--- /dev/null
- ball.dropperid = plyr.playerid;
+ #define BALL_EFFECTMASK 1229
+ #define BALL_MINS '-16 -16 -16' // The model is 24*24*24
+ #define BALL_MAXS '16 16 16'
+ #define BALL_ATTACHORG '3 0 16'
+ #define BALL_SPRITECOLOR '.91 .85 .62'
+ #define BALL_FOOT 1
+ #define BALL_BASKET 2
+ //spawnflags
+ //goal types
+ #define GOAL_FAULT -1
+ #define GOAL_OUT -2
+ #define CVTOV(s) s = cvar( #s )
+ float g_nexball_football_boost_forward;
+ float g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ float g_nexball_football_physics;
+ float g_nexball_delay_idle;
+ float g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold;
+ float g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam;
+ float g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ float g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal;
+ float balls;
+ float ball_scale;
+ float nb_teams;
+ .float teamtime;
++.float nb_dropperid;
++.float nb_droptime;
+ void nb_delayedinit();
+ void nb_init() // Called early (worldspawn stage)
+ {
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_meter_period); //sent with the client init entity
+ if (g_nexball_meter_period <= 0)
+ g_nexball_meter_period = 2; // avoid division by zero etc. due to silly users
+ g_nexball_meter_period = rint(g_nexball_meter_period * 32) / 32; //Round to 1/32ths to send as a byte multiplied by 32
+ addstat(STAT_NB_METERSTART, AS_FLOAT, metertime);
+ // General settings
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_football_boost_forward); //100
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_football_boost_up); //200
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_delay_idle); //10
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_football_physics); //0
+ radar_showennemies = autocvar_g_nexball_radar_showallplayers;
+ InitializeEntity(world, nb_delayedinit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE);
+ }
+ float OtherTeam(float t) //works only if there are two teams on the map!
+ {
+ entity e;
+ e = find(world, classname, "nexball_team");
+ if (e.team == t)
+ e = find(e, classname, "nexball_team");
+ return e.team;
+ }
+ void ResetBall();
+ void LogNB(string mode, entity actor)
+ {
+ string s;
+ if(!autocvar_sv_eventlog)
+ return;
+ s = strcat(":nexball:", mode);
+ if(actor != world)
+ s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(actor.playerid));
+ GameLogEcho(s);
+ }
+ void ball_restart (void)
+ {
+ if(self.owner)
+ DropBall(self, self.owner.origin, '0 0 0');
+ ResetBall();
+ }
+ void nexball_setstatus (void)
+ {
+ entity oldself;
+ self.items &~= IT_KEY1;
+ if (self.ballcarried)
+ {
+ if (self.ballcarried.teamtime && (self.ballcarried.teamtime < time))
+ {
+ bprint("The ", ColoredTeamName(self.team), " held the ball for too long.\n");
+ oldself = self;
+ self = self.ballcarried;
+ DropBall(self, self.owner.origin, '0 0 0');
+ ResetBall();
+ self = oldself;
+ } else
+ self.items |= IT_KEY1;
+ }
+ }
+ void relocate_nexball (void)
+ {
+ tracebox(self.origin, BALL_MINS, BALL_MAXS, self.origin, TRUE, self);
+ if (trace_startsolid)
+ {
+ vector o;
+ o = self.origin;
+ if(!move_out_of_solid(self))
+ objerror("could not get out of solid at all!");
+ print("^1NOTE: this map needs FIXING. ", self.classname, " at ", vtos(o - '0 0 1'));
+ print(" needs to be moved out of solid, e.g. by '", ftos(self.origin_x - o_x));
+ print(" ", ftos(self.origin_y - o_y));
+ print(" ", ftos(self.origin_z - o_z), "'\n");
+ self.origin = o;
+ }
+ }
+ void basketball_touch();
+ void football_touch();
+ void DropOwner (void)
+ {
+ entity ownr;
+ ownr = self.owner;
+ DropBall(self, ownr.origin, ownr.velocity);
+ makevectors(ownr.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
+ ownr.velocity += ('0 0 0.75' - v_forward) * 1000;
+ ownr.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ }
+ void GiveBall (entity plyr, entity ball)
+ {
+ entity ownr;
+ if ((ownr = ball.owner))
+ {
+ ownr.effects &~= g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ownr.ballcarried = world;
+ if (ownr.metertime)
+ {
+ ownr.metertime = 0;
+ ownr.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(ownr.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(ball.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ }
+ setattachment(ball, plyr, "");
+ setorigin(ball, BALL_ATTACHORG);
+ if (ball.team != plyr.team)
+ ball.teamtime = time + g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam;
+ ball.owner = ball.pusher = plyr; //"owner" is set to the player carrying, "pusher" to the last player who touched it
+ ball.team = plyr.team;
+ plyr.ballcarried = ball;
- ball.ctf_droptime = time;
++ ball.nb_dropperid = plyr.playerid;
+ plyr.effects |= g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ball.effects &~= g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ball.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ ball.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ ball.touch = SUB_Null;
+ ball.effects |= EF_NOSHADOW;
+ ball.scale = 1; // scale down.
+ WaypointSprite_AttachCarrier("nb-ball", plyr, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, BALL_SPRITECOLOR);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(plyr.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, 0, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT);
+ if (g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold)
+ {
+ ball.think = DropOwner;
+ ball.nextthink = time + g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold;
+ }
+ }
+ void DropBall (entity ball, vector org, vector vel)
+ {
+ ball.effects |= g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ball.effects &~= EF_NOSHADOW;
+ ball.owner.effects &~= g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ setattachment(ball, world, "");
+ setorigin (ball, org);
+ ball.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
+ ball.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ ball.scale = ball_scale;
+ ball.velocity = vel;
- if (!self.cnt && other.classname == "player" && (other.playerid != self.dropperid || time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_collect)) {
++ ball.nb_droptime = time;
+ ball.touch = basketball_touch;
+ ball.think = ResetBall;
+ ball.nextthink = min(time + g_nexball_delay_idle, ball.teamtime);
+ if (ball.owner.metertime)
+ {
+ ball.owner.metertime = 0;
+ ball.owner.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(ball.owner.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn("nb-ball", 0, 0, ball, '0 0 64', world, ball.team, ball, waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, FALSE, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, BALL_SPRITECOLOR); // no health bar please
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(ball.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, 0, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT);
+ ball.owner.ballcarried = world;
+ ball.owner = world;
+ }
+ void InitBall (void)
+ {
+ if (gameover) return;
+ self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
+ if (self.classname == "nexball_basketball")
+ self.touch = basketball_touch;
+ else if (self.classname == "nexball_football")
+ self.touch = football_touch;
+ self.cnt = 0;
+ self.think = ResetBall;
+ self.nextthink = time + g_nexball_delay_idle + 3;
+ self.teamtime = 0;
+ self.pusher = world;
+ self.team = FALSE;
+ sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise1, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(self.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ LogNB("init", world);
+ }
+ void ResetBall (void)
+ {
+ if (self.cnt < 2) { // step 1
+ if (time == self.teamtime)
+ bprint("The ", ColoredTeamName(self.team), " held the ball for too long.\n");
+ self.touch = SUB_Null;
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0'; // just in case?
+ if(!self.cnt)
+ LogNB("resetidle", world);
+ self.cnt = 2;
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ } else if (self.cnt < 4) { // step 2 and 3
+ // dprint("Step ", ftos(self.cnt), ": Calculated velocity: ", vtos(self.spawnorigin - self.origin), ", time: ", ftos(time), "\n");
+ self.velocity = (self.spawnorigin - self.origin) * (self.cnt - 1); // 1 or 0.5 second movement
+ self.nextthink = time + 0.5;
+ self.cnt += 1;
+ } else { // step 4
+ // dprint("Step 4: time: ", ftos(time), "\n");
+ if (vlen(self.origin - self.spawnorigin) > 10) // should not happen anymore
+ dprint("The ball moved too far away from its spawn origin.\nOffset: ",
+ vtos(self.origin - self.spawnorigin), " Velocity: ", vtos(self.velocity), "\n");
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ setorigin(self, self.spawnorigin); // make sure it's positioned correctly anyway
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ self.think = InitBall;
+ self.nextthink = max(time, game_starttime) + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_start;
+ }
+ }
+ void football_touch (void)
+ {
+ if (other.solid == SOLID_BSP) {
+ if (time > self.lastground + 0.1)
+ {
+ sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ self.lastground = time;
+ }
+ if (vlen(self.velocity) && !self.cnt)
+ self.nextthink = time + g_nexball_delay_idle;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (other.classname != "player")
+ return;
+ if (other.health < 1)
+ return;
+ if (!self.cnt)
+ self.nextthink = time + g_nexball_delay_idle;
+ self.pusher = other;
+ self.team = other.team;
+ if (g_nexball_football_physics == -1) { // MrBougo try 1, before decompiling Rev's original
+ if (vlen(other.velocity))
+ self.velocity = other.velocity * 1.5 + '0 0 1' * g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ } else if (g_nexball_football_physics == 1) { // MrBougo's modded Rev style: partially independant of the height of the aiming point
+ makevectors(other.v_angle);
+ self.velocity = other.velocity + v_forward * g_nexball_football_boost_forward + '0 0 1' * g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ } else if (g_nexball_football_physics == 2) { // 2nd mod try: totally independant. Really playable!
+ makevectors(other.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
+ self.velocity = other.velocity + v_forward * g_nexball_football_boost_forward + v_up * g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ } else { // Revenant's original style (from the original mod's disassembly, acknowledged by Revenant)
+ makevectors(other.v_angle);
+ self.velocity = other.velocity + v_forward * g_nexball_football_boost_forward + v_up * g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ }
+ self.avelocity = -250 * v_forward; // maybe there is a way to make it look better?
