--- /dev/null
+#include <d0_blind_id/d0_blind_id.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+// BEGIN stuff shared with crypto.c
+#define FOURCC_D0PK (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('k' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0SK (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('k' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0PI (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('i' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0SI (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('i' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0IQ (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('q' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0IR (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('r' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0ER (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('e' << 16) | ('r' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0IC (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('c' << 24))
+static unsigned long Crypto_LittleLong(const char *data)
+ return
+ ((unsigned char) data[0]) |
+ (((unsigned char) data[1]) << 8) |
+ (((unsigned char) data[2]) << 16) |
+ (((unsigned char) data[3]) << 24);
+static void Crypto_UnLittleLong(char *data, unsigned long l)
+ data[0] = l & 0xFF;
+ data[1] = (l >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ data[2] = (l >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ data[3] = (l >> 24) & 0xFF;
+static size_t Crypto_ParsePack(const char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char **lumps, size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
+ size_t i;
+ size_t pos;
+ pos = 0;
+ if(header)
+ {
+ if(len < 4)
+ return 0;
+ if(Crypto_LittleLong(buf) != header)
+ return 0;
+ pos += 4;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < nlumps; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pos + 4 > len)
+ return 0;
+ lumpsize[i] = Crypto_LittleLong(&buf[pos]);
+ pos += 4;
+ if(pos + lumpsize[i] > len)
+ return 0;
+ lumps[i] = &buf[pos];
+ pos += lumpsize[i];
+ }
+ return pos;
+static size_t Crypto_UnParsePack(char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char *const *lumps, const size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
+ size_t i;
+ size_t pos;
+ pos = 0;
+ if(header)
+ {
+ if(len < 4)
+ return 0;
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(buf, header);
+ pos += 4;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < nlumps; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pos + 4 + lumpsize[i] > len)
+ return 0;
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(&buf[pos], lumpsize[i]);
+ pos += 4;
+ memcpy(&buf[pos], lumps[i], lumpsize[i]);
+ pos += lumpsize[i];
+ }
+ return pos;
+void file2lumps(const char *fn, unsigned long header, const char **lumps, size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
+ FILE *f;
+ char buf[65536];
+ size_t n;
+ f = fopen(fn, "rb");
+ if(!f)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not open %s\n", fn);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f);
+ fclose(f);
+ if(!Crypto_ParsePack(buf, n, header, lumps, lumpsize, nlumps))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not parse %s as %c%c%c%c (%d lumps expected)\n", fn, (int) header & 0xFF, (int) (header >> 8) & 0xFF, (int) (header >> 16) & 0xFF, (int) (header >> 24) & 0xFF, (int) nlumps);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+mode_t umask_save;
+void lumps2file(const char *fn, unsigned long header, const char *const *lumps, size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps, D0_BOOL private)
+ FILE *f;
+ char buf[65536];
+ size_t n;
+ if(private)
+ umask(umask_save | 0077);
+ else
+ umask(umask_save);
+ f = fopen(fn, "wb");
+ if(!f)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not open %s\n", fn);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(!(n = Crypto_UnParsePack(buf, sizeof(buf), header, lumps, lumpsize, nlumps)))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not unparse for %s\n", fn);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ n = fwrite(buf, n, 1, f);
+ if(fclose(f) || !n)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not write %s\n", fn);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+void USAGE(const char *me)
+ printf("Usage:\n"
+ "%s [-F] [-b bits] [-n progress-denominator] [-x prefix] [-X infix] [-C] -o private.d0sk\n"
+ "%s -P private.d0sk -o public.d0pk\n"
+ "%s [-n progress-denominator] [-x prefix] [-X infix] [-C] -p public.d0pk -o idkey-unsigned.d0si\n"
+ "%s -p public.d0pk -I idkey-unsigned.d0si -o request.d0iq -O camouflage.d0ic\n"
+ "%s -P private.d0sk -j request.d0iq -o response.d0ir\n"
+ "%s -p public.d0pk -I idkey-unsigned.d0si -c camouflage.d0ic -J response.d0ir -o idkey.d0si\n"
+ "%s -P private.d0sk -I idkey-unsigned.d0si -o idkey.d0si\n"
+ "%s -I idkey.d0si -o id.d0pi\n"
+ "%s -p public.d0pk\n"
+ "%s -P private.d0sk\n"
+ "%s -p public.d0pk -i id.d0pi\n"
+ "%s -p public.d0pk -I idkey.d0si\n",
+ me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me
+ );
+unsigned int seconds;
+unsigned int generated;
+unsigned int ntasks = 1;
+double generated_offset;
+double guesscount;
+double guessfactor;
+void print_generated(int signo)
+ (void) signo;
+ ++seconds;
+ if(generated >= 1000000000)
+ {
+ generated_offset += generated;
+ generated = 0;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Generated: %.0f (about %.0f, %.1f/s, about %.2f hours for %.0f)\n",
+ // nasty and dishonest hack:
+ // we are adjusting the values "back", so the total count is
+ // divided by guessfactor (as the check function is called
+ // guessfactor as often as it would be if no fastreject were
+ // done)
+ // so the values indicate the relative speed of fastreject vs
+ // normal!
+ (generated + generated_offset) / guessfactor,
+ (generated + generated_offset) * ntasks / guessfactor,
+ (generated + generated_offset) * ntasks / (guessfactor * seconds),
+ guesscount * ((guessfactor * seconds) / (generated + generated_offset) / ntasks) / 3600.0,
+ guesscount);
+ alarm(1);
+#define CHECK(x) if(!(x)) { fprintf(stderr, "error exit: error returned by %s\n", #x); exit(2); }
+const char *prefix = NULL, *infix = NULL;
+size_t prefixlen = 0;
+int ignorecase;
+typedef D0_BOOL (*fingerprint_func) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+D0_BOOL fastreject(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, void *pass)
+ static char fp64[513]; size_t fp64size = 512;
+ CHECK(((fingerprint_func) pass)(ctx, fp64, &fp64size));
+ ++generated;
+ if(ignorecase)
+ {
+ if(prefixlen)
+ if(strncasecmp(fp64, prefix, prefixlen))
+ return 1;
+ if(infix)
+ {
+ fp64[fp64size] = 0;
+ if(!strcasestr(fp64, infix))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(prefixlen)
+ if(memcmp(fp64, prefix, prefixlen))
+ return 1;
+ if(infix)
+ {
+ fp64[fp64size] = 0;
+ if(!strstr(fp64, infix))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int opt;
+ size_t lumpsize[2];
+ const char *lumps[2];
+ char lumps_w0[65536];
+ char lumps_w1[65536];
+ const char *pubkeyfile = NULL, *privkeyfile = NULL, *pubidfile = NULL, *prividfile = NULL, *idreqfile = NULL, *idresfile = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *outfile2 = NULL, *camouflagefile = NULL;
+ char fp64[513]; size_t fp64size = 512;
+ int mask = 0;
+ int bits = 1024;
+ int i;
+ D0_BOOL do_fastreject = 1;
+ d0_blind_id_t *ctx;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_INITIALIZE())
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not initialize\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ umask_save = umask(0022);
+ ctx = d0_blind_id_new();
+ while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:P:i:I:j:J:o:O:c:b:x:X:y:Fn:C")) != -1)
+ {
+ switch(opt)
+ {
+ case 'C':
+ ignorecase = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ ntasks = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ bits = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'p': // d0pk = <pubkey> <modulus>
+ pubkeyfile = optarg;
+ mask |= 1;
+ break;
+ case 'P': // d0sk = <privkey> <modulus>
+ privkeyfile = optarg;
+ mask |= 2;
+ break;
+ case 'i': // d0pi = <pubid>
+ pubidfile = optarg;
+ mask |= 4;
+ break;
+ case 'I': // d0si = <privid>
+ prividfile = optarg;
+ mask |= 8;
+ break;
+ case 'j': // d0iq = <req>
+ idreqfile = optarg;
+ mask |= 0x10;
+ break;
+ case 'J': // d0ir = <resp>
+ idresfile = optarg;
+ mask |= 0x20;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ outfile = optarg;
+ mask |= 0x40;
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ outfile2 = optarg;
+ mask |= 0x80;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ camouflagefile = optarg;
+ mask |= 0x100;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ prefix = optarg;
+ prefixlen = strlen(prefix);
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ infix = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ do_fastreject = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ USAGE(*argv);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // fastreject is a slight slowdown when rejecting nothing at all
+ if(!infix && !prefixlen)
+ do_fastreject = 0;
+ guesscount = pow(64.0, prefixlen);
+ if(infix)
+ guesscount /= (1 - pow(1 - pow(1/64.0, strlen(infix)), 44 - prefixlen - strlen(infix)));
+ // 44 chars; prefix is assumed to not match the infix (although it theoretically could)
+ // 43'th char however is always '=' and does not count
+ if(ignorecase)
+ {
+ if(infix)
+ for(i = 0; infix[i]; ++i)
+ if(toupper(infix[i]) != tolower(infix[i]))
+ guesscount /= 2;
+ for(i = 0; i < prefixlen; ++i)
+ if(toupper(prefix[i]) != tolower(prefix[i]))
+ guesscount /= 2;
+ }
+ if(do_fastreject)
+ {
+ // fastreject: reject function gets called about log(2^bits) times more often
+ guessfactor = bits * log(2) / 2;
+ // so guess function gets called guesscount * guessfactor times, and it tests as many valid keys as guesscount
+ }
+ if(mask & 1)
+ {
+ file2lumps(pubkeyfile, FOURCC_D0PK, lumps, lumpsize, 2);
+ if(!d0_blind_id_read_public_key(ctx, lumps[0], lumpsize[0]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not decode public key\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(!d0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus(ctx, lumps[1], lumpsize[1]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not decode modulus\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(mask & 2)
+ {
+ file2lumps(privkeyfile, FOURCC_D0SK, lumps, lumpsize, 2);
+ if(!d0_blind_id_read_private_key(ctx, lumps[0], lumpsize[0]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not decode private key\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(!d0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus(ctx, lumps[1], lumpsize[1]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not decode modulus\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(mask & 4)
+ {
+ file2lumps(pubidfile, FOURCC_D0PI, lumps, lumpsize, 1);
+ if(!d0_blind_id_read_public_id(ctx, lumps[0], lumpsize[0]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not decode public ID\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(mask & 8)
+ {
+ file2lumps(prividfile, FOURCC_D0SI, lumps, lumpsize, 1);
+ if(!d0_blind_id_read_private_id(ctx, lumps[0], lumpsize[0]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not decode private ID\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(mask & 0x10)
+ {
+ file2lumps(idreqfile, FOURCC_D0IQ, lumps, lumpsize, 1);
+ lumpsize[1] = sizeof(lumps_w1);
+ lumps[1] = lumps_w1;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request(ctx, lumps[0], lumpsize[0], lumps_w1, &lumpsize[1]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not answer private ID request\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if((mask & 0x120) == 0x120)
+ {
+ file2lumps(camouflagefile, FOURCC_D0IC, lumps, lumpsize, 1);
+ if(!d0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage(ctx, lumps[0], lumpsize[0]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not decode camouflage\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ file2lumps(idresfile, FOURCC_D0IR, lumps, lumpsize, 1);
+ if(!d0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request(ctx, lumps[0], lumpsize[0]))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not finish private ID request\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ switch(mask)
+ {
+ // modes of operation:
+ case 0x40:
+ // nothing -> private key file (incl modulus), print fingerprint
+ generated = 0;
+ generated_offset = 0;
+ seconds = 0;
+ signal(SIGALRM, print_generated);
+ alarm(1);
+ if(do_fastreject)
+ {
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject(ctx, bits, fastreject, d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ guessfactor = 1; // no fastreject here
+ do
+ {
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_generate_private_key(ctx, bits));
+ }
+ while(fastreject(ctx, d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key));
+ }
+ alarm(0);
+ signal(SIGALRM, NULL);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus(ctx));
+ lumps[0] = lumps_w0;
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ lumps[1] = lumps_w1;
+ lumpsize[1] = sizeof(lumps_w1);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_private_key(ctx, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus(ctx, lumps_w1, &lumpsize[1]));
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0SK, lumps, lumpsize, 2, 1);
+ break;
+ case 0x42:
+ // private key file -> public key file (incl modulus)
+ lumps[0] = lumps_w0;
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ lumps[1] = lumps_w1;
+ lumpsize[1] = sizeof(lumps_w1);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_public_key(ctx, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus(ctx, lumps_w1, &lumpsize[1]));
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0PK, lumps, lumpsize, 2, 0);
+ break;
+ case 0x41:
+ // public key file -> unsigned private ID file
+ generated = 0;
+ generated_offset = 0;
+ seconds = 0;
+ signal(SIGALRM, print_generated);
+ alarm(1);
+ guessfactor = 1; // no fastreject here
+ do
+ {
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start(ctx));
+ }
+ while(fastreject(ctx, d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id));
+ alarm(0);
+ signal(SIGALRM, 0);
+ lumps[0] = lumps_w0;
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_private_id(ctx, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0SI, lumps, lumpsize, 1, 1);
+ break;
+ case 0xC9:
+ // public key file, unsigned private ID file -> ID request file and camouflage file
+ lumps[0] = lumps_w0;
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request(ctx, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0IQ, lumps, lumpsize, 1, 0);
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage(ctx, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ lumps2file(outfile2, FOURCC_D0IC, lumps, lumpsize, 1, 1);
+ break;
+ case 0x52:
