" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(-0.05, 0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(-0.05, -0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
" ScreenTexCoord.zw = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord.zw, ScreenTexCoord.zw, f);\n"
" float Fresnel = pow(min(1.0, 1.0 - float(normalize(EyeVector).z)), 2.0) * ReflectFactor + ReflectOffset;\n"
" gl_FragColor = mix(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy) * RefractColor, texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw) * ReflectColor, Fresnel);\n"
" vec2 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect.xy * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
" //vec2 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy + normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5)).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
-" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy + vec2(normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec2(normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.05, 0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.05, -0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.05, 0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.05, -0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
" gl_FragColor = texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord) * RefractColor;\n"
" vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
" //vec4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-" vec4 ScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect + vec3(normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-" color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw)) * ReflectColor.rgb, ReflectColor.a);\n"
+" vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW.zw + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.zw;\n"
+" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec3(normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.zw;\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.05, 0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.05, -0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.05, 0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" f *= min(1, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.05, -0.05))) / 0.02);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
+" color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord)) * ReflectColor.rgb, ReflectColor.a);\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(color);\n"