+ }
+ void basketball_touch (void)
+ {
+ if (other.ballcarried)
+ {
+ football_touch();
+ return;
+ }
++ if (!self.cnt && other.classname == "player" && (other.playerid != self.nb_dropperid || time > self.nb_droptime + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_collect)) {
+ if (other.health <= 0)
+ return;
+ LogNB("caught", other);
+ GiveBall(other, self);
+ } else if (other.solid == SOLID_BSP) {
+ sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ if (vlen(self.velocity) && !self.cnt)
+ self.nextthink = min(time + g_nexball_delay_idle, self.teamtime);
+ }
+ }
+ void GoalTouch (void)
+ {
+ entity ball;
+ float isclient, pscore, otherteam;
+ string pname;
+ if (gameover) return;
+ if ((self.spawnflags & GOAL_TOUCHPLAYER) && other.ballcarried)
+ ball = other.ballcarried;
+ else
+ ball = other;
+ if (ball.classname != "nexball_basketball")
+ if (ball.classname != "nexball_football")
+ return;
+ if ((!ball.pusher && self.team != GOAL_OUT) || ball.cnt)
+ return;
+ if(nb_teams == 2)
+ otherteam = OtherTeam(ball.team);
+ if((isclient = ball.pusher.flags & FL_CLIENT))
+ pname = ball.pusher.netname;
+ else
+ pname = "Someone (?)";
+ if (ball.team == self.team) //owngoal (regular goals)
+ {
+ LogNB("owngoal", ball.pusher);
+ bprint("Boo! ", pname, "^7 scored a goal against their own team!\n");
+ pscore = -1;
+ } else if (self.team == GOAL_FAULT) {
+ LogNB("fault", ball.pusher);
+ if (nb_teams == 2)
+ bprint(ColoredTeamName(otherteam), " gets a point due to ", pname, "^7's silliness.\n");
+ else
+ bprint(ColoredTeamName(ball.team), " loses a point due to ", pname, "^7's silliness.\n");
+ pscore = -1;
+ } else if (self.team == GOAL_OUT) {
+ LogNB("out", ball.pusher);
+ if ((self.spawnflags & GOAL_TOUCHPLAYER) && ball.owner)
+ bprint(pname, "^7 went out of bounds.\n");
+ else
+ bprint("The ball was returned.\n");
+ pscore = 0;
+ } else { //score
+ LogNB(strcat("goal:", ftos(self.team)), ball.pusher);
+ bprint("Goaaaaal! ", pname, "^7 scored a point for the ", ColoredTeamName(ball.team), ".\n");
+ pscore = 1;
+ }
+ sound (ball, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ if(ball.team && pscore)
+ {
+ if (nb_teams == 2 && pscore < 0)
+ TeamScore_AddToTeam(otherteam, ST_NEXBALL_GOALS, -pscore);
+ else
+ TeamScore_AddToTeam(ball.team, ST_NEXBALL_GOALS, pscore);
+ }
+ if (isclient)
+ {
+ if (pscore > 0)
+ PlayerScore_Add(ball.pusher, SP_NEXBALL_GOALS, pscore);
+ else if (pscore < 0)
+ PlayerScore_Add(ball.pusher, SP_NEXBALL_FAULTS, -pscore);
+ }
+ if (ball.owner) // Happens on spawnflag GOAL_TOUCHPLAYER
+ DropBall(ball, ball.owner.origin, ball.owner.velocity);
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(ball.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ ball.cnt = 1;
+ ball.think = ResetBall;
+ if (ball.classname == "nexball_basketball")
+ ball.touch = football_touch; // better than SUB_Null: football control until the ball gets reset
+ ball.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_goal * (self.team != GOAL_OUT);
+ }
+ //=======================//
+ // team ents //
+ //=======================//
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_team (void)
+ {
+ if(!g_nexball) { remove(self); return; }
+ self.team = self.cnt + 1;
+ }
+ void nb_spawnteam (string teamname, float teamcolor)
+ {
+ dprint("^2spawned team ", teamname, "\n");
+ entity e;
+ e = spawn();
+ e.classname = "nexball_team";
+ e.netname = teamname;
+ e.cnt = teamcolor;
+ e.team = e.cnt + 1;
+ nb_teams += 1;
+ }
+ void nb_spawnteams (void)
+ {
+ float t_r, t_b, t_y, t_p;
+ entity e;
+ for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "nexball_goal")); )
+ {
+ switch(e.team)
+ {
+ case COLOR_TEAM1: if(!t_r) { nb_spawnteam ("Red", e.team-1) ; t_r = 1; } break;
+ case COLOR_TEAM2: if(!t_b) { nb_spawnteam ("Blue", e.team-1) ; t_b = 1; } break;
+ case COLOR_TEAM3: if(!t_y) { nb_spawnteam ("Yellow", e.team-1); t_y = 1; } break;
+ case COLOR_TEAM4: if(!t_p) { nb_spawnteam ("Pink", e.team-1) ; t_p = 1; } break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void nb_delayedinit (void)
+ {
+ if (find(world, classname, "nexball_team") == world)
+ nb_spawnteams();
+ ScoreRules_nexball(nb_teams);
+ }
+ //=======================//
+ // spawnfuncs //
+ //=======================//
+ void SpawnBall (void)
+ {
+ if(!g_nexball) { remove(self); return; }
+ // balls += 4; // using the remaining bits to count balls will leave more than the max edict count, so it's fine
+ if (!self.model) {
+ self.model = "models/nexball/ball.md3";
+ self.scale = 1.3;
+ }
+ precache_model (self.model);
+ setmodel (self, self.model);
+ setsize (self, BALL_MINS, BALL_MAXS);
+ ball_scale = self.scale;
+ relocate_nexball();
+ self.spawnorigin = self.origin;
+ self.effects = self.effects | EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ if (cvar(strcat("g_", self.classname, "_trail"))) //nexball_basketball :p
+ {
+ self.glow_color = autocvar_g_nexball_trail_color;
+ self.glow_trail = TRUE;
+ }
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
+ if (!autocvar_g_nexball_sound_bounce)
+ self.noise = "";
+ else if (!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "sound/nexball/bounce.wav";
+ //bounce sound placeholder (FIXME)
+ if (!self.noise1)
+ self.noise1 = "sound/nexball/drop.wav";
+ //ball drop sound placeholder (FIXME)
+ if (!self.noise2)
+ self.noise2 = "sound/nexball/steal.wav";
+ //stealing sound placeholder (FIXME)
+ if (self.noise) precache_sound (self.noise);
+ precache_sound (self.noise1);
+ precache_sound (self.noise2);
+ WaypointSprite_AttachCarrier("nb-ball", self, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, BALL_SPRITECOLOR); // the ball's team is not set yet, no rule update needed
+ self.reset = ball_restart;
+ self.think = InitBall;
+ self.nextthink = game_starttime + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_start;
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_basketball (void)
+ {
+ self.classname = "nexball_basketball";
+ if not(balls & BALL_BASKET)
+ {
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_effects_default);
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold);
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam);
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal);
+ g_nexball_basketball_effects_default = g_nexball_basketball_effects_default & BALL_EFFECTMASK;
+ }
+ if (!self.effects)
+ self.effects = g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ balls |= BALL_BASKET;
+ self.bouncefactor = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_bouncefactor;
+ self.bouncestop = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_bouncestop;
+ SpawnBall();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_football (void)
+ {
+ self.classname = "nexball_football";
+ self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ balls |= BALL_FOOT;
+ self.bouncefactor = autocvar_g_nexball_football_bouncefactor;
+ self.bouncestop = autocvar_g_nexball_football_bouncestop;
+ SpawnBall();
+ }
+ void SpawnGoal (void)
+ {
+ if(!g_nexball) { remove(self); return; }
+ self.classname = "nexball_goal";
+ if (!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "ctf/respawn.wav";
+ precache_sound(self.noise);
+ self.touch = GoalTouch;
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_redgoal (void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM1;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_bluegoal (void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM2;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_yellowgoal (void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM3;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_pinkgoal (void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM4;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_fault (void)
+ {
+ self.team = GOAL_FAULT;
+ if (!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "misc/typehit.wav";
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_out (void)
+ {
+ self.team = GOAL_OUT;
+ if (!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "misc/typehit.wav";
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ //
+ //Spawnfuncs preserved for compatibility
+ //
+ void spawnfunc_ball (void) { spawnfunc_nexball_football(); }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_football (void) { spawnfunc_nexball_football(); }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_basketball (void) { spawnfunc_nexball_basketball(); }
+ // The "red goal" is defended by blue team. A ball in there counts as a point for red.
+ void spawnfunc_ball_redgoal (void) { spawnfunc_nexball_bluegoal(); } // I blame Revenant
+ void spawnfunc_ball_bluegoal (void) { spawnfunc_nexball_redgoal(); } // but he didn't mean to cause trouble :p
+ void spawnfunc_ball_fault (void) { spawnfunc_nexball_fault(); }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_bound (void) { spawnfunc_nexball_out(); }
+ //=======================//
+ // Weapon code //
+ //=======================//
+ void W_Nexball_Touch (void)
+ {
+ entity ball, attacker;
+ attacker = self.owner;
+ if(attacker.team != other.team || g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal)
+ if((ball = other.ballcarried) && (attacker.classname == "player"))
+ {
+ other.velocity = other.velocity + normalize(self.velocity) * other.damageforcescale * autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_force;
+ other.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ if(!attacker.ballcarried)
+ {
+ LogNB("stole", attacker);
+ sound (other, CH_TRIGGER, ball.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ if(attacker.team == other.team && time > attacker.teamkill_complain)
+ {
+ attacker.teamkill_complain = time + 5;
+ attacker.teamkill_soundtime = time + 0.4;
+ attacker.teamkill_soundsource = other;
+ }
+ GiveBall(attacker, other.ballcarried);
+ }
+ }
+ remove(self);
+ }
+ void W_Nexball_Attack (float t)
+ {
+ entity ball;
+ float mul, mi, ma;
+ if (!(ball = self.ballcarried))
+ return;
+ W_SetupShot (self, FALSE, 4, "nexball/shoot1.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, 0);
+ tracebox(w_shotorg, BALL_MINS, BALL_MAXS, w_shotorg, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world);
+ if(trace_startsolid)
+ {
+ if(self.metertime)
+ self.metertime = 0; // Shot failed, hide the power meter
+ return;
+ }
+ //Calculate multiplier
+ if (t < 0)
+ mul = 1;
+ else
+ {
+ mi = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_meter_minpower;
+ ma = max(mi, autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_meter_maxpower); // avoid confusion
+ //One triangle wave period with 1 as max
+ mul = 2 * mod(t, g_nexball_meter_period) / g_nexball_meter_period;
+ if (mul > 1)
+ mul = 2 - mul;
+ mul = mi + (ma - mi) * mul; // range from the minimal power to the maximal power
+ }
+ DropBall (ball, w_shotorg, W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(self.velocity, w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_speed * mul, FALSE));
+ //TODO: use the speed_up cvar too ??
+ }
+ void W_Nexball_Attack2 (void)
+ {
+ entity missile;
+ if (!(balls & BALL_BASKET))
+ return;
+ W_SetupShot (self, FALSE, 2, "nexball/shoot2.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, 0);
+ // pointparticles(particleeffectnum("grenadelauncher_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
+ missile = spawn ();
+ missile.owner = self;
+ missile.classname = "ballstealer";
+ missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
+ setmodel (missile, "models/elaser.mdl"); // precision set below
+ setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
+ setorigin (missile, w_shotorg);
+ W_SetupProjectileVelocity(missile, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_speed, 0);
+ missile.angles = vectoangles (missile.velocity);
+ missile.touch = W_Nexball_Touch;
+ missile.think = SUB_Remove;
+ missile.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_lifetime; //FIXME: use a distance instead?
+ missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
+ }
+ float w_nexball_weapon(float req)
+ {
+ if (req == WR_THINK)
+ {
+ if (self.BUTTON_ATCK)
+ if (weapon_prepareattack(0, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_refire))
+ if (autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_meter)
+ {
+ if (self.ballcarried && !self.metertime)
+ self.metertime = time;
+ else
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ W_Nexball_Attack(-1);
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ if (self.BUTTON_ATCK2)
+ if (weapon_prepareattack(1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_refire))
+ {
+ W_Nexball_Attack2();
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ if (!self.BUTTON_ATCK && self.metertime && self.ballcarried)
+ {
+ W_Nexball_Attack(time - self.metertime);
+ // DropBall or stealing will set metertime back to 0
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (req == WR_PRECACHE)
+ {
+ precache_model ("models/weapons/g_porto.md3");
+ precache_model ("models/weapons/v_porto.md3");
+ precache_model ("models/weapons/h_porto.iqm");
+ precache_model ("models/elaser.mdl");
+ precache_sound ("nexball/shoot1.wav");
+ precache_sound ("nexball/shoot2.wav");
+ precache_sound ("misc/typehit.wav");
+ }
+ else if (req == WR_SETUP)
+ weapon_setup(WEP_PORTO);
+ else if (req == WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE)
+ {
+ w_deathtypestring = "is a weirdo";
+ }
+ else if (req == WR_KILLMESSAGE)
+ {
+ w_deathtypestring = "got killed by #'s black magic";
+ }
+ // No need to check WR_CHECKAMMO* or WR_AIM, it should always return TRUE
+ return TRUE;
+ }
- DropFlag(self.flagcarried, world, world);
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self); // FIXCTF
- if(self.ballcarried && g_nexball)
- DropBall(self.ballcarried, self.origin + self.ballcarried.origin, self.velocity);
if not(g_ca) // don't reset teams when moving a ca player to the spectators
- DropFlag(self.flagcarried, world, world);
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self); // FIXCTF
- if(self.ballcarried && g_nexball)
- DropBall(self.ballcarried, self.origin + self.ballcarried.origin, self.velocity);
// Here, everything has been done that requires this player to be a client.
if(attacker.classname != "player")
- DropFlag(self.flagcarried, self, attacker); // penalty for flag loss by suicide
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self); // penalty for flag loss by suicide
else if(attacker.team == self.team)
- DropFlag(self.flagcarried, attacker, attacker); // penalty for flag loss by suicide/teamkill
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self); // penalty for flag loss by suicide/teamkill
- DropFlag(self.flagcarried, world, attacker);
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self);
- if(self.ballcarried && g_nexball)
- DropBall(self.ballcarried, self.origin, self.velocity);
if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
float startitem_failed;
-void DropFlag(entity flag, entity penalty_receiver, entity attacker);
+void ctf_Handle_Drop(entity player); // FIXCTF
- void DropBall(entity ball, vector org, vector vel);
void DropAllRunes(entity pl);
--- /dev/null
- // Last updated: February 8th, 2012
+// ================================================================
+// Official capture the flag game mode coding, reworked by Samual
- // Flag constants
- #define FLAG_MIN (PL_MIN + '0 0 -13')
- #define FLAG_MAX (PL_MAX + '0 0 -13')
- #define FLAG_CARRY_POS '-15 0 7'
- .entity bot_basewaypoint; // flag waypointsprite
- .entity wps_flagbase;
- .entity wps_flagcarrier;
- .entity wps_flagdropped;
- entity ctf_worldflaglist; // CTF flags in the map
- .entity ctf_worldflagnext;
- .vector ctf_spawnorigin; // stored vector for where the flag is placed on the map itself.
- float ctf_captimerecord; // record time for capturing the flag
- .float ctf_pickuptime;
- .float ctf_pickupid;
- .float ctf_dropperid; // don't allow spam of dropping the flag
- .float ctf_droptime;
- .float ctf_status; // status of the flag (FLAG_BASE, FLAG_DROPPED, FLAG_CARRY declared globally)
- .float next_take_time; // Delay between when the person can pick up a flag // is this obsolete from the stuff above?
- // CaptureShield: If the player is too bad to be allowed to capture, shield them from taking the flag.
- .float ctf_captureshielded; // set to 1 if the player is too bad to be allowed to capture
- float ctf_captureshield_min_negscore; // punish at -20 points
- float ctf_captureshield_max_ratio; // punish at most 30% of each team
- float ctf_captureshield_force; // push force of the shield
- // after game mode is finished, these will be changed to use #define with other entities so as to not create many more.
- // ==================
- // Misc CTF functions
- // ==================
++// Last updated: March 27th, 2012
+// ================================================================
+float ctf_ReadScore(string parameter) // make this obsolete
+ //if(g_ctf_win_mode != 2)
+ return cvar(strcat("g_ctf_personal", parameter));
+ //else
+ // return cvar(strcat("g_ctf_flag", parameter));
+void ctf_FakeTimeLimit(entity e, float t)
+ msg_entity = e;
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 3); // svc_updatestat
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 236); // STAT_TIMELIMIT
+ if(t < 0)
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, autocvar_timelimit);
+ else
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, (t + 1) / 60);
+void ctf_EventLog(string mode, float flagteam, entity actor) // use an alias for easy changing and quick editing later
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":ctf:", mode, ":", ftos(flagteam), ((actor != world) ? (strcat(":", ftos(actor.playerid))) : "")));
+// =======================
+// CaptureShield Functions
+// =======================
+float ctf_CaptureShield_CheckStatus(entity p)
+ float s, se;
+ entity e;
+ float players_worseeq, players_total;
+ if(ctf_captureshield_max_ratio <= 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ s = PlayerScore_Add(p, SP_SCORE, 0);
+ if(s >= -ctf_captureshield_min_negscore)
+ return FALSE;
+ players_total = players_worseeq = 0;
+ {
+ if(e.team != p.team)
+ continue;
+ se = PlayerScore_Add(e, SP_SCORE, 0);
+ if(se <= s)
+ ++players_worseeq;
+ ++players_total;
+ }
+ // player is in the worse half, if >= half the players are better than him, or consequently, if < half of the players are worse
+ // use this rule here
+ if(players_worseeq >= players_total * ctf_captureshield_max_ratio)
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+void ctf_CaptureShield_Update(entity player, float wanted_status)
+ float updated_status = ctf_CaptureShield_CheckStatus(player);
+ if((wanted_status == player.ctf_captureshielded) && (updated_status != wanted_status)) // 0: shield only, 1: unshield only
+ {
+ if(updated_status) // TODO csqc notifier for this // Samual: How?
+ Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(player, CPID_CTF_CAPTURESHIELD, "^3You are now ^4shielded^3 from the flag\n^3for ^1too many unsuccessful attempts^3 to capture.\n\n^3Make some defensive scores before trying again.", 5, 0);
+ else
+ Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(player, CPID_CTF_CAPTURESHIELD, "^3You are now free.\n\n^3Feel free to ^1try to capture^3 the flag again\n^3if you think you will succeed.", 5, 0);
+ player.ctf_captureshielded = updated_status;
+ }
+float ctf_CaptureShield_Customize()
+ if not(other.ctf_captureshielded)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(self.team == other.team)
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+void ctf_CaptureShield_Touch()
+ if not(other.ctf_captureshielded)
+ return;
+ if(self.team == other.team)
+ return;
+ vector mymid;
+ vector othermid;
+ mymid = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5;
+ othermid = (other.absmin + other.absmax) * 0.5;
+ Damage(other, self, self, 0, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, mymid, normalize(othermid - mymid) * ctf_captureshield_force);
+ Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(other, CPID_CTF_CAPTURESHIELD, "^3You are ^4shielded^3 from the flag\n^3for ^1too many unsuccessful attempts^3 to capture.\n\n^3Get some defensive scores before trying again.", 5, 0);
+void ctf_CaptureShield_Spawn(entity flag)
+ entity e;
+ e = spawn();
+ e.enemy = self;
+ e.team = self.team;
+ e.touch = ctf_CaptureShield_Touch;
+ e.customizeentityforclient = ctf_CaptureShield_Customize;
+ e.classname = "ctf_captureshield";
+ e.effects = EF_ADDITIVE;
+ e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
+ e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ e.avelocity = '7 0 11';
+ setorigin(e, self.origin);
+ setmodel(e, "models/ctf/shield.md3");
+ e.scale = 0.5;
+ setsize(e, e.scale * e.mins, e.scale * e.maxs);
+// ==============
+// Event Handlers
+// ==============
+void ctf_Handle_Drop(entity player)
+ entity flag = player.flagcarried;
+ if(!flag) { return; }
+ if(flag.speedrunning) { ctf_RespawnFlag(flag); return; }
+ // reset the flag
+ setattachment(flag, world, "");
+ setorigin(flag, player.origin - '0 0 24' + '0 0 37');
+ flag.owner.flagcarried = world;
+ flag.owner = world;
+ flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
+ flag.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
+ flag.velocity = ('0 0 200' + ('0 100 0' * crandom()) + ('100 0 0' * crandom()));
+ flag.pain_finished = time + autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime; // replace this later
+ flag.ctf_droptime = time;
+ flag.ctf_dropperid = player.playerid;
+ flag.ctf_status = FLAG_DROPPED;
+ // messages and sounds
+ Send_KillNotification(player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_LOSTFLAG, MSG_INFO);
+ sound(flag, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise4, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("dropped", player.team, player);
+ // scoring
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_drop"));
+ PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_DROPS, 1);
+ // waypoints
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn("flagdropped", 0, 0, flag, '0 0 64', world, player.team, flag, wps_flagdropped, FALSE, RADARICON_FLAG, '0 1 1'); // (COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - flag.team)
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(player.wps_flagcarrier);
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(player.wps_flagcarrier);
+ // captureshield
+ ctf_CaptureShield_Update(player, 0); // shield only
+ // check if the flag will fall off the map
+ trace_startsolid = FALSE;
+ tracebox(flag.origin, flag.mins, flag.maxs, flag.origin, TRUE, flag);
+ if(trace_startsolid)
+ dprint("FLAG FALLTHROUGH will happen SOON\n");
+void ctf_Handle_Capture(entity flag, entity player)
+ // declarations
+ float cap_time, cap_record, success;
+ string cap_message, refername;
+ // records
+ if((autocvar_g_ctf_captimerecord_always) || (player_count - currentbots)) {
+ cap_record = ctf_captimerecord;
+ cap_time = (time - player.flagcarried.ctf_pickuptime);
+ refername = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/netname"));
+ refername = ((refername == player.netname) ? "their" : strcat(refername, "^7's"));
+ if(!ctf_captimerecord)
