static const char *builtinshaderstring =
-"// ambient+diffuse+specular+normalmap+attenuation+cubemap+fog shader\n"
-"// written by Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale\n"
-"// shadowmapping enhancements by Lee 'eihrul' Salzman\n"
-"// GL ES shaders use precision modifiers, standard GL does not\n"
-"#ifndef GL_ES\n"
-"#define lowp\n"
-"#define mediump\n"
-"#define highp\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"attribute vec4 Attrib_Position; // vertex\n"
-"attribute vec4 Attrib_Color; // color\n"
-"attribute vec4 Attrib_TexCoord0; // material texcoords\n"
-"attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord1; // svector\n"
-"attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord2; // tvector\n"
-"attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord3; // normal\n"
-"attribute vec4 Attrib_TexCoord4; // lightmap texcoords\n"
-"varying lowp vec4 VertexColor;\n"
-"#if defined(USEFOGINSIDE) || defined(USEFOGOUTSIDE) || defined(USEFOGHEIGHTTEXTURE)\n"
-"# define USEFOG\n"
-"#define USELIGHTMAP\n"
-"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEOFFSETMAPPING) || defined(USEREFLECTCUBE) || defined(MODE_FAKELIGHT)\n"
-"#define USEEYEVECTOR\n"
-"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
-"# ifdef GL_EXT_gpu_shader4\n"
-"# extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# ifdef GL_ARB_texture_gather\n"
-"# extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# ifdef GL_AMD_texture_texture4\n"
-"# extension GL_AMD_texture_texture4 : enable\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"//# extension GL_ARB_shadow : enable\n"
-"//#ifdef __GLSL_CG_DATA_TYPES\n"
-"//# define myhalf half\n"
-"//# define myhalf2 half2\n"
-"//# define myhalf3 half3\n"
-"//# define myhalf4 half4\n"
-"# define myhalf mediump float\n"
-"# define myhalf2 mediump vec2\n"
-"# define myhalf3 mediump vec3\n"
-"# define myhalf4 mediump vec4\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-"#else // !MODE_DEPTH_ORSHADOW\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-" VertexColor = vec4(gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, 1.0);\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" gl_FragColor = VertexColor;\n"
-"#else // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord1;\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-" TexCoord1 = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy;\n"
-"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
-" TexCoord2 = Attrib_TexCoord4.xy;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_First;\n"
-"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Second;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec4 BloomColorSubtract;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_GammaRamps;\n"
-"uniform lowp float Saturation;\n"
-"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
-"uniform lowp vec4 ViewTintColor;\n"
-"//uncomment these if you want to use them:\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 UserVec1;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 UserVec2;\n"
-"// uniform mediump vec4 UserVec3;\n"
-"// uniform mediump vec4 UserVec4;\n"
-"// uniform highp float ClientTime;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec2 PixelSize;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" gl_FragColor = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
-"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
-" gl_FragColor += max(vec4(0,0,0,0), texture2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2) - BloomColorSubtract);\n"
-"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
-" gl_FragColor = mix(gl_FragColor, ViewTintColor, ViewTintColor.a);\n"
-"// do r_glsl_dumpshader, edit glsl/default.glsl, and replace this by your own postprocessing if you want\n"
-"// this code does a blur with the radius specified in the first component of r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1 and blends it using the second component\n"
-" float sobel = 1.0;\n"
-" // vec2 ts = textureSize(Texture_First, 0);\n"
-" // vec2 px = vec2(1/ts.x, 1/ts.y);\n"
-" vec2 px = PixelSize;\n"
-" vec3 x1 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 x2 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 x3 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 x4 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 x5 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 x6 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 y1 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 y2 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( 0.0,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 y3 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 y4 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 y5 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( 0.0, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" vec3 y6 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float px1 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x1);\n"
-" float px2 = -2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x2);\n"
-" float px3 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x3);\n"
-" float px4 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x4);\n"
-" float px5 = 2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x5);\n"
-" float px6 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x6);\n"
-" float py1 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y1);\n"
-" float py2 = -2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y2);\n"
-" float py3 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y3);\n"
-" float py4 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y4);\n"
-" float py5 = 2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y5);\n"
-" float py6 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y6);\n"
-" sobel = 0.25 * abs(px1 + px2 + px3 + px4 + px5 + px6) + 0.25 * abs(py1 + py2 + py3 + py4 + py5 + py6);\n"
-" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2(-0.987688, -0.156434)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2(-0.156434, -0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2( 0.891007, -0.453990)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2( 0.707107, 0.707107)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2(-0.453990, 0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor /= (1.0 + 5.0 * UserVec1.y);\n"
-" gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb * (1.0 + UserVec2.x) + vec3(max(0.0, sobel - UserVec2.z))*UserVec2.y;\n"
-" //apply saturation BEFORE gamma ramps, so v_glslgamma value does not matter\n"
-" float y = dot(gl_FragColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));\n"
-" // 'vampire sight' effect, wheres red is compensated\n"
-" float rboost = max(0.0, (gl_FragColor.r - max(gl_FragColor.g, gl_FragColor.b))*(1.0 - Saturation));\n"
-" gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(vec3(y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
-" gl_FragColor.r += rboost;\n"
-" #else\n"
-" // normal desaturation\n"
-" //gl_FragColor = vec3(y) + (gl_FragColor.rgb - vec3(y)) * Saturation;\n"
-" gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(vec3(y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
-" #endif\n"
-" gl_FragColor.r = texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(gl_FragColor.r, 0)).r;\n"
-" gl_FragColor.g = texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(gl_FragColor.g, 0)).g;\n"
-" gl_FragColor.b = texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(gl_FragColor.b, 0)).b;\n"
-"#else // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_GENERIC\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord1;\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" TexCoord1 = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy;\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" TexCoord2 = Attrib_TexCoord1.xy;\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_First;\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Second;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
-" gl_FragColor = VertexColor;\n"
-" gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" gl_FragColor *= texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" vec4 tex2 = texture2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2);\n"
-" gl_FragColor *= tex2;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-" gl_FragColor += tex2;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" gl_FragColor = mix(gl_FragColor, tex2, tex2.a);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#else // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
-" TexCoord = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy;\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_First;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 BloomBlur_Parameters;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" int i;\n"
-" vec2 tc = TexCoord;\n"
-" vec3 color = texture2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
-" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
-" for (i = 1;i < SAMPLES;i++)\n"
-" {\n"
-" color += texture2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
-" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
-" }\n"
-" gl_FragColor = vec4(color * BloomBlur_Parameters.z + vec3(BloomBlur_Parameters.w), 1);\n"
-"#else // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
-"varying highp vec4 ModelViewProjectionPosition;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Refraction;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Reflection;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec4 RefractColor;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec4 ReflectColor;\n"
-"uniform mediump float ReflectFactor;\n"
-"uniform mediump float ReflectOffset;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" vec2 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect.xy * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
-" //vec2 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy + normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5)).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
-" vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
-" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec2(normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy;\n"
-" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
-" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
-" // content.\n"
-" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
-" // 'appening.\n"
-" float f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
-" gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord).rgb, 1.0) * RefractColor;\n"
-"#else // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_WATER\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
-"varying highp vec3 EyeVector;\n"
-"varying highp vec4 ModelViewProjectionPosition;\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"uniform highp vec3 EyePosition;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
-" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Refraction;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Reflection;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec4 RefractColor;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec4 ReflectColor;\n"