+ // private key file, ID request file -> ID response file
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0IR, lumps+1, lumpsize+1, 1, 0);
+ break;
+ case 0x169:
+ // public key file, ID response file, private ID file -> signed private ID file
+ lumps[0] = lumps_w0;
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_private_id(ctx, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0SI, lumps, lumpsize, 1, 1);
+ break;
+ case 0x4A:
+ // private key file, private ID file -> signed private ID file
+ {
+ char buf[65536]; size_t bufsize;
+ char buf2[65536]; size_t buf2size;
+ D0_BOOL status;
+ d0_blind_id_t *ctx2 = d0_blind_id_new();
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_copy(ctx2, ctx));
+ bufsize = sizeof(buf);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(ctx, 1, 1, "hello world", 11, buf, &bufsize));
+ buf2size = sizeof(buf2);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(ctx2, 1, 1, buf, bufsize, buf2, &buf2size, &status));
+ bufsize = sizeof(buf);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response(ctx, buf2, buf2size, buf, &bufsize));
+ buf2size = sizeof(buf2);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify(ctx2, buf, bufsize, buf2, &buf2size, &status));
+ CHECK(status == 0);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_generate_missing_signature(ctx2));
+ lumps[0] = lumps_w0;
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_private_id(ctx2, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0SI, lumps, lumpsize, 1, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x48:
+ // private ID file -> public ID file
+ lumps[0] = lumps_w0;
+ lumpsize[0] = sizeof(lumps_w0);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_write_public_id(ctx, lumps_w0, &lumpsize[0]));
+ lumps2file(outfile, FOURCC_D0PI, lumps, lumpsize, 1, 0);
+ break;
+ case 0x01:
+ case 0x02:
+ // public/private key file -> fingerprint
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key(ctx, fp64, &fp64size));
+ printf("%.*s\n", (int)fp64size, fp64);
+ break;
+ case 0x05:
+ case 0x09:
+ // public/private ID file -> fingerprint
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(ctx, fp64, &fp64size));
+ printf("%.*s\n", (int)fp64size, fp64);
+ break;
+ case 0x09:
+ // public key, private ID file -> test whether key is properly signed
+ {
+ char buf[65536]; size_t bufsize;
+ char buf2[65536]; size_t buf2size;
+ D0_BOOL status;
+ d0_blind_id_t *ctx2 = d0_blind_id_new();
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_copy(ctx2, ctx));
+ bufsize = sizeof(buf);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(ctx, 1, 1, "hello world", 11, buf, &bufsize));
+ buf2size = sizeof(buf2);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(ctx2, 1, 1, buf, bufsize, buf2, &buf2size, &status));
+ bufsize = sizeof(buf);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response(ctx, buf2, buf2size, buf, &bufsize));
+ buf2size = sizeof(buf2);
+ CHECK(d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify(ctx2, buf, bufsize, buf2, &buf2size, &status));
+ if(status)
+ printf("OK\n");
+ else
+ printf("EPIC FAIL\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ USAGE(*argv);
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ d0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// TODO key loading, generating, saving
+#include "quakedef.h"
+#include "crypto.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "hmac.h"
+#include "libcurl.h"
+cvar_t crypto_developer = {CVAR_SAVE, "crypto_developer", "0", "print extra info about crypto handshake"};
+cvar_t crypto_servercpupercent = {CVAR_SAVE, "crypto_servercpupercent", "10", "allowed crypto CPU load in percent for server operation (0 = no limit, faster)"};
+cvar_t crypto_servercpumaxtime = {CVAR_SAVE, "crypto_servercpumaxtime", "0.01", "maximum allowed crypto CPU time per frame (0 = no limit)"};
+cvar_t crypto_servercpudebug = {CVAR_SAVE, "crypto_servercpudebug", "0", "print statistics about time usage by crypto"};
+static double crypto_servercpu_accumulator = 0;
+static double crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime = 0;
+cvar_t crypto_aeslevel = {CVAR_SAVE, "crypto_aeslevel", "1", "whether to support AES encryption in authenticated connections (0 = no, 1 = supported, 2 = requested, 3 = required)"};
+int crypto_keyfp_recommended_length;
+static const char *crypto_idstring = NULL;
+static char crypto_idstring_buf[512];
+#define PROTOCOL_VLEN (('v' << 0) | ('l' << 8) | ('e' << 16) | ('n' << 24))
+// BEGIN stuff shared with crypto-keygen-standalone
+#define FOURCC_D0PK (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('k' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0SK (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('k' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0PI (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('i' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0SI (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('i' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0IQ (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('q' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0IR (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('r' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0ER (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('e' << 16) | ('r' << 24))
+#define FOURCC_D0IC (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('c' << 24))
+static unsigned long Crypto_LittleLong(const char *data)
+ return
+ ((unsigned char) data[0]) |
+ (((unsigned char) data[1]) << 8) |
+ (((unsigned char) data[2]) << 16) |
+ (((unsigned char) data[3]) << 24);
+static void Crypto_UnLittleLong(char *data, unsigned long l)
+ data[0] = l & 0xFF;
+ data[1] = (l >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ data[2] = (l >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ data[3] = (l >> 24) & 0xFF;
+static size_t Crypto_ParsePack(const char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char **lumps, size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
+ size_t i;
+ size_t pos;
+ pos = 0;
+ if(header)
+ {
+ if(len < 4)
+ return 0;
+ if(Crypto_LittleLong(buf) != header)
+ return 0;
+ pos += 4;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < nlumps; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pos + 4 > len)
+ return 0;
+ lumpsize[i] = Crypto_LittleLong(&buf[pos]);
+ pos += 4;
+ if(pos + lumpsize[i] > len)
+ return 0;
+ lumps[i] = &buf[pos];
+ pos += lumpsize[i];
+ }
+ return pos;
+static size_t Crypto_UnParsePack(char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char *const *lumps, const size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
+ size_t i;
+ size_t pos;
+ pos = 0;
+ if(header)
+ {
+ if(len < 4)
+ return 0;
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(buf, header);
+ pos += 4;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < nlumps; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pos + 4 + lumpsize[i] > len)
+ return 0;
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(&buf[pos], lumpsize[i]);
+ pos += 4;
+ memcpy(&buf[pos], lumps[i], lumpsize[i]);
+ pos += lumpsize[i];
+ }
+ return pos;
+// END stuff shared with xonotic-keygen
+#define USE_AES
+#include <d0_blind_id/d0_blind_id.h>
+#define d0_blind_id_dll 1
+#define Crypto_OpenLibrary() true
+#define Crypto_CloseLibrary()
+#define qd0_blind_id_new d0_blind_id_new
+#define qd0_blind_id_free d0_blind_id_free
+//#define qd0_blind_id_clear d0_blind_id_clear
+#define qd0_blind_id_copy d0_blind_id_copy
+//#define qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key d0_blind_id_generate_private_key
+//#define qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject d0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject
+//#define qd0_blind_id_read_private_key d0_blind_id_read_private_key
+#define qd0_blind_id_read_public_key d0_blind_id_read_public_key
+//#define qd0_blind_id_write_private_key d0_blind_id_write_private_key
+//#define qd0_blind_id_write_public_key d0_blind_id_write_public_key
+#define qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key
+//#define qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus
+#define qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus d0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus
+//#define qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus d0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus
+#define qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start
+#define qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request
+//#define qd0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request d0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request
+#define qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request d0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request
+//#define qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage d0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage
+//#define qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage d0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage
+#define qd0_blind_id_read_private_id d0_blind_id_read_private_id
+//#define qd0_blind_id_read_public_id d0_blind_id_read_public_id
+#define qd0_blind_id_write_private_id d0_blind_id_write_private_id
+//#define qd0_blind_id_write_public_id d0_blind_id_write_public_id
+#define qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start
+#define qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge
+#define qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response
+#define qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify
+#define qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id
+#define qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id
+#define qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE d0_blind_id_INITIALIZE
+#define qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN d0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN
+#define qd0_blind_id_util_sha256 d0_blind_id_util_sha256
+// d0_blind_id interface
+#define D0_EXPORT
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
+#define D0_BOOL int
+typedef struct d0_blind_id_s d0_blind_id_t;
+typedef D0_BOOL (*d0_fastreject_function) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, void *pass);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT d0_blind_id_t *(*qd0_blind_id_new) (void);
+static D0_EXPORT void (*qd0_blind_id_free) (d0_blind_id_t *a);
+//static D0_EXPORT void (*qd0_blind_id_clear) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_copy) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const d0_blind_id_t *src);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, int k);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, int k, d0_fastreject_function reject, void *pass);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_read_private_key) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_read_public_key) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_write_private_key) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_write_public_key) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_read_private_id) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_read_public_id) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_write_private_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+//static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_write_public_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL recv_modulus, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, D0_BOOL *status);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *msg, size_t *msglen, D0_BOOL *status);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen);
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen); // can only be done after successful key exchange, this performs a modpow; key length is limited by SHA_DIGESTSIZE for now; also ONLY valid after successful d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify/d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id
+static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL (*qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE) (void);
+static D0_EXPORT void (*qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN) (void);
+static D0_EXPORT void (*qd0_blind_id_util_sha256) (char *out, const char *in, size_t n);
+static dllfunction_t d0_blind_id_funcs[] =
+ {"d0_blind_id_new", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_new},
+ {"d0_blind_id_free", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_free},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_clear", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_clear},
+ {"d0_blind_id_copy", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_copy},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_generate_private_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_read_private_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_key},
+ {"d0_blind_id_read_public_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_public_key},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_write_private_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_key},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_write_public_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_public_key},
+ {"d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus},
+ {"d0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus},
+ {"d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start},
+ {"d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request},
+ {"d0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage},
+ {"d0_blind_id_read_private_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_id},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_read_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_public_id},
+ {"d0_blind_id_write_private_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_id},
+ //{"d0_blind_id_write_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_public_id},
+ {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start},
+ {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge},
+ {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response},
+ {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify},
+ {"d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id},
+ {"d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id},
+ {"d0_blind_id_INITIALIZE", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE},
+ {"d0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN},
+ {"d0_blind_id_util_sha256", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_util_sha256},
+// end of d0_blind_id interface
+static dllhandle_t d0_blind_id_dll = NULL;
+static qboolean Crypto_OpenLibrary (void)
+ const char* dllnames [] =
+ {
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ "libd0_blind_id-0.dll",
+#elif defined(MACOSX)
+ "libd0_blind_id.0.dylib",
+ "libd0_blind_id.so.0",
+ "libd0_blind_id.so", // FreeBSD
+ };
+ // Already loaded?
