void)
- double gamma, g, aspect;
- int width = cl_capturevideo_width.integer, height = cl_capturevideo_height.integer;
- int n, d;
+ double gamma, g;
unsigned int i;
+ int width = cl_capturevideo_width.integer, height = cl_capturevideo_height.integer;
if (cls.capturevideo.active)
memset(&cls.capturevideo, 0, sizeof(cls.capturevideo));
if(height < 2 || height > vid.height) // can't scale up
height = vid.height;
- aspect = vid.width / (vid.height * vid_pixelheight.value);
// ensure it's all even; if not, scale down a little
if(width % 1)
cls.capturevideo.width = width;
cls.capturevideo.height = height;
cls.capturevideo.active = true;
- cls.capturevideo.starttime = realtime;
cls.capturevideo.framerate = bound(1, cl_capturevideo_fps.value, 1001);
cls.capturevideo.soundrate = S_GetSoundRate();
cls.capturevideo.soundchannels = S_GetSoundChannels();
- cls.capturevideo.frame = 0;
+ cls.capturevideo.startrealtime = realtime;
+ cls.capturevideo.frame = cls.capturevideo.lastfpsframe = 0;
+ cls.capturevideo.starttime = cls.capturevideo.lastfpstime = Sys_DoubleTime();
cls.capturevideo.soundsampleframe = 0;
cls.capturevideo.realtime = cl_capturevideo_realtime.integer != 0;
cls.capturevideo.screenbuffer = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, vid.width * vid.height * 4);
if (cl_capturevideo_ogg.integer && SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_Available())
- SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_Begin();
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo();
- cls.capturevideo.format = CAPTUREVIDEOFORMAT_AVI_I420;
- cls.capturevideo.videofile = FS_OpenRealFile(va("%s.avi", cls.capturevideo.basename), "wb", false);
- cls.capturevideo.canseek = (FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Start();
- // enclosing RIFF chunk (there can be multiple of these in >1GB files, the later ones are "AVIX" instead of "AVI " and have no header/stream info)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVI ", cls.capturevideo.canseek ? -1 : 12+(8+56+12+(12+52+8+40+8+68)+(cls.capturevideo.soundrate?(12+12+52+8+18):0)+12+(8+4))+12+(8+(((int) strlen(engineversion) | 1) + 1))+12);
- // AVI main header
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "hdrl", cls.capturevideo.canseek ? -1 : 8+56+12+(12+52+8+40+8+68)+(cls.capturevideo.soundrate?(12+12+52+8+18):0)+12+(8+4));
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("avih", NULL, 56);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((int)(1000000.0 / cls.capturevideo.framerate)); // microseconds per frame
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // max bytes per second
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // padding granularity
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_firstchunkframes_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // total frames
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // initial frames
- if (cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(2); // number of streams
- else
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // number of streams
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // suggested buffer size
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // width
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // height
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[0]
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[1]
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[2]
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // reserved[3]
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // video stream info
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "strl", cls.capturevideo.canseek ? -1 : 12+52+8+40+8+68);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strh", "vids", 52);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("I420"); // stream fourcc (I420 colorspace, uncompressed)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // flags
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // priority
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // language
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // initial frames
- // find an ideal divisor for the framerate
- FindFraction(cls.capturevideo.framerate, &n, &d, 1000);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(d); // samples/second divisor
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(n); // samples/second multiplied by divisor
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // start
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalframes_offset1 = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0xFFFFFFFF); // length
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width*height+(width/2)*(height/2)*2); // suggested buffer size
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // quality
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // sample size
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame left
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame top
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(width); // frame right
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(height); // frame bottom
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // video stream format
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strf", NULL, 40);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(40); // BITMAPINFO struct size
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // width
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // height
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(3); // planes
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(12); // bitcount
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("I420"); // compression
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width*height+(width/2)*(height/2)*2); // size of image
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // x pixels per meter
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // y pixels per meter
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // color used
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // color important
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // master index
- if(cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("indx", NULL, -1);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(4); // wLongsPerEntry
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // bIndexSubType=0, bIndexType=0
