QCCFLAGS_WATERMARK ?= $(shell git describe --tags --dirty='~')
VER = $(subst *,\*,$(QCCFLAGS_WATERMARK))
-NDEBUG ?= 1
ifndef ZIP
ifneq ($(shell which zip 2>/dev/null),)
ifneq ($(shell which 7za 2>/dev/null),)
ZIP := 7za a -tzip -mx=9 -sdel
- ifndef ZIP
- $(warning "No zip / 7z / 7za in ($(PATH))")
- ZIP := : zip_not_found
- endif
+ ifndef ZIP
+ $(warning "No zip / 7z / 7za in ($(PATH))")
+ ZIP := : zip_not_found
+ endif
-# Set to empty string to temporarily enable warnings when debugging
- -Werror
-# We eventually need to get rid of these
- -Wno-field-redeclared
-# -Ooverlap-locals is required
- -std=gmqcc \
- -Ooverlap-locals \
- -O3 \
- -Wall \
- -flno -futf8 -fno-bail-on-werror \
- -frelaxed-switch -freturn-assignments \
.PHONY: all
export WORKDIR
export CPP
export QCC
-export QCCDEFS
-export QCCFLAGS
$(PROGS_OUT)/csprogs.dat: client/progs.inc $(QCCVERSIONFILE) | $(WORKDIR)
@ echo make[1]: Entering directory \`$(CURDIR)/client\'
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-[ -z "$QCCFLAGS_WATERMARK" ] && export QCCFLAGS_WATERMARK=$(git describe --tags --dirty='~')
set -eu
-cd ${0%/*}
+cd "$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")"
# This script attempts to build the codebase in every possible header configuration,
# to check that all files #include what they need, so that we can eventually move away
# If these files exist from previous compilation, `./all compile` will stop
# detecting changes after running this script so delete them to trigger
# a recompile next time.
-if [ -f ../../csprogs.dat ]; then
- rm ../../csprogs.dat
+[ -f ../../csprogs.dat ] && rm ../../csprogs.dat
+[ -f ../../menu.dat ] && rm ../../menu.dat
+[ -f ../../progs.dat ] && rm ../../progs.dat
-if [ -f ../../menu.dat ]; then
- rm ../../menu.dat
-if [ -f ../../progs.dat ]; then
- rm ../../progs.dat
+CPP="cc -xc -E"
+[ -z "${QCC-}" ] && \
+ export QCC="$PWD/../../../../gmqcc/gmqcc"
-CPP="cc -xc -E"
-: ${QCC:=$PWD/../../../../gmqcc/gmqcc}
+# when used does this lead to .tmp or qcsrc/.tmp ?? both?
+export WORKDIR=../.tmp
-declare -a QCCDEFS=(
+# source additional functions and variables for compiling
+. qcc.sh
-declare -a QCCFLAGS=(
- -std=gmqcc
- # Without -O3, GMQCC thinks some variables are used uninitialized if the initialization is done inside an `if (1)` block
- # (which is created by e.g. BEGIN_MACRO) which would cause the compilation units test to fail.
- # There doesn't appear to be any measurable increase in compile time
- # and it allows us to get rid of some explicit initializations which are just useless noise.
- -O3
- -Wall -Werror
- -futf8
- -freturn-assignments
- -frelaxed-switch
- -Ooverlap-locals
declare -a NOWARN=(
- -Wno-field-redeclared
- -Wno-unused-variable
- -Wno-implicit-function-pointer
- -Wno-missing-return-values
+ # -Wno-field-redeclared is included via WTFS by default
+ -Wno-unused-variable
+ -Wno-implicit-function-pointer
+ -Wno-missing-return-values
-. qcc.sh
+# move to qcsrc
cd ..