-"uniform mediump float ReflectFactor;\n"
-"uniform mediump float ReflectOffset;\n"
-"uniform highp float ClientTime;\n"
-"uniform highp vec2 NormalmapScrollBlend;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
-" //vec4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-" vec4 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-" //SafeScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xyxy * vec4(1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0, 1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0);\n"
-" // slight water animation via 2 layer scrolling (todo: tweak)\n"
-" vec3 normal = texture2D(Texture_Normal, (TexCoord + vec2(0.08, 0.08)*ClientTime*NormalmapScrollBlend.x*0.5)*NormalmapScrollBlend.y).rgb - vec3(1.0);\n"
-" normal += texture2D(Texture_Normal, (TexCoord + vec2(-0.06, -0.09)*ClientTime*NormalmapScrollBlend.x)*NormalmapScrollBlend.y*0.75).rgb;\n"
-" vec4 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec2(normalize(normal) + vec3(0.15)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-" #else\n"
-" vec4 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec2(normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5))).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-" #endif\n"
-" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
-" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
-" // content.\n"
-" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
-" // 'appening.\n"
-" float f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(0.005, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(0.005, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(-0.005, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(-0.005, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord.xy = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord.xy, ScreenTexCoord.xy, f);\n"
-" f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(0.005, 0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(0.005, -0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(-0.005, 0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(-0.005, -0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord.zw = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord.zw, ScreenTexCoord.zw, f);\n"
-" float Fresnel = pow(min(1.0, 1.0 - float(normalize(EyeVector).z)), 2.0) * ReflectFactor + ReflectOffset;\n"
-" gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy).rgb, 1) * RefractColor, vec4(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw).rgb, 1) * ReflectColor, Fresnel);\n"
-"#else // !MODE_WATER\n"
-"// common definitions between vertex shader and fragment shader:\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
-"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
-"varying mediump vec2 TexCoordLightmap;\n"
-"varying mediump vec3 CubeVector;\n"
-"#if (defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) || defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION)) && defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
-"varying mediump vec3 LightVector;\n"
-"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
-"varying highp vec3 EyeVector;\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"varying highp vec4 EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist;\n"
-"varying lowp vec3 VectorS; // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
-"varying lowp vec3 VectorT; // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
-"varying lowp vec3 VectorR; // direction of R texcoord (surface normal)\n"
-"varying highp vec4 ModelViewProjectionPosition;\n"
-"uniform highp vec3 LightPosition;\n"
-"varying highp vec4 ModelViewPosition;\n"
-"uniform highp vec3 LightPosition;\n"
-"uniform highp vec3 EyePosition;\n"
-"uniform highp vec3 LightDir;\n"
-"uniform highp vec4 FogPlane;\n"
-"varying mediump vec3 ShadowMapTC;\n"
-"varying mediump vec3 BounceGridTexCoord;\n"
-"// TODO: get rid of tangentt (texcoord2) and use a crossproduct to regenerate it from tangents (texcoord1) and normal (texcoord3), this would require sending a 4 component texcoord1 with W as 1 or -1 according to which side the texcoord2 should be on\n"
-"// fragment shader specific:\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Color;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Gloss;\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Glow;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryNormal;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryColor;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryGloss;\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryGlow;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Pants;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Shirt;\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_FogHeightTexture;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_FogMask;\n"
-"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Lightmap;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Deluxemap;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Reflection;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenDepth;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenNormalMap;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenDiffuse;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenSpecular;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec3 Color_Pants;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec3 Color_Shirt;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec3 FogColor;\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"uniform highp float FogRangeRecip;\n"
-"uniform highp float FogPlaneViewDist;\n"
-"uniform highp float FogHeightFade;\n"
-"vec3 FogVertex(vec3 surfacecolor)\n"
-" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz;\n"
-" float FogPlaneVertexDist = EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w;\n"
-" float fogfrac;\n"
-" vec4 fogheightpixel = texture2D(Texture_FogHeightTexture, vec2(1,1) + vec2(FogPlaneVertexDist, FogPlaneViewDist) * (-2.0 * FogHeightFade));\n"
-" fogfrac = fogheightpixel.a;\n"
-" return mix(fogheightpixel.rgb * FogColor, surfacecolor, texture2D(Texture_FogMask, myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
-"# ifdef USEFOGOUTSIDE\n"
-" fogfrac = min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) / (FogPlaneVertexDist - FogPlaneViewDist) * min(1.0, min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
-"# else\n"
-" fogfrac = FogPlaneViewDist / (FogPlaneViewDist - max(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist)) * min(1.0, (min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) + FogPlaneViewDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" return mix(FogColor, surfacecolor, texture2D(Texture_FogMask, myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
-"uniform mediump float OffsetMapping_Scale;\n"
-"vec2 OffsetMapping(vec2 TexCoord)\n"
-" // 14 sample relief mapping: linear search and then binary search\n"
-" // this basically steps forward a small amount repeatedly until it finds\n"
-" // itself inside solid, then jitters forward and back using decreasing\n"
-" // amounts to find the impact\n"
-" //vec3 OffsetVector = vec3(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * vec2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
-" //vec3 OffsetVector = vec3(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
-" vec3 OffsetVector = vec3(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
-" vec3 RT = vec3(TexCoord, 1);\n"
-" OffsetVector *= 0.1;\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) - 0.5);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.5 - 0.25);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.25 - 0.125);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.125 - 0.0625);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.0625 - 0.03125);\n"
-" return RT.xy;\n"
-" // 2 sample offset mapping (only 2 samples because of ATI Radeon 9500-9800/X300 limits)\n"
-" //vec2 OffsetVector = vec2(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * vec2(-1, 1));\n"
-" //vec2 OffsetVector = vec2(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1));\n"
-" vec2 OffsetVector = vec2(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1));\n"
-" OffsetVector *= 0.5;\n"
-" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
-" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
-" return TexCoord;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_Attenuation;\n"
-"uniform samplerCube Texture_Cube;\n"
-"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
-"uniform sampler2DShadow Texture_ShadowMap2D;\n"
-"# else\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_ShadowMap2D;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"uniform samplerCube Texture_CubeProjection;\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-"uniform mediump vec2 ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 ShadowMap_Parameters;\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-"# define GetShadowMapTC2D(dir) (min(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters.xyz))\n"
-"# else\n"
-"vec3 GetShadowMapTC2D(vec3 dir)\n"
-" vec3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
-" vec2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / max(max(adir.x, adir.y), adir.z);\n"
-" vec4 proj = textureCube(Texture_CubeProjection, dir);\n"
-" return vec3(mix(dir.xy, dir.zz, proj.xy) * aparams.x + proj.zw * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
-"# else\n"
-"vec3 GetShadowMapTC2D(vec3 dir)\n"
-" vec3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
-" float ma = adir.z;\n"
-" vec4 proj = vec4(dir, 2.5);\n"
-" if (adir.x > ma) { ma = adir.x; proj = vec4(dir.zyx, 0.5); }\n"
-" if (adir.y > ma) { ma = adir.y; proj = vec4(dir.xzy, 1.5); }\n"
-" vec2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / ma;\n"
-" return vec3(proj.xy * aparams.x + vec2(proj.z < 0.0 ? 1.5 : 0.5, proj.w) * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#endif // defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-"# ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
-"float ShadowMapCompare(vec3 dir)\n"
-" vec3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(dir);\n"
-" float f;\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) shadow2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, vec3(center + vec2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z)).r \n"
-" vec2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
-" f = dot(vec4(0.25), vec4(texval(-0.4, 1.0), texval(-1.0, -0.4), texval(0.4, -1.0), texval(1.0, 0.4)));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" f = shadow2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, vec3(shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z)).r;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# if defined(GL_ARB_texture_gather) || defined(GL_AMD_texture_texture4)\n"