+ { cap_message = strcat(" in ", ftos_decimals(cap_time, 2), " seconds"); success = TRUE; }
+ else if(cap_time < cap_record)
+ { cap_message = strcat(" in ", ftos_decimals(cap_time, 2), " seconds, breaking ", refername, " previous record of ", ftos_decimals(cap_record, 2), " seconds"); success = TRUE; }
+ else
+ { cap_message = strcat(" in ", ftos_decimals(cap_time, 2), " seconds, failing to break ", refername, " record of ", ftos_decimals(cap_record, 2), " seconds"); success = FALSE; }
+ if(success) {
+ ctf_captimerecord = cap_time;
+ db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/time"), ftos(cap_time));
+ db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/netname"), player.netname);
+ write_recordmarker(player, (time - cap_time), cap_time); } }
+ // messages and sounds
+ Send_KillNotification(player.netname, player.flagcarried.netname, cap_message, INFO_CAPTUREFLAG, MSG_INFO);
+ sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); // "ctf/*_capture.wav"
+ ctf_EventLog("capture", player.flagcarried.team, player);
+ // scoring
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_capture"));
+ PlayerTeamScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_CAPS, ST_CTF_CAPS, 1);
+ // effects
+ if (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_capture_effects)
+ {
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum((player.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ? "red_ground_quake" : "blue_ground_quake"), flag.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ //shockwave_spawn("models/ctf/shockwavetransring.md3", flag.origin - '0 0 15', -0.8, 0, 1);
+ }
+ // waypointsprites
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(player.wps_flagcarrier);
+ // reset the flag
+ if(flag.speedrunning) { ctf_FakeTimeLimit(player, -1); }
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(player.flagcarried);
+void ctf_Handle_Return(entity flag, entity player)
+ // messages and sounds
+ Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_RETURNFLAG, MSG_INFO);
+ sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise1, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("return", flag.team, player);
+ // scoring
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore(strcat("score_return", ((player.playerid == flag.playerid) ? "_by_killer" : "")))); // reward for return
+ PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_RETURNS, 1); // add to count of returns
+ TeamScore_AddToTeam(((flag.team == COLOR_TEAM1) ? COLOR_TEAM2 : COLOR_TEAM1), ST_SCORE, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_returned")); // punish the team who was last carrying it
+ FOR_EACH_PLAYER(player) if(player.playerid == flag.ctf_dropperid) // punish the player who dropped the flag
+ {
+ PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_SCORE, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_returned"));
+ ctf_CaptureShield_Update(player, 0); // shield only
+ }
+ // waypointsprites
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(flag.wps_flagdropped);
+ // reset the flag
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(flag);
+void ctf_Handle_Pickup_Base(entity flag, entity player)
+ entity tmp_player; // temporary entity which the FOR_EACH_PLAYER loop uses to scan players
+ string verbosename; // holds the name of the player OR no name at all for printing in the centerprints
+ // attach the flag to the player
+ flag.owner = player;
+ player.flagcarried = flag;
+ setattachment(flag, player, "");
+ setorigin(flag, FLAG_CARRY_POS);
+ // set up the flag
+ flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ flag.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ flag.angles = '0 0 0';
+ flag.ctf_pickuptime = time; // used for timing runs
+ flag.ctf_pickupid = player.playerid;
+ flag.ctf_status = FLAG_CARRY;
+ // messages and sounds
+ Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_GOTFLAG, MSG_INFO);
+ sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("steal", flag.team, player);
+ verbosename = ((autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_verbosename) ? strcat("(", player.netname, ")") : ""); // replace TRUE with an autocvar for it.
+ FOR_EACH_PLAYER(tmp_player)
+ if(tmp_player.team == flag.team)
+ centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("The enemy ", verbosename, "got your flag! Retrieve it!"));
+ else if((tmp_player.team == player.team) && (tmp_player != player))
+ centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("Your team mate ", verbosename, "got the flag! Protect them!"));
+ // scoring
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_pickup_base"));
+ PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_PICKUPS, 1);
+ // speedrunning
+ flag.speedrunning = player.speedrunning; // if speedrunning, flag will flag-return and teleport the owner back after the record
+ if((player.speedrunning) && (ctf_captimerecord))
+ ctf_FakeTimeLimit(player, time + ctf_captimerecord);
+ // effects
+ if (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_effects)
+ {
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_ring"), 0.5 * (flag.absmin + flag.absmax), '0 0 0', 1);
+ }
+ // waypoints
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn("flagcarrier", 0, 0, player, '0 0 64', world, player.team, player, wps_flagcarrier, FALSE, RADARICON_FLAG, '1 1 0'); // (COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - flag.team)
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateMaxHealth(player.wps_flagcarrier, '1 0 0' * healtharmor_maxdamage(start_health, start_armorvalue, autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent) * 2);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(player.wps_flagcarrier, '1 0 0' * healtharmor_maxdamage(player.health, player.armorvalue, autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent));
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(player.wps_flagcarrier, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, '1 1 0');
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(player.wps_flagcarrier);
+void ctf_Handle_Pickup_Dropped(entity flag, entity player) // make sure this works
+ // declarations
+ float returnscore = bound(0, (flag.pain_finished - time) / autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime, 1); // can this be division by zero?
+ entity tmp_player; // temporary entity which the FOR_EACH_PLAYER loop uses to scan players
+ string verbosename; // holds the name of the player OR no name at all for printing in the centerprints
+ // attach the flag to the player
+ flag.owner = player;
+ player.flagcarried = flag;
+ setattachment(flag, player, "");
+ setorigin(flag, FLAG_CARRY_POS);
+ // set up the flag
+ flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ flag.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ flag.angles = '0 0 0';
+ //flag.ctf_pickuptime = time; // don't update pickuptime since this isn't a real steal.
+ flag.ctf_pickupid = player.playerid;
+ flag.ctf_status = FLAG_CARRY;
+ // messages and sounds
+ Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_PICKUPFLAG, MSG_INFO);
+ sound (player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("pickup", flag.team, player);
+ verbosename = ((autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_verbosename) ? strcat("(", player.netname, ")") : "");
+ FOR_EACH_PLAYER(tmp_player)
+ if(tmp_player.team == flag.team)
+ centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("The enemy ", verbosename, "got your flag! Retrieve it!"));
+ else if((tmp_player.team == player.team) && (tmp_player != player))
+ centerprint(tmp_player, strcat("Your team mate ", verbosename, "got the flag! Protect them!"));
+ // scoring
+ returnscore = floor((ctf_ReadScore("score_pickup_dropped_late") * (1-returnscore) + ctf_ReadScore("score_pickup_dropped_early") * returnscore) + 0.5);
+ print("score is ", ftos(returnscore), "\n");
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, returnscore);
+ PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_PICKUPS, 1);
+ // effects
+ if (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_effects) // field pickup effect
+ {
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_ring"), 0.5 * (flag.absmin + flag.absmax), '0 0 0', 1);
+ }
+ // waypoints
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(flag.wps_flagdropped);
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn("flagcarrier", 0, 0, player, '0 0 64', world, player.team, player, wps_flagcarrier, FALSE, RADARICON_FLAG, '1 1 0'); // (COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - flag.team)
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateMaxHealth(player.wps_flagcarrier, '1 0 0' * healtharmor_maxdamage(start_health, start_armorvalue, autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent) * 2);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(player.wps_flagcarrier, '1 0 0' * healtharmor_maxdamage(player.health, player.armorvalue, autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent));
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(player.wps_flagcarrier, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, '1 1 0');
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(player.wps_flagcarrier);
+// ===================
+// Main Flag Functions
+// ===================
+void ctf_FlagThink()
+ // declarations
+ entity tmp_entity;
+ self.nextthink = time + 0.1; // only 10 fps, more is unnecessary.
+ // captureshield
+ if(self == ctf_worldflaglist) // only for the first flag
+ FOR_EACH_CLIENT(tmp_entity)
+ ctf_CaptureShield_Update(tmp_entity, 1); // release shield only
+ // sanity checks
+ if(self.mins != FLAG_MIN || self.maxs != FLAG_MAX) { // reset the flag boundaries in case it got squished
+ dprint("wtf the flag got squished?\n");
+ tracebox(self.origin, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX, self.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self);
+ if(!trace_startsolid) // can we resize it without getting stuck?
+ setsize(self, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX); }
+ if(self.owner.classname != "player" || (self.owner.deadflag) || (self.owner.flagcarried != self)) {
+ dprint("CANNOT HAPPEN - player dead and STILL had a flag!\n");
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self.owner);
+ return; }
+ // main think method
+ switch(self.ctf_status)
+ {
+ case FLAG_BASE: // nothing to do here
+ return;
+ // flag fallthrough? FIXME remove this if bug is really fixed now
+ if(self.origin_z < -131072)
+ {
+ dprint("FLAG FALLTHROUGH just happened\n");
+ self.pain_finished = 0;
+ }
+ setattachment(self, world, "");
+ if(time > self.pain_finished)
+ {
+ bprint("The ", self.netname, " has returned to base\n");
+ sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise3, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("returned", self.team, world);
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
+ }
+ return;
+ case FLAG_CARRY:
+ if((self.owner) && (self.speedrunning) && (ctf_captimerecord) && (time >= self.ctf_pickuptime + ctf_captimerecord))
+ {
+ bprint("The ", self.netname, " became impatient after ", ftos_decimals(ctf_captimerecord, 2), " seconds and returned itself\n");
+ sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise3, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ self.owner.impulse = 141; // returning!