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // nEntriesInUse
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("00dc"); // dwChunkId
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved1
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved2
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved3
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_video_start_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- for(i = 0; i < AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE * 4; ++i)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // fill up later
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- }
- // extended format (aspect!)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("vprp", NULL, 68);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // VideoFormatToken
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // VideoStandard
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((int)cls.capturevideo.framerate); // dwVerticalRefreshRate (bogus)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // dwHTotalInT
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // dwVTotalInLines
- FindFraction(aspect, &n, &d, 1000);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((n << 16) | d); // dwFrameAspectRatio // TODO a word
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // dwFrameWidthInPixels
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // dwFrameHeightInLines
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // nFieldPerFrame
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // CompressedBMWidth
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // CompressedBMHeight
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(width); // ValidBMHeight
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(height); // ValidBMWidth
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMXOffset
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMYOffset
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMXOffsetInT
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // ValidBMYValidStartLine
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- if (cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
- {
- // audio stream info
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "strl", cls.capturevideo.canseek ? -1 : 12+52+8+18);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strh", "auds", 52);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // stream fourcc (PCM audio, uncompressed)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // flags
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // priority
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // language
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // initial frames
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(1); // samples/second divisor
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32((int)(cls.capturevideo.soundrate)); // samples/second multiplied by divisor
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // start
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalsampleframes_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0xFFFFFFFF); // length
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundrate * 2); // suggested buffer size (this is a half second)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // quality
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(4); // sample size
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame left
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame top
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame right
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // frame bottom
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // audio stream format
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("strf", NULL, 18);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(1); // format (uncompressed PCM?)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(2); // channels (stereo)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundrate); // sampleframes per second
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundrate * 4); // average bytes per second
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(4); // block align
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(16); // bits per sample
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // size
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // master index
- if(cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("indx", NULL, -1);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(4); // wLongsPerEntry
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write16(0); // bIndexSubType=0, bIndexType=0
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // nEntriesInUse
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteFourCC("01wb"); // dwChunkId
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved1
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved2
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // dwReserved3
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_audio_start_offset = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- for(i = 0; i < AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE * 4; ++i)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0); // fill up later
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- }
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- }
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse = cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_master_video_inuse = 0;
- // extended header (for total #frames)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "odml", 8+4);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("dmlh", NULL, 4);
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalframes_offset2 = SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(0xFFFFFFFF);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // close the AVI header list
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // software that produced this AVI video file
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "INFO", 8+((strlen(engineversion) | 1) + 1));
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("ISFT", NULL, strlen(engineversion) + 1);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteTerminatedString(engineversion);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // enable this junk filler if you like the LIST movi to always begin at 4KB in the file (why?)
