R_DrawSurfaces(ent, SHADERSTAGE_NORMAL, ent->model->brushq1.pvstexturechains);
-void R_Model_Brush_DrawShadowVolume (entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius)
+void R_Model_Brush_GetLightInfo(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs, int *outclusterlist, qbyte *outclusterpvs, int *outnumclusterspointer, int *outsurfacelist, qbyte *outsurfacepvs, int *outnumsurfacespointer)
-#if 0
- int i;
- msurface_t *surf;
- float projectdistance, f, temp[3], lightradius2;
- if (ent->model == NULL)
- return;
- R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
- lightradius2 = lightradius * lightradius;
- R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent);
- projectdistance = lightradius + ent->model->radius;//projectdistance = 1000000000.0f;//lightradius + ent->model->radius;
- //projectdistance = 1000000000.0f;//lightradius + ent->model->radius;
- for (i = 0, surf = ent->model->brushq1.surfaces + ent->model->brushq1.firstmodelsurface;i < ent->model->brushq1.nummodelsurfaces;i++, surf++)
- {
- if (surf->texinfo->texture->rendertype == SURFRENDER_OPAQUE && surf->flags & SURF_SHADOWCAST)
- {
- f = PlaneDiff(relativelightorigin, surf->plane);
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- f = -f;
- // draw shadows only for frontfaces and only if they are close
- if (f >= 0.1 && f < lightradius)
- {
- temp[0] = bound(surf->poly_mins[0], relativelightorigin[0], surf->poly_maxs[0]) - relativelightorigin[0];
- temp[1] = bound(surf->poly_mins[1], relativelightorigin[1], surf->poly_maxs[1]) - relativelightorigin[1];
- temp[2] = bound(surf->poly_mins[2], relativelightorigin[2], surf->poly_maxs[2]) - relativelightorigin[2];
- if (DotProduct(temp, temp) < lightradius2)
- R_Shadow_VolumeFromSphere(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, surf->mesh.data_element3i, surf->mesh.data_neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, projectdistance, lightradius);
- }
- }
- }
- int t, leafnum, marksurfnum, trianglenum;
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
+ vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs;
+ int t, leafindex, marksurfaceindex, surfaceindex, triangleindex, outnumclusters = 0, outnumsurfaces = 0;
const int *e;
- msurface_t *surf;
+ const float *v[3];
+ msurface_t *surface;
mleaf_t *leaf;
const qbyte *pvs;
- float projectdistance;
- const float *v[3];
- vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs;
- if (ent->model == NULL)
- return;
- R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
- R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent);
- projectdistance = lightradius + ent->model->radius;//projectdistance = 1000000000.0f;//lightradius + ent->model->radius;
lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
- /*
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
- maxmarksurfaces = sizeof(surfacelist) / sizeof(surfacelist[0]);
- ent->model->brushq1.GetVisible(ent->model, relativelightorigin, lightmins, lightmaxs, 0, NULL, NULL, maxmarkleafs, markleaf, &nummarkleafs);
- for (marksurfacenum = 0;marksurfacenum < nummarksurfaces;marksurfacenum++)
+ *outnumclusterspointer = 0;
+ *outnumsurfacespointer = 0;
+ memset(outclusterpvs, 0, model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes);
+ memset(outsurfacepvs, 0, (model->numsurfaces + 7) >> 3);
+ if (model == NULL)
- surf = marksurface[marksurfacenum];
- if (surf->shadowmark != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- surf->shadowmark = shadowmarkcount;
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs) && surf->texinfo->texture->rendertype == SURFRENDER_OPAQUE && (surf->flags & SURF_SHADOWCAST))
+ VectorCopy(lightmins, outmins);
+ VectorCopy(lightmaxs, outmaxs);
+ return;
+ }
+ VectorCopy(relativelightorigin, outmins);
+ VectorCopy(relativelightorigin, outmaxs);
+ if (model->brush.GetPVS)
+ pvs = model->brush.GetPVS(model, relativelightorigin);
+ else
+ pvs = NULL;
+ // FIXME: use BSP recursion as lights are often small
+ for (leafindex = 0, leaf = model->brushq1.data_leafs;leafindex < model->brushq1.num_leafs;leafindex++, leaf++)
+ {
+ if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs) && (pvs == NULL || CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, leaf->clusterindex)))
+ {
+ outmins[0] = min(outmins[0], leaf->mins[0]);
+ outmins[1] = min(outmins[1], leaf->mins[1]);
+ outmins[2] = min(outmins[2], leaf->mins[2]);
+ outmaxs[0] = max(outmaxs[0], leaf->maxs[0]);
+ outmaxs[1] = max(outmaxs[1], leaf->maxs[1]);
+ outmaxs[2] = max(outmaxs[2], leaf->maxs[2]);
+ if (!CHECKPVSBIT(outclusterpvs, leaf->clusterindex))
- for (trianglenum = 0, t = surf->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;trianglenum < surf->mesh.num_triangles;trianglenum++, t++, e += 3)
- {
- v[0] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
- v[1] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
- v[2] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
- if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
+ SETPVSBIT(outclusterpvs, leaf->clusterindex);
+ outclusterlist[outnumclusters++] = leaf->clusterindex;
- }
- }
- */
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
- if (ent->model->brush.GetPVS && (pvs = ent->model->brush.GetPVS(ent->model, relativelightorigin)))
- {
- pvs = ent->model->brush.GetPVS(ent->model, relativelightorigin);
- // FIXME: use BSP recursion in q1bsp as dlights are often small
- for (leafnum = 0, leaf = ent->model->brushq1.data_leafs;leafnum < ent->model->brushq1.num_leafs;leafnum++, leaf++)
- {
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs) && CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, leaf->clusterindex))
+ for (marksurfaceindex = 0;marksurfaceindex < leaf->nummarksurfaces;marksurfaceindex++)
- for (marksurfnum = 0;marksurfnum < leaf->nummarksurfaces;marksurfnum++)
+ surfaceindex = leaf->firstmarksurface[marksurfaceindex];
+ if (!CHECKPVSBIT(outsurfacepvs, surfaceindex))
- surf = ent->model->brushq1.surfaces + leaf->firstmarksurface[marksurfnum];
- if (surf->shadowmark != shadowmarkcount)
+ surface = model->brushq1.surfaces + surfaceindex;
+ if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surface->poly_mins, surface->poly_maxs))
- surf->shadowmark = shadowmarkcount;
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs) && surf->texinfo->texture->rendertype == SURFRENDER_OPAQUE && (surf->flags & SURF_SHADOWCAST))
+ for (triangleindex = 0, t = surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;triangleindex < surface->mesh.num_triangles;triangleindex++, t++, e += 3)
- for (trianglenum = 0, t = surf->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;trianglenum < surf->mesh.num_triangles;trianglenum++, t++, e += 3)
+ v[0] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
+ v[1] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
+ v[2] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
+ if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- v[0] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
- v[1] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
- v[2] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
- if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
+ SETPVSBIT(outsurfacepvs, surfaceindex);
+ outsurfacelist[outnumsurfaces++] = surfaceindex;
+ break;
- else
+ // limit combined leaf box to light boundaries
+ outmins[0] = max(outmins[0], lightmins[0]);
+ outmins[1] = max(outmins[1], lightmins[1]);
+ outmins[2] = max(outmins[2], lightmins[2]);
+ outmaxs[0] = min(outmaxs[0], lightmaxs[0]);
+ outmaxs[1] = min(outmaxs[1], lightmaxs[1]);
+ outmaxs[2] = min(outmaxs[2], lightmaxs[2]);
+ *outnumclusterspointer = outnumclusters;
+ *outnumsurfacespointer = outnumsurfaces;
+void R_Model_Brush_DrawShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist)
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
+ vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs;
+ msurface_t *surface;
+ int surfacelistindex, j, t;
+ const int *e;
+ const float *v[3];
+ if (r_drawcollisionbrushes.integer < 2)
- for (marksurfnum = 0, surf = ent->model->brushq1.surfaces + ent->model->brushq1.firstmodelsurface;marksurfnum < ent->model->brushq1.nummodelsurfaces;marksurfnum++, surf++)
+ lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
+ R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
+ R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
+ for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs) && surf->texinfo->texture->rendertype == SURFRENDER_OPAQUE && (surf->flags & SURF_SHADOWCAST))
+ surface = model->brushq1.surfaces + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
+ for (j = 0, t = surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;j < surface->mesh.num_triangles;j++, t++, e += 3)
- for (trianglenum = 0, t = surf->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;trianglenum < surf->mesh.num_triangles;trianglenum++, t++, e += 3)
- {
- v[0] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
- v[1] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
- v[2] = ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
- if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
+ v[0] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
+ v[1] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
+ v[2] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
+ if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
+ shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
+ R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(model->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, lightradius + model->radius, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist);
- R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, ent->model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, projectdistance, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist);
-void R_Model_Brush_DrawLight(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *lightcubemap)
+void R_Model_Brush_DrawLight(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *lightcubemap, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist)
- int leafnum, marksurfnum;
- msurface_t *surf;
- mleaf_t *leaf;
- const qbyte *pvs;
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
+ vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs, modelorg;
+ msurface_t *surface;
texture_t *t;
- float lightmins[3], lightmaxs[3];
- if (ent->model == NULL)
- return;
- R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
- lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
- lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
- lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
- lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
- lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
- lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
- R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent);