-"# ifdef GL_ARB_texture_gather\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) textureGatherOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, ivec2(x, y))\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) texture4(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + vec2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale)\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" vec2 offset = fract(shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5), center = (shadowmaptc.xy - offset)*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
-" vec4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, -2.0));\n"
-" vec4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, -2.0));\n"
-" vec4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, -2.0));\n"
-" vec4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 0.0));\n"
-" vec4 group5 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 0.0));\n"
-" vec4 group6 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 0.0));\n"
-" vec4 group7 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 2.0));\n"
-" vec4 group8 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 2.0));\n"
-" vec4 group9 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 2.0));\n"
-" vec4 locols = vec4(group1.ab, group3.ab);\n"
-" vec4 hicols = vec4(group7.rg, group9.rg);\n"
-" locols.yz += group2.ab;\n"
-" hicols.yz += group8.rg;\n"
-" vec4 midcols = vec4(group1.rg, group3.rg) + vec4(group7.ab, group9.ab) +\n"
-" vec4(group4.rg, group6.rg) + vec4(group4.ab, group6.ab) +\n"
-" mix(locols, hicols, offset.y);\n"
-" vec4 cols = group5 + vec4(group2.rg, group8.ab);\n"
-" cols.xyz += mix(midcols.xyz, midcols.yzw, offset.x);\n"
-" f = dot(cols, vec4(1.0/25.0));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" vec4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, -1.0));\n"
-" vec4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, -1.0));\n"
-" vec4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, 1.0));\n"
-" vec4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, 1.0));\n"
-" vec4 cols = vec4(group1.rg, group2.rg) + vec4(group3.ab, group4.ab) +\n"
-" mix(vec4(group1.ab, group2.ab), vec4(group3.rg, group4.rg), offset.y);\n"
-" f = dot(mix(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), vec3(1.0/9.0));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# ifdef GL_EXT_gpu_shader4\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) texture2DOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, ivec2(x, y)).r\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) texture2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + vec2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r \n"
-"# endif\n"
-" vec2 center = shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5, offset = fract(center);\n"
-" center *= ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
-" vec4 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0), texval( 2.0, -1.0)));\n"
-" vec4 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0), texval( 2.0, 0.0)));\n"
-" vec4 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0), texval( 2.0, 1.0)));\n"
-" vec4 row4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, 2.0), texval( 0.0, 2.0), texval( 1.0, 2.0), texval( 2.0, 2.0)));\n"
-" vec4 cols = row2 + row3 + mix(row1, row4, offset.y);\n"
-" f = dot(mix(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), vec3(1.0/9.0));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" vec2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, offset = fract(shadowmaptc.xy);\n"
-" vec3 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec3(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0)));\n"
-" vec3 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec3(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0)));\n"
-" vec3 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec3(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0)));\n"
-" vec3 cols = row2 + mix(row1, row3, offset.y);\n"
-" f = dot(mix(cols.xy, cols.yz, offset.x), vec2(0.25));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-" f = step(shadowmaptc.z, texture2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" return mix(ShadowMap_Parameters.w, 1.0, f);\n"
-"# else\n"
-" return f;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#endif // !defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(MODE_DEFERREDLIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(USESHADOWMAPORTHO)\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 BackgroundTexMatrix;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 ModelViewMatrix;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
-" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
-" TexCoord2 = vec2(BackgroundTexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
-" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
-" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-" VectorS = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
-" VectorT = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
-" VectorR = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" // apply offsetmapping\n"
-" vec2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord);\n"
-"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
-"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
-" if (texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a < 0.5)\n"
-" discard;\n"
-" float alpha = texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a;\n"
-" float terrainblend = clamp(float(VertexColor.a) * alpha * 2.0 - 0.5, float(0.0), float(1.0));\n"
-" //float terrainblend = min(float(VertexColor.a) * alpha * 2.0, float(1.0));\n"
-" //float terrainblend = float(VertexColor.a) * alpha > 0.5;\n"
-" vec3 surfacenormal = mix(vec3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2)), vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)), terrainblend) - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
-" float a = mix(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2).a, texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a, terrainblend);\n"
-" vec3 surfacenormal = vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
-" float a = texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a;\n"
-" gl_FragColor = vec4(normalize(surfacenormal.x * VectorS + surfacenormal.y * VectorT + surfacenormal.z * VectorR) * 0.5 + vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), a);\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 ModelViewMatrix;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" ModelViewPosition = ModelViewMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 ViewToLight;\n"
-"// ScreenToDepth = vec2(Far / (Far - Near), Far * Near / (Near - Far));\n"
-"uniform highp vec2 ScreenToDepth;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 DeferredColor_Ambient;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 DeferredColor_Diffuse;\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 DeferredColor_Specular;\n"
-"uniform myhalf SpecularPower;\n"
-"uniform myhalf2 PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" // calculate viewspace pixel position\n"
-" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
-" vec3 position;\n"
-" position.z = ScreenToDepth.y / (texture2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord).r + ScreenToDepth.x);\n"
-" position.xy = ModelViewPosition.xy * (position.z / ModelViewPosition.z);\n"
-" // decode viewspace pixel normal\n"
-" myhalf4 normalmap = texture2D(Texture_ScreenNormalMap, ScreenTexCoord);\n"
-" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(normalmap.rgb - myhalf3(0.5,0.5,0.5));\n"
-" // surfacenormal = pixel normal in viewspace\n"
-" // LightVector = pixel to light in viewspace\n"
-" // CubeVector = position in lightspace\n"
-" // eyevector = pixel to view in viewspace\n"
-" vec3 CubeVector = vec3(ViewToLight * vec4(position,1));\n"
-" myhalf fade = myhalf(texture2D(Texture_Attenuation, vec2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)));\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" // calculate diffuse shading\n"
-" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(LightPosition - position));\n"
-" myhalf diffuse = myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" // calculate directional shading\n"
-" vec3 eyevector = position * -1.0;\n"
-" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(eyevector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a);\n"
-"# else\n"
-" myhalf3 specularnormal = normalize(lightnormal + myhalf3(normalize(eyevector)));\n"
-" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-" fade *= ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector);\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" gl_FragData[0] = vec4((DeferredColor_Ambient + DeferredColor_Diffuse * diffuse) * fade, 1.0);\n"
-" gl_FragData[0] = vec4(DeferredColor_Ambient * fade, 1.0);\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" gl_FragData[1] = vec4(DeferredColor_Specular * (specular * fade), 1.0);\n"
-" gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
-"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
-" vec3 cubecolor = textureCube(Texture_Cube, CubeVector).rgb;\n"
-" gl_FragData[0].rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
-" gl_FragData[1].rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 BackgroundTexMatrix;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 ModelToLight;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 ShadowMapMatrix;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 BounceGridMatrix;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
-" // copy the surface texcoord\n"
-" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
-" TexCoord2 = vec2(BackgroundTexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
-"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
-" TexCoordLightmap = vec2(Attrib_TexCoord4);\n"
-" BounceGridTexCoord = vec3(BounceGridMatrix * Attrib_Position);\n"
-" // transform vertex position into light attenuation/cubemap space\n"
-" // (-1 to +1 across the light box)\n"
-" CubeVector = vec3(ModelToLight * Attrib_Position);\n"
-"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" // transform unnormalized light direction into tangent space\n"
-" // (we use unnormalized to ensure that it interpolates correctly and then\n"
-" // normalize it per pixel)\n"
-" vec3 lightminusvertex = LightPosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
-" LightVector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) && defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
-" LightVector.x = dot(LightDir, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.y = dot(LightDir, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.z = dot(LightDir, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
-"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
-" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w = dot(FogPlane, Attrib_Position);\n"
-" VectorS = Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz;\n"
-" VectorT = Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz;\n"
-" VectorR = Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz;\n"
-" // transform vertex to camera space, using ftransform to match non-VS rendering\n"
-" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
