s = a + (k * model->brushq3.num_lightgrid_isize[1] + j) * model->brushq3.num_lightgrid_isize[0] + i;
VectorMA(ambientcolor, blend * (1.0f / 128.0f), s->ambientrgb, ambientcolor);
VectorMA(diffusecolor, blend * (1.0f / 128.0f), s->diffusergb, diffusecolor);
- pitch = s->diffusepitch * M_PI / 128;
- yaw = s->diffuseyaw * M_PI / 128;
- sinpitch = sin(pitch);
- diffusenormal[0] += blend * (cos(yaw) * sinpitch);
- diffusenormal[1] += blend * (sin(yaw) * sinpitch);
- diffusenormal[2] += blend * (cos(pitch));
+ // this uses the mod_md3_sin table because the values are
+ // already in the 0-255 range, the 64+ bias fetches a cosine
+ // instead of a sine value
+ diffusenormal[0] += blend * (mod_md3_sin[64 + s->diffuseyaw] * mod_md3_sin[s->diffusepitch]);
+ diffusenormal[1] += blend * (mod_md3_sin[ s->diffuseyaw] * mod_md3_sin[s->diffusepitch]);
+ diffusenormal[2] += blend * (mod_md3_sin[64 + s->diffusepitch]);
//Con_Printf("blend %f: ambient %i %i %i, diffuse %i %i %i, diffusepitch %i diffuseyaw %i (%f %f, normal %f %f %f)\n", blend, s->ambientrgb[0], s->ambientrgb[1], s->ambientrgb[2], s->diffusergb[0], s->diffusergb[1], s->diffusergb[2], s->diffusepitch, s->diffuseyaw, pitch, yaw, (cos(yaw) * cospitch), (sin(yaw) * cospitch), (-sin(pitch)));