+ if (d0_blind_id_dll)
+ return true;
+ // Load the DLL
+ return Sys_LoadLibrary (dllnames, &d0_blind_id_dll, d0_blind_id_funcs);
+static void Crypto_CloseLibrary (void)
+ Sys_UnloadLibrary (&d0_blind_id_dll);
+#include <d0_blind_id/d0_rijndael.h>
+#define d0_rijndael_dll 1
+#define Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary() true
+#define Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary()
+#define qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt d0_rijndael_setup_encrypt
+#define qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt d0_rijndael_setup_decrypt
+#define qd0_rijndael_encrypt d0_rijndael_encrypt
+#define qd0_rijndael_decrypt d0_rijndael_decrypt
+// no need to do the #define dance here, as the upper part declares out macros either way
+D0_EXPORT int (*qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt) (unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key,
+ int keybits);
+D0_EXPORT int (*qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt) (unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key,
+ int keybits);
+D0_EXPORT void (*qd0_rijndael_encrypt) (const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds,
+ const unsigned char plaintext[16], unsigned char ciphertext[16]);
+D0_EXPORT void (*qd0_rijndael_decrypt) (const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds,
+ const unsigned char ciphertext[16], unsigned char plaintext[16]);
+#define D0_RIJNDAEL_KEYLENGTH(keybits) ((keybits)/8)
+#define D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH(keybits) ((keybits)/8+28)
+#define D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS(keybits) ((keybits)/32+6)
+static dllfunction_t d0_rijndael_funcs[] =
+ {"d0_rijndael_setup_decrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt},
+ {"d0_rijndael_setup_encrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt},
+ {"d0_rijndael_decrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_decrypt},
+ {"d0_rijndael_encrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_encrypt},
+// end of d0_blind_id interface
+static dllhandle_t d0_rijndael_dll = NULL;
+static qboolean Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary (void)
+ const char* dllnames [] =
+ {
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ "libd0_rijndael-0.dll",
+#elif defined(MACOSX)
+ "libd0_rijndael.0.dylib",
+ "libd0_rijndael.so.0",
+ "libd0_rijndael.so", // FreeBSD
+ };
+ // Already loaded?
+ if (d0_rijndael_dll)
+ return true;
+ // Load the DLL
+ return Sys_LoadLibrary (dllnames, &d0_rijndael_dll, d0_rijndael_funcs);
+static void Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary (void)
+ Sys_UnloadLibrary (&d0_rijndael_dll);
+// various helpers
+void sha256(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, int n)
+ qd0_blind_id_util_sha256((char *) out, (const char *) in, n);
+static size_t Crypto_LoadFile(const char *path, char *buf, size_t nmax)
+ qfile_t *f = NULL;
+ ssize_t n;
+ if(*fs_userdir)
+ f = FS_SysOpen(va("%s%s", fs_userdir, path), "rb", false);
+ if(!f)
+ f = FS_SysOpen(va("%s%s", fs_basedir, path), "rb", false);
+ if(!f)
+ return 0;
+ n = FS_Read(f, buf, nmax);
+ if(n < 0)
+ n = 0;
+ FS_Close(f);
+ return (size_t) n;
+static const char base64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
+static void base64_3to4(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int bytes)
+ unsigned char i0 = (bytes > 0) ? in[0] : 0;
+ unsigned char i1 = (bytes > 1) ? in[1] : 0;
+ unsigned char i2 = (bytes > 2) ? in[2] : 0;
+ unsigned char o0 = base64[i0 >> 2];
+ unsigned char o1 = base64[((i0 << 4) | (i1 >> 4)) & 077];
+ unsigned char o2 = base64[((i1 << 2) | (i2 >> 6)) & 077];
+ unsigned char o3 = base64[i2 & 077];
+ out[0] = (bytes > 0) ? o0 : '?';
+ out[1] = (bytes > 0) ? o1 : '?';
+ out[2] = (bytes > 1) ? o2 : '=';
+ out[3] = (bytes > 2) ? o3 : '=';
+size_t base64_encode(unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen, size_t outbuflen)
+ size_t blocks, i;
+ // expand the out-buffer
+ blocks = (buflen + 2) / 3;
+ if(blocks*4 > outbuflen)
+ return 0;
+ for(i = blocks; i > 0; )
+ {
+ --i;
+ base64_3to4(buf + 3*i, buf + 4*i, buflen - 3*i);
+ }
+ return blocks * 4;
+static qboolean PutWithNul(char **data, size_t *len, const char *str)
+ // invariant: data points to insertion point
+ size_t l = strlen(str);
+ if(l >= *len)
+ return false;
+ memcpy(*data, str, l+1);
+ *data += l+1;
+ *len -= l+1;
+ return true;
+static const char *GetUntilNul(const char **data, size_t *len)
+ // invariant: data points to next character to take
+ const char *data_save = *data;
+ size_t n;
+ const char *p;
+ if(!*data)
+ return NULL;
+ if(!*len)
+ {
+ *data = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = (const char *) memchr(*data, 0, *len);
+ if(!p) // no terminating NUL
+ {
+ *data = NULL;
+ *len = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n = (p - *data) + 1;
+ *len -= n;
+ *data += n;
+ if(*len == 0)
+ *data = NULL;
+ return (const char *) data_save;
+ }
+ *data = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+// d0pk reading
+static d0_blind_id_t *Crypto_ReadPublicKey(char *buf, size_t len)
+ d0_blind_id_t *pk = NULL;
+ const char *p[2];
+ size_t l[2];
+ if(Crypto_ParsePack(buf, len, FOURCC_D0PK, p, l, 2))
+ {
+ pk = qd0_blind_id_new();
+ if(pk)
+ if(qd0_blind_id_read_public_key(pk, p[0], l[0]))
+ if(qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus(pk, p[1], l[1]))
+ return pk;
+ }
+ if(pk)
+ qd0_blind_id_free(pk);
+ return NULL;
+// d0si reading
+static qboolean Crypto_AddPrivateKey(d0_blind_id_t *pk, char *buf, size_t len)
+ const char *p[1];
+ size_t l[1];
+ if(Crypto_ParsePack(buf, len, FOURCC_D0SI, p, l, 1))
+ {
+ if(qd0_blind_id_read_private_id(pk, p[0], l[0]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+#define MAX_PUBKEYS 16
+static d0_blind_id_t *pubkeys[MAX_PUBKEYS];
+static char pubkeys_fp64[MAX_PUBKEYS][FP64_SIZE+1];
+static qboolean pubkeys_havepriv[MAX_PUBKEYS];
+static char pubkeys_priv_fp64[MAX_PUBKEYS][FP64_SIZE+1];
+static char challenge_append[1400];
+static size_t challenge_append_length;
+static int keygen_i = -1;
+static char keygen_buf[8192];
+typedef struct server_cryptoconnect_s
+ double lasttime;
+ lhnetaddress_t address;
+ crypto_t crypto;
+ int next_step;
+static server_cryptoconnect_t cryptoconnects[MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS];
+static int cdata_id = 0;
+typedef struct
+ d0_blind_id_t *id;
+ int s, c;
+ int next_step;
+ char challenge[2048];
+ char wantserver_idfp[FP64_SIZE+1];
+ qboolean wantserver_aes;
+ int cdata_id;
+// crypto specific helpers
+#define CDATA ((crypto_data_t *) crypto->data)
+#define MAKE_CDATA if(!crypto->data) crypto->data = Z_Malloc(sizeof(crypto_data_t))
+#define CLEAR_CDATA if(crypto->data) { if(CDATA->id) qd0_blind_id_free(CDATA->id); Z_Free(crypto->data); } crypto->data = NULL
+static crypto_t *Crypto_ServerFindInstance(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, qboolean allow_create)
+ crypto_t *crypto;
+ int i, best;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ return NULL; // no support
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS; ++i)
+ if(LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &cryptoconnects[i].address))
+ break;
+ if(i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS && (allow_create || cryptoconnects[i].crypto.data))
+ {
+ crypto = &cryptoconnects[i].crypto;
+ cryptoconnects[i].lasttime = realtime;
+ return crypto;
+ }
+ if(!allow_create)
+ return NULL;
+ best = 0;
+ for(i = 1; i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS; ++i)
+ if(cryptoconnects[i].lasttime < cryptoconnects[best].lasttime)
+ best = i;
+ crypto = &cryptoconnects[best].crypto;
+ cryptoconnects[best].lasttime = realtime;
+ memcpy(&cryptoconnects[best].address, peeraddress, sizeof(cryptoconnects[best].address));
+ return crypto;
+qboolean Crypto_ServerFinishInstance(crypto_t *out, crypto_t *crypto)
+ // no check needed here (returned pointers are only used in prefilled fields)
+ if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Passed an invalid crypto connect instance\n");
+ memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
+ return false;
+ }
+ memcpy(out, crypto, sizeof(*out));
+ memset(crypto, 0, sizeof(crypto));
+ return true;
+crypto_t *Crypto_ServerGetInstance(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
+ // no check needed here (returned pointers are only used in prefilled fields)
+ return Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
+typedef struct crypto_storedhostkey_s
+ struct crypto_storedhostkey_s *next;
+ lhnetaddress_t addr;
+ int keyid;
+ char idfp[FP64_SIZE+1];
+ int aeslevel;
+static crypto_storedhostkey_t *crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE];
+static void Crypto_InitHostKeys(void)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE; ++i)
+ crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[i] = NULL;
+static void Crypto_ClearHostKeys(void)
+ int i;
+ crypto_storedhostkey_t *hk, *hkn;
+ for(i = 0; i < CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE; ++i)
+ {
+ for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[i]; hk; hk = hkn)
+ {
+ hkn = hk->next;
+ Z_Free(hk);
+ }
+ crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[i] = NULL;
+ }
+static qboolean Crypto_ClearHostKey(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
+ char buf[128];
+ int hashindex;
+ crypto_storedhostkey_t **hkp;
+ qboolean found = false;
+ LHNETADDRESS_ToString(peeraddress, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
+ hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *) buf, strlen(buf)) % CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE;
+ for(hkp = &crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex]; *hkp && LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&((*hkp)->addr), peeraddress); hkp = &((*hkp)->next));
+ if(*hkp)
+ {
+ crypto_storedhostkey_t *hk = *hkp;
+ *hkp = hk->next;
+ Z_Free(hk);
+ found = true;
+ }
+ return found;
+static void Crypto_StoreHostKey(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, const char *keystring, qboolean complain)
+ char buf[128];
+ int hashindex;
+ crypto_storedhostkey_t *hk;
+ int keyid;
+ char idfp[FP64_SIZE+1];
+ int aeslevel;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ return;
+ // syntax of keystring:
+ // aeslevel id@key id@key ...
