--bsp + -samplesize 32 -minsamplesize 16 -np 20\r
--light + -fast -gamma 1.5 -compensate 2 -samples 3\r
--vis +\r
--minimap +\r
-Version: 1\r
+-bsp + -samplesize 32 -minsamplesize 16 -np 20
+-light + -fast -gamma 1.5 -compensate 2 -samples 3
+-vis +
+-minimap +
+Version: 1
-title Top of the world\r
-description Large scale vehicle ctf map\r
-author Jakob "tZork" Markström Gröhn\r
-cdtrack 10\r
-has weapons\r
-has turrets\r
-has weapons\r
-gametype ctf caplimit=5 timelimit=60\r
-settemp_for_type all g_use_ammunition 0\r
-settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_respawntime 120\r
-settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_respawntime 180\r
-settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_flac_std_respawntime 240\r
-settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_speed 5000\r
+title Top of the world
+description Large scale vehicle ctf map
+author Jakob "tZork" Markström Gröhn
+cdtrack 10
+has weapons
+has turrets
+has weapons
+gametype ctf caplimit=5 timelimit=60
+settemp_for_type all g_use_ammunition 0
+settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_respawntime 120
+settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_respawntime 180
+settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_flac_std_respawntime 240
+settemp_for_type all g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_speed 5000
- q3map_bouncescale 3\r
- dpreflectcube cubemaps/default/sky\r
- dpnoshadow\r
- surfaceparm trans\r
- {\r
- map textures/map_topoftheworld/hexglass.tga\r
- blendfunc blend\r
- rgbgen lightingDiffuse\r
- }\r
- {\r
- map $lightmap\r
- blendfunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO\r
- rgbGen identity\r
- }\r
+ q3map_bouncescale 3
+ dpreflectcube cubemaps/default/sky
+ dpnoshadow
+ surfaceparm trans
+ {
+ map textures/map_topoftheworld/hexglass.tga
+ blendfunc blend
+ rgbgen lightingDiffuse
+ }
+ {
+ map $lightmap
+ blendfunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
+ rgbGen identity
+ }
\ No newline at end of file