function check1() {
- declare -l prog="${1}"
- declare -l file="${2}"
- MODE=${prog}
- includes="-include lib/_all.inc"
- [ -f ${prog}/_all.qh ] && includes="${includes} -include ${prog}/_all.qh"
- qpp ${file} test-${prog}.dat \
- ${includes} \
- -I. ${QCCIDENT} ${QCCDEFS} > ${WORKDIR}/${prog}.qc
- qcc ${QCCFLAGS} -o ../${WORKDIR}/test-${prog}.dat ../${WORKDIR}/${prog}.qc >/dev/null
+ declare -l prog="$1"
+ declare -l file="$2"
+ export MODE="$prog"
+ declare -a includes=("-include" "lib/_all.inc")
+ [ -f "$prog/_all.qh" ] && includes+=("-include $prog/_all.qh")
+ qpp "$file" "test-$prog.dat" \
+ "${includes[@]}" \
+ -I. "$QCCIDENT" "${QCCDEFS[@]}" > "$WORKDIR/$prog.qc"
+ qcc "${QCCFLAGS[@]}" -o "../$WORKDIR/test-$prog.dat" "../$WORKDIR/$prog.qc" >/dev/null
function check() {
- declare -l prog="${1}"
- find ${prog} -type f -name '*.qc' -print0 | sort -z | while read -r -d '' file; do
- check1 ${prog} ${file}
- done
+ declare -l prog="$1"
+ find "$prog" -type f -name '*.qc' -print0 | sort -z | while read -r -d '' file
+ do
+ check1 "$prog" "$file"
+ done
-if [ ${#@} -eq 0 ]; then
- check client
- check server
- check menu
- for var in ${@}; do
- var=${var#test-}
- check ${var}
- done
+# check argument array length
+if [ "${#@}" = "0" ]
+then # no args, run all checks
+ check client
+ check server
+ check menu
+else # run a specific check
+ for var in "$@"
+ do
+ var="${var#test-}"
+ check "$var"
+ done
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
IFS=$' \n\t'
+# check that we have all necessary env vars
+if [ -z "${WORKDIR-}" ] \
+|| [ -z "${CPP-}" ] \
+|| [ -z "${QCC-}" ]
+ printf "%s: Necessary env vars were not set\n" \
+ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" > /dev/stderr
+ exit 1
+# make sure to initialize these variables,
+# give them default values if they are valueless
+QCCFLAGS_WATERMARK="${QCCFLAGS_WATERMARK:-"$(git describe --tags --dirty='~')"}"
+# {{{ QCCDEFS
+declare -a QCCDEFS=(
+if [ -n "${BUILD_MOD-}" ]
+ )
+for extradef in ${QCCDEFS_EXTRA-}
+ QCCDEFS+=("$extradef")
+# }}}
+# Set to empty string to temporarily enable warnings when debugging
+for flag in ${QCCFLAGS_WERROR-'-Werror'}
+ QCCFLAGS_WERROR+=("$flag")
+# We eventually need to get rid of these
+for flag in ${QCCFLAGS_WTFS-'-Wno-field-redeclared'}
+ QCCFLAGS_WTFS+=("$flag")
+declare -a QCCFLAGS=(
+ -std=gmqcc
+ # Without -O3, GMQCC thinks some variables are used uninitialized if the initialization is done inside an `if (1)` block
+ # (which is created by e.g. BEGIN_MACRO) which would cause the compilation units test to fail.
+ # There doesn't appear to be any measurable increase in compile time
+ # and it allows us to get rid of some explicit initializations which are just useless noise.
+ -O3
+ -Wall
+ -futf8
+ -freturn-assignments
+ -frelaxed-switch
+ # -Ooverlap-locals is required
+ -Ooverlap-locals
+for extraflag in ${QCCFLAGS_EXTRA-}
+ QCCFLAGS+=("$extraflag")
+# }}}
function qpp() {
- IN=$1
- OUT=$2
- case ${MODE} in
- client) DEFS="-DGAMEQC -DCSQC"
- ;;
- menu) DEFS="-DMENUQC"
- ;;
- server) DEFS="-DGAMEQC -DSVQC"
- ;;
- esac
- #>&2 echo + ${CPP} "${@:3}" ${DEFS} "${IN}"
- set +e
- # additional information
- ${CPP} "${@:3}" ${DEFS} \
- -dM 1>"${WORKDIR}/${MODE}_macros.txt" \
- -H 2>"${WORKDIR}/${MODE}_includes.txt" \
- "${IN}"
- # main step
- ${CPP} "${@:3}" ${DEFS} -MMD -MP -MT "${OUT}" -Wall -Wundef -Werror "${IN}" -o "${WORKDIR}/${MODE}.txt"
- err=$?
- set -e
- if [ ${err} -ne 0 ]; then return ${err}; fi
- sed -E 's/^#(line)? ([[:digit:]]+) "(.*)".*/'$'\\\n''#pragma file(\3)'$'\\\n''#pragma line(\2)/g' "${WORKDIR}/${MODE}.txt"
+ IN="$1"
+ OUT="$2"
+ case "$MODE" in
+ client)
+ ;;
+ menu)
+ ;;
+ server)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ #>&2 echo + $CPP "${@:3}" "${DEFS[@]}" "$IN"
+ # don't exit from additional info step
+ set +e
+ # additional information
+ $CPP "${@:3}" "${DEFS[@]}" \
+ -dM 1>"$WORKDIR/${MODE}_macros.txt" \
+ -H 2>"$WORKDIR/${MODE}_includes.txt" \
+ "$IN"
+ # main step
+ $CPP "${@:3}" "${DEFS[@]}" -MMD -MP -MT "$OUT" -Wall -Wundef -Werror "$IN" -o "$WORKDIR/$MODE.txt"
+ err=$?