+ tmp_entity = self;
+ self = self.owner;
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(tmp_entity);
+ ImpulseCommands();
+ self = tmp_entity;
+ }
+ return;
+ default: // this should never happen
+ dprint("Think: Flag exists with no status?\n");
+ return;
+ }
+void ctf_FlagTouch()
+ if(gameover) { return; }
+ if(!self) { return; }
+ if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)
+ { // The flag fell off the map, respawn it since players can't get to it
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(other.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { return; }
+ if(other.classname != "player")
+ { // The flag just touched an object, most likely the world
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("kaball_sparks"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, "keepaway/touch.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(self.wait > time) { return; }
+ switch(self.ctf_status)
+ {
+ case FLAG_BASE:
+ if((other.team == self.team) && (other.flagcarried) && (other.flagcarried.team != self.team))
+ ctf_Handle_Capture(self, other); // other just captured the enemies flag to his base
+ else if((other.team != self.team) && (!other.flagcarried) && (!other.ctf_captureshielded))
+ ctf_Handle_Pickup_Base(self, other); // other just stole the enemies flag
+ break;
+ if(other.team == self.team)
+ ctf_Handle_Return(self, other); // other just returned his own flag
+ else if((!other.flagcarried) && ((other.playerid != self.ctf_dropperid) || (time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_balance_ctf_delay_collect)))
+ ctf_Handle_Pickup_Dropped(self, other); // other just picked up a dropped enemy flag
+ break;
+ case FLAG_CARRY:
+ dprint("Someone touched a flag even though it was being carried?\n");
+ break;
+ default: // this should never happen
+ dprint("Touch: Flag exists with no status?\n");
+ break;
+ }
+void ctf_RespawnFlag(entity flag)
+ // reset the player (if there is one)
+ if((flag.owner) && (flag.owner.flagcarried == flag))
+ {
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(flag.wps_flagcarrier);
+ flag.owner.flagcarried = world;
+ if(flag.speedrunning)
+ ctf_FakeTimeLimit(flag.owner, -1);
+ }
+ // reset the flag
+ setattachment(flag, world, "");
+ setorigin(flag, flag.ctf_spawnorigin); // replace with flag.ctf_spawnorigin
+ flag.movetype = ((flag.noalign) ? MOVETYPE_NONE : MOVETYPE_TOSS);
+ flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ flag.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ flag.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ flag.angles = flag.mangle;
+ flag.ctf_status = FLAG_BASE;
+ flag.flags = FL_ITEM | FL_NOTARGET;
+ flag.owner = world;
+void ctf_Reset()
+ if(self.owner)
+ if(self.owner.classname == "player")
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self.owner);
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
+void ctf_SetupFlag(float teamnumber, entity flag) // called when spawning a flag entity on the map as a spawnfunc
+ // declarations
+ teamnumber = fabs(teamnumber - bound(0, g_ctf_reverse, 1)); // if we were originally 1, this will become 0. If we were originally 0, this will become 1.
+ // main setup
+ flag.ctf_worldflagnext = ctf_worldflaglist; // link flag into ctf_worldflaglist // todo: find out if this can be simplified
+ ctf_worldflaglist = flag;
+ setattachment(flag, world, "");
+ flag.netname = ((teamnumber) ? "^1RED^7 flag" : "^4BLUE^7 flag");
+ flag.team = ((teamnumber) ? COLOR_TEAM1 : COLOR_TEAM2); // COLOR_TEAM1: color 4 team (red) - COLOR_TEAM2: color 13 team (blue)
+ flag.items = ((teamnumber) ? IT_KEY2 : IT_KEY1); // IT_KEY2: gold key (redish enough) - IT_KEY1: silver key (bluish enough)
+ flag.classname = "item_flag_team";
+ flag.target = "###item###"; // wut?
+ flag.flags = FL_ITEM | FL_NOTARGET;
+ flag.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ flag.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ flag.ctf_status = FLAG_BASE;
+ flag.ctf_spawnorigin = flag.origin;
+ flag.mangle = flag.angles;
+ if(flag.spawnflags & 1) // I don't understand what all this is about.
+ {
+ flag.noalign = TRUE;
+ flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ print("This map was loaded with flags using MOVETYPE_NONE\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flag.noalign = FALSE;
+ flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
+ print("This map was loaded with flags using MOVETYPE_TOSS\n");
+ }
+ flag.reset = ctf_Reset;
+ flag.touch = ctf_FlagTouch;
+ // appearence
+ if(!flag.model) { flag.model = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_model : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_model); }
+ setmodel (flag, flag.model); // precision set below
+ setsize(flag, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX);
+ setorigin(flag, flag.origin);
+ if(!flag.scale) { flag.scale = 0.6; }
+ flag.skin = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_skin : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_skin);
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_glowtrails)
+ {
+ flag.glow_color = ((teamnumber) ? 251 : 210); // 251: red - 210: blue
+ flag.glow_size = 25;
+ flag.glow_trail = 1;
+ }
+ flag.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_fullbrightflags) { flag.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; }
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_dynamiclights) { flag.effects |= ((teamnumber) ? EF_RED : EF_BLUE); }
+ // sound
+ if(!flag.noise) { flag.noise = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_taken.wav" : "ctf/blue_taken.wav"); }
+ if(!flag.noise1) { flag.noise1 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_returned.wav" : "ctf/blue_returned.wav"); }
+ if(!flag.noise2) { flag.noise2 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_capture.wav" : "ctf/blue_capture.wav"); } // blue team scores by capturing the red flag
+ if(!flag.noise3) { flag.noise3 = "ctf/flag_respawn.wav"; } // if there is ever a team-based sound for this, update the code to match.
+ if(!flag.noise4) { flag.noise4 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_dropped.wav" : "ctf/blue_dropped.wav"); }
+ // precache
+ precache_sound(flag.noise);
+ precache_sound(flag.noise1);
+ precache_sound(flag.noise2);
+ precache_sound(flag.noise3);
+ precache_sound(flag.noise4);
+ precache_model(flag.model);
+ precache_model("models/ctf/shield.md3");
+ precache_model("models/ctf/shockwavetransring.md3");
+ // bot waypoints
+ waypoint_spawnforitem_force(flag, flag.origin);
+ flag.nearestwaypointtimeout = 0; // activate waypointing again
+ flag.bot_basewaypoint = flag.nearestwaypoint;
+ // waypointsprites
+ WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed(((teamnumber) ? "redbase" : "bluebase"), flag.origin + '0 0 64', flag, wps_flagbase, RADARICON_FLAG, colormapPaletteColor(((teamnumber) ? COLOR_TEAM1 : COLOR_TEAM2) - 1, FALSE));
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(flag.wps_flagbase, RADARICON_FLAG, colormapPaletteColor(((teamnumber) ? COLOR_TEAM1 : COLOR_TEAM2) - 1, FALSE));
+ // captureshield setup
+ ctf_CaptureShield_Spawn(flag);
+// ==============
+// Hook Functions
+// ==============
+// g_ctf_ignore_frags
+ if(self.flagcarried) { ctf_Handle_Drop(self); }
+ return 0;
+ entity flag;
+ // initially clear items so they can be set as necessary later.
+ // item for stopping players from capturing the flag too often
+ if(self.ctf_captureshielded)
+ self.items |= IT_CTF_SHIELDED;
+ // scan through all the flags and notify the client about them
+ for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext)
+ {
+ if(flag.ctf_status == FLAG_CARRY)
+ if(flag.owner == self)
+ self.items |= ((flag.items & IT_KEY2) ? IT_RED_FLAG_CARRYING : IT_BLUE_FLAG_CARRYING); // carrying: self is currently carrying the flag
+ else
+ self.items |= ((flag.items & IT_KEY2) ? IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN : IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN); // taken: someone on self's team is carrying the flag
+ else if(flag.ctf_status == FLAG_DROPPED)
+ self.items |= ((flag.items & IT_KEY2) ? IT_RED_FLAG_LOST : IT_BLUE_FLAG_LOST); // lost: the flag is dropped somewhere on the map
+ }
+ return 0;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ctf_PlayerDamage) // for changing damage and force values that are applied to players in g_damage.qc
+{ /*
+ if(frag_attacker.flagcarried) // if the attacker is a flagcarrier
+ {
+ if(frag_target == frag_attacker) // damage done to yourself
+ {
+ frag_damage *= autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfdamagefactor;
+ frag_force *= autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfforcefactor;
+ }
+ else // damage done to noncarriers
+ {
+ frag_damage *= autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_damagefactor;
+ frag_force *= autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_forcefactor;
+ }
+ }*/
+ return 0;
+ frag_score = 0; // no frags counted in ctf
+ return (g_ctf_ignore_frags); // you deceptive little bugger ;3 This needs to be true in order for this function to even count.
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_allow_drop)
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self);
+ return 0;
+// ==========
+// Spawnfuncs
+// ==========
+/*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team1 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
+CTF Starting point for a player in team one (Red).
+Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team1()
+ if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; }
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM1; // red
+ spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
+/*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team2 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
+CTF Starting point for a player in team two (Blue).
+Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team2()
+ if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; }
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM2; // blue
+ spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
+/*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team3 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
+CTF Starting point for a player in team three (Yellow).
+Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team3()
+ if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; }
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM3; // yellow
+ spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
+/*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team4 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
+CTF Starting point for a player in team four (Purple).
+Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team4()
+ if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; }
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM4; // purple
+ spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
+/*QUAKED spawnfunc_item_flag_team1 (0 0.5 0.8) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37)
+CTF flag for team one (Red). Multiple flags are allowed.
+"angle" Angle the flag will point (minus 90 degrees)...
+"model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1 (default models/ctf/flag.md3)...
+"noise" sound played when flag is picked up (default ctf/take.wav)...
+"noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate (default ctf/return.wav)...
+"noise2" sound played when flag is captured (default ctf/redcapture.wav)...
+"noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself (default ctf/respawn.wav)... */
+void spawnfunc_item_flag_team1()
+ if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; }
+ ctf_SetupFlag(1, self); // 1 = red
+/*QUAKED spawnfunc_item_flag_team2 (0 0.5 0.8) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37)
+CTF flag for team two (Blue). Multiple flags are allowed.
+"angle" Angle the flag will point (minus 90 degrees)...
+"model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1 (default models/ctf/flag.md3)...
+"noise" sound played when flag is picked up (default ctf/take.wav)...
+"noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate (default ctf/return.wav)...
+"noise2" sound played when flag is captured (default ctf/redcapture.wav)...
+"noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself (default ctf/respawn.wav)... */
+void spawnfunc_item_flag_team2()
+ if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; }
+ ctf_SetupFlag(0, self); // the 0 is misleading, but -- 0 = blue.
+/*QUAKED spawnfunc_ctf_team (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32)
+Team declaration for CTF gameplay, this allows you to decide what team names and control point models are used in your map.
+Note: If you use spawnfunc_ctf_team entities you must define at least 2! However, unlike domination, you don't need to make a blank one too.
+"netname" Name of the team (for example Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Life, Death, Offense, Defense, etc)...
+"cnt" Scoreboard color of the team (for example 4 is red and 13 is blue)... */
+void spawnfunc_ctf_team()
+ if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; }
+ self.classname = "ctf_team";
+ self.team = self.cnt + 1;
+// ==============
+// Initialization
+// ==============
+// code from here on is just to support maps that don't have flag and team entities
+void ctf_SpawnTeam (string teamname, float teamcolor)
+ entity oldself;
+ oldself = self;
+ self = spawn();
+ self.classname = "ctf_team";
+ self.netname = teamname;
+ self.cnt = teamcolor;
+ spawnfunc_ctf_team();
+ self = oldself;
+void ctf_DelayedInit() // Do this check with a delay so we can wait for teams to be set up.