+ if(!*keystring)
+ return;
+ aeslevel = bound(0, *keystring - '0', 3);
+ while(*keystring && *keystring != ' ')
+ ++keystring;
+ keyid = -1;
+ while(*keystring && keyid < 0)
+ {
+ // id@key
+ const char *idstart, *idend, *keystart, *keyend;
+ ++keystring; // skip the space
+ idstart = keystring;
+ while(*keystring && *keystring != ' ' && *keystring != '@')
+ ++keystring;
+ idend = keystring;
+ if(!*keystring)
+ break;
+ ++keystring;
+ keystart = keystring;
+ while(*keystring && *keystring != ' ')
+ ++keystring;
+ keyend = keystring;
+ if(idend - idstart == FP64_SIZE && keyend - keystart == FP64_SIZE)
+ {
+ for(keyid = 0; keyid < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++keyid)
+ if(pubkeys[keyid])
+ if(!memcmp(pubkeys_fp64[keyid], keystart, FP64_SIZE))
+ {
+ memcpy(idfp, idstart, FP64_SIZE);
+ idfp[FP64_SIZE] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(keyid >= MAX_PUBKEYS)
+ keyid = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(keyid < 0)
+ return;
+ LHNETADDRESS_ToString(peeraddress, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
+ hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *) buf, strlen(buf)) % CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE;
+ for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex]; hk && LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&hk->addr, peeraddress); hk = hk->next);
+ if(hk)
+ {
+ if(complain)
+ {
+ if(hk->keyid != keyid || memcmp(hk->idfp, idfp, FP64_SIZE+1))
+ Con_Printf("Server %s tried to change the host key to a value not in the host cache. Connecting to it will fail. To accept the new host key, do crypto_hostkey_clear %s\n", buf, buf);
+ if(hk->aeslevel > aeslevel)
+ Con_Printf("Server %s tried to reduce encryption status, not accepted. Connecting to it will fail. To accept, do crypto_hostkey_clear %s\n", buf, buf);
+ }
+ hk->aeslevel = max(aeslevel, hk->aeslevel);
+ return;
+ }
+ // great, we did NOT have it yet
+ hk = (crypto_storedhostkey_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(*hk));
+ memcpy(&hk->addr, peeraddress, sizeof(hk->addr));
+ hk->keyid = keyid;
+ memcpy(hk->idfp, idfp, FP64_SIZE+1);
+ hk->next = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex];
+ hk->aeslevel = aeslevel;
+ crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex] = hk;
+qboolean Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, int *keyid, char *keyfp, size_t keyfplen, char *idfp, size_t idfplen, int *aeslevel)
+ char buf[128];
+ int hashindex;
+ crypto_storedhostkey_t *hk;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ return false;
+ LHNETADDRESS_ToString(peeraddress, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
+ hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *) buf, strlen(buf)) % CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE;
+ for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex]; hk && LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&hk->addr, peeraddress); hk = hk->next);
+ if(!hk)
+ return false;
+ if(keyid)
+ *keyid = hk->keyid;
+ if(keyfp)
+ strlcpy(keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[hk->keyid], keyfplen);
+ if(idfp)
+ strlcpy(idfp, hk->idfp, idfplen);
+ if(aeslevel)
+ *aeslevel = hk->aeslevel;
+ return true;
+int Crypto_RetrieveLocalKey(int keyid, char *keyfp, size_t keyfplen, char *idfp, size_t idfplen) // return value: -1 if more to come, +1 if valid, 0 if end of list
+ if(keyid < 0 || keyid > MAX_PUBKEYS)
+ return 0;
+ if(keyfp)
+ *keyfp = 0;
+ if(idfp)
+ *idfp = 0;
+ if(!pubkeys[keyid])
+ return -1;
+ if(keyfp)
+ strlcpy(keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[keyid], keyfplen);
+ if(idfp)
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[keyid])
+ strlcpy(idfp, pubkeys_priv_fp64[keyid], keyfplen);
+ return 1;
+// end
+// init/shutdown code
+static void Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(void)
+ char *p, *lengthptr, *startptr;
+ size_t n;
+ int i;
+ p = challenge_append;
+ n = sizeof(challenge_append);
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(p, PROTOCOL_VLEN);
+ p += 4;
+ n -= 4;
+ lengthptr = p;
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(p, 0);
+ p += 4;
+ n -= 4;
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(p, PROTOCOL_D0_BLIND_ID);
+ p += 4;
+ n -= 4;
+ startptr = p;
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ PutWithNul(&p, &n, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
+ PutWithNul(&p, &n, "");
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ if(!pubkeys_havepriv[i] && pubkeys[i])
+ PutWithNul(&p, &n, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
+ Crypto_UnLittleLong(lengthptr, p - startptr);
+ challenge_append_length = p - challenge_append;
+static void Crypto_LoadKeys(void)
+ char buf[8192];
+ size_t len, len2;
+ int i;
+ // load keys
+ // note: we are just a CLIENT
+ // so we load:
+ // PUBLIC KEYS to accept (including modulus)
+ // PRIVATE KEY of user
+ crypto_idstring = NULL;
+ dpsnprintf(crypto_idstring_buf, sizeof(crypto_idstring_buf), "%d", d0_rijndael_dll ? crypto_aeslevel.integer : 0);
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ {
+ memset(pubkeys_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
+ memset(pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
+ pubkeys_havepriv[i] = false;
+ len = Crypto_LoadFile(va("key_%d.d0pk", i), buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if((pubkeys[i] = Crypto_ReadPublicKey(buf, len)))
+ {
+ len2 = FP64_SIZE;
+ if(qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key(pubkeys[i], pubkeys_fp64[i], &len2)) // keeps final NUL
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Loaded public key key_%d.d0pk (fingerprint: %s)\n", i, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
+ len = Crypto_LoadFile(va("key_%d.d0si", i), buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if(len)
+ {
+ if(Crypto_AddPrivateKey(pubkeys[i], buf, len))
+ {
+ len2 = FP64_SIZE;
+ if(qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(pubkeys[i], pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], &len2)) // keeps final NUL
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Loaded private ID key_%d.d0si for key_%d.d0pk (fingerprint: %s)\n", i, i, pubkeys_priv_fp64[i]);
+ pubkeys_havepriv[i] = true;
+ strlcat(crypto_idstring_buf, va(" %s@%s", pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], pubkeys_fp64[i]), sizeof(crypto_idstring_buf));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // can't really happen
+ // but nothing leaked here
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // can't really happen
+ qd0_blind_id_free(pubkeys[i]);
+ pubkeys[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ crypto_idstring = crypto_idstring_buf;
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend();
+ // find a good prefix length for all the keys we know (yes, algorithm is not perfect yet, may yield too long prefix length)
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length = 0;
+ memset(buf+256, 0, MAX_PUBKEYS + MAX_PUBKEYS);
+ while(crypto_keyfp_recommended_length < FP64_SIZE)
+ {
+ memset(buf, 0, 256);
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ {
+ if(!buf[256 + i])
+ ++buf[(unsigned char) pubkeys_fp64[i][crypto_keyfp_recommended_length]];
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ if(!buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i])
+ ++buf[(unsigned char) pubkeys_priv_fp64[i][crypto_keyfp_recommended_length]];
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ {
+ if(!buf[256 + i])
+ if(buf[(unsigned char) pubkeys_fp64[i][crypto_keyfp_recommended_length]] < 2)
+ buf[256 + i] = 1;
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ if(!buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i])
+ if(buf[(unsigned char) pubkeys_priv_fp64[i][crypto_keyfp_recommended_length]] < 2)
+ buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i] = 1;
+ }
+ ++crypto_keyfp_recommended_length;
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ {
+ if(!buf[256 + i])
+ break;
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ if(!buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i])
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i >= MAX_PUBKEYS)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(crypto_keyfp_recommended_length < 7)
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length = 7;
+static void Crypto_UnloadKeys(void)
+ int i;
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ qd0_blind_id_free(pubkeys[i]);
+ pubkeys[i] = NULL;
+ pubkeys_havepriv[i] = false;
+ memset(pubkeys_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
+ memset(pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
+ challenge_append_length = 0;
+ }
+ crypto_idstring = NULL;
+void Crypto_Shutdown(void)
+ crypto_t *crypto;
+ int i;
+ Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary();
+ if(d0_blind_id_dll)
+ {
+ // free memory
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS; ++i)
+ {
+ crypto = &cryptoconnects[i].crypto;
+ }
+ memset(cryptoconnects, 0, sizeof(cryptoconnects));
+ crypto = &cls.crypto;
+ Crypto_UnloadKeys();
+ qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN();
+ Crypto_CloseLibrary();
+ }
+void Crypto_Init(void)
+ if(!Crypto_OpenLibrary())
+ return;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE())
+ {
+ Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary();
+ Crypto_CloseLibrary();
+ Con_Printf("libd0_blind_id initialization FAILED, cryptography support has been disabled\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary(); // if this fails, it's uncritical
+ Crypto_InitHostKeys();
+ Crypto_LoadKeys();
+// end
+// keygen code
+static void Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(int code, size_t length_received, unsigned char *buffer, void *cbdata)
+ const char *p[1];
+ size_t l[1];
+ static char buf[8192];
+ static char buf2[8192];
+ size_t bufsize, buf2size;
+ qfile_t *f = NULL;
+ d0_blind_id_t *ctx, *ctx2;
+ D0_BOOL status;
+ size_t len2;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ {
+ Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(keygen_i >= MAX_PUBKEYS || !pubkeys[keygen_i])
+ {
+ Con_Printf("overflow of keygen_i\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(keygen_i < 0)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Unexpected response from keygen server:\n");
+ Com_HexDumpToConsole(buffer, length_received);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!Crypto_ParsePack((const char *) buffer, length_received, FOURCC_D0IR, p, l, 1))
+ {
+ if(length_received >= 5 && Crypto_LittleLong((const char *) buffer) == FOURCC_D0ER)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Error response from keygen server: %.*s\n", (int)(length_received - 5), buffer + 5);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Invalid response from keygen server:\n");
+ Com_HexDumpToConsole(buffer, length_received);
+ }
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request(pubkeys[keygen_i], p[0], l[0]))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ // verify the key we just got (just in case)
+ ctx = qd0_blind_id_new();
+ if(!ctx)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_new failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx2 = qd0_blind_id_new();
+ if(!ctx2)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_new failed\n");
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(ctx, pubkeys[keygen_i]))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_copy failed\n");
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx2);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(ctx2, pubkeys[keygen_i]))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_copy failed\n");
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx2);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ bufsize = sizeof(buf);
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(ctx, 1, 1, "hello world", 11, buf, &bufsize))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start failed\n");
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx2);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ buf2size = sizeof(buf2);
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(ctx2, 1, 1, buf, bufsize, buf2, &buf2size, &status) || !status)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge failed (server does not have the requested private key)\n");
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx2);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ bufsize = sizeof(buf);
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response(ctx, buf2, buf2size, buf, &bufsize))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response failed\n");
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx2);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ buf2size = sizeof(buf2);
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify(ctx2, buf, bufsize, buf2, &buf2size, &status) || !status)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify failed (server does not have the requested private key)\n");
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx2);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx);
+ qd0_blind_id_free(ctx2);
+ // we have a valid key now!
