void draw_reset(float cw, float ch, float ox, float oy)
- drawfont = FONT_USER+0;
draw_shift = '1 0 0' * ox + '0 1 0' * oy;
draw_scale = '1 0 0' * cw + '0 1 0' * ch;
draw_alpha = 1;
draw_fontscale = '1 1 0';
+ draw_endBoldFont();
+void draw_beginBoldFont()
+ drawfont = FONT_USER+3;
+void draw_endBoldFont()
+ drawfont = FONT_USER+0;
vector globalToBox(vector v, vector theOrigin, vector theScale)
vector draw_fontscale;
void draw_reset(float cw, float ch, float ox, float oy);
+void draw_beginBoldFont();
+void draw_endBoldFont();
void draw_setMousePointer(string pic, vector theSize, vector theOffset);
void draw_drawMousePointer(vector where);
METHOD(BorderImage, configureBorderImage, void(entity, string, float, vector, string, float))
METHOD(BorderImage, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector))
METHOD(BorderImage, recalcPositionWithText, void(entity, string))
+ ATTRIB(BorderImage, isBold, float, 1)
METHOD(BorderImage, draw, void(entity))
ATTRIB(BorderImage, src, string, string_null)
ATTRIB(BorderImage, borderHeight, float, 0)
METHOD(Label, setText, void(entity, string))
METHOD(Label, toString, string(entity))
METHOD(Label, recalcPositionWithText, void(entity, string))
+ ATTRIB(Label, isBold, float, 0)
ATTRIB(Label, text, string, string_null)
ATTRIB(Label, fontSize, float, 8)
ATTRIB(Label, align, float, 0.5)
float spaceAvail;
spaceAvail = 1 - me.keepspaceLeft - me.keepspaceRight;
+ if(me.isBold)
+ draw_beginBoldFont();
float spaceUsed;
spaceUsed = draw_TextWidth(t, me.allowColors, me.realFontSize);
me.realOrigin_y = 0.5 * (1 - lines * me.realFontSize_y);
+ if(me.isBold)
+ draw_endBoldFont();
me.recalcPos = 0;
void Label_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize)
vector dfs;
vector fs;
+ if(me.isBold)
+ draw_beginBoldFont();
// set up variables to draw in condensed size, but use hinting for original size
fs = me.realFontSize;
fs_x *= me.condenseFactor;
draw_Text(me.realOrigin, t, fs, me.colorL, me.alpha, me.allowColors);
draw_fontscale = dfs;
+ if(me.isBold)
+ draw_endBoldFont();
// draw text on the image, handle \n in the description
+ draw_beginBoldFont();
draw_CenterText('0.5 0 0', me.currentModelTitle, me.realFontSize * (me.titleFontSize / me.fontSize), SKINCOLOR_MODELTITLE, SKINALPHA_MODELTITLE, FALSE);
+ draw_endBoldFont();
o = '0.5 1 0' - eY * me.realFontSize_y * ((n = tokenizebyseparator(me.currentModelDescription, "\n")) + 0.5);
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)