-" ShadowMapTC = vec3(ShadowMapMatrix * gl_Position);\n"
-" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
-"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"uniform myhalf2 PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 DeferredMod_Diffuse;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 DeferredMod_Specular;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 Color_Ambient;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 Color_Diffuse;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 Color_Specular;\n"
-"uniform myhalf SpecularPower;\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 Color_Glow;\n"
-"uniform myhalf Alpha;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-"uniform lowp vec4 ReflectColor;\n"
-"uniform highp mat4 ModelToReflectCube;\n"
-"uniform sampler2D Texture_ReflectMask;\n"
-"uniform samplerCube Texture_ReflectCube;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 LightColor;\n"
-"uniform myhalf3 LightColor;\n"
-"uniform sampler3D Texture_BounceGrid;\n"
-"uniform float BounceGridIntensity;\n"
-"void main(void)\n"
-" // apply offsetmapping\n"
-" vec2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord);\n"
-"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
-" // combine the diffuse textures (base, pants, shirt)\n"
-" myhalf4 color = myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord));\n"
-"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
-" if (color.a < 0.5)\n"
-" discard;\n"
-" color.a *= Alpha;\n"
-" color.rgb += myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Pants, TexCoord)) * Color_Pants + myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Shirt, TexCoord)) * Color_Shirt;\n"
-" myhalf terrainblend = clamp(myhalf(VertexColor.a) * color.a * 2.0 - 0.5, myhalf(0.0), myhalf(1.0));\n"
-" //myhalf terrainblend = min(myhalf(VertexColor.a) * color.a * 2.0, myhalf(1.0));\n"
-" //myhalf terrainblend = myhalf(VertexColor.a) * color.a > 0.5;\n"
-" color.rgb = mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryColor, TexCoord2)), color.rgb, terrainblend);\n"
-" color.a = 1.0;\n"
-" //color = mix(myhalf4(1, 0, 0, 1), color, terrainblend);\n"
-" // get the surface normal\n"
-" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2)), myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)), terrainblend) - myhalf3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
-" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
-" // get the material colors\n"
-" myhalf3 diffusetex = color.rgb;\n"
-"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
-" myhalf4 glosstex = mix(myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2)), myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)), terrainblend);\n"
-"# else\n"
-" myhalf4 glosstex = myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" vec3 TangentReflectVector = reflect(-EyeVector, surfacenormal);\n"
-" vec3 ModelReflectVector = TangentReflectVector.x * VectorS + TangentReflectVector.y * VectorT + TangentReflectVector.z * VectorR;\n"
-" vec3 ReflectCubeTexCoord = vec3(ModelToReflectCube * vec4(ModelReflectVector, 0));\n"
-" diffusetex += myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_ReflectMask, TexCoord)) * myhalf3(textureCube(Texture_ReflectCube, ReflectCubeTexCoord));\n"
-" // light source\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
-" myhalf diffuse = myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + diffuse * Color_Diffuse);\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
-" myhalf3 specularnormal = normalize(lightnormal + myhalf3(normalize(EyeVector)));\n"
-" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
-" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * (specular * Color_Specular);\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
-" color.rgb *= LightColor;\n"
-" color.rgb *= myhalf(texture2D(Texture_Attenuation, vec2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)));\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-" color.rgb *= ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector);\n"
-"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
-" color.rgb *= myhalf3(textureCube(Texture_Cube, CubeVector));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#endif // MODE_LIGHTSOURCE\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
-"#define lightcolor LightColor\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in modelspace (q3map2 -light -deluxe)\n"
-" myhalf3 lightnormal_modelspace = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap)) * 2.0 + myhalf3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
-" myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap));\n"
-" // convert modelspace light vector to tangentspace\n"
-" myhalf3 lightnormal;\n"
-" lightnormal.x = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorS));\n"
-" lightnormal.y = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorT));\n"
-" lightnormal.z = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorR));\n"
-" lightnormal = normalize(lightnormal); // VectorS/T/R are not always perfectly normalized, and EXACTSPECULARMATH is very picky about this\n"
-" // calculate directional shading (and undoing the existing angle attenuation on the lightmap by the division)\n"
-" // note that q3map2 is too stupid to calculate proper surface normals when q3map_nonplanar\n"
-" // is used (the lightmap and deluxemap coords correspond to virtually random coordinates\n"
-" // on that luxel, and NOT to its center, because recursive triangle subdivision is used\n"
-" // to map the luxels to coordinates on the draw surfaces), which also causes\n"
-" // deluxemaps to be wrong because light contributions from the wrong side of the surface\n"
-" // are added up. To prevent divisions by zero or strong exaggerations, a max()\n"
-" // nudge is done here at expense of some additional fps. This is ONLY needed for\n"
-" // deluxemaps, tangentspace deluxemap avoid this problem by design.\n"
-" lightcolor *= 1.0 / max(0.25, lightnormal.z);\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in tangentspace (hmap2 -light)\n"
-" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap)) * 2.0 + myhalf3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
-" myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap));\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-"myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(EyeVector));\n"
-"myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(1.0);\n"
-"#endif // MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap)) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
-"#endif // MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + myhalf3(VertexColor.rgb) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
-"#endif // MODE_VERTEXCOLOR\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
-"#endif // MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
-"#ifdef SHADING\n"
-"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" myhalf diffuse = myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
-"# ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
-"# else\n"
-" myhalf3 specularnormal = normalize(lightnormal + myhalf3(normalize(EyeVector)));\n"
-" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient + (diffusetex * Color_Diffuse * diffuse + glosstex.rgb * Color_Specular * specular) * lightcolor;\n"
-"# else\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + Color_Diffuse * diffuse * lightcolor);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" color.rgb *= ShadowMapCompare(ShadowMapTC);\n"
-" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
-" color.rgb += diffusetex * myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_ScreenDiffuse, ScreenTexCoord)) * DeferredMod_Diffuse;\n"
-" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_ScreenSpecular, ScreenTexCoord)) * DeferredMod_Specular;\n"
-" color.rgb += diffusetex * myhalf3(texture3D(Texture_BounceGrid, BounceGridTexCoord)) * BounceGridIntensity;\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-" color.rgb += mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryGlow, TexCoord2)), myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord)), terrainblend) * Color_Glow;\n"
-" color.rgb += myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord)) * Color_Glow;\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-" color.rgb = FogVertex(color.rgb);\n"
-" // reflection must come last because it already contains exactly the correct fog (the reflection render preserves camera distance from the plane, it only flips the side) and ContrastBoost/SceneBrightness\n"
-" vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
-" //vec4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-" vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW.zw + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.zw;\n"
-" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec3(normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.zw;\n"
-" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
-" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
-" // content.\n"
-" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
-" // 'appening.\n"
-" float f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
-" color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord)) * ReflectColor.rgb, ReflectColor.a);\n"
-" gl_FragColor = vec4(color);\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_WATER\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_DEPTH_OR_SHADOW\n"
+#include "shader_glsl.h"
const char *builtinhlslshaderstring =
-"// ambient+diffuse+specular+normalmap+attenuation+cubemap+fog shader\n"
-"// written by Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale\n"
-"// shadowmapping enhancements by Lee 'eihrul' Salzman\n"
-"// FIXME: we need to get rid of ModelViewProjectionPosition to make room for the texcoord for this\n"
-"#if defined(USEREFLECTION)\n"
-"#if defined(USEFOGINSIDE) || defined(USEFOGOUTSIDE) || defined(USEFOGHEIGHTTEXTURE)\n"
-"# define USEFOG\n"
-"#define USELIGHTMAP\n"
-"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEOFFSETMAPPING) || defined(USEREFLECTCUBE) || defined(MODE_FAKELIGHT)\n"
-"#define USEEYEVECTOR\n"
-"#ifdef HLSL\n"
-"//#define texDepth2D(tex,texcoord) tex2D(tex,texcoord).r\n"
-"#define texDepth2D(tex,texcoord) dot(tex2D(tex,texcoord).rgb, float3(1.0, 255.0/65536.0, 255.0/16777216.0))\n"
-"#define texDepth2D(tex,texcoord) tex2D(tex,texcoord).r\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float Depth : TEXCOORD0\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" Depth = gl_Position.z;\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float Depth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-"// float4 temp = float4(Depth,Depth*(65536.0/255.0),Depth*(16777216.0/255.0),0.0);\n"
-" float4 temp = float4(Depth,Depth*256.0,Depth*65536.0,0.0);\n"
-" temp.yz -= floor(temp.yz);\n"
-" gl_FragColor = temp;\n"
-"// gl_FragColor = float4(Depth,0,0,0);\n"