+ // make the rest of crypto.c know that
+ len2 = FP64_SIZE;
+ if(qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(pubkeys[keygen_i], pubkeys_priv_fp64[keygen_i], &len2)) // keeps final NUL
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Received private ID key_%d.d0pk (fingerprint: %s)\n", keygen_i, pubkeys_priv_fp64[keygen_i]);
+ pubkeys_havepriv[keygen_i] = true;
+ strlcat(crypto_idstring_buf, va(" %s@%s", pubkeys_priv_fp64[keygen_i], pubkeys_fp64[keygen_i]), sizeof(crypto_idstring_buf));
+ crypto_idstring = crypto_idstring_buf;
+ Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend();
+ }
+ // write the key to disk
+ p[0] = buf;
+ l[0] = sizeof(buf);
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_write_private_id(pubkeys[keygen_i], buf, &l[0]))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_write_private_id failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!(buf2size = Crypto_UnParsePack(buf2, sizeof(buf2), FOURCC_D0SI, p, l, 1)))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_UnParsePack failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(*fs_userdir)
+ {
+ FS_CreatePath(va("%skey_%d.d0si", fs_userdir, keygen_i));
+ f = FS_SysOpen(va("%skey_%d.d0si", fs_userdir, keygen_i), "wb", false);
+ }
+ if(!f)
+ {
+ FS_CreatePath(va("%skey_%d.d0si", fs_basedir, keygen_i));
+ f = FS_SysOpen(va("%skey_%d.d0si", fs_basedir, keygen_i), "wb", false);
+ }
+ if(!f)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Cannot open key_%d.d0si\n", keygen_i);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ FS_Write(f, buf2, buf2size);
+ FS_Close(f);
+ Con_Printf("Saved to key_%d.d0si\n", keygen_i);
+ keygen_i = -1;
+static void Crypto_KeyGen_f(void)
+ int i;
+ const char *p[1];
+ size_t l[1];
+ static char buf[8192];
+ static char buf2[8192];
+ size_t buf2l, buf2pos;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ {
+ Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(Cmd_Argc() != 3)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("usage:\n%s id url\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
+ return;
+ }
+ i = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
+ if(!pubkeys[i])
+ {
+ Con_Printf("there is no public key %d\n", i);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ {
+ Con_Printf("there is already a private key for %d\n", i);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(keygen_i >= 0)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("there is already a keygen run on the way\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ keygen_i = i;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start(pubkeys[keygen_i]))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_start failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ p[0] = buf;
+ l[0] = sizeof(buf);
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request(pubkeys[keygen_i], buf, &l[0]))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ buf2pos = strlen(Cmd_Argv(2));
+ memcpy(buf2, Cmd_Argv(2), buf2pos);
+ if(!(buf2l = Crypto_UnParsePack(buf2 + buf2pos, sizeof(buf2) - buf2pos - 1, FOURCC_D0IQ, p, l, 1)))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_UnParsePack failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!(buf2l = base64_encode((unsigned char *) (buf2 + buf2pos), buf2l, sizeof(buf2) - buf2pos - 1)))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("base64_encode failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ buf2l += buf2pos;
+ buf[buf2l] = 0;
+ if(!Curl_Begin_ToMemory(buf2, 0, (unsigned char *) keygen_buf, sizeof(keygen_buf), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished, NULL))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("curl failed\n");
+ keygen_i = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ Con_Printf("key generation in progress\n");
+// end
+// console commands
+static void Crypto_Reload_f(void)
+ Crypto_ClearHostKeys();
+ Crypto_UnloadKeys();
+ Crypto_LoadKeys();
+static void Crypto_Keys_f(void)
+ int i;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ {
+ Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ {
+ Con_Printf("%2d: public key key_%d.d0pk (fingerprint: %s)\n", i, i, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ Con_Printf(" private key key_%d.d0si (fingerprint: %s)\n", i, pubkeys_priv_fp64[i]);
+ }
+ }
+static void Crypto_HostKeys_f(void)
+ int i;
+ crypto_storedhostkey_t *hk;
+ char buf[128];
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ {
+ Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE; ++i)
+ {
+ for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[i]; hk; hk = hk->next)
+ {
+ LHNETADDRESS_ToString(&hk->addr, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
+ Con_Printf("%d %s@%.*s %s\n",
+ hk->aeslevel,
+ hk->idfp,
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, pubkeys_fp64[hk->keyid],
+ buf);
+ }
+ }
+static void Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f(void)
+ lhnetaddress_t addr;
+ int i;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ {
+ Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); ++i)
+ {
+ LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&addr, Cmd_Argv(i), 26000);
+ if(Crypto_ClearHostKey(&addr))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("cleared host key for %s\n", Cmd_Argv(i));
+ }
+ }
+void Crypto_Init_Commands(void)
+ if(d0_blind_id_dll)
+ {
+ Cmd_AddCommand("crypto_reload", Crypto_Reload_f, "reloads cryptographic keys");
+ Cmd_AddCommand("crypto_keygen", Crypto_KeyGen_f, "generates and saves a cryptographic key");
+ Cmd_AddCommand("crypto_keys", Crypto_Keys_f, "lists the loaded keys");
+ Cmd_AddCommand("crypto_hostkeys", Crypto_HostKeys_f, "lists the cached host keys");
+ Cmd_AddCommand("crypto_hostkey_clear", Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f, "clears a cached host key");
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&crypto_developer);
+ if(d0_rijndael_dll)
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&crypto_aeslevel);
+ else
+ crypto_aeslevel.integer = 0; // make sure
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&crypto_servercpupercent);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&crypto_servercpumaxtime);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&crypto_servercpudebug);
+ }
+// end
+// AES encryption
+static void aescpy(unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
+ const unsigned char *xorpos = iv;
+ unsigned char xorbuf[16];
+ unsigned long rk[D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH(DHKEY_SIZE * 8)];
+ size_t i;
+ qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt(rk, key, DHKEY_SIZE * 8);
+ while(len > 16)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+ xorbuf[i] = src[i] ^ xorpos[i];
+ qd0_rijndael_encrypt(rk, D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS(DHKEY_SIZE * 8), xorbuf, dst);
+ xorpos = dst;
+ len -= 16;
+ src += 16;
+ dst += 16;
+ }
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ xorbuf[i] = src[i] ^ xorpos[i];
+ for(; i < 16; ++i)
+ xorbuf[i] = xorpos[i];
+ qd0_rijndael_encrypt(rk, D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS(DHKEY_SIZE * 8), xorbuf, dst);
+ }
+static void seacpy(unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
+ const unsigned char *xorpos = iv;
+ unsigned char xorbuf[16];
+ unsigned long rk[D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH(DHKEY_SIZE * 8)];
+ size_t i;
+ qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt(rk, key, DHKEY_SIZE * 8);
+ while(len > 16)
+ {
+ qd0_rijndael_decrypt(rk, D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS(DHKEY_SIZE * 8), src, xorbuf);
+ for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+ dst[i] = xorbuf[i] ^ xorpos[i];
+ xorpos = src;
+ len -= 16;
+ src += 16;
+ dst += 16;
+ }
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ qd0_rijndael_decrypt(rk, D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS(DHKEY_SIZE * 8), src, xorbuf);
+ for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ dst[i] = xorbuf[i] ^ xorpos[i];
+ }
+const void *Crypto_EncryptPacket(crypto_t *crypto, const void *data_src, size_t len_src, void *data_dst, size_t *len_dst, size_t len)
+ unsigned char h[32];
+ if(crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ if(crypto->use_aes)
+ {
+ // AES packet = 1 byte length overhead, 15 bytes from HMAC-SHA-256, data, 0..15 bytes padding
+ // 15 bytes HMAC-SHA-256 (112bit) suffice as the attacker can't do more than forge a random-looking packet
+ // HMAC is needed to not leak information about packet content
+ if(developer_networking.integer)
+ {
+ Con_Print("To be encrypted:\n");
+ Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_src, len_src);
+ }
+ if(len_src + 32 > len || !HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, (const unsigned char *) data_src, len_src, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_EncryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *len_dst = ((len_src + 15) / 16) * 16 + 16; // add 16 for HMAC, then round to 16-size for AES
+ ((unsigned char *) data_dst)[0] = *len_dst - len_src;
+ memcpy(((unsigned char *) data_dst)+1, h, 15);
+ aescpy(crypto->dhkey, (const unsigned char *) data_dst, ((unsigned char *) data_dst) + 16, (const unsigned char *) data_src, len_src);
+ // IV dst src len
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // HMAC packet = 16 bytes HMAC-SHA-256 (truncated to 128 bits), data
+ if(len_src + 16 > len || !HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, (const unsigned char *) data_src, len_src, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_EncryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *len_dst = len_src + 16;
+ memcpy(data_dst, h, 16);
+ memcpy(((unsigned char *) data_dst) + 16, (unsigned char *) data_src, len_src);
+ }
+ return data_dst;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *len_dst = len_src;
+ return data_src;
+ }
+const void *Crypto_DecryptPacket(crypto_t *crypto, const void *data_src, size_t len_src, void *data_dst, size_t *len_dst, size_t len)
+ unsigned char h[32];
+ if(crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ if(crypto->use_aes)
+ {
+ if(len_src < 16 || ((len_src - 16) % 16))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *len_dst = len_src - ((unsigned char *) data_src)[0];
+ if(len < *len_dst || *len_dst > len_src - 16)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d->%d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) *len_dst, (int) len);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ seacpy(crypto->dhkey, (unsigned char *) data_src, (unsigned char *) data_dst, ((const unsigned char *) data_src) + 16, *len_dst);
+ // IV dst src len
+ if(!HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, (const unsigned char *) data_dst, *len_dst, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("HMAC fail\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(memcmp(((const unsigned char *) data_src)+1, h, 15)) // ignore first byte, used for length
+ {
+ Con_Printf("HMAC mismatch\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(developer_networking.integer)
+ {
+ Con_Print("Decrypted:\n");
+ Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_dst, *len_dst);
+ }
+ return data_dst; // no need to copy
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(len_src < 16)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *len_dst = len_src - 16;
+ if(len < *len_dst)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d->%d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) *len_dst, (int) len);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //memcpy(data_dst, data_src + 16, *len_dst);
+ if(!HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, ((const unsigned char *) data_src) + 16, *len_dst, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("HMAC fail\n");
+ Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_src, len_src);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(memcmp((const unsigned char *) data_src, h, 16)) // ignore first byte, used for length
+ {
+ Con_Printf("HMAC mismatch\n");
+ Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_src, len_src);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return ((const unsigned char *) data_src) + 16; // no need to copy, so data_dst is not used
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *len_dst = len_src;
+ return data_src;
+ }
+// end
+const char *Crypto_GetInfoResponseDataString(void)
+ crypto_idstring_buf[0] = '0' + crypto_aeslevel.integer;
+ return crypto_idstring;
+// network protocol
+qboolean Crypto_ServerAppendToChallenge(const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, size_t maxlen_out)
+ // cheap op, all is precomputed
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ return false; // no support
+ // append challenge
+ if(maxlen_out <= *len_out + challenge_append_length)
+ return false;
+ memcpy(data_out + *len_out, challenge_append, challenge_append_length);
+ *len_out += challenge_append_length;
+ return false;
+static int Crypto_ServerError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg, const char *msg_client)
+ if(!msg_client)
+ msg_client = msg;
+ Con_DPrintf("rejecting client: %s\n", msg);
+ if(*msg_client)
+ dpsnprintf(data_out, *len_out, "reject %s", msg_client);
+ *len_out = strlen(data_out);
+static int Crypto_SoftServerError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
+ *len_out = 0;
+ Con_DPrintf("%s\n", msg);
+static int Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal(const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
+ // if "connect": reject if in the middle of crypto handshake
+ crypto_t *crypto = NULL;
+ char *data_out_p = data_out;
+ const char *string = data_in;
+ int aeslevel;
+ D0_BOOL aes;
+ D0_BOOL status;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // no support
+ if (len_in > 8 && !memcmp(string, "connect\\", 8) && d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
+ {
+ const char *s;
+ int i;
+ // sorry, we have to verify the challenge here to not reflect network spam
+ if (!(s = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "challenge")))
+ return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // will be later accepted if encryption was set up
+ // validate the challenge
+ for (i = 0;i < MAX_CHALLENGES;i++)
+ if(challenge[i].time > 0)
+ if (!LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &challenge[i].address) && !strcmp(challenge[i].string, s))
+ break;
+ // if the challenge is not recognized, drop the packet
+ if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES) // challenge mismatch is silent
+ return CRYPTO_DISCARD; // pre-challenge: rather be silent
+ crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
+ if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires authentication and encryption to be supported by your client", NULL);
+ }
+ else if(len_in > 5 && !memcmp(string, "d0pk\\", 5) && ((LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(peeraddress) == LHNETADDRESSTYPE_LOOP) || sv_public.integer > -3))
+ {
+ const char *cnt, *s, *p;
+ int id;
+ int clientid = -1, serverid = -1;
+ cnt = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "id");
+ id = (cnt ? atoi(cnt) : -1);
+ cnt = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "cnt");
+ if(!cnt)
+ return CRYPTO_DISCARD; // pre-challenge: rather be silent
+ GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
+ if(!data_in)
+ return CRYPTO_DISCARD; // pre-challenge: rather be silent
+ if(!strcmp(cnt, "0"))
+ {
+ int i;
+ if (!(s = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "challenge")))
+ return CRYPTO_DISCARD; // pre-challenge: rather be silent
+ // validate the challenge
+ for (i = 0;i < MAX_CHALLENGES;i++)
+ if(challenge[i].time > 0)
+ if (!LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &challenge[i].address) && !strcmp(challenge[i].string, s))
+ break;
+ // if the challenge is not recognized, drop the packet
+ if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES) // challenge mismatch is silent
+ return CRYPTO_DISCARD; // pre-challenge: rather be silent
+ if (!(s = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "aeslevel")))
+ aeslevel = 0; // not supported
+ else
+ aeslevel = bound(0, atoi(s), 3);
+ switch(bound(0, d0_rijndael_dll ? crypto_aeslevel.integer : 0, 3))
+ {
+ default: // dummy, never happens, but to make gcc happy...