- shadowmarkcount++;
- if (ent->model->brush.GetPVS && (pvs = ent->model->brush.GetPVS(ent->model, relativelightorigin)))
+ int surfacelistindex;
+ if (r_drawcollisionbrushes.integer < 2)
- pvs = ent->model->brush.GetPVS(ent->model, relativelightorigin);
- for (leafnum = 0, leaf = ent->model->brushq1.data_leafs;leafnum < ent->model->brushq1.num_leafs;leafnum++, leaf++)
+ lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
+ R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
+ for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs) && CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, leaf->clusterindex))
+ surface = model->brushq1.surfaces + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
+ if (r_shadow_compilingrtlight)
- for (marksurfnum = 0;marksurfnum < leaf->nummarksurfaces;marksurfnum++)
- {
- surf = ent->model->brushq1.surfaces + leaf->firstmarksurface[marksurfnum];
- if (surf->shadowmark != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- surf->shadowmark = shadowmarkcount;
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs) && (ent != &cl_entities[0].render || surf->visframe == r_framecount))
- {
- t = surf->texinfo->texture->currentframe;
- if (t->rendertype == SURFRENDER_OPAQUE && t->flags & SURF_SHADOWLIGHT)
- {
- R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i, surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, surf->mesh.data_svector3f, surf->mesh.data_tvector3f, surf->mesh.data_normal3f, surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, t->skin.base, t->skin.nmap, lightcubemap);
- R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i, surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, surf->mesh.data_svector3f, surf->mesh.data_tvector3f, surf->mesh.data_normal3f, surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, t->skin.gloss, t->skin.nmap, lightcubemap);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ // if compiling an rtlight, capture the mesh
+ Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_light, surface->texinfo->texture->skin.base, surface->texinfo->texture->skin.gloss, surface->texinfo->texture->skin.nmap, surface->mesh.data_vertex3f, surface->mesh.data_svector3f, surface->mesh.data_tvector3f, surface->mesh.data_normal3f, surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (marksurfnum = 0, surf = ent->model->brushq1.surfaces + ent->model->brushq1.firstmodelsurface;marksurfnum < ent->model->brushq1.nummodelsurfaces;marksurfnum++, surf++)
- {
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs) && (ent != &cl_entities[0].render || surf->visframe == r_framecount))
+ else if (ent != &cl_entities[0].render || surface->visframe == r_framecount)
- t = surf->texinfo->texture->currentframe;
+ t = surface->texinfo->texture->currentframe;
if (t->rendertype == SURFRENDER_OPAQUE && t->flags & SURF_SHADOWLIGHT)
- {
- R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i, surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, surf->mesh.data_svector3f, surf->mesh.data_tvector3f, surf->mesh.data_normal3f, surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, t->skin.base, t->skin.nmap, lightcubemap);
- R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(surf->mesh.num_vertices, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i, surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, surf->mesh.data_svector3f, surf->mesh.data_tvector3f, surf->mesh.data_normal3f, surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, t->skin.gloss, t->skin.nmap, lightcubemap);
- }
+ R_Shadow_RenderLighting(surface->mesh.num_vertices, surface->mesh.num_triangles, surface->mesh.data_element3i, surface->mesh.data_vertex3f, surface->mesh.data_svector3f, surface->mesh.data_tvector3f, surface->mesh.data_normal3f, surface->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, t->skin.base, t->skin.nmap, t->skin.gloss, lightcubemap, LIGHTING_DIFFUSE | LIGHTING_SPECULAR);
- face->visframe = r_framecount;
if ((face->texture->surfaceparms & Q3SURFACEPARM_TRANS) || ent->alpha < 1 || (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE))
vec3_t facecenter, center;
q3mface_t *face;
vec3_t modelorg;
model_t *model;
- qbyte *pvs;
model = ent->model;
if (r_drawcollisionbrushes.integer < 2)
Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
- if (ent == &cl_entities[0].render && model->brush.num_pvsclusters && !r_novis.integer && (pvs = model->brush.GetPVS(model, modelorg)))
+ if (ent == &cl_entities[0].render)
if (r_q3bsp_framecount != r_framecount)
if (r_drawcollisionbrushes.integer < 2)
Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
- if (ent == &cl_entities[0].render && model->brush.num_pvsclusters && !r_novis.integer && (pvs = model->brush.GetPVS(model, modelorg)))
+ if (ent == &cl_entities[0].render)
+ if (model->brush.num_pvsclusters && !r_novis.integer && (pvs = model->brush.GetPVS(model, modelorg)))
if (r_q3bsp_framecount != r_framecount)
r_q3bsp_framecount = r_framecount;
-void R_Q3BSP_DrawShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius)
+void R_Q3BSP_GetLightInfo(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs, int *outclusterlist, qbyte *outclusterpvs, int *outnumclusterspointer, int *outsurfacelist, qbyte *outsurfacepvs, int *outnumsurfacespointer)
- int j, t, leafnum, marksurfnum;
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
+ vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs;
+ int t, leafindex, marksurfaceindex, surfaceindex, triangleindex, outnumclusters = 0, outnumsurfaces = 0;
const int *e;
- const qbyte *pvs;
const float *v[3];
- q3mface_t *face;
+ q3mface_t *surface;
q3mleaf_t *leaf;
- vec3_t modelorg, lightmins, lightmaxs;
- model_t *model;
- float projectdistance;
- projectdistance = lightradius + ent->model->radius;//projectdistance = 1000000000.0f;//lightradius + ent->model->radius;
- if (r_drawcollisionbrushes.integer < 2)
+ const qbyte *pvs;
+ lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
+ *outnumclusterspointer = 0;
+ *outnumsurfacespointer = 0;
+ memset(outclusterpvs, 0, model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes);
+ memset(outsurfacepvs, 0, (model->numsurfaces + 7) >> 3);
+ if (model == NULL)
- model = ent->model;
- R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
- lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
- lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
- lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
- lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
- lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
- lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
- if (ent->model->brush.GetPVS && (pvs = ent->model->brush.GetPVS(ent->model, relativelightorigin)))
- {
- for (leafnum = 0, leaf = ent->model->brushq3.data_leafs;leafnum < ent->model->brushq3.num_leafs;leafnum++, leaf++)
+ VectorCopy(lightmins, outmins);
+ VectorCopy(lightmaxs, outmaxs);
+ return;
+ }
+ VectorCopy(relativelightorigin, outmins);
+ VectorCopy(relativelightorigin, outmaxs);
+ if (model->brush.GetPVS)
+ pvs = model->brush.GetPVS(model, relativelightorigin);
+ else
+ pvs = NULL;
+ // FIXME: use BSP recursion as lights are often small
+ for (leafindex = 0, leaf = model->brushq3.data_leafs;leafindex < model->brushq3.num_leafs;leafindex++, leaf++)
+ {
+ if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs) && (pvs == NULL || CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, leaf->clusterindex)))
+ {
+ outmins[0] = min(outmins[0], leaf->mins[0]);
+ outmins[1] = min(outmins[1], leaf->mins[1]);
+ outmins[2] = min(outmins[2], leaf->mins[2]);
+ outmaxs[0] = max(outmaxs[0], leaf->maxs[0]);
+ outmaxs[1] = max(outmaxs[1], leaf->maxs[1]);
+ outmaxs[2] = max(outmaxs[2], leaf->maxs[2]);
+ if (!CHECKPVSBIT(outclusterpvs, leaf->clusterindex))
+ {
+ SETPVSBIT(outclusterpvs, leaf->clusterindex);
+ outclusterlist[outnumclusters++] = leaf->clusterindex;
+ }
+ for (marksurfaceindex = 0;marksurfaceindex < leaf->numleaffaces;marksurfaceindex++)
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs) && CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, leaf->clusterindex))
+ surface = leaf->firstleafface[marksurfaceindex];
+ surfaceindex = surface - model->brushq3.data_faces;
+ if (!CHECKPVSBIT(outsurfacepvs, surfaceindex))
- for (marksurfnum = 0;marksurfnum < leaf->numleaffaces;marksurfnum++)
+ if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs))
- face = leaf->firstleafface[marksurfnum];
- if (face->shadowmark != shadowmarkcount)
+ for (triangleindex = 0, t = surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;triangleindex < surface->num_triangles;triangleindex++, t++, e += 3)
- face->shadowmark = shadowmarkcount;
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, face->mins, face->maxs))
+ v[0] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
+ v[1] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
+ v[2] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
+ if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- for (j = 0, t = face->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;j < face->num_triangles;j++, t++, e += 3)
- {
- v[0] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
- v[1] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
- v[2] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
- if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
+ SETPVSBIT(outsurfacepvs, surfaceindex);
+ outsurfacelist[outnumsurfaces++] = surfaceindex;
+ break;
- else
+ }
+ // limit combined leaf box to light boundaries
+ outmins[0] = max(outmins[0], lightmins[0]);
+ outmins[1] = max(outmins[1], lightmins[1]);
+ outmins[2] = max(outmins[2], lightmins[2]);
+ outmaxs[0] = min(outmaxs[0], lightmaxs[0]);
+ outmaxs[1] = min(outmaxs[1], lightmaxs[1]);
+ outmaxs[2] = min(outmaxs[2], lightmaxs[2]);
+ *outnumclusterspointer = outnumclusters;
+ *outnumsurfacespointer = outnumsurfaces;
+void R_Q3BSP_DrawShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist)
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
+ vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs;
+ q3mface_t *surface;
+ int surfacelistindex, j, t;
+ const int *e;
+ const float *v[3];
+ if (r_drawcollisionbrushes.integer < 2)
+ {
+ lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
+ lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
+ lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
+ R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
+ R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles);
+ for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
- for (marksurfnum = 0, face = model->brushq3.data_thismodel->firstface;marksurfnum < model->brushq3.data_thismodel->numfaces;marksurfnum++, face++)
+ surface = model->brushq3.data_faces + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
+ // FIXME: check some manner of face->rendermode here?