+ // if no teams are found, spawn defaults
+ if(find(world, classname, "ctf_team") == world)
+ {
+ print("NO TEAMS FOUND FOR CTF! creating them anyway.\n");
+ ctf_SpawnTeam("Red", COLOR_TEAM1 - 1);
+ ctf_SpawnTeam("Blue", COLOR_TEAM2 - 1);
+ }
+ ScoreRules_ctf();
+void ctf_Initialize()
+ ctf_captimerecord = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/time")));
+ ctf_captureshield_min_negscore = autocvar_g_ctf_shield_min_negscore;
+ ctf_captureshield_max_ratio = autocvar_g_ctf_shield_max_ratio;
+ ctf_captureshield_force = autocvar_g_ctf_shield_force;
+ //g_ctf_win_mode = cvar("g_ctf_win_mode");
+ InitializeEntity(world, ctf_DelayedInit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(MakePlayerObserver, ctf_RemovePlayer, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(ClientDisconnect, ctf_RemovePlayer, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerDies, ctf_RemovePlayer, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(GiveFragsForKill, ctf_GiveFragsForKill, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPreThink, ctf_PlayerPreThink, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerDamage_Calculate, ctf_PlayerDamage, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerUseKey, ctf_PlayerUseKey, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ //MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPowerups, ctf_PlayerPowerups, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ {
+ if(time > 1) // game loads at time 1
+ error("This is a game type and it cannot be added at runtime.");
+ g_ctf = 1;
+ ctf_Initialize();
+ }
+ {
+ g_ctf = 0;
+ error("This is a game type and it cannot be removed at runtime.");
+ }
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// these are needed since mutators are compiled last
++// used in cheats.qc
++void ctf_RespawnFlag(entity flag)
+// used in t_quake3.qc
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team1();
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team2();
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team3();
+void spawnfunc_info_player_team4();
+void spawnfunc_item_flag_team1();
+void spawnfunc_item_flag_team2();
+void spawnfunc_ctf_team();
++// flag constants
++#define FLAG_MIN (PL_MIN + '0 0 -13')
++#define FLAG_MAX (PL_MAX + '0 0 -13')
++#define FLAG_CARRY_POS '-15 0 7'
++.entity bot_basewaypoint; // flag waypointsprite
++.entity wps_flagbase;
++.entity wps_flagcarrier;
++.entity wps_flagdropped;
++entity ctf_worldflaglist; // CTF flags in the map
++.entity ctf_worldflagnext;
++.vector ctf_spawnorigin; // stored vector for where the flag is placed on the map itself.
++float ctf_captimerecord; // record time for capturing the flag
++.float ctf_pickuptime;
++.float ctf_pickupid;
++.float ctf_dropperid; // don't allow spam of dropping the flag
++.float ctf_droptime;
++.float ctf_status; // status of the flag (FLAG_BASE, FLAG_DROPPED, FLAG_CARRY declared globally)
++.float next_take_time; // Delay between when the person can pick up a flag // is this obsolete from the stuff above?
++// CaptureShield: If the player is too bad to be allowed to capture, shield them from taking the flag.
++.float ctf_captureshielded; // set to 1 if the player is too bad to be allowed to capture
++float ctf_captureshield_min_negscore; // punish at -20 points
++float ctf_captureshield_max_ratio; // punish at most 30% of each team
++float ctf_captureshield_force; // push force of the shield
--- /dev/null
- ball.dropperid = plyr.playerid;
+ float autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_turnrate;
+ float autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_maxdist;
+ float autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_holdtime;
+ float autocvar_g_nexball_viewmodel_scale;
+ float autocvar_g_nexball_tackling;
+ vector autocvar_g_nexball_viewmodel_offset;
+ void basketball_touch();
+ void football_touch();
+ void ResetBall();
+ #define NBM_NONE 0
+ #define NBM_FOOTBALL 2
+ #define NBM_BASKETBALL 4
+ float nexball_mode;
+ float OtherTeam(float t) //works only if there are two teams on the map!
+ {
+ entity e;
+ e = find(world, classname, "nexball_team");
+ if(e.team == t)
+ e = find(e, classname, "nexball_team");
+ return e.team;
+ }
+ void LogNB(string mode, entity actor)
+ {
+ string s;
+ if(!autocvar_sv_eventlog)
+ return;
+ s = strcat(":nexball:", mode);
+ if(actor != world)
+ s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(actor.playerid));
+ GameLogEcho(s);
+ }
+ void ball_restart(void)
+ {
+ if(self.owner)
+ DropBall(self, self.owner.origin, '0 0 0');
+ ResetBall();
+ }
+ void nexball_setstatus(void)
+ {
+ entity oldself;
+ self.items &~= IT_KEY1;
+ if(self.ballcarried)
+ {
+ if(self.ballcarried.teamtime && (self.ballcarried.teamtime < time))
+ {
+ bprint("The ", ColoredTeamName(self.team), " held the ball for too long.\n");
+ oldself = self;
+ self = self.ballcarried;
+ DropBall(self, self.owner.origin, '0 0 0');
+ ResetBall();
+ self = oldself;
+ }
+ else
+ self.items |= IT_KEY1;
+ }
+ }
+ void relocate_nexball(void)
+ {
+ tracebox(self.origin, BALL_MINS, BALL_MAXS, self.origin, TRUE, self);
+ if(trace_startsolid)
+ {
+ vector o;
+ o = self.origin;
+ if(!move_out_of_solid(self))
+ objerror("could not get out of solid at all!");
+ print("^1NOTE: this map needs FIXING. ", self.classname, " at ", vtos(o - '0 0 1'));
+ print(" needs to be moved out of solid, e.g. by '", ftos(self.origin_x - o_x));
+ print(" ", ftos(self.origin_y - o_y));
+ print(" ", ftos(self.origin_z - o_z), "'\n");
+ self.origin = o;
+ }
+ }
+ void DropOwner(void)
+ {
+ entity ownr;
+ ownr = self.owner;
+ DropBall(self, ownr.origin, ownr.velocity);
+ makevectors(ownr.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
+ ownr.velocity += ('0 0 0.75' - v_forward) * 1000;
+ ownr.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ }
+ void GiveBall(entity plyr, entity ball)
+ {
+ entity ownr;
+ if((ownr = ball.owner))
+ {
+ ownr.effects &~= autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ownr.ballcarried = world;
+ if(ownr.metertime)
+ {
+ ownr.metertime = 0;
+ ownr.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(ownr.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(ball.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ }
+ //setattachment(ball, plyr, "");
+ setorigin(ball, plyr.origin + plyr.view_ofs);
+ if(ball.team != plyr.team)
+ ball.teamtime = time + autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam;
+ ball.owner = ball.pusher = plyr; //"owner" is set to the player carrying, "pusher" to the last player who touched it
+ ball.team = plyr.team;
+ plyr.ballcarried = ball;
- if(!self.cnt && other.classname == "player" && (other.playerid != self.dropperid || time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_collect))
++ ball.ctf_dropperid = plyr.playerid;
+ plyr.effects |= autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ball.effects &~= autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ball.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ ball.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ ball.touch = SUB_Null;
+ ball.effects |= EF_NOSHADOW;
+ ball.scale = 1; // scale down.
+ WaypointSprite_AttachCarrier("nb-ball", plyr, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, BALL_SPRITECOLOR);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(plyr.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, 0, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT);
+ if(autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold)
+ {
+ ball.think = DropOwner;
+ ball.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold;
+ }
+ ownr = self;
+ self = plyr;
+ self.weaponentity.weapons = self.weapons;
+ self.weaponentity.switchweapon = self.weapon;
+ self.weapons = W_WeaponBit(WEP_PORTO);
+ weapon_action(WEP_PORTO, WR_RESETPLAYER);
+ self.switchweapon = WEP_PORTO;
+ W_SwitchWeapon(WEP_PORTO);
+ self = ownr;
+ }
+ void DropBall(entity ball, vector org, vector vel)
+ {
+ ball.effects |= autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ ball.effects &~= EF_NOSHADOW;
+ ball.owner.effects &~= autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ setattachment(ball, world, "");
+ setorigin(ball, org);
+ ball.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
+ ball.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ ball.scale = ball_scale;
+ ball.velocity = vel;
+ ball.ctf_droptime = time;
+ ball.touch = basketball_touch;
+ ball.think = ResetBall;
+ ball.nextthink = min(time + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_idle, ball.teamtime);
+ if(ball.owner.metertime)
+ {
+ ball.owner.metertime = 0;
+ ball.owner.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(ball.owner.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn("nb-ball", 0, 0, ball, '0 0 64', world, ball.team, ball, waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, FALSE, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, BALL_SPRITECOLOR); // no health bar please
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(ball.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, 0, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT);
+ ball.owner.ballcarried = world;
+ ball.owner = world;
+ }
+ void InitBall(void)
+ {
+ if(gameover) return;
+ self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
+ if(self.classname == "nexball_basketball")
+ self.touch = basketball_touch;
+ else if(self.classname == "nexball_football")
+ self.touch = football_touch;
+ self.cnt = 0;
+ self.think = ResetBall;
+ self.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_idle + 3;
+ self.teamtime = 0;
+ self.pusher = world;
+ self.team = FALSE;
+ sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise1, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(self.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ LogNB("init", world);
+ }
+ void ResetBall(void)
+ {
+ if(self.cnt < 2) // step 1
+ {
+ if(time == self.teamtime)
+ bprint("The ", ColoredTeamName(self.team), " held the ball for too long.\n");
+ self.touch = SUB_Null;
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0'; // just in case?
+ if(!self.cnt)
+ LogNB("resetidle", world);
+ self.cnt = 2;
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ }
+ else if(self.cnt < 4) // step 2 and 3
+ {
+ // dprint("Step ", ftos(self.cnt), ": Calculated velocity: ", vtos(self.spawnorigin - self.origin), ", time: ", ftos(time), "\n");
+ self.velocity = (self.spawnorigin - self.origin) * (self.cnt - 1); // 1 or 0.5 second movement
+ self.nextthink = time + 0.5;
+ self.cnt += 1;
+ }
+ else // step 4
+ {
+ // dprint("Step 4: time: ", ftos(time), "\n");
+ if(vlen(self.origin - self.spawnorigin) > 10) // should not happen anymore
+ dprint("The ball moved too far away from its spawn origin.\nOffset: ",
+ vtos(self.origin - self.spawnorigin), " Velocity: ", vtos(self.velocity), "\n");
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ setorigin(self, self.spawnorigin); // make sure it's positioned correctly anyway
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
+ self.think = InitBall;
+ self.nextthink = max(time, game_starttime) + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_start;
+ }
+ }
+ void football_touch(void)
+ {
+ if(other.solid == SOLID_BSP)
+ {
+ if(time > self.lastground + 0.1)
+ {
+ sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ self.lastground = time;
+ }
+ if(vlen(self.velocity) && !self.cnt)
+ self.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_idle;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(other.classname != "player")
+ return;
+ if(other.health < 1)
+ return;
+ if(!self.cnt)
+ self.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_idle;
+ self.pusher = other;
+ self.team = other.team;
+ if(autocvar_g_nexball_football_physics == -1) // MrBougo try 1, before decompiling Rev's original
+ {
+ if(vlen(other.velocity))
+ self.velocity = other.velocity * 1.5 + '0 0 1' * autocvar_g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_g_nexball_football_physics == 1) // MrBougo's modded Rev style: partially independant of the height of the aiming point
+ {
+ makevectors(other.v_angle);
+ self.velocity = other.velocity + v_forward * autocvar_g_nexball_football_boost_forward + '0 0 1' * autocvar_g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_g_nexball_football_physics == 2) // 2nd mod try: totally independant. Really playable!