+ case 0:
+ if(aeslevel >= 3)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)", NULL);
+ aes = false;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ aes = (aeslevel >= 2);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ aes = (aeslevel >= 1);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if(aeslevel <= 0)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be supported (crypto_aeslevel >= 1, and d0_rijndael library must be present)", NULL);
+ aes = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ p = GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
+ if(p && *p)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ if(!strcmp(p, pubkeys_fp64[i]))
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ if(serverid < 0)
+ serverid = i;
+ }
+ if(serverid < 0)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Invalid server key", NULL);
+ }
+ p = GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
+ if(p && *p)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ if(!strcmp(p, pubkeys_fp64[i]))
+ if(clientid < 0)
+ clientid = i;
+ }
+ if(clientid < 0)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Invalid client key", NULL);
+ }
+ crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, true);
+ if(!crypto)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Could not create a crypto connect instance", NULL);
+ CDATA->cdata_id = id;
+ CDATA->s = serverid;
+ CDATA->c = clientid;
+ memset(crypto->dhkey, 0, sizeof(crypto->dhkey));
+ CDATA->challenge[0] = 0;
+ crypto->client_keyfp[0] = 0;
+ crypto->client_idfp[0] = 0;
+ crypto->server_keyfp[0] = 0;
+ crypto->server_idfp[0] = 0;
+ crypto->use_aes = aes;
+ if(CDATA->s >= 0)
+ {
+ // I am the server, and my key is ok... so let's set server_keyfp and server_idfp
+ strlcpy(crypto->server_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->s], sizeof(crypto->server_keyfp));
+ strlcpy(crypto->server_idfp, pubkeys_priv_fp64[CDATA->s], sizeof(crypto->server_idfp));
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->s]))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\1\\id\\%d\\aes\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id, crypto->use_aes));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(CDATA->id, true, false, "XONOTIC", 8, data_out_p, len_out)) // len_out receives used size by this op
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 2;
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else if(CDATA->c >= 0)
+ {
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\5\\id\\%d\\aes\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id, crypto->use_aes));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(CDATA->id, true, false, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out, &status))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 6;
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Missing client and server key", NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(cnt, "2"))
+ {
+ size_t fpbuflen;
+ crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
+ if(!crypto)
+ return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
+ if(id >= 0)
+ if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(CDATA->next_step != 2)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\3\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) crypto->dhkey, &fpbuflen))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ if(CDATA->c >= 0)
+ {
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // session key is FINISHED (no server part is to be expected)! By this, all keys are set up
+ crypto->authenticated = true;
+ CDATA->next_step = 0;
+ }
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(cnt, "4"))
+ {
+ crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
+ if(!crypto)
+ return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
+ if(id >= 0)
+ if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(CDATA->next_step != 4)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\5\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(CDATA->id, true, false, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out, &status))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 6;
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(cnt, "6"))
+ {
+ static char msgbuf[32];
+ size_t msgbuflen = sizeof(msgbuf);
+ size_t fpbuflen;
+ int i;
+ unsigned char dhkey[DHKEY_SIZE];
+ crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
+ if(!crypto)
+ return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
+ if(id >= 0)
+ if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(CDATA->next_step != 6)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, msgbuf, &msgbuflen, &status))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify failed (authentication error)", "Authentication error");
+ }
+ if(status)
+ strlcpy(crypto->client_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->c], sizeof(crypto->client_keyfp));
+ else
+ crypto->client_keyfp[0] = 0;
+ memset(crypto->client_idfp, 0, sizeof(crypto->client_idfp));
+ fpbuflen = FP64_SIZE;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(CDATA->id, crypto->client_idfp, &fpbuflen))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) dhkey, &fpbuflen))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed", "Internal error");
+ }
+ // XOR the two DH keys together to make one
+ for(i = 0; i < DHKEY_SIZE; ++i)
+ crypto->dhkey[i] ^= dhkey[i];
+ // session key is FINISHED (no server part is to be expected)! By this, all keys are set up
+ crypto->authenticated = true;
+ CDATA->next_step = 0;
+ // send a challenge-less challenge
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, "challenge ");
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ --*len_out; // remove NUL terminator
+ return CRYPTO_MATCH;
+ }
+ return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
+ }
+int Crypto_ServerParsePacket(const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
+ int ret;
+ double t = 0;
+ static double complain_time = 0;
+ const char *cnt;
+ qboolean do_time = false;
+ qboolean do_reject = false;
+ if(crypto_servercpupercent.value > 0 || crypto_servercpumaxtime.value > 0)
+ if(len_in > 5 && !memcmp(data_in, "d0pk\\", 5))
+ {
+ do_time = true;
+ cnt = SearchInfostring(data_in + 4, "cnt");
+ if(cnt)
+ if(!strcmp(cnt, "0"))
+ do_reject = true;
+ }
+ if(do_time)
+ {
+ // check if we may perform crypto...
+ if(crypto_servercpupercent.value > 0)
+ {
+ crypto_servercpu_accumulator += (realtime - crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime) * crypto_servercpupercent.value * 0.01;
+ if(crypto_servercpumaxtime.value)
+ if(crypto_servercpu_accumulator > crypto_servercpumaxtime.value)
+ crypto_servercpu_accumulator = crypto_servercpumaxtime.value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(crypto_servercpumaxtime.value > 0)
+ if(realtime != crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime)
+ crypto_servercpu_accumulator = crypto_servercpumaxtime.value;
+ }
+ crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime = realtime;
+ if(do_reject && crypto_servercpu_accumulator < 0)
+ {
+ if(realtime > complain_time + 5)
+ Con_Printf("crypto: cannot perform requested crypto operations; denial service attack or crypto_servercpupercent/crypto_servercpumaxtime are too low\n");
+ *len_out = 0;
+ }
+ t = Sys_DoubleTime();
+ }
+ ret = Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal(data_in, len_in, data_out, len_out, peeraddress);
+ if(do_time)
+ {
+ t = Sys_DoubleTime() - t;
+ if(crypto_servercpudebug.integer)
+ Con_Printf("crypto: accumulator was %.1f ms, used %.1f ms for crypto, ", crypto_servercpu_accumulator * 1000, t * 1000);
+ crypto_servercpu_accumulator -= t;
+ if(crypto_servercpudebug.integer)
+ Con_Printf("is %.1f ms\n", crypto_servercpu_accumulator * 1000);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int Crypto_ClientError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
+ dpsnprintf(data_out, *len_out, "reject %s", msg);
+ *len_out = strlen(data_out);
+static int Crypto_SoftClientError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
+ *len_out = 0;
+ Con_Printf("%s\n", msg);
+int Crypto_ClientParsePacket(const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
+ crypto_t *crypto = &cls.crypto;
+ const char *string = data_in;
+ const char *s;
+ D0_BOOL aes;
+ char *data_out_p = data_out;
+ D0_BOOL status;
+ if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
+ return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // no support
+ // if "challenge": verify challenge, and discard message, send next crypto protocol message instead
+ // otherwise, just handle actual protocol messages
+ if (len_in == 6 && !memcmp(string, "accept", 6) && cls.connect_trying && d0_rijndael_dll)
+ {
+ int wantserverid = -1;
+ Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&cls.connect_address, &wantserverid, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ if(wantserverid >= 0)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though a host key is present");
+ if(crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (len_in >= 1 && string[0] == 'j' && cls.connect_trying && d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
+ {
+ int wantserverid = -1;
+ Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&cls.connect_address, &wantserverid, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ if(wantserverid >= 0)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though a host key is present");
+ if(crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (len_in >= 13 && !memcmp(string, "infoResponse\x0A", 13))
+ {
+ s = SearchInfostring(string + 13, "d0_blind_id");
+ if(s)
+ Crypto_StoreHostKey(peeraddress, s, true);
+ }
+ else if (len_in >= 15 && !memcmp(string, "statusResponse\x0A", 15))
+ {
+ char save = 0;
+ const char *p;
+ p = strchr(string + 15, '\n');
+ if(p)
+ {
+ save = *p;
+ * (char *) p = 0; // cut off the string there
+ }
+ s = SearchInfostring(string + 15, "d0_blind_id");
+ if(s)
+ Crypto_StoreHostKey(peeraddress, s, true);
+ if(p)
+ {
+ * (char *) p = save;
+ // invoking those nasal demons again (do not run this on the DS9k)
+ }
+ }
+ else if(len_in > 10 && !memcmp(string, "challenge ", 10) && cls.connect_trying)
+ {
+ const char *vlen_blind_id_ptr = NULL;
+ size_t len_blind_id_ptr = 0;
+ unsigned long k, v;
+ const char *challenge = data_in + 10;
+ const char *p;
+ int i;
+ int clientid = -1, serverid = -1, wantserverid = -1;
+ qboolean server_can_auth = true;
+ char wantserver_idfp[FP64_SIZE+1];
+ int wantserver_aeslevel;
+ // if we have a stored host key for the server, assume serverid to already be selected!
+ // (the loop will refuse to overwrite this one then)
+ wantserver_idfp[0] = 0;
+ Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&cls.connect_address, &wantserverid, NULL, 0, wantserver_idfp, sizeof(wantserver_idfp), &wantserver_aeslevel);
+ // requirement: wantserver_idfp is a full ID if wantserverid set
+ // if we leave, we have to consider the connection
+ // unauthenticated; NOTE: this may be faked by a clever
+ // attacker to force an unauthenticated connection; so we have
+ // a safeguard check in place when encryption is required too
+ // in place, or when authentication is required by the server
+ crypto->authenticated = false;
+ GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
+ if(!data_in)
+ return (wantserverid >= 0) ? Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though a host key is present") :
+ (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3) ? Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)", NULL) :
+ // FTEQW extension protocol
+ while(len_in >= 8)
+ {
+ k = Crypto_LittleLong(data_in);
+ v = Crypto_LittleLong(data_in + 4);
+ data_in += 8;
+ len_in -= 8;
+ switch(k)
+ {
+ if(len_in >= 4 + v)
+ {
+ k = Crypto_LittleLong(data_in);
+ data_in += 4;
+ len_in -= 4;
+ switch(k)
+ {
+ vlen_blind_id_ptr = data_in;
+ len_blind_id_ptr = v;
+ break;
+ }
+ data_in += v;
+ len_in -= v;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!vlen_blind_id_ptr)
+ return (wantserverid >= 0) ? Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though authentication is required") :
+ (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3) ? Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)", NULL) :
+ data_in = vlen_blind_id_ptr;
+ len_in = len_blind_id_ptr;
+ // parse fingerprints
+ // once we found a fingerprint we can auth to (ANY), select it as clientfp
+ // once we found a fingerprint in the first list that we know, select it as serverfp
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ p = GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
+ if(!p)
+ break;
+ if(!*p)
+ {
+ if(!server_can_auth)
+ break; // other protocol message may follow
+ server_can_auth = false;
+ if(clientid >= 0)
+ break;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
+ {
+ if(pubkeys[i])
+ if(!strcmp(p, pubkeys_fp64[i]))
+ {
+ if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ if(clientid < 0)
+ clientid = i;
+ if(server_can_auth)
+ if(serverid < 0)
+ if(wantserverid < 0 || i == wantserverid)
+ serverid = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if(clientid >= 0 && serverid >= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ // if stored host key is not found:
+ if(wantserverid >= 0 && serverid < 0)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server CA does not match stored host key, refusing to connect");
+ if(serverid >= 0 || clientid >= 0)
+ {
+ // TODO at this point, fill clientside crypto struct!
