-void CSQC_ClientMovement_UpdateStatus()
- // make sure player is not stuck
- CSQC_ClientMovement_Unstick();
- // set crouched
- if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTONS(self) & 16)
- {
- // wants to crouch, this always works..
- if (!IS_DUCKED(self))
- SET_DUCKED(self);
- }
- else
- {
- // wants to stand, if currently crouching we need to check for a
- // low ceiling first
- if (IS_DUCKED(self))
- {
- tracebox(self.origin, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, self.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- if (!trace_startsolid)
- }
- }
- if (IS_DUCKED(self))
- {
- self.mins = PL_CROUCH_MIN;
- self.maxs = PL_CROUCH_MAX;
- }
- else
- {
- self.mins = PL_MIN;
- self.maxs = PL_MAX;
- }
- // set onground
- vector origin1 = self.origin;
- origin1_z += 1;
- vector origin2 = self.origin;
- origin2_z -= 1; // -2 causes clientside doublejump bug at above 150fps, raising that to 300fps :)
- tracebox(origin1, self.mins, self.maxs, origin2, MOVE_NORMAL, self);
- if (trace_fraction < 1 && trace_plane_normal_z > 0.7)
- {
- // this code actually "predicts" an impact; so let's clip velocity first
- float f = dotproduct(self.velocity, trace_plane_normal);
- if (f < 0) // only if moving downwards actually
- self.velocity -= f * trace_plane_normal;
- }
- else
- // set watertype/waterlevel
- origin1 = self.origin;
- origin1_z += self.mins_z + 1;
- self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE;
- // TODO: convert
-// self.watertype = CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK;
-// if (self.watertype)
-// {
-// self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_WETFEET;
-// origin1[2] = self.origin[2] + (self.mins[2] + self.maxs[2]) * 0.5f;
-// if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
-// {
-// self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
-// origin1[2] = self.origin[2] + 22;
-// if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
-// self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED;
-// }
-// }
-// // water jump prediction
-// if (IS_ONGROUND(self) || self.velocity_z <= 0 || pmove_waterjumptime <= 0)
-// pmove_waterjumptime = 0;
void CSQC_ClientMovement_Move()
- CSQC_ClientMovement_UpdateStatus();
// vector primalvelocity = self.velocity; // FIXME: unused
float bump = 0;
for (bump = 0; bump < 8 && self.velocity * self.velocity > 0; bump++)
if (!(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTONS(self) & 2)) // !jump
UNSET_JUMP_HELD(self); // canjump = true
pmove_waterjumptime -= PHYS_INPUT_TIMELENGTH;
- CSQC_ClientMovement_UpdateStatus();
#ifdef SVQC