-#if 0
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("JUNK", NULL);
- x = 4096 - SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_GetPosition();
- while (x > 0)
- {
- const char *junkfiller = "[ DarkPlaces junk data ]";
- int i = min(x, (int)strlen(junkfiller));
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes((const unsigned char *)junkfiller, i);
- x -= i;
- }
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // begin the actual video section now
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", cls.capturevideo.canseek ? -1 : 0);
- cls.capturevideo.videofile_ix_movistart = cls.capturevideo.riffstackstartoffset[1];
- // we're done with the headers now...
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel != 2)
- Sys_Error("SCR_CaptureVideo_BeginVideo: broken AVI writing code (stack level is %i (should be 2) at end of headers)\n", cls.capturevideo.riffstacklevel);
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- // close the movi immediately
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- // close the AVI immediately (we'll put all frames into AVIX)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- }
- }
- switch(cls.capturevideo.format)
- {
- break;
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo();
if (!cls.capturevideo.active)
cls.capturevideo.active = false;
- if (cls.capturevideo.videofile)
- {
- switch(cls.capturevideo.format)
- {
- Con_DPrintf("Finishing capture (%d frames, %d audio frames)\n", cls.capturevideo.frame, cls.capturevideo.soundsampleframe);
- if(cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- // close any open chunks
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(true);
+ Con_DPrintf("Finishing capture (%d frames, %d audio frames)\n", cls.capturevideo.frame, cls.capturevideo.soundsampleframe);
- // go back and fix the video frames and audio samples fields
- if(cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalframes_offset1)
- if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalframes_offset1, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.frame);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- }
- if(cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalframes_offset2)
- if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalframes_offset2, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.frame);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- }
- if (cls.capturevideo.soundrate)
- {
- if(cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalsampleframes_offset)
- if(FS_Seek(cls.capturevideo.videofile, cls.capturevideo.videofile_totalsampleframes_offset, SEEK_SET) >= 0)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Write32(cls.capturevideo.soundsampleframe);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_EndVideo();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- FS_Close(cls.capturevideo.videofile);
- cls.capturevideo.videofile = NULL;
+ if (cls.capturevideo.videofile)
+ {
+ cls.capturevideo.endvideo();
if (cls.capturevideo.screenbuffer)
cls.capturevideo.outbuffer = NULL;
- if (cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data)
- {
- Mem_Free(cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data);
- cls.capturevideo.riffindexbuffer.data = NULL;
- }
memset(&cls.capturevideo, 0, sizeof(cls.capturevideo));
-// converts from BGRA32 to I420 colorspace (identical to YV12 except chroma plane order is reversed), this colorspace is handled by the Intel(r) 4:2:0 codec on Windows
-void SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(int width, int height, unsigned char *instart, unsigned char *outstart)
- int x, y;
- int blockr, blockg, blockb;
- int outoffset = (width/2)*(height/2);
- unsigned char *b, *out;
- // process one line at a time, and CbCr every other line at 2 pixel intervals
- for (y = 0;y < height;y++)
- {
- // 1x1 Y
- for (b = instart + (height-1-y)*width*4, out = outstart + y*width, x = 0;x < width;x++, b += 4, out++)
- {
- blockr = b[2];
- blockg = b[1];
- blockb = b[0];
- *out = cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[0][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[0][2][blockb]];
- }
- if ((y & 1) == 0)
- {
- // 2x2 Cr and Cb planes
- int inpitch = width*4;
- for (b = instart + (height-2-y)*width*4, out = outstart + width*height + (y/2)*(width/2), x = 0;x < width/2;x++, b += 8, out++)
- {
- blockr = (b[2] + b[6] + b[inpitch+2] + b[inpitch+6]) >> 2;
- blockg = (b[1] + b[5] + b[inpitch+1] + b[inpitch+5]) >> 2;
- blockb = (b[0] + b[4] + b[inpitch+0] + b[inpitch+4]) >> 2;
- // Cr
- out[0 ] = cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[1][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[1][2][blockb] + 128];
- // Cb
- out[outoffset] = cls.capturevideo.yuvnormalizetable[2][cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][0][blockr] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][1][blockg] + cls.capturevideo.rgbtoyuvscaletable[2][2][blockb] + 128];
- }
- }
- }
static void SCR_ScaleDownBGRA(unsigned char *in, int inw, int inh, unsigned char *out, int outw, int outh)
// TODO optimize this function
-qboolean SCR_CaptureVideo_VideoFrame(int newframenum)
+void SCR_CaptureVideo_VideoFrame(int newframenum)
- int x = 0, y = 0, width = cls.capturevideo.width, height = cls.capturevideo.height;
- unsigned char *in, *out;
+ int x = 0, y = 0;
+ int width = cls.capturevideo.width, height = cls.capturevideo.height;
//return SCR_ScreenShot(filename, cls.capturevideo.buffer, cls.capturevideo.buffer + vid.width * vid.height * 3, cls.capturevideo.buffer + vid.width * vid.height * 6, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, false, false, false, jpeg, true);
// speed is critical here, so do saving as directly as possible
qglReadPixels (x, y, vid.width, vid.height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, cls.capturevideo.screenbuffer);CHECKGLERROR
SCR_ScaleDownBGRA (cls.capturevideo.screenbuffer, vid.width, vid.height, cls.capturevideo.outbuffer, width, height);
- switch (cls.capturevideo.format)
+ cls.capturevideo.videoframes(newframenum - cls.capturevideo.frame);
+ cls.capturevideo.frame = newframenum;
+ if(cl_capturevideo_printfps.integer)
- // if there's no videofile we have to just give up, and abort saving
- if (!cls.capturevideo.videofile)
- return false;
- // FIXME: width/height must be multiple of 2, enforce this?