+ if (!(surface->texture->surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW) && surface->num_triangles && !surface->texture->skin.fog)
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, face->mins, face->maxs))
+ for (j = 0, t = surface->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;j < surface->num_triangles;j++, t++, e += 3)
- for (j = 0, t = face->num_firstshadowmeshtriangle, e = model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i + t * 3;j < face->num_triangles;j++, t++, e += 3)
- {
- v[0] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
- v[1] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
- v[2] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
- if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- }
+ v[0] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[0] * 3;
+ v[1] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[1] * 3;
+ v[2] = model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f + e[2] * 3;
+ if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(relativelightorigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && lightmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && lightmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && lightmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && lightmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
+ shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = t;
- R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(model->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, projectdistance, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist);
+ R_Shadow_VolumeFromList(model->brush.shadowmesh->numverts, model->brush.shadowmesh->numtriangles, model->brush.shadowmesh->vertex3f, model->brush.shadowmesh->element3i, model->brush.shadowmesh->neighbor3i, relativelightorigin, lightradius + model->radius, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist);
-void R_Q3BSP_DrawFaceLight(entity_render_t *ent, q3mface_t *face, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *lightcubemap)
+void R_Q3BSP_DrawLight(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *lightcubemap, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist)
- if ((face->texture->surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW) || !face->num_triangles)
- return;
- R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(face->num_vertices, face->num_triangles, face->data_element3i, face->data_vertex3f, face->data_svector3f, face->data_tvector3f, face->data_normal3f, face->data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, face->texture->skin.base, face->texture->skin.nmap, lightcubemap);
- R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(face->num_vertices, face->num_triangles, face->data_element3i, face->data_vertex3f, face->data_svector3f, face->data_tvector3f, face->data_normal3f, face->data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, face->texture->skin.gloss, face->texture->skin.nmap, lightcubemap);
-void R_Q3BSP_DrawLight(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *lightcubemap)
- int leafnum, marksurfnum;
- const qbyte *pvs;
- q3mface_t *face;
- q3mleaf_t *leaf;
- vec3_t modelorg, lightmins, lightmaxs;
- model_t *model;
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
+ vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs, modelorg;
+ q3mface_t *surface;
+ int surfacelistindex;
if (r_drawcollisionbrushes.integer < 2)
- model = ent->model;
- R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
lightmins[2] = relativelightorigin[2] - lightradius;
lightmaxs[0] = relativelightorigin[0] + lightradius;
lightmaxs[1] = relativelightorigin[1] + lightradius;
lightmaxs[2] = relativelightorigin[2] + lightradius;
- if (ent->model->brush.GetPVS && (pvs = ent->model->brush.GetPVS(ent->model, relativelightorigin)))
- {
- pvs = ent->model->brush.GetPVS(ent->model, relativelightorigin);
- for (leafnum = 0, leaf = ent->model->brushq3.data_leafs;leafnum < ent->model->brushq3.num_leafs;leafnum++, leaf++)
+ R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg);
+ for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
+ {
+ surface = model->brushq3.data_faces + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
+ if (r_shadow_compilingrtlight)
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs) && CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, leaf->clusterindex))
- {
- for (marksurfnum = 0;marksurfnum < leaf->numleaffaces;marksurfnum++)
- {
- face = leaf->firstleafface[marksurfnum];
- if (face->shadowmark != shadowmarkcount)
- {
- face->shadowmark = shadowmarkcount;
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, face->mins, face->maxs) && (ent != &cl_entities[0].render || face->visframe == r_framecount))
- R_Q3BSP_DrawFaceLight(ent, face, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, lightcubemap);
- }
- }
- }
+ // if compiling an rtlight, capture the mesh
+ Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_light, surface->texture->skin.base, surface->texture->skin.gloss, surface->texture->skin.nmap, surface->data_vertex3f, surface->data_svector3f, surface->data_tvector3f, surface->data_normal3f, surface->data_texcoordtexture2f, surface->num_triangles, surface->data_element3i);
- }
- else
- {
- for (marksurfnum = 0, face = model->brushq3.data_thismodel->firstface;marksurfnum < model->brushq3.data_thismodel->numfaces;marksurfnum++, face++)
- if (BoxesOverlap(lightmins, lightmaxs, face->mins, face->maxs) && (ent != &cl_entities[0].render || face->visframe == r_framecount))
- R_Q3BSP_DrawFaceLight(ent, face, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, lightcubemap);
+ else if ((ent != &cl_entities[0].render || surface->visframe == r_framecount) && !(surface->texture->surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW) && surface->num_triangles)
+ R_Shadow_RenderLighting(surface->num_vertices, surface->num_triangles, surface->data_element3i, surface->data_vertex3f, surface->data_svector3f, surface->data_tvector3f, surface->data_normal3f, surface->data_texcoordtexture2f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, surface->texture->skin.base, surface->texture->skin.nmap, surface->texture->skin.gloss, lightcubemap, LIGHTING_DIFFUSE | LIGHTING_SPECULAR);
int *vertexremap;
int vertexupdatenum;
+int r_shadow_buffer_numclusterpvsbytes;
+qbyte *r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs;
+int *r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist;
+int r_shadow_buffer_numsurfacepvsbytes;
+qbyte *r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs;
+int *r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist;
rtexturepool_t *r_shadow_texturepool;
rtexture_t *r_shadow_normalcubetexture;
rtexture_t *r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture;
shadowmark = NULL;
shadowmarklist = NULL;
shadowmarkcount = 0;
+ r_shadow_buffer_numclusterpvsbytes = 0;
+ r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs = NULL;
+ r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist = NULL;
+ r_shadow_buffer_numsurfacepvsbytes = 0;
+ r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs = NULL;
+ r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist = NULL;
r_shadow_normalcubetexture = NULL;
r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture = NULL;
r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture = NULL;
shadowmark = NULL;
shadowmarklist = NULL;
shadowmarkcount = 0;
+ r_shadow_buffer_numclusterpvsbytes = 0;
+ r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs = NULL;
+ r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist = NULL;
+ r_shadow_buffer_numsurfacepvsbytes = 0;
+ r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs = NULL;
+ r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist = NULL;
return shadowelements;
+void R_Shadow_EnlargeClusterBuffer(int numclusters)
+ int numclusterpvsbytes = (((numclusters + 7) >> 3) + 255) & ~255;
+ if (r_shadow_buffer_numclusterpvsbytes < numclusterpvsbytes)
+ {
+ if (r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs)
+ Mem_Free(r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs);
+ if (r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist)
+ Mem_Free(r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist);
+ r_shadow_buffer_numclusterpvsbytes = numclusterpvsbytes;
+ r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, r_shadow_buffer_numclusterpvsbytes);
+ r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, r_shadow_buffer_numclusterpvsbytes * 8 * sizeof(*r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist));
+ }
+void R_Shadow_EnlargeSurfaceBuffer(int numsurfaces)
+ int numsurfacepvsbytes = (((numsurfaces + 7) >> 3) + 255) & ~255;
+ if (r_shadow_buffer_numsurfacepvsbytes < numsurfacepvsbytes)
+ {
+ if (r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs)
+ Mem_Free(r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs);
+ if (r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist)
+ Mem_Free(r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist);
+ r_shadow_buffer_numsurfacepvsbytes = numsurfacepvsbytes;
+ r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, r_shadow_buffer_numsurfacepvsbytes);
+ r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, r_shadow_buffer_numsurfacepvsbytes * 8 * sizeof(*r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist));
+ }
void R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(int numtris)
// make sure shadowmark is big enough for this volume
void R_Shadow_RenderVolume(int numvertices, int numtriangles, const float *vertex3f, const int *element3i)
rmeshstate_t m;
+ if (r_shadow_compilingrtlight)
+ {
+ // if we're compiling an rtlight, capture the mesh
+ Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, r_shadow_compilingrtlight->static_meshchain_shadow, NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, numtriangles, element3i);
+ return;
+ }
memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
GL_LockArrays(0, numvertices);
if (r_shadowstage == SHADOWSTAGE_STENCIL)
- // decrement stencil if frontface is behind depthbuffer
- qglCullFace(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this culls back faces
- qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numvertices, numtriangles, element3i);
- c_rt_shadowmeshes++;
- c_rt_shadowtris += numtriangles;
// increment stencil if backface is behind depthbuffer
qglCullFace(GL_BACK); // quake is backwards, this culls front faces
qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numvertices, numtriangles, element3i);
+ c_rt_shadowmeshes++;
+ c_rt_shadowtris += numtriangles;
+ // decrement stencil if frontface is behind depthbuffer
+ qglCullFace(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this culls back faces
+ qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP);
R_Mesh_Draw(numvertices, numtriangles, element3i);
GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
-void R_Shadow_RenderShadowMeshVolume(shadowmesh_t *firstmesh)
- shadowmesh_t *mesh;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- for (mesh = firstmesh;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- {
- m.pointer_vertex = mesh->vertex3f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, mesh->numverts);
- if (r_shadowstage == SHADOWSTAGE_STENCIL)
- {
- // decrement stencil if frontface is behind depthbuffer
- qglCullFace(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this culls back faces
- qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP);
- R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i);
- c_rtcached_shadowmeshes++;
