if (self->on_true)
- if (self->on_flase)
+ if (self->on_false)
ast_expression *initexpr,
ast_expression *precond,
ast_expression *postcond,
- ast_expression *increment)
+ ast_expression *increment,
+ ast_expression *body)
ast_instantiate(ast_loop, ctx, ast_loop_delete);
ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_loop_codegen);
self->precond = precond;
self->postcond = postcond;
self->increment = increment;
+ self->body = body;
return self;
if (self->increment)
+ if (self->body)
+ ast_unref(self->body);
self->ir_func = NULL;
self->curblock = NULL;
+ self->breakblock = NULL;
+ self->continueblock = NULL;
vtype->isconst = true;
vtype->constval.vfunc = self;
ast_expression_codegen *cgen;
+ ir_value *dummy;
ir_value *precond;
ir_value *postcond;
- ir_block *binit;
- ir_block *bprecond;
- ir_block *bpostcond;
- ir_block *bincrement;
+ /* Since we insert some jumps "late" so we have blocks
+ * ordered "nicely", we need to keep track of the actual end-blocks
+ * of expressions to add the jumps to.
+ */
+ ir_block *bbody, *end_bbody;
+ ir_block *bprecond, *end_bprecond;
+ ir_block *bpostcond, *end_bpostcond;
+ ir_block *bincrement, *end_bincrement;
+ ir_block *bout, *bin;
+ /* 'break' and 'continue' need to be able to find the right blocks */
+ ir_block *bcontinue = NULL;
+ ir_block *bbreak = NULL;
+ ir_block *old_bcontinue;
+ ir_block *old_bbreak;
+ (void)out;
- return false;
+ /* NOTE:
+ * Should we ever need some kind of block ordering, better make this function
+ * move blocks around than write a block ordering algorithm later... after all
+ * the ast and ir should work together, not against each other.
+ */
+ /* initexpr doesn't get its own block, it's pointless, it could create more blocks
+ * anyway if for example it contains a ternary.
+ */
+ if (self->initexpr)
+ {
+ cgen = self->initexpr->expression.codegen;
+ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->initexpr), func, false, &dummy))
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Store the block from which we enter this chaos */
+ bin = func->curblock;
+ /* The pre-loop condition needs its own block since we
+ * need to be able to jump to the start of that expression.
+ */
+ if (self->precond)
+ {
+ bprecond = ir_function_create_block(func->ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "pre_loop_cond"));
+ if (!bprecond)
+ return false;
+ /* the pre-loop-condition the least important place to 'continue' at */
+ bcontinue = bprecond;
+ /* enter */
+ func->curblock = bprecond;
+ /* generate */
+ cgen = self->precond->expression.codegen;
+ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->precond), func, false, &precond))
+ return false;
+ end_bprecond = func->curblock;
+ } else {
+ bprecond = end_bprecond = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Now the next blocks won't be ordered nicely, but we need to
+ * generate them this early for 'break' and 'continue'.
+ */
+ if (self->increment) {
+ bincrement = ir_function_create_block(func->ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "loop_increment"));
+ if (!bincrement)
+ return false;
+ bcontinue = bincrement; /* increment comes before the pre-loop-condition */
+ } else {
+ bincrement = end_bincrement = NULL;
+ }
+ if (self->postcond) {
+ bpostcond = ir_function_create_block(func->ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "post_loop_cond"));
+ if (!bpostcond)
+ return false;
+ bcontinue = bpostcond; /* postcond comes before the increment */
+ } else {
+ bpostcond = end_bpostcond = NULL;
+ }
+ bout = ir_function_create_block(func->ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "after_loop"));
+ if (!bout)
+ return false;
+ bbreak = bout;
+ /* The loop body... */
+ if (self->body)
+ {
+ bbody = ir_function_create_block(func->ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "loop_body"));
+ if (!bbody)
+ return false;
+ /* enter */
+ func->curblock = bbody;
+ old_bbreak = func->breakblock;
+ old_bcontinue = func->continueblock;
+ func->breakblock = bbreak;
+ func->continueblock = bcontinue;
+ /* generate */
+ cgen = self->body->expression.codegen;
+ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->body), func, false, &dummy))
+ return false;
+ end_bbody = func->curblock;
+ func->breakblock = old_bbreak;
+ func->continueblock = old_bcontinue;
+ }
+ /* post-loop-condition */
+ if (self->postcond)
+ {
+ /* enter */
+ func->curblock = bpostcond;
+ /* generate */
+ cgen = self->postcond->expression.codegen;
+ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->postcond), func, false, &postcond))
+ return false;
+ end_bpostcond = func->curblock;
+ }
+ /* The incrementor */
+ if (self->increment)
+ {
+ /* enter */
+ func->curblock = bincrement;
+ /* generate */
+ cgen = self->increment->expression.codegen;
+ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->increment), func, false, &dummy))
+ return false;
+ end_bincrement = func->curblock;
+ }
+ /* Now all blocks are in place */
+ /* From 'bin' we jump to whatever comes first */
+ if (bprecond && !ir_block_create_jump(bin, bprecond))
+ return false;
+ else if (bbody && !ir_block_create_jump(bin, bbody))
+ return false;
+ else if (bpostcond && !ir_block_create_jump(bin, bpostcond))
+ return false;
+ else if ( !ir_block_create_jump(bin, bout))
+ return false;
+ /* From precond */
+ if (bprecond)
+ {
+ ir_block *ontrue, *onfalse;
+ if (bbody) ontrue = bbody;
+ else if (bincrement) ontrue = bincrement;
+ else if (bpostcond) ontrue = bpostcond;
+ else ontrue = bprecond;
+ onfalse = bout;
+ if (!ir_block_create_if(end_bprecond, precond, ontrue, onfalse))
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* from body */
+ if (bbody)
+ {
+ if (bincrement && !ir_block_create_jump(end_bbody, bincrement))
+ return false;
+ else if (bpostcond && !ir_block_create_jump(end_bbody, bpostcond))
+ return false;
+ else if (bprecond && !ir_block_create_jump(end_bbody, bprecond))
+ return false;
+ else if (!ir_block_create_jump(end_bbody, bout))
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* from increment */
+ if (bincrement)
+ {
+ if (bpostcond && !ir_block_create_jump(end_bincrement, bpostcond))
+ return false;
+ else if (bprecond && !ir_block_create_jump(end_bincrement, bprecond))
+ return false;
+ else if (bbody && !ir_block_create_jump(end_bincrement, bbody))
+ return false;
+ else if (!ir_block_create_jump(end_bincrement, bout))
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* from postcond */
+ if (bpostcond)
+ {
+ ir_block *ontrue, *onfalse;
+ if (bprecond) ontrue = bprecond;
+ else if (bbody) ontrue = bbody;
+ else if (bincrement) ontrue = bincrement;
+ else ontrue = bpostcond;
+ onfalse = bout;
+ if (!ir_block_create_if(end_bpostcond, postcond, ontrue, onfalse))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;