- in = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer;
- out = cls.capturevideo.outbuffer + width*height*4;
- SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(width, height, in, out);
- x = width*height+(width/2)*(height/2)*2;
- for (;cls.capturevideo.frame < newframenum;cls.capturevideo.frame++)
+ char buf[80];
+ double t = Sys_DoubleTime();
+ if(t > cls.capturevideo.lastfpstime + 1)
- if(cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck(8 + x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry("00dc", x, 0x10); // AVIIF_KEYFRAME
- }
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVIX", 12+8+x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", 8+x);
- }
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("00dc", NULL, x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(out, x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- }
+ double fps1 = (cls.capturevideo.frame - cls.capturevideo.lastfpsframe) / (t - cls.capturevideo.lastfpstime + 0.0000001);
+ double fps = (cls.capturevideo.frame ) / (t - cls.capturevideo.starttime + 0.0000001);
+ dpsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "capturevideo: (%.1fs) last second %.3ffps, total %.3ffps\n", cls.capturevideo.frame / cls.capturevideo.framerate, fps1, fps);
+ Sys_PrintToTerminal(buf);
+ cls.capturevideo.lastfpstime = t;
+ cls.capturevideo.lastfpsframe = cls.capturevideo.frame;
- return true;
- for (;cls.capturevideo.frame < newframenum;cls.capturevideo.frame++)
- SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_VideoFrame();
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
void SCR_CaptureVideo_SoundFrame(const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length)
- int x;
- unsigned char bufstereo16le[PAINTBUFFER_SIZE * 4];
- unsigned char* out_ptr;
- size_t i;
cls.capturevideo.soundsampleframe += length;
- switch (cls.capturevideo.format)
- {
- // write the sound buffer as little endian 16bit interleaved stereo
- for(i = 0, out_ptr = bufstereo16le; i < length; i++, out_ptr += 4)
- {
- int n0, n1;
- n0 = paintbuffer[i].sample[0];
- n0 = bound(-32768, n0, 32767);
- out_ptr[0] = (unsigned char)n0;
- out_ptr[1] = (unsigned char)(n0 >> 8);
- n1 = paintbuffer[i].sample[1];
- n1 = bound(-32768, n1, 32767);
- out_ptr[2] = (unsigned char)n1;
- out_ptr[3] = (unsigned char)(n1 >> 8);
- }
- x = length*4;
- if(cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_OverflowCheck(8 + x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry("01wb", x, 0x10); // AVIIF_KEYFRAME
- }
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("RIFF", "AVIX", 12+8+x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("LIST", "movi", 8+x);
- }
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Push("01wb", NULL, x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(bufstereo16le, x);
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- if(!cls.capturevideo.canseek)
- {
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop();
- }
- break;
- SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_SoundFrame(paintbuffer, length);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ cls.capturevideo.soundframe(paintbuffer, length);
void SCR_CaptureVideo(void)
if (cls.capturevideo.realtime)
// preserve sound sync by duplicating frames when running slow
- newframenum = (int)((realtime - cls.capturevideo.starttime) * cls.capturevideo.framerate);
+ newframenum = (int)((realtime - cls.capturevideo.startrealtime) * cls.capturevideo.framerate);
newframenum = cls.capturevideo.frame + 1;
#define CLIENT_H
#include "matrixlib.h"
+#include "snd_main.h"
// LordHavoc: 256 dynamic lights
#define MAX_DLIGHTS 256
typedef struct capturevideostate_s
- double starttime;
+ double startrealtime;
double framerate;
- // for AVI saving some values have to be written after capture ends
- fs_offset_t videofile_firstchunkframes_offset;
- fs_offset_t videofile_totalframes_offset1;
- fs_offset_t videofile_totalframes_offset2;
- fs_offset_t videofile_totalsampleframes_offset;
- int videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse;
- fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_audio_inuse_offset;
- fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_audio_start_offset;
- int videofile_ix_master_video_inuse;
- fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_video_inuse_offset;
- fs_offset_t videofile_ix_master_video_start_offset;
- fs_offset_t videofile_ix_movistart;
- fs_offset_t position;
qfile_t *videofile;
qboolean active;
qboolean realtime;
qboolean error;
- qboolean canseek;
capturevideoformat_t format;
int soundrate;
int soundchannels;
int frame;
- int soundsampleframe; // for AVI saving
+ double starttime;
+ double lastfpstime;
+ int lastfpsframe;
+ int soundsampleframe;
unsigned char *screenbuffer;
unsigned char *outbuffer;
- sizebuf_t riffbuffer;
- unsigned char riffbufferdata[128];
- // note: riffindex buffer has an allocated ->data member, not static like most!
- sizebuf_t riffindexbuffer;
- int riffstacklevel;
- fs_offset_t riffstackstartoffset[4];
- fs_offset_t riffstacksizehint[4];
- const char *riffstackfourcc[4];
- short rgbtoyuvscaletable[3][3][256];
- unsigned char yuvnormalizetable[3][256];
char basename[64];
int width, height;
+ short rgbtoyuvscaletable[3][3][256];
+ unsigned char yuvnormalizetable[3][256];
+ // format specific functions
+ void (*endvideo) ();
+ void (*videoframes) (int num);
+ void (*soundframe) (const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length);
+ // format specific data
void *formatspecific;
# Common objects
+ cap_avi.o \
cap_ogg.o \
cd_shared.o \
cl_collision.o \