+ CDATA->cdata_id = ++cdata_id;
+ CDATA->s = serverid;
+ CDATA->c = clientid;
+ memset(crypto->dhkey, 0, sizeof(crypto->dhkey));
+ strlcpy(CDATA->challenge, challenge, sizeof(CDATA->challenge));
+ crypto->client_keyfp[0] = 0;
+ crypto->client_idfp[0] = 0;
+ crypto->server_keyfp[0] = 0;
+ crypto->server_idfp[0] = 0;
+ memcpy(CDATA->wantserver_idfp, wantserver_idfp, sizeof(crypto->server_idfp));
+ if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
+ switch(bound(0, d0_rijndael_dll ? crypto_aeslevel.integer : 0, 3))
+ {
+ default: // dummy, never happens, but to make gcc happy...
+ case 0:
+ if(wantserver_aeslevel >= 3)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)", NULL);
+ CDATA->wantserver_aes = false;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ CDATA->wantserver_aes = (wantserver_aeslevel >= 2);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ CDATA->wantserver_aes = (wantserver_aeslevel >= 1);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if(wantserver_aeslevel <= 0)
+ return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be supported (crypto_aeslevel >= 1, and d0_rijndael library must be present)", NULL);
+ CDATA->wantserver_aes = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // build outgoing message
+ // append regular stuff
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\0\\id\\%d\\aeslevel\\%d\\challenge\\%s", CDATA->cdata_id, d0_rijndael_dll ? crypto_aeslevel.integer : 0, challenge));
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, serverid >= 0 ? pubkeys_fp64[serverid] : "");
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, clientid >= 0 ? pubkeys_fp64[clientid] : "");
+ if(clientid >= 0)
+ {
+ // I am the client, and my key is ok... so let's set client_keyfp and client_idfp
+ strlcpy(crypto->client_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->c], sizeof(crypto->client_keyfp));
+ strlcpy(crypto->client_idfp, pubkeys_priv_fp64[CDATA->c], sizeof(crypto->client_idfp));
+ }
+ if(serverid >= 0)
+ {
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed");
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->s]))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 1;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else if(clientid >= 0)
+ {
+ // skip over server auth, perform client auth only
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
+ if(!CDATA->id)
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed");
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed");
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(CDATA->id, true, false, "XONOTIC", 8, data_out_p, len_out)) // len_out receives used size by this op
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start failed");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 5;
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
+ if(wantserver_aeslevel >= 3)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on encryption, but neither can authenticate to the other");
+ return (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3) ? Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)", NULL) :
+ }
+ }
+ else if(len_in > 5 && !memcmp(string, "d0pk\\", 5) && cls.connect_trying)
+ {
+ const char *cnt;
+ int id;
+ cnt = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "id");
+ id = (cnt ? atoi(cnt) : -1);
+ cnt = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "cnt");
+ if(!cnt)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0pk\\ message without cnt");
+ GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
+ if(!data_in)
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0pk\\ message without attachment");
+ if(!strcmp(cnt, "1"))
+ {
+ if(id >= 0)
+ if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(CDATA->next_step != 1)
+ return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
+ cls.connect_nextsendtime = max(cls.connect_nextsendtime, realtime + 1); // prevent "hammering"
+ if((s = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "aes")))
+ aes = atoi(s);
+ else
+ aes = false;
+ // we CANNOT toggle the AES status any more!
+ // as the server already decided
+ if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
+ if(!aes && CDATA->wantserver_aes)
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Stored host key requires encryption, but server did not enable encryption");
+ }
+ if(aes && (!d0_rijndael_dll || crypto_aeslevel.integer <= 0))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on encryption too hard");
+ }
+ if(!aes && (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on plaintext too hard");
+ }
+ crypto->use_aes = aes;
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\2\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(CDATA->id, true, false, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out, &status))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge failed");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 3;
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(cnt, "3"))
+ {
+ static char msgbuf[32];
+ size_t msgbuflen = sizeof(msgbuf);
+ size_t fpbuflen;
+ if(id >= 0)
+ if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(CDATA->next_step != 3)
+ return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
+ cls.connect_nextsendtime = max(cls.connect_nextsendtime, realtime + 1); // prevent "hammering"
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, msgbuf, &msgbuflen, &status))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify failed (server authentication error)");
+ }
+ if(status)
+ strlcpy(crypto->server_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->s], sizeof(crypto->server_keyfp));
+ else
+ crypto->server_keyfp[0] = 0;
+ memset(crypto->server_idfp, 0, sizeof(crypto->server_idfp));
+ fpbuflen = FP64_SIZE;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(CDATA->id, crypto->server_idfp, &fpbuflen))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id failed");
+ }
+ if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0])
+ if(memcmp(CDATA->wantserver_idfp, crypto->server_idfp, sizeof(crypto->server_idfp)))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server ID does not match stored host key, refusing to connect");
+ }
+ fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) crypto->dhkey, &fpbuflen))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed");
+ }
+ // cache the server key
+ Crypto_StoreHostKey(&cls.connect_address, va("%d %s@%s", crypto->use_aes ? 1 : 0, crypto->server_idfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->s]), false);
+ if(CDATA->c >= 0)
+ {
+ // client will auth next
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\4\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed");
+ }
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(CDATA->id, true, false, "XONOTIC", 8, data_out_p, len_out)) // len_out receives used size by this op
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start failed");
+ }
+ CDATA->next_step = 5;
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // session key is FINISHED (no server part is to be expected)! By this, all keys are set up
+ crypto->authenticated = true;
+ CDATA->next_step = 0;
+ // assume we got the empty challenge to finish the protocol
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, "challenge ");
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ --*len_out; // remove NUL terminator
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(cnt, "5"))
+ {
+ size_t fpbuflen;
+ unsigned char dhkey[DHKEY_SIZE];
+ int i;
+ if(id >= 0)
+ if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
+ return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(CDATA->next_step != 5)
+ return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va("Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
+ cls.connect_nextsendtime = max(cls.connect_nextsendtime, realtime + 1); // prevent "hammering"
+ if(CDATA->s < 0) // only if server didn't auth
+ {
+ if((s = SearchInfostring(string + 4, "aes")))
+ aes = atoi(s);
+ else
+ aes = false;
+ if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
+ if(!aes && CDATA->wantserver_aes)
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Stored host key requires encryption, but server did not enable encryption");
+ }
+ if(aes && (!d0_rijndael_dll || crypto_aeslevel.integer <= 0))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on encryption too hard");
+ }
+ if(!aes && (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on plaintext too hard");
+ }
+ crypto->use_aes = aes;
+ }
+ PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va("d0pk\\cnt\\6\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response failed");
+ }
+ fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
+ if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) dhkey, &fpbuflen))
+ {
+ return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed");
+ }
+ // XOR the two DH keys together to make one
+ for(i = 0; i < DHKEY_SIZE; ++i)
+ crypto->dhkey[i] ^= dhkey[i];
+ // session key is FINISHED! By this, all keys are set up
+ crypto->authenticated = true;
+ CDATA->next_step = 0;
+ data_out_p += *len_out;
+ *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
+ }
+ return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, "Got unknown d0_blind_id message from server");
+ }
int serverquerycount = 0;
int serverreplycount = 0;
+challenge_t challenge[MAX_CHALLENGES];
/// this is only false if there are still servers left to query
static qboolean serverlist_querysleep = true;
static qboolean serverlist_paused = false;
static unsigned char sendbuffer[NET_HEADERSIZE+NET_MAXMESSAGE];
static unsigned char readbuffer[NET_HEADERSIZE+NET_MAXMESSAGE];
+static unsigned char cryptosendbuffer[NET_HEADERSIZE+NET_MAXMESSAGE+CRYPTO_HEADERSIZE];
+static unsigned char cryptoreadbuffer[NET_HEADERSIZE+NET_MAXMESSAGE+CRYPTO_HEADERSIZE];
static int cl_numsockets;
static lhnetsocket_t *cl_sockets[16];
static int nFavorites = 0;
static lhnetaddress_t favorites[MAX_FAVORITESERVERS];
+static int nFavorites_idfp = 0;
+static char favorites_idfp[MAX_FAVORITESERVERS][FP64_SIZE+1];
void NetConn_UpdateFavorites(void)
const char *p;
nFavorites = 0;
+ nFavorites_idfp = 0;
p = net_slist_favorites.string;
while((size_t) nFavorites < sizeof(favorites) / sizeof(*favorites) && COM_ParseToken_Console(&p))
- if(LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&favorites[nFavorites], com_token, 26000))
- ++nFavorites;
+ if(com_token[0] != '[' && strlen(com_token) == FP64_SIZE && !strchr(com_token, '.'))
+ // currently 44 bytes, longest possible IPv6 address: 39 bytes, so this works
+ // (if v6 address contains port, it must start with '[')
+ {
+ strlcpy(favorites_idfp[nFavorites_idfp], com_token, sizeof(favorites_idfp[nFavorites_idfp]));
+ ++nFavorites_idfp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&favorites[nFavorites], com_token, 26000))
+ ++nFavorites;
+ }
entry->info.isfavorite = false;
if(LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&addr, entry->info.cname, 26000))
+ char idfp[FP64_SIZE+1];
for(i = 0; i < nFavorites; ++i)
if(LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&addr, &favorites[i]) == 0)
+ if(Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&addr, 0, NULL, 0, idfp, sizeof(idfp), NULL))
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < nFavorites_idfp; ++i)
+ {
+ if(!strcmp(idfp, favorites_idfp[i]))
+ {
+ entry->info.isfavorite = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// FIXME: change this to be more readable (...)
