-void Monster_CalculateVelocity(entity this, vector to, vector from, float turnrate, float movespeed)
- //float current_distance = vlen((('1 0 0' * to.x) + ('0 1 0' * to.y)) - (('1 0 0' * from.x) + ('0 1 0' * from.y))); // for the sake of this check, exclude Z axis
- //float initial_height = 0; //min(50, (targ_distance * tanh(20)));
- //float current_height = (initial_height * min(1, (this.pass_distance) ? (current_distance / this.pass_distance) : current_distance));
- //print("current_height = ", ftos(current_height), ", initial_height = ", ftos(initial_height), ".\n");
- vector targpos = to;
-#if 0
- if(current_height) // make sure we can actually do this arcing path
- {
- targpos = (to + ('0 0 1' * current_height));
- WarpZone_TraceLine(this.origin, targpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this);
- if(trace_fraction < 1)
- {
- //print("normal arc line failed, trying to find new pos...");
- WarpZone_TraceLine(to, targpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this);
- targpos = (trace_endpos + '0 0 -10');
- WarpZone_TraceLine(this.origin, targpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this);
- if(trace_fraction < 1) { targpos = to; /* print(" ^1FAILURE^7, reverting to original direction.\n"); */ }
- /*else { print(" ^3SUCCESS^7, using new arc line.\n"); } */
- }
- }
- else { targpos = to; }
- //this.angles = normalize(('0 1 0' * to_y) - ('0 1 0' * from_y));
- vector desired_direction = normalize(targpos - from);
- if(turnrate) { this.velocity = (normalize(normalize(this.velocity) + (desired_direction * 50)) * movespeed); }
- else { this.velocity = (desired_direction * movespeed); }
- //this.steerto = steerlib_attract2(targpos, 0.5, 500, 0.95);
- //this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity);
.entity draggedby;
.entity target2;
if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_FLY_VERTICAL) && !(this.flags & FL_SWIM))
this.moveto_z = this.origin_z;
- if(vdist(this.origin - this.moveto, >, 100))
+ fixedmakevectors(this.angles);
+ float vz = this.velocity_z;
+ if(!turret_closetotarget(this, this.moveto))
bool do_run = (this.enemy || this.monster_moveto);
- if(IS_ONGROUND(this) || ((this.flags & FL_FLY) || (this.flags & FL_SWIM)))
- Monster_CalculateVelocity(this, this.moveto, this.origin, true, ((do_run) ? runspeed : walkspeed));
+ movelib_move_simple(this, v_forward, ((do_run) ? runspeed : walkspeed), 0.4);
if(time > this.pain_finished && time > this.anim_finished) // TODO: use anim_finished instead!?
setanim(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false);
+ if(!((this.flags & FL_FLY) || (this.flags & FL_SWIM)))
+ this.velocity_z = vz;
this.steerto = steerlib_attract2(this, ((this.monster_face) ? this.monster_face : this.moveto), 0.5, 500, 0.95);
vector real_angle = vectoangles(this.steerto) - this.angles;