+ {
+ makevectors(other.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
+ self.velocity = other.velocity + v_forward * autocvar_g_nexball_football_boost_forward + v_up * autocvar_g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ }
+ else // Revenant's original style (from the original mod's disassembly, acknowledged by Revenant)
+ {
+ makevectors(other.v_angle);
+ self.velocity = other.velocity + v_forward * autocvar_g_nexball_football_boost_forward + v_up * autocvar_g_nexball_football_boost_up;
+ }
+ self.avelocity = -250 * v_forward; // maybe there is a way to make it look better?
+ }
+ void basketball_touch(void)
+ {
+ if(other.ballcarried)
+ {
+ football_touch();
+ return;
+ }
++ if(!self.cnt && other.classname == "player" && (other.playerid != self.ctf_dropperid || time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_collect))
+ {
+ if(other.health <= 0)
+ return;
+ LogNB("caught", other);
+ GiveBall(other, self);
+ }
+ else if(other.solid == SOLID_BSP)
+ {
+ sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ if(vlen(self.velocity) && !self.cnt)
+ self.nextthink = min(time + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_idle, self.teamtime);
+ }
+ }
+ void GoalTouch(void)
+ {
+ entity ball;
+ float isclient, pscore, otherteam;
+ string pname;
+ if(gameover) return;
+ if((self.spawnflags & GOAL_TOUCHPLAYER) && other.ballcarried)
+ ball = other.ballcarried;
+ else
+ ball = other;
+ if(ball.classname != "nexball_basketball")
+ if(ball.classname != "nexball_football")
+ return;
+ if((!ball.pusher && self.team != GOAL_OUT) || ball.cnt)
+ return;
+ if(nb_teams == 2)
+ otherteam = OtherTeam(ball.team);
+ if((isclient = ball.pusher.flags & FL_CLIENT))
+ pname = ball.pusher.netname;
+ else
+ pname = "Someone (?)";
+ if(ball.team == self.team) //owngoal (regular goals)
+ {
+ LogNB("owngoal", ball.pusher);
+ bprint("Boo! ", pname, "^7 scored a goal against their own team!\n");
+ pscore = -1;
+ }
+ else if(self.team == GOAL_FAULT)
+ {
+ LogNB("fault", ball.pusher);
+ if(nb_teams == 2)
+ bprint(ColoredTeamName(otherteam), " gets a point due to ", pname, "^7's silliness.\n");
+ else
+ bprint(ColoredTeamName(ball.team), " loses a point due to ", pname, "^7's silliness.\n");
+ pscore = -1;
+ }
+ else if(self.team == GOAL_OUT)
+ {
+ LogNB("out", ball.pusher);
+ if((self.spawnflags & GOAL_TOUCHPLAYER) && ball.owner)
+ bprint(pname, "^7 went out of bounds.\n");
+ else
+ bprint("The ball was returned.\n");
+ pscore = 0;
+ }
+ else //score
+ {
+ LogNB(strcat("goal:", ftos(self.team)), ball.pusher);
+ bprint("Goaaaaal! ", pname, "^7 scored a point for the ", ColoredTeamName(ball.team), ".\n");
+ pscore = 1;
+ }
+ sound(ball, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ if(ball.team && pscore)
+ {
+ if(nb_teams == 2 && pscore < 0)
+ TeamScore_AddToTeam(otherteam, ST_NEXBALL_GOALS, -pscore);
+ else
+ TeamScore_AddToTeam(ball.team, ST_NEXBALL_GOALS, pscore);
+ }
+ if(isclient)
+ {
+ if(pscore > 0)
+ PlayerScore_Add(ball.pusher, SP_NEXBALL_GOALS, pscore);
+ else if(pscore < 0)
+ PlayerScore_Add(ball.pusher, SP_NEXBALL_FAULTS, -pscore);
+ }
+ if(ball.owner) // Happens on spawnflag GOAL_TOUCHPLAYER
+ DropBall(ball, ball.owner.origin, ball.owner.velocity);
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(ball.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier);
+ ball.cnt = 1;
+ ball.think = ResetBall;
+ if(ball.classname == "nexball_basketball")
+ ball.touch = football_touch; // better than SUB_Null: football control until the ball gets reset
+ ball.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_goal * (self.team != GOAL_OUT);
+ }
+ //=======================//
+ // team ents //
+ //=======================//
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_team(void)
+ {
+ if(!g_nexball)
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ self.team = self.cnt + 1;
+ }
+ void nb_spawnteam(string teamname, float teamcolor)
+ {
+ dprint("^2spawned team ", teamname, "\n");
+ entity e;
+ e = spawn();
+ e.classname = "nexball_team";
+ e.netname = teamname;
+ e.cnt = teamcolor;
+ e.team = e.cnt + 1;
+ nb_teams += 1;
+ }
+ void nb_spawnteams(void)
+ {
+ float t_r, t_b, t_y, t_p;
+ entity e;
+ for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "nexball_goal"));)
+ {
+ switch(e.team)
+ {
+ case COLOR_TEAM1:
+ if(!t_r)
+ {
+ nb_spawnteam("Red", e.team-1) ;
+ t_r = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COLOR_TEAM2:
+ if(!t_b)
+ {
+ nb_spawnteam("Blue", e.team-1) ;
+ t_b = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COLOR_TEAM3:
+ if(!t_y)
+ {
+ nb_spawnteam("Yellow", e.team-1);
+ t_y = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COLOR_TEAM4:
+ if(!t_p)
+ {
+ nb_spawnteam("Pink", e.team-1) ;
+ t_p = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void nb_delayedinit(void)
+ {
+ if(find(world, classname, "nexball_team") == world)
+ nb_spawnteams();
+ ScoreRules_nexball(nb_teams);
+ }
+ //=======================//
+ // spawnfuncs //
+ //=======================//
+ void SpawnBall(void)
+ {
+ if(!g_nexball)
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ // balls += 4; // using the remaining bits to count balls will leave more than the max edict count, so it's fine
+ if(!self.model)
+ {
+ self.model = "models/nexball/ball.md3";
+ self.scale = 1.3;
+ }
+ precache_model(self.model);
+ setmodel(self, self.model);
+ setsize(self, BALL_MINS, BALL_MAXS);
+ ball_scale = self.scale;
+ relocate_nexball();
+ self.spawnorigin = self.origin;
+ self.effects = self.effects | EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ if(cvar(strcat("g_", self.classname, "_trail"))) //nexball_basketball :p
+ {
+ self.glow_color = autocvar_g_nexball_trail_color;
+ self.glow_trail = TRUE;
+ }
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
+ if(!autocvar_g_nexball_sound_bounce)
+ self.noise = "";
+ else if(!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "sound/nexball/bounce.wav";
+ //bounce sound placeholder (FIXME)
+ if(!self.noise1)
+ self.noise1 = "sound/nexball/drop.wav";
+ //ball drop sound placeholder (FIXME)
+ if(!self.noise2)
+ self.noise2 = "sound/nexball/steal.wav";
+ //stealing sound placeholder (FIXME)
+ if(self.noise) precache_sound(self.noise);
+ precache_sound(self.noise1);
+ precache_sound(self.noise2);
+ WaypointSprite_AttachCarrier("nb-ball", self, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, BALL_SPRITECOLOR); // the ball's team is not set yet, no rule update needed
+ self.reset = ball_restart;
+ self.think = InitBall;
+ self.nextthink = game_starttime + autocvar_g_nexball_delay_start;
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_basketball(void)
+ {
+ nexball_mode |= NBM_BASKETBALL;
+ self.classname = "nexball_basketball";
+ if not(balls & BALL_BASKET)
+ {
+ /*
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_effects_default);
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold);
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam);
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal);
+ */
+ autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default & BALL_EFFECTMASK;
+ }
+ if(!self.effects)
+ self.effects = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_effects_default;
+ self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ balls |= BALL_BASKET;
+ self.bouncefactor = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_bouncefactor;
+ self.bouncestop = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_bouncestop;
+ SpawnBall();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_football(void)
+ {
+ nexball_mode |= NBM_FOOTBALL;
+ self.classname = "nexball_football";
+ self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ balls |= BALL_FOOT;
+ self.bouncefactor = autocvar_g_nexball_football_bouncefactor;
+ self.bouncestop = autocvar_g_nexball_football_bouncestop;
+ SpawnBall();
+ }
+ void SpawnGoal(void)
+ {
+ if(!g_nexball)
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ self.classname = "nexball_goal";
+ if(!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "ctf/respawn.wav";
+ precache_sound(self.noise);
+ self.touch = GoalTouch;
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_redgoal(void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM1;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_bluegoal(void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM2;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_yellowgoal(void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM3;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_pinkgoal(void)
+ {
+ self.team = COLOR_TEAM4;
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_fault(void)
+ {
+ self.team = GOAL_FAULT;
+ if(!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "misc/typehit.wav";
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_nexball_out(void)
+ {
+ self.team = GOAL_OUT;
+ if(!self.noise)
+ self.noise = "misc/typehit.wav";
+ SpawnGoal();
+ }
+ //
+ //Spawnfuncs preserved for compatibility
+ //
+ void spawnfunc_ball(void)
+ {
+ spawnfunc_nexball_football();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_football(void)
+ {
+ spawnfunc_nexball_football();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_basketball(void)
+ {
+ spawnfunc_nexball_basketball();
+ }
+ // The "red goal" is defended by blue team. A ball in there counts as a point for red.