- c_rtcached_shadowtris += mesh->numtriangles;
- // increment stencil if backface is behind depthbuffer
- qglCullFace(GL_BACK); // quake is backwards, this culls front faces
- qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP);
- }
- R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i);
- c_rtcached_shadowmeshes++;
- c_rtcached_shadowtris += mesh->numtriangles;
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
float r_shadow_attenpower, r_shadow_attenscale;
static void R_Shadow_MakeTextures(void)
GL_Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
qglCullFace(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this culls back faces
+ qglEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
GL_Scissor(r_view_x, r_view_y, r_view_width, r_view_height);
r_shadowstage = SHADOWSTAGE_NONE;
if (gl_ext_stenciltwoside.integer)
+ qglDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this is back faces
- qglStencilMask(~0);
- qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP);
- qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_BACK); // quake is backwards, this is front faces
+ qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_BACK); // quake is backwards, this is front faces
qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP);
+ qglActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this is back faces
+ qglStencilMask(~0);
+ qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP);
r_shadowstage = SHADOWSTAGE_STENCIL;
+ qglEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ // this is changed by every shadow render so its value here is unimportant
qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
GL_ColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1);
qglCullFace(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this culls back faces
+ qglEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
if (gl_support_stenciltwoside)
qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
- qglStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 128, 0xFF);
+ qglStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 128, ~0);
r_shadowstage = SHADOWSTAGE_LIGHT;
qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
// only draw light where this geometry was already rendered AND the
// stencil is 128 (values other than this mean shadow)
- qglStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 128, 0xFF);
+ qglStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 128, ~0);
r_shadowstage = SHADOWSTAGE_LIGHT;
if (gl_support_stenciltwoside)
- qglStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 128, 0xFF);
+ qglStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 128, ~0);
r_shadowstage = SHADOWSTAGE_NONE;
-void R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(int numverts, int numtriangles, const int *elements, const float *vertex3f, const float *svector3f, const float *tvector3f, const float *normal3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *relativelightorigin, const float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *basetexture, rtexture_t *bumptexture, rtexture_t *lightcubemap)
+void R_Shadow_RenderLighting(int numverts, int numtriangles, const int *elements, const float *vertex3f, const float *svector3f, const float *tvector3f, const float *normal3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *relativelightorigin, const float *relativeeyeorigin, const float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *basetexture, rtexture_t *bumptexture, rtexture_t *glosstexture, rtexture_t *lightcubemap, int lighting)
int renders;
- float color[3], color2[3];
+ float color[3], color2[3], colorscale;
rmeshstate_t m;
+ if (!bumptexture)
+ bumptexture = r_shadow_blankbumptexture;
+ if (!glosstexture)
+ glosstexture = r_shadow_blankglosstexture;
if (gl_dot3arb && gl_texturecubemap && gl_combine.integer && gl_stencil)
- if (!bumptexture)
- bumptexture = r_shadow_blankbumptexture;
- GL_Color(1,1,1,1);
- // colorscale accounts for how much we multiply the brightness during combine
- // mult is how many times the final pass of the lighting will be
- // performed to get more brightness than otherwise possible
- // limit mult to 64 for sanity sake
- if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 4)
+ if (lighting & LIGHTING_DIFFUSE)
- // 3/2 3D combine path (Geforce3, Radeon 8500)
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.tex3d[2] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
- m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- m.pointer_texcoord[2] = varray_texcoord3f[2];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[2], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- if (lightcubemap)
+ GL_Color(1,1,1,1);
+ // colorscale accounts for how much we multiply the brightness during combine
+ // mult is how many times the final pass of the lighting will be
+ // performed to get more brightness than otherwise possible
+ // limit mult to 64 for sanity sake
+ if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 4)
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ // 3/2 3D combine path (Geforce3, Radeon 8500)
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.tex3d[2] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
- }
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
- {
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[2] = varray_texcoord3f[2];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[2], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ if (lightcubemap)
+ {
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ }
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- else if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && lightcubemap)
- {
- // 1/2/2 3D combine path (original Radeon)
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex3d[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord3f[0];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- if (lightcubemap)
+ else if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && lightcubemap)
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ // 1/2/2 3D combine path (original Radeon)
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex3d[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord3f[0];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
- }
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
- {
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ if (lightcubemap)
+ {
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ }
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- else if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && !lightcubemap)
- {
- // 2/2 3D combine path (original Radeon)
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
- m.tex3d[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ else if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && !lightcubemap)
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ // 2/2 3D combine path (original Radeon)
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- }
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- else if (r_textureunits.integer >= 4)
- {
- // 4/2 2D combine path (Geforce3, Radeon 8500)
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
- m.tex[2] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
- m.tex[3] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- m.pointer_texcoord[2] = varray_texcoord2f[2];
- m.pointer_texcoord[3] = varray_texcoord2f[3];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[2], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[3], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationz);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- if (lightcubemap)
- {
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
+ m.tex3d[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ else if (r_textureunits.integer >= 4)
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ // 4/2 2D combine path (Geforce3, Radeon 8500)
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.tex[2] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
+ m.tex[3] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ m.pointer_texcoord[2] = varray_texcoord2f[2];
+ m.pointer_texcoord[3] = varray_texcoord2f[3];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[2], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[3], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationz);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ if (lightcubemap)
+ {
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ }
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- // 2/2/2 2D combine path (any dot3 card)
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
- m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[0];
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord2f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationz);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- if (lightcubemap)
+ else
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ // 2/2/2 2D combine path (any dot3 card)
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
+ m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[0];
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord2f[1];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationz);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_REPLACE;
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
- }
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
- {
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Diffuse_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ if (lightcubemap)
+ {
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ }
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GL_DepthMask(false);
- GL_DepthTest(true);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.pointer_color = varray_color4f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2)
- {
- // voodoo2
- m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord2f[1];
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- }
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
- {
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2)
- R_Shadow_VertexLightingWithXYAttenuationTexture(numverts, vertex3f, normal3f, color, matrix_modeltolight);
- else
- R_Shadow_VertexLighting(numverts, vertex3f, normal3f, color, matrix_modeltolight);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
-void R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(int numverts, int numtriangles, const int *elements, const float *vertex3f, const float *svector3f, const float *tvector3f, const float *normal3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *relativelightorigin, const float *relativeeyeorigin, const float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltolight, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz, rtexture_t *glosstexture, rtexture_t *bumptexture, rtexture_t *lightcubemap)
- int renders;
- float color[3], color2[3], colorscale;
- rmeshstate_t m;
- if (!gl_dot3arb || !gl_texturecubemap || !gl_combine.integer || !gl_stencil)
- return;
- if (!glosstexture)
- glosstexture = r_shadow_blankglosstexture;
- if (r_shadow_gloss.integer >= 2 || (r_shadow_gloss.integer >= 1 && glosstexture != r_shadow_blankglosstexture))
- {
- colorscale = r_shadow_glossintensity.value;
- if (!bumptexture)
- bumptexture = r_shadow_blankbumptexture;
- if (glosstexture == r_shadow_blankglosstexture)
- colorscale *= r_shadow_gloss2intensity.value;
- GL_Color(1,1,1,1);
- if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && lightcubemap /*&& gl_support_blendsquare*/) // FIXME: detect blendsquare!
