alias sv_hook_gamestart_inv
alias sv_hook_gamestart_duel
alias sv_hook_gamestart_mayhem
+alias sv_hook_gamestart_tmayhem
// there is currently no hook for when the match is restarted
// see sv_hook_readyrestart for previous uses of this hook
//alias sv_hook_gamerestart
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_duel
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_mayhem
+alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tmayhem
// Example preset to allow 1v1ctf to be used for the gametype voting screen.
// Aliases can have max 31 chars so the gametype can have max 9 chars.
set g_mayhem_respawn_delay_max 0
set g_mayhem_respawn_waves 0
set g_mayhem_weapon_stay 0
+set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_small 0
+set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_small_count 0
+set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_large 0
+set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_large_count 0
+set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_max 0
+set g_tmayhem_respawn_waves 0
+set g_tmayhem_weapon_stay 0
// =========
set g_duel_with_powerups 0 "Enable powerups to spawn in the duel gamemode"
set g_duel_not_dm_maps 0 "when this is set, DM maps will NOT be listed in duel"
-// ========
-// mayhem
-// ========
-set g_mayhem 0 "Mayhem: the player with most frags in total mayhem wins"
+// ======================
+// mayhem (ffa or team)
+// ======================
+set g_mayhem 0 "Mayhem: the player with the most frags in total mayhem wins"
set g_mayhem_regenerate 0 "allow players to regenerate hp. rates controlled by hp regeneration and rotting cvars"
-set g_mayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"
\ No newline at end of file
+set g_mayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"
+set g_tmayhem 0 "Team Mayhem: the team with the most frags in total mayhem wins"
+set g_tmayhem_teams 2 "how many teams are in team mayhem (set by mapinfo)"
+set g_tmayhem_team_spawns 0 "when 1, players spawn from the team spawnpoints of the map, if any"
+set g_tmayhem_teams_override 0 "how many teams are in team mayhem"
+set g_tmayhem_point_limit -1 "Team Mayhem point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+set g_tmayhem_point_leadlimit -1 "Team Mayhem point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+set g_tmayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"