void Arc_Smoke(Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire)
- // TODO: spamming this without checking any refires is asking for trouble!
+ // calculate a rough shot origin to show the effect from TODO: move this to the client side!
- W_SetupShot_Range(actor,weaponentity,false,0,SND_Null,0,0,0,thiswep.m_id); // TODO: probably doesn't need deathtype, since this is just a prefire effect
+ w_shotdir = v_forward;
+ vector md = actor.(weaponentity).movedir;
+ vector vecs = ((md.x > 0) ? md : '0 0 0');
+ vector dv = v_forward * vecs.x + v_right * -vecs.y + v_up * vecs.z;
+ w_shotorg = actor.origin + actor.view_ofs + dv;
+ //W_SetupShot_Range(actor,weaponentity,false,0,SND_Null,0,0,0,thiswep.m_id);
vector smoke_origin = w_shotorg + actor.velocity*frametime;
if ( actor.arc_overheat > time )