-"#else // !MODE_DEPTH_ORSHADOW\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR0\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" gl_FrontColor = float4(gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, 1.0);\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR0,\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-" gl_FragColor = gl_FrontColor;\n"
-"#else // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord4 : TEXCOORD4,\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"out float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" TexCoord1 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\n"
-"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
-" TexCoord2 = gl_MultiTexCoord4.xy;\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_First : register(s0),\n"
-"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Second : register(s1),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_GammaRamps : register(s2),\n"
-"uniform float Saturation : register(c30),\n"
-"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
-"uniform float4 ViewTintColor : register(c41),\n"
-"uniform float4 UserVec1 : register(c37),\n"
-"uniform float4 UserVec2 : register(c38),\n"
-"uniform float4 UserVec3 : register(c39),\n"
-"uniform float4 UserVec4 : register(c40),\n"
-"uniform float ClientTime : register(c2),\n"
-"uniform float2 PixelSize : register(c25),\n"
-"uniform float4 BloomColorSubtract : register(c43),\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-" gl_FragColor = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
-"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
-" gl_FragColor += max(float4(0,0,0,0), tex2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2) - BloomColorSubtract);\n"
-"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
-" gl_FragColor = lerp(gl_FragColor, ViewTintColor, ViewTintColor.a);\n"
-"// do r_glsl_dumpshader, edit glsl/default.glsl, and replace this by your own postprocessing if you want\n"
-"// this code does a blur with the radius specified in the first component of r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1 and blends it using the second component\n"
-" float sobel = 1.0;\n"
-" // float2 ts = textureSize(Texture_First, 0);\n"
-" // float2 px = float2(1/ts.x, 1/ts.y);\n"
-" float2 px = PixelSize;\n"
-" float3 x1 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 x2 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 x3 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 x4 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 x5 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 x6 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 y1 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 y2 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( 0.0,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 y3 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 y4 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 y5 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( 0.0, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float3 y6 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
-" float px1 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x1);\n"
-" float px2 = -2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x2);\n"
-" float px3 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x3);\n"
-" float px4 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x4);\n"
-" float px5 = 2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x5);\n"
-" float px6 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x6);\n"
-" float py1 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y1);\n"
-" float py2 = -2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y2);\n"
-" float py3 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y3);\n"
-" float py4 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y4);\n"
-" float py5 = 2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y5);\n"
-" float py6 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y6);\n"
-" sobel = 0.25 * abs(px1 + px2 + px3 + px4 + px5 + px6) + 0.25 * abs(py1 + py2 + py3 + py4 + py5 + py6);\n"
-" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2(-0.987688, -0.156434)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2(-0.156434, -0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2( 0.891007, -0.453990)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2( 0.707107, 0.707107)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2(-0.453990, 0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
-" gl_FragColor /= (1.0 + 5.0 * UserVec1.y);\n"
-" gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb * (1.0 + UserVec2.x) + float3(1,1,1)*max(0.0, sobel - UserVec2.z)*UserVec2.y;\n"
-" //apply saturation BEFORE gamma ramps, so v_glslgamma value does not matter\n"
-" float y = dot(gl_FragColor.rgb, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));\n"
-" // 'vampire sight' effect, wheres red is compensated\n"
-" float rboost = max(0.0, (gl_FragColor.r - max(gl_FragColor.g, gl_FragColor.b))*(1.0 - Saturation));\n"
-" gl_FragColor.rgb = lerp(float3(y,y,y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
-" gl_FragColor.r += r;\n"
-" #else\n"
-" // normal desaturation\n"
-" //gl_FragColor = float3(y,y,y) + (gl_FragColor.rgb - float3(y)) * Saturation;\n"
-" gl_FragColor.rgb = lerp(float3(y,y,y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
-" #endif\n"
-" gl_FragColor.r = tex2D(Texture_GammaRamps, float2(gl_FragColor.r, 0)).r;\n"
-" gl_FragColor.g = tex2D(Texture_GammaRamps, float2(gl_FragColor.g, 0)).g;\n"
-" gl_FragColor.b = tex2D(Texture_GammaRamps, float2(gl_FragColor.b, 0)).b;\n"
-"#else // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_GENERIC\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"float4 gl_Color : COLOR0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-"out float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-"out float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR\n"
-" gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" TexCoord1 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" TexCoord2 = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy;\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR0,\n"
-"float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_First : register(s0),\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Second : register(s1),\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
-" gl_FragColor = gl_FrontColor;\n"
-" gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" gl_FragColor *= tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" float4 tex2 = tex2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2);\n"
-" gl_FragColor *= tex2;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-" gl_FragColor += tex2;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" gl_FragColor = lerp(gl_FragColor, tex2, tex2.a);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#else // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0\n"
-" TexCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_First : register(s0),\n"
-"uniform float4 BloomBlur_Parameters : register(c1),\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-" int i;\n"
-" float2 tc = TexCoord;\n"
-" float3 color = tex2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
-" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
-" for (i = 1;i < SAMPLES;i++)\n"
-" {\n"
-" color += tex2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
-" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
-" }\n"
-" gl_FragColor = float4(color * BloomBlur_Parameters.z + float3(BloomBlur_Parameters.w), 1);\n"
-"#else // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
-"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"out float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2\n"
-" TexCoord = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Refraction : register(s3),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Reflection : register(s7),\n"
-"uniform float4 DistortScaleRefractReflect : register(c14),\n"
-"uniform float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect : register(c32),\n"
-"uniform float4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect : register(c31),\n"
-"uniform float4 RefractColor : register(c29),\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-" float2 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect.xy * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
-" //float2 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy + normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
-" float2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
-" float2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy;\n"
-" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
-" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
-" // content.\n"
-" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
-" // 'appening.\n"
-" float f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
-" gl_FragColor = float4(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord).rgb, 1) * RefractColor;\n"
-"#else // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_WATER\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
-"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"out float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2\n"
-" TexCoord = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;\n"
-" float3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Refraction : register(s3),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Reflection : register(s7),\n"
-"uniform float4 DistortScaleRefractReflect : register(c14),\n"
-"uniform float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect : register(c32),\n"
-"uniform float4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect : register(c31),\n"
-"uniform float4 RefractColor : register(c29),\n"
-"uniform float4 ReflectColor : register(c26),\n"
-"uniform float ReflectFactor : register(c27),\n"
-"uniform float ReflectOffset : register(c28),\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-" float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
-" //float4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-" float4 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-" //SafeScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xyxy * float4(1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0, 1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0);\n"
-" float4 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + float2(normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xy).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
-" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
-" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
-" // content.\n"
-" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
-" // 'appening.\n"
-" float f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord.xy = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord.xy, ScreenTexCoord.xy, f);\n"
-" f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord.zw = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord.zw, ScreenTexCoord.zw, f);\n"
-" float Fresnel = pow(min(1.0, 1.0 - float(normalize(EyeVector).z)), 2.0) * ReflectFactor + ReflectOffset;\n"