+ if ((lighting & LIGHTING_SPECULAR) && (r_shadow_gloss.integer >= 2 || (r_shadow_gloss.integer >= 1 && glosstexture != r_shadow_blankglosstexture)))
- // 2/0/0/1/2 3D combine blendsquare path
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- // this squares the result
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Specular_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- // square alpha in framebuffer a few times to make it shiny
- // these comments are a test run through this math for intensity 0.5
- // 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (done by the BlendFunc earlier)
- // 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625 (this is another pass)
- // 0.0625 * 0.0625 = 0.00390625 (this is another pass)
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex3d[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord3f[0];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(glosstexture);
- if (lightcubemap)
+ colorscale = r_shadow_glossintensity.value;
+ if (glosstexture == r_shadow_blankglosstexture)
+ colorscale *= r_shadow_gloss2intensity.value;
+ GL_Color(1,1,1,1);
+ if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && lightcubemap /*&& gl_support_blendsquare*/) // FIXME: detect blendsquare!
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ // 2/0/0/1/2 3D combine blendsquare path
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ // this squares the result
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Specular_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ // square alpha in framebuffer a few times to make it shiny
+ // these comments are a test run through this math for intensity 0.5
+ // 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (done by the BlendFunc earlier)
+ // 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625 (this is another pass)
+ // 0.0625 * 0.0625 = 0.00390625 (this is another pass)
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex3d[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord3f[0];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(glosstexture);
+ if (lightcubemap)
+ {
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ }
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, colorscale, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, colorscale, color2);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ else if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && !lightcubemap /*&& gl_support_blendsquare*/) // FIXME: detect blendsquare!
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ // 2/0/0/2 3D combine blendsquare path
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ // this squares the result
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Specular_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ // square alpha in framebuffer a few times to make it shiny
+ // these comments are a test run through this math for intensity 0.5
+ // 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (done by the BlendFunc earlier)
+ // 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625 (this is another pass)
+ // 0.0625 * 0.0625 = 0.00390625 (this is another pass)
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(glosstexture);
+ m.tex3d[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, colorscale, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- }
- else if (r_shadow_texture3d.integer && r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && !lightcubemap /*&& gl_support_blendsquare*/) // FIXME: detect blendsquare!
- {
- // 2/0/0/2 3D combine blendsquare path
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- // this squares the result
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Specular_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- // square alpha in framebuffer a few times to make it shiny
- // these comments are a test run through this math for intensity 0.5
- // 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (done by the BlendFunc earlier)
- // 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625 (this is another pass)
- // 0.0625 * 0.0625 = 0.00390625 (this is another pass)
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(glosstexture);
- m.tex3d[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation3dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, colorscale, color2);
- for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ else if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2 /*&& gl_support_blendsquare*/) // FIXME: detect blendsquare!
- color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
- color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
- color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ // 2/0/0/2/2 2D combine blendsquare path
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
+ m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
+ // this squares the result
+ R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Specular_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ // square alpha in framebuffer a few times to make it shiny
+ // these comments are a test run through this math for intensity 0.5
+ // 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (done by the BlendFunc earlier)
+ // 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625 (this is another pass)
+ // 0.0625 * 0.0625 = 0.00390625 (this is another pass)
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
+ m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[0];
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord2f[1];
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationz);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
+ m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(glosstexture);
+ if (lightcubemap)
+ {
+ m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ }
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
+ GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, colorscale, color2);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
+ {
+ color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
+ color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
+ color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ c_rt_lightmeshes++;
+ c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
+ }
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- else if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2 /*&& gl_support_blendsquare*/) // FIXME: detect blendsquare!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lighting & LIGHTING_DIFFUSE)
- // 2/0/0/2/2 2D combine blendsquare path
+ GL_DepthMask(false);
+ GL_DepthTest(true);
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color2);
memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(bumptexture);
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_normalcubetexture);
- m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB;
+ m.pointer_color = varray_color4f;
+ m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(basetexture);
m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,1);
- // this squares the result
- R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_Specular_NormalCubeMap(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, svector3f, tvector3f, normal3f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- // square alpha in framebuffer a few times to make it shiny
- // these comments are a test run through this math for intensity 0.5
- // 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (done by the BlendFunc earlier)
- // 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625 (this is another pass)
- // 0.0625 * 0.0625 = 0.00390625 (this is another pass)
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
- m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[0];
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord2f[1];
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[0], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationz);
- GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
- c_rt_lightmeshes++;
- c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
- m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(glosstexture);
- if (lightcubemap)
+ if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2)
- m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
- m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord3f[1];
- R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord3f(varray_texcoord3f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltolight);
+ // voodoo2
+ m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture);
+ m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord2f[1];
+ R_Shadow_Transform_Vertex3f_TexCoord2f(varray_texcoord2f[1], numverts, vertex3f, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz);
- m.pointer_texcoord[0] = texcoord2f;
GL_LockArrays(0, numverts);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,0);
- VectorScale(lightcolor, colorscale, color2);
for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color2[0] > 0 || color2[1] > 0 || color2[2] > 0);renders++, color2[0]--, color2[1]--, color2[2]--)
color[0] = bound(0, color2[0], 1);
color[1] = bound(0, color2[1], 1);
color[2] = bound(0, color2[2], 1);
- GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
+ if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2)
+ R_Shadow_VertexLightingWithXYAttenuationTexture(numverts, vertex3f, normal3f, color, matrix_modeltolight);
+ else
+ R_Shadow_VertexLighting(numverts, vertex3f, normal3f, color, matrix_modeltolight);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
c_rt_lighttris += numtriangles;
VectorCopy(light->origin, rtlight->shadoworigin);
VectorCopy(light->color, rtlight->color);
rtlight->radius = light->radius;
- rtlight->cullradius = rtlight->radius;
- rtlight->cullradius2 = rtlight->cullradius * rtlight->cullradius;
- rtlight->cullmins[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] - rtlight->cullradius;
- rtlight->cullmins[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] - rtlight->cullradius;
