+// =============================================
+// Server side voting code, reworked by Samual
+// Last updated: November 27th, 2011
+// =============================================
+// ============================
+// Misc. Supporting Functions
+// ============================
float Nagger_SendEntity(entity to, float sendflags)
float nags, i, f, b;
return TRUE;
void Nagger_Init()
Net_LinkEntity(nagger = spawn(), FALSE, 0, Nagger_SendEntity);
void Nagger_VoteChanged()
nagger.SendFlags |= 128;
void Nagger_VoteCountChanged()
nagger.SendFlags |= 64;
void Nagger_ReadyCounted()
return TRUE;
-float GameCommand_Vote(string s, entity e)
+// =======================
+// Command Sub-Functions
+// =======================
+void VoteCommand_abstain(float request)
- float playercount;
- float argc;
- argc = tokenize_console(s);
- if(argv(0) == "help") {
- print_to(e, " vote COMMANDS ARGUMENTS. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- return TRUE;
- } else if(argv(0) == "vote") {
- if(argv(1) == "") {
- print_to(e, "^1You have to supply a vote command. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- } else if(argv(1) == "help") {
- VoteHelp(e);
- } else if(argv(1) == "status") {
- if(votecalled) {
- print_to(e, strcat("^7Vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^7 called by ^7", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^7."));
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1No vote called.");
- }
- } else if(argv(1) == "call") {
- if(!e || autocvar_sv_vote_call) {
- if(autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators && e && e.classname != "player") {
- print_to(e, "^1Error: Only players can call a vote."); // TODO invent a cvar name for allowing votes by spectators during warmup anyway
- }
- else if(timeoutStatus) { //don't allow a vote call during a timeout
- print_to(e, "^1Error: You can not call a vote while a timeout is active.");
- }
- else if(votecalled) {
- print_to(e, "^1There is already a vote called.");
- } else {
- string vote;
- vote = VoteParse(s, argc);
- if(vote == "") {
- print_to(e, "^1Your vote is empty. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- } else if(e
- && time < e.vote_next) {
- print_to(e, strcat("^1You have to wait ^2", ftos(ceil(e.vote_next - time)), "^1 seconds before you can again call a vote."));
- } else if(VoteCheckNasty(vote)) {
- print_to(e, "Syntax error in command. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- } else if(RemapVote(vote, "vcall", e)) {
- votecalledvote = strzone(RemapVote_vote);
- votecalledvote_display = strzone(RemapVote_display);
- votecalled = TRUE;
- votecalledmaster = FALSE;
- votefinished = time + autocvar_sv_vote_timeout;
- votecaller = e; // remember who called the vote
- if(e) {
- e.vote_vote = 1; // of course you vote yes
- e.vote_next = time + autocvar_sv_vote_wait;
- }
- bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2 calls a vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "\n");
- if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vcall:", ftos(votecaller.playerid), ":", votecalledvote_display));
- Nagger_VoteChanged();
- VoteCount(); // needed if you are the only one
- msg_entity = e;
- entity player;
- {
- ++playercount;
- }
- if(playercount > 1) // don't announce a "vote now" sound if player is alone
- Announce("votecall");
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1This vote is not ok. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- }
- }
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1Vote calling is NOT allowed.");
- }
- } else if(argv(1) == "stop") {
- if(!votecalled) {
- print_to(e, "^1No vote called.");
- } else if(e == votecaller) { // the votecaller can stop a vote
- VoteStop(e);
- } else if(!e) { // server admin / console can too
- VoteStop(e);
- } else if(e.vote_master) { // masters can too
- VoteStop(e);
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1You are not allowed to stop that Vote.");
- }
- } else if(argv(1) == "master") {
- if(autocvar_sv_vote_master) {
- if(votecalled) {
- print_to(e, "^1There is already a vote called.");
- } else {
- votecalled = TRUE;
- votecalledmaster = TRUE;
- votecalledvote = strzone("XXX");
- votecalledvote_display = strzone("^3master");
- votefinished = time + autocvar_sv_vote_timeout;
- votecaller = e; // remember who called the vote
- if(e) {
- e.vote_vote = 1; // of course you vote yes
- e.vote_next = time + autocvar_sv_vote_wait;
- }
- bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2 calls a vote to become ^3master^2.\n");
- if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vcall:", ftos(votecaller.playerid), ":", votecalledvote_display));
- Nagger_VoteChanged();
- VoteCount(); // needed if you are the only one
- }
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1Vote to become master is NOT allowed.");
- }
- } else if(argv(1) == "do") {
- if(!e || e.vote_master) {
- string dovote;