+ void spawnfunc_ball_redgoal(void)
+ {
+ spawnfunc_nexball_bluegoal(); // I blame Revenant
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_bluegoal(void)
+ {
+ spawnfunc_nexball_redgoal(); // but he didn't mean to cause trouble :p
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_fault(void)
+ {
+ spawnfunc_nexball_fault();
+ }
+ void spawnfunc_ball_bound(void)
+ {
+ spawnfunc_nexball_out();
+ }
+ //=======================//
+ // Weapon code //
+ //=======================//
+ void W_Nexball_Think()
+ {
+ //dprint("W_Nexball_Think\n");
+ //vector new_dir = steerlib_arrive(self.enemy.origin, 2500);
+ vector new_dir = normalize(self.enemy.origin - self.origin);
+ vector old_dir = normalize(self.velocity);
+ float _speed = vlen(self.velocity);
+ vector new_vel = normalize(old_dir + (new_dir * autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_turnrate)) * _speed;
+ //vector new_vel = (new_dir * autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_turnrate
+ self.velocity = new_vel;
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ }
+ void W_Nexball_Touch(void)
+ {
+ entity ball, attacker;
+ attacker = self.owner;
+ //self.think = SUB_Null;
+ //self.enemy = world;
+ if(attacker.team != other.team || autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal)
+ if((ball = other.ballcarried) && (attacker.classname == "player"))
+ {
+ other.velocity = other.velocity + normalize(self.velocity) * other.damageforcescale * autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_force;
+ other.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ if(!attacker.ballcarried)
+ {
+ LogNB("stole", attacker);
+ sound(other, CH_TRIGGER, ball.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ if(attacker.team == other.team && time > attacker.teamkill_complain)
+ {
+ attacker.teamkill_complain = time + 5;
+ attacker.teamkill_soundtime = time + 0.4;
+ attacker.teamkill_soundsource = other;
+ }
+ GiveBall(attacker, other.ballcarried);
+ }
+ }
+ remove(self);
+ }
+ void W_Nexball_Attack(float t)
+ {
+ entity ball;
+ float mul, mi, ma;
+ if(!(ball = self.ballcarried))
+ return;
+ W_SetupShot(self, FALSE, 4, "nexball/shoot1.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, 0);
+ tracebox(w_shotorg, BALL_MINS, BALL_MAXS, w_shotorg, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world);
+ if(trace_startsolid)
+ {
+ if(self.metertime)
+ self.metertime = 0; // Shot failed, hide the power meter
+ return;
+ }
+ //Calculate multiplier
+ if(t < 0)
+ mul = 1;
+ else
+ {
+ mi = autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_meter_minpower;
+ ma = max(mi, autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_meter_maxpower); // avoid confusion
+ //One triangle wave period with 1 as max
+ mul = 2 * mod(t, g_nexball_meter_period) / g_nexball_meter_period;
+ if(mul > 1)
+ mul = 2 - mul;
+ mul = mi + (ma - mi) * mul; // range from the minimal power to the maximal power
+ }
+ DropBall(ball, w_shotorg, W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(self.velocity, w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_speed * mul, FALSE));
+ //TODO: use the speed_up cvar too ??
+ }
+ void W_Nexball_Attack2(void)
+ {
+ if(self.ballcarried.enemy)
+ {
+ entity _ball = self.ballcarried;
+ W_SetupShot(self, FALSE, 4, "nexball/shoot1.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, 0);
+ DropBall(_ball, w_shotorg, trigger_push_calculatevelocity(_ball.origin, _ball.enemy, 32));
+ _ball.think = W_Nexball_Think;
+ _ball.nextthink = time;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!autocvar_g_nexball_tackling)
+ return;
+ entity missile;
+ if(!(balls & BALL_BASKET))
+ return;
+ W_SetupShot(self, FALSE, 2, "nexball/shoot2.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, 0);
+ // pointparticles(particleeffectnum("grenadelauncher_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
+ missile = spawn();
+ missile.owner = self;
+ missile.classname = "ballstealer";
+ missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
+ setmodel(missile, "models/elaser.mdl"); // precision set below
+ setsize(missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
+ setorigin(missile, w_shotorg);
+ W_SetupProjectileVelocity(missile, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_speed, 0);
+ missile.angles = vectoangles(missile.velocity);
+ missile.touch = W_Nexball_Touch;
+ missile.think = SUB_Remove;
+ missile.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_lifetime; //FIXME: use a distance instead?
+ missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
+ }
+ var const float() nullfunc;
+ float ball_customize()
+ {
+ if(!self.owner)
+ {
+ self.effects &~= EF_FLAME;
+ self.scale = 1;
+ self.customizeentityforclient = nullfunc;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if(other == self.owner)
+ {
+ self.scale = autocvar_g_nexball_viewmodel_scale;
+ if(self.enemy)
+ self.effects |= EF_FLAME;
+ else
+ self.effects &~= EF_FLAME;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.effects &~= EF_FLAME;
+ self.scale = 1;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ float w_nexball_weapon(float req)
+ {
+ if(req == WR_THINK)
+ {
+ if(self.BUTTON_ATCK)
+ if(weapon_prepareattack(0, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_refire))
+ if(autocvar_g_nexball_basketball_meter)
+ {
+ if(self.ballcarried && !self.metertime)
+ self.metertime = time;
+ else
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ W_Nexball_Attack(-1);
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ if(self.BUTTON_ATCK2)
+ if(weapon_prepareattack(1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_refire))
+ {
+ W_Nexball_Attack2();
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_secondary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ if(!self.BUTTON_ATCK && self.metertime && self.ballcarried)
+ {
+ W_Nexball_Attack(time - self.metertime);
+ // DropBall or stealing will set metertime back to 0
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, autocvar_g_balance_nexball_primary_animtime, w_ready);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(req == WR_PRECACHE)
+ {
+ precache_model("models/weapons/g_porto.md3");
+ precache_model("models/weapons/v_porto.md3");
+ precache_model("models/weapons/h_porto.iqm");
+ precache_model("models/elaser.mdl");
+ precache_sound("nexball/shoot1.wav");
+ precache_sound("nexball/shoot2.wav");
+ precache_sound("misc/typehit.wav");
+ }
+ else if(req == WR_SETUP)
+ weapon_setup(WEP_PORTO);
+ else if(req == WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE)
+ {
+ w_deathtypestring = "is a weirdo";
+ }
+ else if(req == WR_KILLMESSAGE)
+ {
+ w_deathtypestring = "got killed by #'s black magic";
+ }
+ // No need to check WR_CHECKAMMO* or WR_AIM, it should always return TRUE
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ {
+ if(self.ballcarried && g_nexball)
+ DropBall(self.ballcarried, self.origin, self.velocity);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nexball_BuildMutatorsString)
+ {
+ ret_string = strcat(ret_string, ":NB");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nexball_BuildMutatorsPrettyString)
+ {
+ ret_string = strcat(ret_string, ", NexBall");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nexball_PlayerPreThink)
+ {
+ makevectors(self.v_angle);
+ if(nexball_mode & NBM_BASKETBALL)
+ {
+ if(self.ballcarried)
+ {
+ // 'view ball'
+ self.ballcarried.velocity = self.velocity;
+ self.ballcarried.customizeentityforclient = ball_customize;
+ setorigin(self.ballcarried, self.origin + self.view_ofs +
+ v_forward * autocvar_g_nexball_viewmodel_offset_x +
+ v_right * autocvar_g_nexball_viewmodel_offset_y +
+ v_up * autocvar_g_nexball_viewmodel_offset_z);
+ // 'safe passing'
+ if(autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_maxdist)
+ {
+ if(self.ballcarried.wait < time && self.ballcarried.enemy)
+ {
+ //centerprint(self, sprintf("Lost lock on %s", self.ballcarried.enemy.netname));
+ self.ballcarried.enemy = world;
+ }
+ //tracebox(self.origin + self.view_ofs, '-2 -2 -2', '2 2 2', self.origin + self.view_ofs + v_forward * autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_maxdist);
+ crosshair_trace(self);
+ if( trace_ent &&
+ trace_ent.flags & FL_CLIENT &&
+ trace_ent.deadflag == DEAD_NO &&
+ trace_ent.team == self.team &&
+ vlen(trace_ent.origin - self.origin) <= autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_maxdist )
+ {
+ //if(self.ballcarried.enemy != trace_ent)
+ // centerprint(self, sprintf("Locked to %s", trace_ent.netname));
+ self.ballcarried.enemy = trace_ent;
+ self.ballcarried.wait = time + autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_holdtime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(self.weaponentity.weapons)
+ {
+ self.weapons = self.weaponentity.weapons;
+ weapon_action(WEP_PORTO, WR_RESETPLAYER);
+ self.switchweapon = self.weaponentity.switchweapon;
+ W_SwitchWeapon(self.switchweapon);
+ self.weaponentity.weapons = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nexball_PlayerSpawn)
+ {
+ self.weaponentity.weapons = 0;
+ if(nexball_mode & NBM_BASKETBALL)
+ self.weapons |= W_WeaponBit(WEP_PORTO);
+ else
+ self.weapons = 0; // W_WeaponBit(WEP_PORTO);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ MUTATOR_DEFINITION(gamemode_nexball)
+ {
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerDies, nexball_BallDrop, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(MakePlayerObserver, nexball_BallDrop, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(ClientDisconnect, nexball_BallDrop, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(BuildMutatorsPrettyString, nexball_BuildMutatorsPrettyString, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(BuildMutatorsString, nexball_BuildMutatorsString, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerSpawn, nexball_PlayerSpawn, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPreThink, nexball_PlayerPreThink, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ {
+ g_nexball = 1;
+ g_nexball_meter_period = autocvar_g_nexball_meter_period;
+ if(g_nexball_meter_period <= 0)
+ g_nexball_meter_period = 2; // avoid division by zero etc. due to silly users
+ g_nexball_meter_period = rint(g_nexball_meter_period * 32) / 32; //Round to 1/32ths to send as a byte multiplied by 32
+ addstat(STAT_NB_METERSTART, AS_FLOAT, metertime);
+ // General settings
+ /*
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_football_boost_forward); //100
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_football_boost_up); //200
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_delay_idle); //10
+ CVTOV(g_nexball_football_physics); //0
+ */
+ radar_showennemies = autocvar_g_nexball_radar_showallplayers;
+ InitializeEntity(world, nb_delayedinit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MUTATOR_DECLARATION(gamemode_nexball);
- mutators/gamemode_ctf.qh // for spawnfuncs
mutators/gamemode_keyhunt.qh // TODO fix this
+ mutators/gamemode_nexball.qh
//// tZork Turrets ////
- nexball.qc
+ //nexball.qc
- mutators/gamemode_keyhunt.qc
void dom_init();
-void ctf_init();
+//void ctf_init();
void runematch_init();
void tdm_init();
- void nb_init();
void entcs_init();
void LogTeamchange(float player_id, float team_number, float type)