-" gl_FragColor = lerp(float4(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy).rgb, 1) * RefractColor, float4(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw).rgb, 1) * ReflectColor, Fresnel);\n"
-"#else // !MODE_WATER\n"
-"// TODO: get rid of tangentt (texcoord2) and use a crossproduct to regenerate it from tangents (texcoord1) and normal (texcoord3), this would require sending a 4 component texcoord1 with W as 1 or -1 according to which side the texcoord2 should be on\n"
-"// fragment shader specific:\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"float3 FogVertex(float3 surfacecolor, float3 FogColor, float3 EyeVectorModelSpace, float FogPlaneVertexDist, float FogRangeRecip, float FogPlaneViewDist, float FogHeightFade, sampler Texture_FogMask, sampler Texture_FogHeightTexture)\n"
-" float fogfrac;\n"
-" float4 fogheightpixel = tex2D(Texture_FogHeightTexture, float2(1,1) + float2(FogPlaneVertexDist, FogPlaneViewDist) * (-2.0 * FogHeightFade));\n"
-" fogfrac = fogheightpixel.a;\n"
-" return lerp(fogheightpixel.rgb * FogColor, surfacecolor, tex2D(Texture_FogMask, float2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
-"# ifdef USEFOGOUTSIDE\n"
-" fogfrac = min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) / (FogPlaneVertexDist - FogPlaneViewDist) * min(1.0, min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
-"# else\n"
-" fogfrac = FogPlaneViewDist / (FogPlaneViewDist - max(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist)) * min(1.0, (min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) + FogPlaneViewDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" return lerp(FogColor, surfacecolor, tex2D(Texture_FogMask, float2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
-"float2 OffsetMapping(float2 TexCoord, float OffsetMapping_Scale, float3 EyeVector, sampler Texture_Normal)\n"
-" // 14 sample relief mapping: linear search and then binary search\n"
-" // this basically steps forward a small amount repeatedly until it finds\n"
-" // itself inside solid, then jitters forward and back using decreasing\n"
-" // amounts to find the impact\n"
-" //float3 OffsetVector = float3(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * float2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
-" //float3 OffsetVector = float3(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
-" float3 OffsetVector = float3(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
-" float3 RT = float3(TexCoord, 1);\n"
-" OffsetVector *= 0.1;\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) - 0.5);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.5 - 0.25);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.25 - 0.125);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.125 - 0.0625);\n"
-" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.0625 - 0.03125);\n"
-" return RT.xy;\n"
-" // 2 sample offset mapping (only 2 samples because of ATI Radeon 9500-9800/X300 limits)\n"
-" //float2 OffsetVector = float2(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * float2(-1, 1));\n"
-" //float2 OffsetVector = float2(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1));\n"
-" float2 OffsetVector = float2(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1));\n"
-" OffsetVector *= 0.5;\n"
-" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
-" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
-" return TexCoord;\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-"# define GetShadowMapTC2D(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters) (min(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters.xyz))\n"
-"# else\n"
-"float3 GetShadowMapTC2D(float3 dir, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters, samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection)\n"
-" float3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
-" float2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / max(max(adir.x, adir.y), adir.z);\n"
-" float4 proj = texCUBE(Texture_CubeProjection, dir);\n"
-" return float3(lerp(dir.xy, dir.zz, proj.xy) * aparams.x + proj.zw * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
-"# else\n"
-"float3 GetShadowMapTC2D(float3 dir, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters)\n"
-" float3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
-" float ma = adir.z;\n"
-" float4 proj = float4(dir, 2.5);\n"
-" if (adir.x > ma) { ma = adir.x; proj = float4(dir.zyx, 0.5); }\n"
-" if (adir.y > ma) { ma = adir.y; proj = float4(dir.xzy, 1.5); }\n"
-"#ifdef HLSL\n"
-" return float3(proj.xy * ShadowMap_Parameters.x / ma + float2(0.5,0.5) + float2(proj.z < 0.0 ? 1.5 : 0.5, proj.w) * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, ma + 64 * ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
-" float2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / ma;\n"
-" return float3(proj.xy * aparams.x + float2(proj.z < 0.0 ? 1.5 : 0.5, proj.w) * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#endif // defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-"# ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
-"float ShadowMapCompare(float3 dir, sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters, float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale, samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection)\n"
-"float ShadowMapCompare(float3 dir, sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters, float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale)\n"
-" float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters, Texture_CubeProjection);\n"
-" float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters);\n"
-" float f;\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) tex2Dproj(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4(center + float2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z, 1.0)).r \n"
-" float2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
-" f = dot(float4(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25), float4(texval(-0.4, 1.0), texval(-1.0, -0.4), texval(0.4, -1.0), texval(1.0, 0.4)));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" f = tex2Dproj(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4(shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z, 1.0)).r;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# if defined(GL_ARB_texture_gather) || defined(GL_AMD_texture_texture4)\n"
-"# ifdef GL_ARB_texture_gather\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) textureGatherOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, int2(x, y))\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) texture4(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + float2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale)\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" float2 offset = frac(shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5), center = (shadowmaptc.xy - offset)*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
-" float4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, -2.0));\n"
-" float4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, -2.0));\n"
-" float4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, -2.0));\n"
-" float4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 0.0));\n"
-" float4 group5 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 0.0));\n"
-" float4 group6 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 0.0));\n"
-" float4 group7 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 2.0));\n"
-" float4 group8 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 2.0));\n"
-" float4 group9 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 2.0));\n"
-" float4 locols = float4(group1.ab, group3.ab);\n"
-" float4 hicols = float4(group7.rg, group9.rg);\n"
-" locols.yz += group2.ab;\n"
-" hicols.yz += group8.rg;\n"
-" float4 midcols = float4(group1.rg, group3.rg) + float4(group7.ab, group9.ab) +\n"
-" float4(group4.rg, group6.rg) + float4(group4.ab, group6.ab) +\n"
-" lerp(locols, hicols, offset.y);\n"
-" float4 cols = group5 + float4(group2.rg, group8.ab);\n"
-" cols.xyz += lerp(midcols.xyz, midcols.yzw, offset.x);\n"
-" f = dot(cols, float4(1.0/25.0));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" float4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, -1.0));\n"
-" float4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, -1.0));\n"
-" float4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, 1.0));\n"
-" float4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, 1.0));\n"
-" float4 cols = float4(group1.rg, group2.rg) + float4(group3.ab, group4.ab) +\n"
-" lerp(float4(group1.ab, group2.ab), float4(group3.rg, group4.rg), offset.y);\n"
-" f = dot(lerp(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), float3(1.0/9.0));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# ifdef GL_EXT_gpu_shader4\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) tex2DOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, int2(x, y)).r\n"
-"# else\n"
-"# define texval(x, y) texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + float2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r \n"
-"# endif\n"
-" float2 center = shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5, offset = frac(center);\n"
-" center *= ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
-" float4 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0), texval( 2.0, -1.0)));\n"
-" float4 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0), texval( 2.0, 0.0)));\n"
-" float4 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0), texval( 2.0, 1.0)));\n"
-" float4 row4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, 2.0), texval( 0.0, 2.0), texval( 1.0, 2.0), texval( 2.0, 2.0)));\n"
-" float4 cols = row2 + row3 + lerp(row1, row4, offset.y);\n"
-" f = dot(lerp(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), float3(1.0/9.0));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" float2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, offset = frac(shadowmaptc.xy);\n"
-" float3 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float3(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0)));\n"
-" float3 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float3(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0)));\n"
-" float3 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float3(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0)));\n"
-" float3 cols = row2 + lerp(row1, row3, offset.y);\n"
-" f = dot(lerp(cols.xy, cols.yz, offset.x), float2(0.25,0.25));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-" f = step(shadowmaptc.z, tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" return lerp(ShadowMap_Parameters.w, 1.0, f);\n"
-"# else\n"
-" return f;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#endif // !defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(MODE_DEFERREDLIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(USESHADOWMAPORTHO)\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"float4 gl_Color : COLOR0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 BackgroundTexMatrix : register(c4),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewMatrix : register(c12),\n"
