return 0;
+float check_close_to_ground(float threshold) {
+ vector trace_start;
+ vector trace_end;
+ // determine height above ground is below a threshold
+ trace_start = self.origin;
+ trace_end = self.origin - (1000*v_up);
+ tracebox(trace_start, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_end, TRUE, self);
+ // check if the trace hit anything at all
+ if (trace_fraction > 1)
+ return 0;
+ if(self.origin_z - trace_endpos_z < threshold)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(dodging_GetPressedKeys) {
// print("dodging_PlayerPhysics\n");
float length;
float dodge_detected;
- vector trace_start;
- vector trace_end;
- float height_above_ground;
if (g_dodging == 0)
return 0;
if ((time - self.last_dodging_time) < cvar("sv_dodging_delay"))
return 0;
- // determine height above ground is below a threshold
- trace_start = self.origin;
- trace_end = self.origin - (1000*v_up);
- tracebox(trace_start, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_end, TRUE, self);
- // check if the trace hit anything at all
- if (trace_fraction > 1)
- return 0;
- height_above_ground = self.origin_z - trace_endpos_z;
- // check if our feet are on the ground or at least close or we are
- // near a wall,,,
- if ((height_above_ground > (fabs(PL_MIN_z) + cvar("sv_dodging_height_threshold")))
- && (check_close_to_wall(cvar("sv_dodging_wall_distance_threshold")) != 1))
+ if (check_close_to_ground(cvar("sv_dodging_height_threshold")) != 1
+ && check_close_to_wall(cvar("sv_dodging_wall_distance_threshold")) != 1)
return 0;
if (self.movement_x > 0) {