- rtlight->cullmins[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] - rtlight->cullradius;
- rtlight->cullmaxs[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] + rtlight->cullradius;
- rtlight->cullmaxs[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] + rtlight->cullradius;
- rtlight->cullmaxs[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] + rtlight->cullradius;
+ //rtlight->cullradius = rtlight->radius;
+ //rtlight->cullradius2 = rtlight->radius * rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmins[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] - rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmins[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] - rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmins[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] - rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmaxs[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] + rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmaxs[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] + rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmaxs[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] + rtlight->radius;
rtlight->cubemapname[0] = 0;
if (light->cubemapname[0])
strcpy(rtlight->cubemapname, light->cubemapname);
rtlight->lightmap_subtract = 1.0f / rtlight->lightmap_cullradius2;
+rtlight_t *r_shadow_compilingrtlight;
// compiles rtlight geometry
// (undone by R_FreeCompiledRTLight, which R_UpdateLight calls)
void R_RTLight_Compile(rtlight_t *rtlight)
- int i, j, k, l, maxverts = 256, tris;
- float *vertex3f = NULL, mins[3], maxs[3];
- shadowmesh_t *mesh, *castmesh = NULL;
- int lightpvsbytes;
- qbyte lightpvs[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS + 7)/ 8];
- qbyte lightfullpvs[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS + 7)/ 8];
+ int shadowmeshes, shadowtris, lightmeshes, lighttris, numclusters, numsurfaces;
+ entity_render_t *ent = &cl_entities[0].render;
+ model_t *model = ent->model;
// compile the light
rtlight->compiled = true;
- VectorCopy(rtlight->cullmins, mins);
- VectorCopy(rtlight->cullmaxs, maxs);
- if (rtlight->shadow)
- castmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_shadow_mempool, 32768, 32768, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
- rtlight->static_meshchain_light = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_shadow_mempool, 32768, 32768, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false, true);
- if (cl.worldmodel)
- {
- lightpvsbytes = cl.worldmodel->brush.FatPVS(cl.worldmodel, rtlight->shadoworigin, 0, lightfullpvs, sizeof(lightfullpvs));
- memset(lightpvs, 0, lightpvsbytes);
- if (cl.worldmodel->brushq3.num_leafs)
+ rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;
+ rtlight->static_numclusterpvsbytes = 0;
+ rtlight->static_clusterlist = NULL;
+ rtlight->static_clusterpvs = NULL;
+ rtlight->cullmins[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] - rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmins[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] - rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmins[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] - rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmaxs[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] + rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmaxs[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] + rtlight->radius;
+ rtlight->cullmaxs[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] + rtlight->radius;
+ if (model && model->GetLightInfo)
+ {
+ // this variable directs the DrawShadowVolume and DrawLight code to capture into the mesh chain instead of rendering
+ r_shadow_compilingrtlight = rtlight;
+ R_Shadow_EnlargeClusterBuffer(model->brush.num_pvsclusters);
+ R_Shadow_EnlargeSurfaceBuffer(model->numsurfaces);
+ model->GetLightInfo(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->radius, rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs, r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist, r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs, &numclusters, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist, r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs, &numsurfaces);
+ if (numclusters)
- q3mleaf_t *leaf;
- q3mface_t *face;
- // make a pvs that only includes things within the box
- for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->brushq3.data_leafs;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq3.num_leafs;i++, leaf++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightfullpvs, leaf->clusterindex) && BoxesOverlap(leaf->mins, leaf->maxs, mins, maxs))
- SETPVSBIT(lightpvs, leaf->clusterindex);
- // make a cluster list for fast visibility checking during rendering
- for (i = 0, rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;i < cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;i++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightpvs, i))
- rtlight->static_numclusters++;
- rtlight->static_clusterindices = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_numclusters * sizeof(int));
- for (i = 0, rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;i < cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;i++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightpvs, i))
- rtlight->static_clusterindices[rtlight->static_numclusters++] = i;
- VectorCopy(rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->cullmins);
- VectorCopy(rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->cullmaxs);
- for (i = 0, face = cl.worldmodel->brushq3.data_thismodel->firstface;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq3.data_thismodel->numfaces;i++, face++)
- face->lighttemp_castshadow = false;
- for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->brushq3.data_leafs;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq3.num_leafs;i++, leaf++)
- {
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightpvs, leaf->clusterindex) && BoxesOverlap(leaf->mins, leaf->maxs, mins, maxs))
- {
- for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
- {
- if (rtlight->cullmins[k] > leaf->mins[k]) rtlight->cullmins[k] = leaf->mins[k];
- if (rtlight->cullmaxs[k] < leaf->maxs[k]) rtlight->cullmaxs[k] = leaf->maxs[k];
- }
- for (j = 0;j < leaf->numleaffaces;j++)
- {
- face = leaf->firstleafface[j];
- if (BoxesOverlap(face->mins, face->maxs, mins, maxs))
- face->lighttemp_castshadow = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // add surfaces to shadow casting mesh and light mesh
- for (i = 0, face = cl.worldmodel->brushq3.data_thismodel->firstface;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq3.data_thismodel->numfaces;i++, face++)
- {
- if (face->lighttemp_castshadow)
- {
- face->lighttemp_castshadow = false;
- if (!(face->texture->surfaceflags & (Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW | Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY)))
- {
- if (rtlight->shadow)
- if (!(face->texture->nativecontents & CONTENTSQ3_TRANSLUCENT))
- Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, castmesh, NULL, NULL, NULL, face->data_vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, face->num_triangles, face->data_element3i);
- if (!(face->texture->surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY))
- Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_meshchain_light, face->texture->skin.base, face->texture->skin.gloss, face->texture->skin.nmap, face->data_vertex3f, face->data_svector3f, face->data_tvector3f, face->data_normal3f, face->data_texcoordtexture2f, face->num_triangles, face->data_element3i);
- }
- }
- }
+ rtlight->static_numclusters = numclusters;
+ rtlight->static_numclusterpvsbytes = (model->brush.num_pvsclusters + 7) >> 3;
+ rtlight->static_clusterlist = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_numclusters * sizeof(*rtlight->static_clusterlist));
+ rtlight->static_clusterpvs = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_numclusterpvsbytes);
+ memcpy(rtlight->static_clusterlist, r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist, rtlight->static_numclusters * sizeof(*rtlight->static_clusterlist));
+ memcpy(rtlight->static_clusterpvs, r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs, rtlight->static_numclusterpvsbytes);
- else if (cl.worldmodel->brushq1.num_leafs)
+ if (model->DrawShadowVolume && rtlight->shadow)
- mleaf_t *leaf;
- msurface_t *surf;
- VectorCopy(rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->cullmins);
- VectorCopy(rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->cullmaxs);
- i = CL_PointQ1Contents(rtlight->shadoworigin);
- for (i = 0, surf = cl.worldmodel->brushq1.surfaces + cl.worldmodel->brushq1.firstmodelsurface;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq1.nummodelsurfaces;i++, surf++)
- surf->lighttemp_castshadow = false;
- if (r_shadow_portallight.integer && i != CONTENTS_SOLID && i != CONTENTS_SKY)
- {
- qbyte *byteleafpvs;
- qbyte *bytesurfacepvs;
- byteleafpvs = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, cl.worldmodel->brushq1.num_leafs);
- bytesurfacepvs = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, cl.worldmodel->brushq1.numsurfaces);
- Portal_Visibility(cl.worldmodel, rtlight->shadoworigin, byteleafpvs, bytesurfacepvs, NULL, 0, true, mins, maxs, rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs);
- // make a pvs that only includes things within the box
- for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->brushq1.data_leafs;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq1.num_leafs;i++, leaf++)
- {
- if (byteleafpvs[i] && BoxesOverlap(leaf->mins, leaf->maxs, mins, maxs))
- {
- SETPVSBIT(lightpvs, leaf->clusterindex);
- for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
- {
- if (rtlight->cullmins[k] > leaf->mins[k]) rtlight->cullmins[k] = leaf->mins[k];
- if (rtlight->cullmaxs[k] < leaf->maxs[k]) rtlight->cullmaxs[k] = leaf->maxs[k];