- dovote = VoteParse(s, argc);
- if(dovote == "") {
- print_to(e, "^1Your command was empty. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- } else if(VoteCheckNasty(dovote)) {
- print_to(e, "Syntax error in command. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- } else if(RemapVote(dovote, "vdo", e)) { // strcat seems to be necessary
- bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(e), "^2 used their ^3master^2 status to do \"^2", RemapVote_display, "^2\".\n");
- if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vdo:", ftos(e.playerid), ":", RemapVote_display));
- localcmd(strcat(RemapVote_vote, "\n"));
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1This command is not ok. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- }
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1You are NOT a master. You might need to login or vote to become master first. See 'vhelp' for more info.");
- }
- } else if(argv(1) == "login") {
- string masterpwd;
- masterpwd = autocvar_sv_vote_master_password;
- if(masterpwd != "") {
- float granted;
- granted = (masterpwd == argv(2));
- if (e)
- e.vote_master = granted;
- if(granted) {
- print("Accepted master login from ", VoteNetname(e), "\n");
- bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(e), "^2 logged in as ^3master^2\n");
- if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vlogin:", ftos(e.playerid)));
- }
- else
- print("REJECTED master login from ", VoteNetname(e), "\n");
- }
- else
- print_to(e, "^1Login to become master is NOT allowed.");
- } else if(argv(1) == "yes") {
- if(!votecalled) {
- print_to(e, "^1No vote called.");
- } else if (!e) {
- print_to(e, "^1You can't vote from the server console.");
- } else if(e.vote_vote == 0
- || autocvar_sv_vote_change) {
- msg_entity = e;
- print_to(e, "^1You accepted the vote.");
- e.vote_vote = 1;
- if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) {
- VoteCount();
- }
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1You have already voted.");
- }
- } else if(argv(1) == "no") {
- if(!votecalled) {
- print_to(e, "^1No vote called.");
- } else if (!e) {
- print_to(e, "^1You can't vote from the server console.");
- } else if(e.vote_vote == 0
- || autocvar_sv_vote_change) {
- msg_entity = e;
- print_to(e, "^1You rejected the vote.");
- e.vote_vote = -1;
- if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) {
- VoteCount();
- }
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1You have already voted.");
- }
- } else if(argv(1) == "abstain" || argv(1) == "dontcare") {
- if(!votecalled) {
- print_to(e, "^1No vote called.");
- } else if (!e) {
- print_to(e, "^1You can't vote from the server console.");
- } else if(e.vote_vote == 0
- || autocvar_sv_vote_change) {
- msg_entity = e;
- print_to(e, "^1You abstained from your vote.");
- e.vote_vote = -2;
- if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) {
- VoteCount();
- }
- } else {
- print_to(e, "^1You have already voted.");
- }
- } else {
- // ignore this?
- print_to(e, "^1Unknown vote command.");
+ switch(request)
+ {
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ print("\nUsage:^3 vote \n");
+ print(" No arguments required.\n");
+ return;
- return TRUE;
+/* use this when creating a new command, making sure to place it in alphabetical order.
+void VoteCommand_(float request)
+ switch(request)
+ {
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ print("\nUsage:^3 vote \n");
+ print(" No arguments required.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// ==================================
+// Macro system for server commands
+// ==================================
+// Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;)
+#define VOTE_COMMANDS(request,arguments) \
+ VOTE_COMMAND("", VoteCommand_(request, arguments), "") \
+ /* nothing */
+void VoteCommand_macro_help()
+ #define VOTE_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
+ { print(" ^2", name, "^7: ", description, "\n"); }
+ return;
+float VoteCommand_macro_command(float argc)
+ #define VOTE_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
+ { if(name == strtolower(argv(0))) { function; return TRUE; } }
+ return FALSE;
+float VoteCommand_macro_usage(float argc)
+ #define VOTE_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
+ { if(name == strtolower(argv(1))) { function; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE;
+// ======================================
+// Main function handling vote commands
+// ======================================
+float VoteCommand(entity caller, float argc)
+ if(VoteCommand_macro_command(argc))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // nothing above caught the command, must be invalid
+ print("Unknown server command", ((command != "") ? strcat(" \"", command, "\"") : ""), ". For a list of supported commands, try sv_cmd help.\n");
void VoteHelp(entity e) {
string vmasterdis;
if(!autocvar_sv_vote_master) {