+ # exit with error code if main step gave one
+ [ "$err" != "0" ] && return "$err"
+ set -e
+ # TODO: document what this does
+ sed -E 's/^#(line)? ([[:digit:]]+) "(.*)".*/'$'\\\n''#pragma file(\3)'$'\\\n''#pragma line(\2)/g' "$WORKDIR/$MODE.txt"
function qcc() {
- #>&2 echo + $(basename ${QCC}) $@
- # FIXME: relative compiler path is too deep
- (cd tools && ${QCC} "$@")
+ #>&2 echo + $(basename $QCC) $@
-$(return >/dev/null 2>&1) || {
- MODE=$1
- OUT=$2
- IN=$3
- case "${OUT}" in
- /*)
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- set -x
- qpp "${IN}" "${OUT}" -I. ${QCCIDENT} ${QCCDEFS} > "${WORKDIR}/${MODE}.qc"
- qcc ${QCCFLAGS} -o "${OUT_ABSOLUTE}" "../${WORKDIR}/${MODE}.qc"
+ # FIXME: relative compiler path is too deep
+ (cd tools && $QCC "$@")
+# Driver code which is not ran if this file is sourced from elsewhere.
+# If it is not sourced then the driver code block is executed.
+# If it is sourced from elsewher then the driver code bock
+# is not executed and this file gives the above functions.
+# Bashism: if this script file is the main executing program
+if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]
+ MODE="$1"
+ OUT="$2"
+ IN="$3"
+ case "$OUT" in
+ /*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ -flno
+ -fno-bail-on-werror
+ )
+ set -x
+ qpp "$IN" "$OUT" -I. "$QCCIDENT" "${QCCDEFS[@]}" > "$WORKDIR/$MODE.qc"
+ qcc "${QCCFLAGS[@]}" -o "$OUT_ABSOLUTE" "../$WORKDIR/$MODE.qc"
command -V mkdir > /dev/null
command -V mktemp > /dev/null
command -V rm > /dev/null
-command -V rmdir > /dev/null
command -V sed > /dev/null
command -V tee > /dev/null
command -V test > /dev/null
# Few files' removal has been disabled for file reuse
# It's possible to get rate limited with enough testing
- rm lock
- rm data/darkplaces_history.txt
- rm data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
- #rm data/stormkeep.pk3
- rm data/data/defaultSVQC.cfg
- rm data/data/hits---1.plot
- rm data/data/hits---2.plot
- rm data/data/hits---3.plot
- rm data/data/notifications_dump.cfg
- rm data/data/server.db
- rmdir data/data/
- #rm data/maps/_init.bsp
- #rm data/maps/stormkeep.mapinfo
- #rm data/maps/stormkeep.waypoints
- #rm data/maps/stormkeep.waypoints.cache
- #rmdir data/maps/
+ rm -fv lock
+ rm -fv data/darkplaces_history.txt
+ rm -fv data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
+ #rm -fv data/stormkeep.pk3
+ rm -fv data/data/defaultSVQC.cfg
+ rm -fv data/data/hits---1.plot
+ rm -fv data/data/hits---2.plot
+ rm -fv data/data/hits---3.plot
+ rm -fv data/data/notifications_dump.cfg
+ rm -fv data/data/server.db
+ rm -dfv data/data/
+ #rm -fv data/maps/_init.bsp
+ #rm -fv data/maps/stormkeep.mapinfo
+ #rm -fv data/maps/stormkeep.waypoints
+ #rm -fv data/maps/stormkeep.waypoints.cache
+ #rm -dfv data/maps/
set -e
then # file exists but it's not a symlink, replace it
if [ -d data/xonotic-data.pk3dir ]
then # it's a dir
- rmdir data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
+ rm -dfv data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
ln -s "$PWD" data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
else # it's not a dir
rm data/xonotic-data.pk3dir
createdtoday "data/maps/stormkeep.waypoints.cache" \
|| wget -nv -O data/maps/stormkeep.waypoints.cache https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic-maps.pk3dir/raw/master/maps/stormkeep.waypoints.cache
-set +u
-if [ -z "$EXPECT" ]
+if [ -z "${EXPECT-}" ]
# find the line with expected hash from .gitlab-ci.yml, extract the hash and remove carriage return
EXPECT="$(grep 'EXPECT=' './.gitlab-ci.yml' | cut -d '=' -f 2 | tr -d $'\r')"
-set -u
HASH=$(${ENGINE} +exec serverbench.cfg \
| tee /dev/stderr \
| grep '^:' \