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0, surf = cl.worldmodel->brushq1.surfaces;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq1.numsurfaces;i++, surf++)
- if (bytesurfacepvs[i] && BoxesOverlap(surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs, mins, maxs))
- surf->lighttemp_castshadow = true;
- Mem_Free(byteleafpvs);
- Mem_Free(bytesurfacepvs);
- // make a cluster list for fast visibility checking during rendering
- for (i = 0, rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;i < cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;i++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightpvs, i))
- rtlight->static_numclusters++;
- rtlight->static_clusterindices = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_numclusters * sizeof(int));
- for (i = 0, rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;i < cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;i++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightpvs, i))
- rtlight->static_clusterindices[rtlight->static_numclusters++] = i;
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->brushq1.data_leafs;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq1.num_leafs;i++, leaf++)
- {
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightfullpvs, leaf->clusterindex) && BoxesOverlap(leaf->mins, leaf->maxs, mins, maxs))
- {
- // make a pvs that only includes things within the box
- SETPVSBIT(lightpvs, leaf->clusterindex);
- for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
- {
- if (rtlight->cullmins[k] > leaf->mins[k]) rtlight->cullmins[k] = leaf->mins[k];
- if (rtlight->cullmaxs[k] < leaf->maxs[k]) rtlight->cullmaxs[k] = leaf->maxs[k];
- }
- for (j = 0;j < leaf->nummarksurfaces;j++)
- {
- surf = cl.worldmodel->brushq1.surfaces + leaf->firstmarksurface[j];
- if (!surf->lighttemp_castshadow && BoxesOverlap(surf->poly_mins, surf->poly_maxs, mins, maxs))
- surf->lighttemp_castshadow = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // make a pvs that only includes things within the box
- for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->brushq1.data_leafs;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq1.num_leafs;i++, leaf++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightfullpvs, leaf->clusterindex) && BoxesOverlap(leaf->mins, leaf->maxs, mins, maxs))
- SETPVSBIT(lightpvs, leaf->clusterindex);
- // make a cluster list for fast visibility checking during rendering
- for (i = 0, rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;i < cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;i++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightpvs, i))
- rtlight->static_numclusters++;
- rtlight->static_clusterindices = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_numclusters * sizeof(int));
- for (i = 0, rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;i < cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;i++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(lightpvs, i))
- rtlight->static_clusterindices[rtlight->static_numclusters++] = i;
- }
- // add surfaces to shadow casting mesh and light mesh
- for (i = 0, surf = cl.worldmodel->brushq1.surfaces + cl.worldmodel->brushq1.firstmodelsurface;i < cl.worldmodel->brushq1.nummodelsurfaces;i++, surf++)
- {
- if (surf->lighttemp_castshadow)
- {
- surf->lighttemp_castshadow = false;
- if (rtlight->shadow && (surf->flags & SURF_SHADOWCAST))
- Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, castmesh, NULL, NULL, NULL, surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY))
- Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_meshchain_light, surf->texinfo->texture->skin.base, surf->texinfo->texture->skin.gloss, surf->texinfo->texture->skin.nmap, surf->mesh.data_vertex3f, surf->mesh.data_svector3f, surf->mesh.data_tvector3f, surf->mesh.data_normal3f, surf->mesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, surf->mesh.num_triangles, surf->mesh.data_element3i);
- }
- }
+ rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_shadow_mempool, 32768, 32768, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
+ model->DrawShadowVolume(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->radius, numsurfaces, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist);
+ rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow, false, false);
+ }
+ if (model->DrawLight)
+ {
+ rtlight->static_meshchain_light = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_shadow_mempool, 32768, 32768, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false, true);
+ model->DrawLight(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, vec3_origin, rtlight->radius, vec3_origin, &r_identitymatrix, &r_identitymatrix, &r_identitymatrix, NULL, numsurfaces, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist);
+ rtlight->static_meshchain_light = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_meshchain_light, true, false);
+ // switch back to rendering when DrawShadowVolume or DrawLight is called
+ r_shadow_compilingrtlight = NULL;
- // limit box to light bounds (in case it grew larger)
- for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
- {
- if (rtlight->cullmins[k] < rtlight->shadoworigin[k] - rtlight->radius) rtlight->cullmins[k] = rtlight->shadoworigin[k] - rtlight->radius;
- if (rtlight->cullmaxs[k] > rtlight->shadoworigin[k] + rtlight->radius) rtlight->cullmaxs[k] = rtlight->shadoworigin[k] + rtlight->radius;
- }
- rtlight->cullradius = RadiusFromBoundsAndOrigin(rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs, rtlight->shadoworigin);
- rtlight->cullradius = min(rtlight->cullradius, rtlight->radius);
- // cast shadow volume from castmesh
- castmesh = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_shadow_mempool, castmesh, false, true);
- if (castmesh)
+ // use smallest available cullradius - box radius or light radius
+ //rtlight->cullradius = RadiusFromBoundsAndOrigin(rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs, rtlight->shadoworigin);
+ //rtlight->cullradius = min(rtlight->cullradius, rtlight->radius);
+ shadowmeshes = 0;
+ shadowtris = 0;
+ if (rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow)
- maxverts = 0;
- for (mesh = castmesh;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
+ shadowmesh_t *mesh;
+ for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- R_Shadow_ResizeShadowElements(mesh->numtriangles);
- maxverts = max(maxverts, mesh->numverts * 2);
+ shadowmeshes++;
+ shadowtris += mesh->numtriangles;
+ }
- if (maxverts > 0)
+ lightmeshes = 0;
+ lighttris = 0;
+ if (rtlight->static_meshchain_light)
+ {
+ shadowmesh_t *mesh;
+ for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_light;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- vertex3f = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, maxverts * sizeof(float[3]));
- // now that we have the buffers big enough, construct and add
- // the shadow volume mesh
- if (rtlight->shadow)
- rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow = Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(r_shadow_mempool, 32768, 32768, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
- for (mesh = castmesh;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- {
- Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(mesh->neighbor3i, mesh->element3i, mesh->numtriangles);
- R_Shadow_PrepareShadowMark(mesh->numtriangles);
- for (i = 0;i < mesh->numtriangles;i++)
- {
- const float *v[3];
- v[0] = mesh->vertex3f + mesh->element3i[i*3+0] * 3;
- v[1] = mesh->vertex3f + mesh->element3i[i*3+1] * 3;
- v[2] = mesh->vertex3f + mesh->element3i[i*3+2] * 3;
- if (PointInfrontOfTriangle(rtlight->shadoworigin, v[0], v[1], v[2]) && rtlight->cullmaxs[0] > min(v[0][0], min(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && rtlight->cullmins[0] < max(v[0][0], max(v[1][0], v[2][0])) && rtlight->cullmaxs[1] > min(v[0][1], min(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && rtlight->cullmins[1] < max(v[0][1], max(v[1][1], v[2][1])) && rtlight->cullmaxs[2] > min(v[0][2], min(v[1][2], v[2][2])) && rtlight->cullmins[2] < max(v[0][2], max(v[1][2], v[2][2])))
- shadowmarklist[numshadowmark++] = i;
- }
- if (maxshadowelements < numshadowmark * 24)
- R_Shadow_ResizeShadowElements((numshadowmark + 256) * 24);
- if ((tris = R_Shadow_ConstructShadowVolume(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i, mesh->neighbor3i, mesh->vertex3f, NULL, shadowelements, vertex3f, rtlight->shadoworigin, r_shadow_projectdistance.value, numshadowmark, shadowmarklist)))
- Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow, NULL, NULL, NULL, vertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, tris, shadowelements);
- }
- Mem_Free(vertex3f);
- vertex3f = NULL;
+ lightmeshes++;
+ lighttris += mesh->numtriangles;
- // we're done with castmesh now
- Mod_ShadowMesh_Free(castmesh);
- rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow, false, false);
- rtlight->static_meshchain_light = Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(r_shadow_mempool, rtlight->static_meshchain_light, true, false);
- k = 0;
- if (rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow)
- for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- k += mesh->numtriangles;
- l = 0;
- if (rtlight->static_meshchain_light)
- for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_light;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- l += mesh->numtriangles;
- Con_DPrintf("static light built: %f %f %f : %f %f %f box, %i shadow volume triangles, %i light triangles\n", rtlight->cullmins[0], rtlight->cullmins[1], rtlight->cullmins[2], rtlight->cullmaxs[0], rtlight->cullmaxs[1], rtlight->cullmaxs[2], k, l);
+ Con_DPrintf("static light built: %f %f %f : %f %f %f box, %i shadow volume triangles (in %i meshes), %i light triangles (in %i meshes)\n", rtlight->cullmins[0], rtlight->cullmins[1], rtlight->cullmins[2], rtlight->cullmaxs[0], rtlight->cullmaxs[1], rtlight->cullmaxs[2], shadowtris, shadowmeshes, lighttris, lightmeshes);
void R_RTLight_Uncompile(rtlight_t *rtlight)
if (rtlight->static_meshchain_light)
rtlight->static_meshchain_light = NULL;