unsigned int packetLen;
unsigned int dataLen;
unsigned int eom;
+ const void *sendme;
+ size_t sendmelen;
// if a reliable message fragment has been lost, send it again
if (conn->sendMessageLength && (realtime - conn->lastSendTime) > 1.0)
conn->outgoing_netgraph[conn->outgoing_packetcounter].reliablebytes += packetLen + 28;
- if (NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, (void *)&sendbuffer, packetLen, &conn->peeraddress) == (int)packetLen)
+ sendme = Crypto_EncryptPacket(&conn->crypto, &sendbuffer, packetLen, &cryptosendbuffer, &sendmelen, sizeof(cryptosendbuffer));
+ if (sendme && NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, sendme, sendmelen, &conn->peeraddress) == (int)sendmelen)
conn->lastSendTime = realtime;
- totallen += packetLen + 28;
+ totallen += sendmelen + 28;
// if we have a new reliable message to send, do so
conn->outgoing_netgraph[conn->outgoing_packetcounter].reliablebytes += packetLen + 28;
- NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, (void *)&sendbuffer, packetLen, &conn->peeraddress);
+ sendme = Crypto_EncryptPacket(&conn->crypto, &sendbuffer, packetLen, &cryptosendbuffer, &sendmelen, sizeof(cryptosendbuffer));
+ if(sendme)
+ NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, sendme, sendmelen, &conn->peeraddress);
conn->lastSendTime = realtime;
- totallen += packetLen + 28;
+ totallen += sendmelen + 28;
// if we have an unreliable message to send, do so
conn->outgoing_netgraph[conn->outgoing_packetcounter].unreliablebytes += packetLen + 28;
- NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, (void *)&sendbuffer, packetLen, &conn->peeraddress);
+ sendme = Crypto_EncryptPacket(&conn->crypto, &sendbuffer, packetLen, &cryptosendbuffer, &sendmelen, sizeof(cryptosendbuffer));
+ if(sendme)
+ NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, sendme, sendmelen, &conn->peeraddress);
- totallen += packetLen + 28;
+ totallen += sendmelen + 28;
-static int NetConn_ReceivedMessage(netconn_t *conn, unsigned char *data, int length, protocolversion_t protocol, double newtimeout)
+static int NetConn_ReceivedMessage(netconn_t *conn, const unsigned char *data, size_t length, protocolversion_t protocol, double newtimeout)
int originallength = length;
if (length < 8)
unsigned int count;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int sequence;
- int qlength;
+ size_t qlength;
+ const void *sendme;
+ size_t sendmelen;
+ originallength = length;
+ data = (const unsigned char *) Crypto_DecryptPacket(&conn->crypto, data, length, cryptoreadbuffer, &length, sizeof(cryptoreadbuffer));
+ if(!data)
+ return 0;
+ if(length < 8)
+ return 0;
qlength = (unsigned int)BuffBigLong(data);
flags = qlength & ~NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK;
- if (NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, (void *)&sendbuffer, packetLen, &conn->peeraddress) == (int)packetLen)
+ sendme = Crypto_EncryptPacket(&conn->crypto, &sendbuffer, packetLen, &cryptosendbuffer, &sendmelen, sizeof(cryptosendbuffer));
+ if (sendme && NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, sendme, sendmelen, &conn->peeraddress) == (int)sendmelen)
conn->lastSendTime = realtime;
conn->outgoing_netgraph[conn->outgoing_packetcounter].ackbytes += 8 + 28;
StoreBigLong(temppacket, 8 | NETFLAG_ACK);
StoreBigLong(temppacket + 4, sequence);
- NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, (unsigned char *)temppacket, 8, &conn->peeraddress);
+ sendme = Crypto_EncryptPacket(&conn->crypto, temppacket, 8, &cryptosendbuffer, &sendmelen, sizeof(cryptosendbuffer));
+ if(sendme)
+ NetConn_Write(conn->mysocket, sendme, sendmelen, &conn->peeraddress);
if (sequence == conn->nq.receiveSequence)
conn->lastMessageTime = realtime;
void NetConn_ConnectionEstablished(lhnetsocket_t *mysocket, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, protocolversion_t initialprotocol)
+ crypto_t *crypto;
cls.connect_trying = false;
// the connection request succeeded, stop current connection and set up a new connection
Host_ShutdownServer ();
// allocate a net connection to keep track of things
cls.netcon = NetConn_Open(mysocket, peeraddress);
+ crypto = &cls.crypto;
+ if(crypto && crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ Crypto_ServerFinishInstance(&cls.netcon->crypto, crypto);
+ Con_Printf("%s connection to %s has been established: server is %s@%.*s, I am %.*s@%.*s\n",
+ crypto->use_aes ? "Encrypted" : "Authenticated",
+ cls.netcon->address,
+ crypto->server_idfp[0] ? crypto->server_idfp : "-",
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, crypto->server_keyfp[0] ? crypto->server_keyfp : "-",
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, crypto->client_idfp[0] ? crypto->client_idfp : "-",
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, crypto->client_keyfp[0] ? crypto->client_keyfp : "-"
+ );
+ }
Con_Printf("Connection accepted to %s\n", cls.netcon->address);
key_dest = key_game;
m_state = m_none;
const char *s;
char *string, addressstring2[128], ipstring[32];
char stringbuf[16384];
+ size_t sendlength;
// quakeworld ingame packet
fromserver = cls.netcon && mysocket == cls.netcon->mysocket && !LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&cls.netcon->peeraddress, peeraddress);
Com_HexDumpToConsole(data, length);
- if (length > 10 && !memcmp(string, "challenge ", 10) && cls.rcon_trying)
+ sendlength = sizeof(senddata) - 4;
+ switch(Crypto_ClientParsePacket(string, length, senddata+4, &sendlength, peeraddress))
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ break;
+ if(sendlength)
+ {
+ memcpy(senddata, "\377\377\377\377", 4);
+ NetConn_Write(mysocket, senddata, sendlength+4, peeraddress);
+ }
+ break;
+ if(sendlength)
+ {
+ memcpy(senddata, "\377\377\377\377", 4);
+ NetConn_Write(mysocket, senddata, sendlength+4, peeraddress);
+ }
+ return true;
+ break;
+ string = senddata+4;
+ length = sendlength;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (length >= 10 && !memcmp(string, "challenge ", 10) && cls.rcon_trying)
int i = 0, j;
for (j = 0;j < MAX_RCONS;j++)
- if (length > 10 && !memcmp(string, "challenge ", 10) && cls.connect_trying)
+ if (length >= 10 && !memcmp(string, "challenge ", 10) && cls.connect_trying)
// darkplaces or quake3
char protocolnames[1400];
if (length > 7 && !memcmp(string, "reject ", 7) && cls.connect_trying)
- char rejectreason[32];
+ char rejectreason[128];
cls.connect_trying = false;
string += 7;
length = min(length - 7, (int)sizeof(rejectreason) - 1);
return ret;
// netquake control packets, supported for compatibility only
- if (length >= 5 && (control = BuffBigLong(data)) && (control & (~NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK)) == (int)NETFLAG_CTL && (control & NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK) == length)
+ if (length >= 5 && (control = BuffBigLong(data)) && (control & (~NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK)) == (int)NETFLAG_CTL && (control & NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK) == length && !ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED)
int n;
serverlist_info_t *info;
-#define MAX_CHALLENGES 128
-struct challenge_s
- lhnetaddress_t address;
- double time;
- char string[12];
static void NetConn_BuildChallengeString(char *buffer, int bufferlength)
int i;
unsigned int nb_clients = 0, nb_bots = 0, i;
int length;
char teambuf[3];
+ const char *crypto_idstring;
char *p;
const char *q;
p = qcstatus;
- for(q = str; *q; ++q)
+ for(q = str; *q && p - qcstatus < (ssize_t)(sizeof(qcstatus)) - 1; ++q)
if(*q != '\\' && *q != '\n')
*p++ = *q;
*p = 0;
/// \TODO: we should add more information for the full status string
+ crypto_idstring = Crypto_GetInfoResponseDataString();
length = dpsnprintf(out_msg, out_size,
+ "%s%s"
fullstatus ? "statusResponse" : "infoResponse",
gamename, com_modname, gameversion.integer, svs.maxclients,
nb_clients, nb_bots, sv.worldbasename, hostname.string, NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
*qcstatus ? "\\qcstatus\\" : "", qcstatus,
challenge ? "\\challenge\\" : "", challenge ? challenge : "",
+ crypto_idstring ? "\\d0_blind_id\\" : "", crypto_idstring ? crypto_idstring : "",
fullstatus ? "\n" : "");
// Make sure it fits in the buffer
char *s, *string, response[1400], addressstring2[128];
static char stringbuf[16384];
qboolean islocal = (LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(peeraddress) == LHNETADDRESSTYPE_LOOP);
+ size_t sendlength, response_len;
if (!sv.active)
return false;
Com_HexDumpToConsole(data, length);
+ sendlength = sizeof(senddata) - 4;
+ switch(Crypto_ServerParsePacket(string, length, senddata+4, &sendlength, peeraddress))
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ break;
+ if(sendlength)
+ {
+ memcpy(senddata, "\377\377\377\377", 4);
+ NetConn_Write(mysocket, senddata, sendlength+4, peeraddress);
+ }
+ break;
+ if(sendlength)
+ {
+ memcpy(senddata, "\377\377\377\377", 4);
+ NetConn_Write(mysocket, senddata, sendlength+4, peeraddress);
+ }
+ return true;
+ break;
+ string = senddata+4;
+ length = sendlength;
+ break;
+ }
if (length >= 12 && !memcmp(string, "getchallenge", 12) && (islocal || sv_public.integer > -3))
for (i = 0, best = 0, besttime = realtime;i < MAX_CHALLENGES;i++)
challenge[i].time = realtime;
// send the challenge
- NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, va("\377\377\377\377challenge %s", challenge[i].string), peeraddress);
+ dpsnprintf(response, sizeof(response), "\377\377\377\377challenge %s", challenge[i].string);
+ response_len = strlen(response) + 1;
+ Crypto_ServerAppendToChallenge(string, length, response, &response_len, sizeof(response));
+ NetConn_Write(mysocket, response, response_len, peeraddress);
return true;
if (length > 8 && !memcmp(string, "connect\\", 8))
+ crypto_t *crypto = Crypto_ServerGetInstance(peeraddress);
string += 7;
length -= 7;
- if (!(s = SearchInfostring(string, "challenge")))
- return true;
- // validate the challenge
- for (i = 0;i < MAX_CHALLENGES;i++)
- if(challenge[i].time > 0)
- if (!LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &challenge[i].address) && !strcmp(challenge[i].string, s))
- break;
- // if the challenge is not recognized, drop the packet
- if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
- return true;
+ if(crypto && crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ // no need to check challenge
+ if(crypto_developer.integer)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("%s connection to %s is being established: client is %s@%.*s, I am %.*s@%.*s\n",
+ crypto->use_aes ? "Encrypted" : "Authenticated",
+ addressstring2,
+ crypto->client_idfp[0] ? crypto->client_idfp : "-",
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, crypto->client_keyfp[0] ? crypto->client_keyfp : "-",
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, crypto->server_idfp[0] ? crypto->server_idfp : "-",
+ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, crypto->server_keyfp[0] ? crypto->server_keyfp : "-"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "challenge")))
+ {
+ // validate the challenge
+ for (i = 0;i < MAX_CHALLENGES;i++)
+ if(challenge[i].time > 0)
+ if (!LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &challenge[i].address) && !strcmp(challenge[i].string, s))
+ break;
+ // if the challenge is not recognized, drop the packet
+ if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if((s = SearchInfostring(string, "message")))
+ Con_DPrintf("Connecting client %s sent us the message: %s\n", addressstring2, s);
if(!(islocal || sv_public.integer > -2))
if (client->netconnection && LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &client->netconnection->peeraddress) == 0)
// this is a known client...
+ if(crypto && crypto->authenticated)
+ {
+ // reject if changing key!
+ if(client->netconnection->crypto.authenticated)
+ {
+ if(
+ strcmp(client->netconnection->crypto.client_idfp, crypto->client_idfp)
+ ||
+ strcmp(client->netconnection->crypto.server_idfp, crypto->server_idfp)
+ ||
+ strcmp(client->netconnection->crypto.client_keyfp, crypto->client_keyfp)
+ ||
+ strcmp(client->netconnection->crypto.server_keyfp, crypto->server_keyfp)
+ )
+ {
+ if (developer_extra.integer)
+ Con_Printf("Datagram_ParseConnectionless: sending \"reject Attempt to change key of crypto.\" to %s.\n", addressstring2);
+ NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, "\377\377\377\377reject Attempt to change key of crypto.", peeraddress);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // reject if downgrading!
+ if(client->netconnection->crypto.authenticated)
+ {
+ if (developer_extra.integer)
+ Con_Printf("Datagram_ParseConnectionless: sending \"reject Attempt to downgrade crypto.\" to %s.\n", addressstring2);
+ NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, "\377\377\377\377reject Attempt to downgrade crypto.", peeraddress);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
if (client->spawned)
// client crashed and is coming back,
if (developer_extra.integer)
Con_Printf("Datagram_ParseConnectionless: sending \"accept\" to %s.\n", addressstring2);
NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, "\377\377\377\377accept", peeraddress);
+ if(crypto && crypto->authenticated)
+ Crypto_ServerFinishInstance(&client->netconnection->crypto, crypto);
// so we send a duplicate reply
if (developer_extra.integer)
Con_Printf("Datagram_ParseConnectionless: sending duplicate accept to %s.\n", addressstring2);
+ if(crypto && crypto->authenticated)
+ Crypto_ServerFinishInstance(&client->netconnection->crypto, crypto);
NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, "\377\377\377\377accept", peeraddress);
return true;
Con_Printf("Datagram_ParseConnectionless: sending \"accept\" to %s.\n", conn->address);
NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, "\377\377\377\377accept", peeraddress);
// now set up the client
+ if(crypto && crypto->authenticated)
+ Crypto_ServerFinishInstance(&conn->crypto, crypto);
SV_ConnectClient(clientnum, conn);
// protocol
// (this protects more modern protocols against being used for
// Quake packet flood Denial Of Service attacks)
- if (length >= 5 && (i = BuffBigLong(data)) && (i & (~NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK)) == (int)NETFLAG_CTL && (i & NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK) == length && (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3))
+ if (length >= 5 && (i = BuffBigLong(data)) && (i & (~NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK)) == (int)NETFLAG_CTL && (i & NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK) == length && (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3) && !ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED)
int c;
int protocolnumber;