+.entity goalcurrent_prev;
+.float goalcurrent_distance;
+.float goalcurrent_distance_time;
void havocbot_movetogoal(entity this)
vector destorg;
+ // if bot for some reason doesn't get close to the current goal find another one
+ float curr_dist = vlen(this.origin - this.goalcurrent.origin);
+ if(this.goalcurrent != this.goalcurrent_prev)
+ {
+ this.goalcurrent_prev = this.goalcurrent;
+ this.goalcurrent_distance = curr_dist;
+ this.goalcurrent_distance_time = 0;
+ }
+ else if(curr_dist > this.goalcurrent_distance)
+ {
+ if(!this.goalcurrent_distance_time)
+ this.goalcurrent_distance_time = time;
+ else if (time - this.goalcurrent_distance_time > 0.5)
+ {
+ if(IS_ONGROUND(this))
+ {
+ this.goalcurrent_prev = NULL;
+ navigation_clearroute(this);
+ this.bot_strategytime = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // reduce it a little bit so it works even with very small approaches to the goal
+ this.goalcurrent_distance = max(20, curr_dist - 15);
+ this.goalcurrent_distance_time = 0;
+ }
// avoiding dangers and obstacles
offset = (vdist(this.velocity - eZ * this.velocity.z, >, 32) ? this.velocity * 0.5 : v_forward * 32);
vector dst_ahead = this.origin + offset;