- if (rtlight->static_clusterindices)
- Mem_Free(rtlight->static_clusterindices);
- rtlight->static_clusterindices = NULL;
+ if (rtlight->static_clusterlist)
+ Mem_Free(rtlight->static_clusterlist);
+ rtlight->static_clusterlist = NULL;
+ if (rtlight->static_clusterpvs)
+ Mem_Free(rtlight->static_clusterpvs);
+ rtlight->static_clusterpvs = NULL;
rtlight->static_numclusters = 0;
+ rtlight->static_numclusterpvsbytes = 0;
rtlight->compiled = false;
int shadowframecount = 0;
-void R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t shadoworigin, vec_t shadowradius, vec3_t cullmins, vec3_t cullmaxs)
- // rough checks
- if ((BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, cullmins, cullmaxs) || !r_shadow_cull.integer) && (ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) && ent->model && ent->model->DrawShadowVolume)
- {
- vec3_t relativeshadoworigin;
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, shadoworigin, relativeshadoworigin);
- ent->model->DrawShadowVolume (ent, relativeshadoworigin, shadowradius);
- }
void R_Shadow_DrawWorldLightShadowVolume(matrix4x4_t *matrix, dlight_t *light);
void R_DrawRTLight(rtlight_t *rtlight, int visiblevolumes)
vec3_t relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor;
rtexture_t *cubemaptexture;
matrix4x4_t matrix_modeltolight, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz;
+ int numclusters, numsurfaces;
+ int *clusterlist, *surfacelist;
+ qbyte *clusterpvs;
+ vec3_t cullmins, cullmaxs;
+ shadowmesh_t *mesh;
+ rmeshstate_t m;
if (d_lightstylevalue[rtlight->style] <= 0)
- if (rtlight->compiled)
- {
- if (R_CullBox(rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs))
- return;
- for (i = 0;i < rtlight->static_numclusters;i++)
- if (CHECKPVSBIT(r_pvsbits, rtlight->static_clusterindices[i]))
+ cullmins[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] - rtlight->radius;
+ cullmins[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] - rtlight->radius;
+ cullmins[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] - rtlight->radius;
+ cullmaxs[0] = rtlight->shadoworigin[0] + rtlight->radius;
+ cullmaxs[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1] + rtlight->radius;
+ cullmaxs[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2] + rtlight->radius;
+ if (R_CullBox(cullmins, cullmaxs))
+ return;
+ if (rtlight->isstatic && !rtlight->compiled && r_shadow_staticworldlights.integer)
+ R_RTLight_Compile(rtlight);
+ numclusters = 0;
+ clusterlist = NULL;
+ clusterpvs = NULL;
+ numsurfaces = 0;
+ surfacelist = NULL;
+ if (rtlight->compiled && r_shadow_staticworldlights.integer)
+ {
+ numclusters = rtlight->static_numclusters;
+ clusterlist = rtlight->static_clusterlist;
+ clusterpvs = rtlight->static_clusterpvs;
+ VectorCopy(rtlight->cullmins, cullmins);
+ VectorCopy(rtlight->cullmaxs, cullmaxs);
+ }
+ else if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->GetLightInfo)
+ {
+ R_Shadow_EnlargeClusterBuffer(cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters);
+ R_Shadow_EnlargeSurfaceBuffer(cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces);
+ cl.worldmodel->GetLightInfo(&cl_entities[0].render, rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->radius, cullmins, cullmaxs, r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist, r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs, &numclusters, r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist, r_shadow_buffer_surfacepvs, &numsurfaces);
+ clusterlist = r_shadow_buffer_clusterlist;
+ clusterpvs = r_shadow_buffer_clusterpvs;
+ surfacelist = r_shadow_buffer_surfacelist;
+ }
+ if (numclusters)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < numclusters;i++)
+ if (CHECKPVSBIT(r_pvsbits, clusterlist[i]))
- if (i == rtlight->static_numclusters)
+ if (i == numclusters)
- else if (VIS_CullBox(rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs))
+ if (R_CullBox(cullmins, cullmaxs))
- if (R_Shadow_ScissorForBBox(rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs))
+ if (R_Shadow_ScissorForBBox(cullmins, cullmaxs))
- if (rtlight->isstatic && !rtlight->compiled && r_shadow_staticworldlights.integer)
- R_RTLight_Compile(rtlight);
f = d_lightstylevalue[rtlight->style] * (1.0f / 256.0f);
VectorScale(rtlight->color, f, lightcolor);
ent = &cl_entities[0].render;
if (r_shadow_staticworldlights.integer && rtlight->compiled)
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
- R_Shadow_RenderShadowMeshVolume(rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow);
+ for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_shadow;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
+ {
+ m.pointer_vertex = mesh->vertex3f;
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, mesh->numverts);
+ if (r_shadowstage == SHADOWSTAGE_STENCIL)
+ {
+ // decrement stencil if frontface is behind depthbuffer
+ qglCullFace(GL_FRONT); // quake is backwards, this culls back faces
+ qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i);
+ c_rtcached_shadowmeshes++;
+ c_rtcached_shadowtris += mesh->numtriangles;
+ // increment stencil if backface is behind depthbuffer
+ qglCullFace(GL_BACK); // quake is backwards, this culls front faces
+ qglStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP);
+ }
+ R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i);
+ c_rtcached_shadowmeshes++;
+ c_rtcached_shadowtris += mesh->numtriangles;
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ }
- R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(ent, rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->radius, rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs);
+ {
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, rtlight->shadoworigin, relativelightorigin);
+ ent->model->DrawShadowVolume(ent, relativelightorigin, rtlight->radius, numsurfaces, surfacelist);
+ }
if (r_drawentities.integer)
+ {
for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++)
- if (r_refdef.entities[i]->flags & RENDER_SHADOW)
- R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(r_refdef.entities[i], rtlight->shadoworigin, rtlight->radius, rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs);
+ {
+ ent = r_refdef.entities[i];
+ // rough checks
+ if (r_shadow_cull.integer)
+ {
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, cullmins, cullmaxs))
+ continue;
+ if (cl.worldmodel != NULL && cl.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingPVS != NULL && !cl.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingPVS(cl.worldmodel, clusterpvs, ent->mins, ent->maxs))
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) || !ent->model || !ent->model->DrawShadowVolume)
+ continue;
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, rtlight->shadoworigin, relativelightorigin);
+ ent->model->DrawShadowVolume(ent, relativelightorigin, rtlight->radius, ent->model->numsurfaces, ent->model->surfacelist);
+ }
+ }
if (!visiblevolumes)
Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationz, &rtlight->matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &ent->matrix);
if (r_shadow_staticworldlights.integer && rtlight->compiled)
- //R_Shadow_DrawStaticWorldLight_Light(rtlight, &ent->matrix, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, rtlight->radius, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, cubemaptexture);
- shadowmesh_t *mesh;
for (mesh = rtlight->static_meshchain_light;mesh;mesh = mesh->next)
- {
- R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i, mesh->vertex3f, mesh->svector3f, mesh->tvector3f, mesh->normal3f, mesh->texcoord2f, relativelightorigin, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, mesh->map_diffuse, mesh->map_normal, cubemaptexture);
- R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i, mesh->vertex3f, mesh->svector3f, mesh->tvector3f, mesh->normal3f, mesh->texcoord2f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, mesh->map_specular, mesh->map_normal, cubemaptexture);
- }
+ R_Shadow_RenderLighting(mesh->numverts, mesh->numtriangles, mesh->element3i, mesh->vertex3f, mesh->svector3f, mesh->tvector3f, mesh->normal3f, mesh->texcoord2f, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, mesh->map_diffuse, mesh->map_normal, mesh->map_specular, cubemaptexture, LIGHTING_DIFFUSE | LIGHTING_SPECULAR);
- ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, rtlight->radius, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, cubemaptexture);
+ ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, rtlight->radius, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, cubemaptexture, numsurfaces, surfacelist);
if (r_drawentities.integer)
for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++)
ent = r_refdef.entities[i];
- if (ent->visframe == r_framecount && ent->model && ent->model->DrawLight
- && BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, rtlight->cullmins, rtlight->cullmaxs)
- && (ent->flags & RENDER_LIGHT))
+ if (ent->visframe == r_framecount && BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, cullmins, cullmaxs) && ent->model && ent->model->DrawLight && (ent->flags & RENDER_LIGHT))
Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, rtlight->shadoworigin, relativelightorigin);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, relativeeyeorigin);
Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltolight, &rtlight->matrix_worldtolight, &ent->matrix);
Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &rtlight->matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, &ent->matrix);
Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationz, &rtlight->matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &ent->matrix);
- ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, rtlight->radius, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, cubemaptexture);
+ ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, rtlight->radius, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltolight, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz, cubemaptexture, ent->model->numsurfaces, ent->model->surfacelist);