-"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR,\n"
-"out float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"out float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
-"out float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
-"out float4 VectorR : TEXCOORD7 // direction of R texcoord (surface normal), Depth value\n"
-" TexCoordBoth = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0);\n"
-" gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;\n"
-" TexCoordBoth.zw = float2(Backgroundmul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0));\n"
-" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
-" float3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-" VectorS = mul(ModelViewMatrix, float4(gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
-" VectorT = mul(ModelViewMatrix, float4(gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
-" VectorR.xyz = mul(ModelViewMatrix, float4(gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" VectorR.w = gl_Position.z;\n"
-"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
-"float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
-"float4 VectorR : TEXCOORD7, // direction of R texcoord (surface normal), Depth value\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
-"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Color : register(s1),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Gloss : register(s2),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryNormal : register(s4),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryGloss : register(s6),\n"
-"uniform float OffsetMapping_Scale : register(c24),\n"
-"uniform half SpecularPower : register(c36),\n"
-"#ifdef HLSL\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragData0 : COLOR0,\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragData1 : COLOR1\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-" float2 TexCoord = TexCoordBoth.xy;\n"
-" // apply offsetmapping\n"
-" float2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord, OffsetMapping_Scale, EyeVector, Texture_Normal);\n"
-"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
-"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
-" if (tex2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a < 0.5)\n"
-" discard;\n"
-" float alpha = tex2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a;\n"
-" float terrainblend = clamp(float(gl_FrontColor.a) * alpha * 2.0 - 0.5, float(0.0), float(1.0));\n"
-" //float terrainblend = min(float(gl_FrontColor.a) * alpha * 2.0, float(1.0));\n"
-" //float terrainblend = float(gl_FrontColor.a) * alpha > 0.5;\n"
-" float3 surfacenormal = lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2).rgb, tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb, terrainblend) - float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
-" float a = lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2).a, tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a, terrainblend);\n"
-" float3 surfacenormal = tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
-" float a = tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a;\n"
-"#ifdef HLSL\n"
-" gl_FragData0 = float4(normalize(surfacenormal.x * VectorS + surfacenormal.y * VectorT + surfacenormal.z * VectorR.xyz) * 0.5 + float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), a);\n"
-" float Depth = VectorR.w / 256.0;\n"
-" float4 depthcolor = float4(Depth,Depth*65536.0/255.0,Depth*16777216.0/255.0,0.0);\n"
-"// float4 depthcolor = float4(Depth,Depth*256.0,Depth*65536.0,0.0);\n"
-" depthcolor.yz -= floor(depthcolor.yz);\n"
-" gl_FragData1 = depthcolor;\n"
-" gl_FragColor = float4(normalize(surfacenormal.x * VectorS + surfacenormal.y * VectorT + surfacenormal.z * VectorR) * 0.5 + float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), a);\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewMatrix : register(c12),\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
-"out float4 ModelViewPosition : TEXCOORD0\n"
-" ModelViewPosition = mul(ModelViewMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"#ifdef HLSL\n"
-"float2 Pixel : VPOS,\n"
-"float2 Pixel : WPOS,\n"
-"float4 ModelViewPosition : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ViewToLight : register(c44),\n"
-"uniform float2 ScreenToDepth : register(c33), // ScreenToDepth = float2(Far / (Far - Near), Far * Near / (Near - Far));\n"
-"uniform float3 LightPosition : register(c23),\n"
-"uniform half2 PixelToScreenTexCoord : register(c42),\n"
-"uniform half3 DeferredColor_Ambient : register(c9),\n"
-"uniform half3 DeferredColor_Diffuse : register(c10),\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-"uniform half3 DeferredColor_Specular : register(c11),\n"
-"uniform half SpecularPower : register(c36),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Attenuation : register(s9),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDepth : register(s13),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenNormalMap : register(s14),\n"
-"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_Cube : register(s10),\n"
-"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
-"# else\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection : register(s12),\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-"uniform float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale : register(c35),\n"
-"uniform float4 ShadowMap_Parameters : register(c34),\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragData0 : COLOR0,\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragData1 : COLOR1\n"
-" // calculate viewspace pixel position\n"
-" float2 ScreenTexCoord = Pixel * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
-" //ScreenTexCoord.y = ScreenTexCoord.y * -1 + 1; // Cg is opposite?\n"
-" float3 position;\n"
-"#ifdef HLSL\n"
-" position.z = texDepth2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord) * 256.0;\n"
-" position.z = ScreenToDepth.y / (texDepth2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord) + ScreenToDepth.x);\n"
-" position.xy = ModelViewPosition.xy * (position.z / ModelViewPosition.z);\n"
-" // decode viewspace pixel normal\n"
-" half4 normalmap = half4(tex2D(Texture_ScreenNormalMap, ScreenTexCoord));\n"
-" half3 surfacenormal = half3(normalize(normalmap.rgb - half3(0.5,0.5,0.5)));\n"
-" // surfacenormal = pixel normal in viewspace\n"
-" // LightVector = pixel to light in viewspace\n"
-" // CubeVector = position in lightspace\n"
-" // eyevector = pixel to view in viewspace\n"
-" float3 CubeVector = mul(ViewToLight, float4(position,1)).xyz;\n"
-" half fade = half(tex2D(Texture_Attenuation, float2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)).r);\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" // calculate diffuse shading\n"
-" half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(LightPosition - position));\n"
-" half diffuse = half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" // calculate directional shading\n"
-" float3 eyevector = position * -1.0;\n"
-" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(eyevector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" half3 specularnormal = half3(normalize(lightnormal + half3(normalize(eyevector))));\n"
-" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-" fade *= half(ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector, Texture_ShadowMap2D, ShadowMap_Parameters, ShadowMap_TextureScale\n"
-", Texture_CubeProjection\n"
-" ));\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" gl_FragData0 = float4((DeferredColor_Ambient + DeferredColor_Diffuse * diffuse) * fade, 1.0);\n"
-" gl_FragData0 = float4(DeferredColor_Ambient * fade, 1.0);\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" gl_FragData1 = float4(DeferredColor_Specular * (specular * fade), 1.0);\n"
-" gl_FragData1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
-"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
-" float3 cubecolor = texCUBE(Texture_Cube, CubeVector).rgb;\n"
-" gl_FragData0.rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
-" gl_FragData1.rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
-"float4 gl_Color : COLOR0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3,\n"
-"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord4 : TEXCOORD4,\n"
-"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 BackgroundTexMatrix : register(c4),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelToLight : register(c20),\n"
-"uniform float3 LightPosition : register(c27),\n"
-"uniform float3 LightDir : register(c26),\n"
-"uniform float4 FogPlane : register(c25),\n"
-"uniform float3 LightPosition : register(c27),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ShadowMapMatrix : register(c16),\n"
-"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR,\n"
-"out float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
-"out float2 TexCoordLightmap : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
-"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"out float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD3,\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"out float4 EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist : TEXCOORD4,\n"
-"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) && defined(USEDIFFUSE) || defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
-"out float3 LightVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"out float3 CubeVector : TEXCOORD3,\n"
-"out float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
-"out float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
-"out float3 VectorR : TEXCOORD7, // direction of R texcoord (surface normal)\n"
-"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION\n"
-" gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;\n"
-" // copy the surface texcoord\n"
-" TexCoordBoth = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0);\n"
-" TexCoordBoth.zw = mul(BackgroundTexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;\n"
-"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
-" TexCoordLightmap = gl_MultiTexCoord4.xy;\n"
-" // transform vertex position into light attenuation/cubemap space\n"
-" // (-1 to +1 across the light box)\n"
-" CubeVector = mul(ModelToLight, gl_Vertex).xyz;\n"
-"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" // transform unnormalized light direction into tangent space\n"
-" // (we use unnormalized to ensure that it interpolates correctly and then\n"
-" // normalize it per pixel)\n"
-" float3 lightminusvertex = LightPosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
-" LightVector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) && defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
-" LightVector.x = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.y = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" LightVector.z = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
-"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
-" float3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
-" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
-" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w = dot(FogPlane, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" VectorS = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz;\n"
-" VectorT = gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz;\n"
-" VectorR = gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz;\n"
-" // transform vertex to camera space, using ftransform to match non-VS rendering\n"
-" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
-" ShadowMapTC = mul(ShadowMapMatrix, gl_Position).xyz;\n"
-" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
-"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
-"void main\n"
-"#ifdef HLSL\n"
-"float2 Pixel : VPOS,\n"
-"float2 Pixel : WPOS,\n"
-"float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR,\n"
-"float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
-"float2 TexCoordLightmap : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
-"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
-"float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD3,\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"float4 EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist : TEXCOORD4,\n"
-"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) || defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION)\n"
-"float3 LightVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
-"float3 CubeVector : TEXCOORD3,\n"
-"float4 ModelViewPosition : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-"float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
-"float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
-"float3 VectorR : TEXCOORD7, // direction of R texcoord (surface normal)\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Color : register(s1),\n"
-"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Gloss : register(s2),\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Glow : register(s3),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryNormal : register(s4),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryColor : register(s5),\n"
-"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryGloss : register(s6),\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryGlow : register(s7),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Pants : register(s4),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Shirt : register(s7),\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_FogHeightTexture : register(s14),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_FogMask : register(s8),\n"
-"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Lightmap : register(s9),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Deluxemap : register(s10),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Reflection : register(s7),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDepth : register(s13),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenNormalMap : register(s14),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDepth : register(s13),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenNormalMap : register(s14),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDiffuse : register(s11),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenSpecular : register(s12),\n"
-"uniform half3 Color_Pants : register(c7),\n"
-"uniform half3 Color_Shirt : register(c8),\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-"uniform float3 FogColor : register(c16),\n"
-"uniform float FogRangeRecip : register(c20),\n"
-"uniform float FogPlaneViewDist : register(c19),\n"
-"uniform float FogHeightFade : register(c17),\n"
-"uniform float OffsetMapping_Scale : register(c24),\n"
-"uniform half2 PixelToScreenTexCoord : register(c42),\n"
-"uniform half3 DeferredMod_Diffuse : register(c12),\n"
-"uniform half3 DeferredMod_Specular : register(c13),\n"
-"uniform half3 Color_Ambient : register(c3),\n"
-"uniform half3 Color_Diffuse : register(c4),\n"
-"uniform half3 Color_Specular : register(c5),\n"
-"uniform half SpecularPower : register(c36),\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-"uniform half3 Color_Glow : register(c6),\n"
-"uniform half Alpha : register(c0),\n"
-"uniform float4 DistortScaleRefractReflect : register(c14),\n"
-"uniform float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect : register(c32),\n"
-"uniform float4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect : register(c31),\n"
-"uniform half4 ReflectColor : register(c26),\n"
-"uniform float4x4 ModelToReflectCube : register(c48),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ReflectMask : register(s5),\n"
-"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_ReflectCube : register(s6),\n"
-"uniform half3 LightColor : register(c21),\n"
-"uniform half3 LightColor : register(c21),\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_Attenuation : register(s9),\n"
-"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_Cube : register(s10),\n"
-"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
-"# else\n"
-"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection : register(s12),\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-"uniform float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale : register(c35),\n"
-"uniform float4 ShadowMap_Parameters : register(c34),\n"
-"#endif // !defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(MODE_DEFERREDLIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(USESHADOWMAPORTHO)\n"
-"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
-" float2 TexCoord = TexCoordBoth.xy;\n"
-" float2 TexCoord2 = TexCoordBoth.zw;\n"
-" // apply offsetmapping\n"
-" float2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord, OffsetMapping_Scale, EyeVector, Texture_Normal);\n"
-"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
-" // combine the diffuse textures (base, pants, shirt)\n"
-" half4 color = half4(tex2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord));\n"
-"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
-" if (color.a < 0.5)\n"
-" discard;\n"
-" color.a *= Alpha;\n"
-" color.rgb += half3(tex2D(Texture_Pants, TexCoord).rgb) * Color_Pants + half3(tex2D(Texture_Shirt, TexCoord).rgb) * Color_Shirt;\n"
-" half terrainblend = clamp(half(gl_FrontColor.a) * color.a * 2.0 - 0.5, half(0.0), half(1.0));\n"
-" //half terrainblend = min(half(gl_FrontColor.a) * color.a * 2.0, half(1.0));\n"
-" //half terrainblend = half(gl_FrontColor.a) * color.a > 0.5;\n"
-" color.rgb = half3(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryColor, TexCoord2).rgb, float3(color.rgb), terrainblend));\n"
-" color.a = 1.0;\n"
-" //color = half4(lerp(float4(1, 0, 0, 1), color, terrainblend));\n"
-" // get the surface normal\n"
-" half3 surfacenormal = normalize(half3(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2).rgb, tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb, terrainblend)) - half3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
-" half3 surfacenormal = half3(normalize(half3(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb) - half3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));\n"
-" // get the material colors\n"
-" half3 diffusetex = color.rgb;\n"
-"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
-" half4 glosstex = half4(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2), tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord), terrainblend));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" half4 glosstex = half4(tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" float3 TangentReflectVector = reflect(-EyeVector, surfacenormal);\n"
-" float3 ModelReflectVector = TangentReflectVector.x * VectorS + TangentReflectVector.y * VectorT + TangentReflectVector.z * VectorR;\n"
-" float3 ReflectCubeTexCoord = mul(ModelToReflectCube, float4(ModelReflectVector, 0)).xyz;\n"
-" diffusetex += half3(tex2D(Texture_ReflectMask, TexCoord).rgb) * half3(texCUBE(Texture_ReflectCube, ReflectCubeTexCoord).rgb);\n"
-" // light source\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
-" half diffuse = half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + diffuse * Color_Diffuse);\n"
-"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
-" half3 specularnormal = half3(normalize(lightnormal + half3(normalize(EyeVector))));\n"
-" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
-" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * (specular * Color_Specular);\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
-" color.rgb *= LightColor;\n"
-" color.rgb *= half(tex2D(Texture_Attenuation, float2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)).r);\n"
-"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
-" color.rgb *= half(ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector, Texture_ShadowMap2D, ShadowMap_Parameters, ShadowMap_TextureScale\n"
-", Texture_CubeProjection\n"
-" ));\n"
-"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
-" color.rgb *= half3(texCUBE(Texture_Cube, CubeVector).rgb);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
-"// float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(CubeVector, ShadowMap_Parameters, Texture_CubeProjection);\n"
-"// float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(CubeVector, ShadowMap_Parameters);\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float2(0.1,0.1)).rgb);\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale).rgb);\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(shadowmaptc.xyz * float3(ShadowMap_TextureScale,1.0));\n"
-"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float2(0.1,0.1)).rgb);\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale).rgb);\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(shadowmaptc.xyz * float3(ShadowMap_TextureScale,1.0));\n"
-"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
-"// color.r = half(shadowmaptc.z - texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
-"// color.r = half(shadowmaptc.z);\n"
-"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
-"// color.r = half(shadowmaptc.z);\n"
-"// color.r = 1;\n"
-"// color.rgb = abs(CubeVector);\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(1,1,1);\n"
-"#endif // MODE_LIGHTSOURCE\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
-"#define lightcolor LightColor\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in modelspace (q3map2 -light -deluxe)\n"
-" half3 lightnormal_modelspace = half3(tex2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb) * 2.0 + half3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
-" half3 lightcolor = half3(tex2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb);\n"
-" // convert modelspace light vector to tangentspace\n"
-" half3 lightnormal;\n"
-" lightnormal.x = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, half3(VectorS));\n"
-" lightnormal.y = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, half3(VectorT));\n"
-" lightnormal.z = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, half3(VectorR));\n"
-" // calculate directional shading (and undoing the existing angle attenuation on the lightmap by the division)\n"
-" // note that q3map2 is too stupid to calculate proper surface normals when q3map_nonplanar\n"
-" // is used (the lightmap and deluxemap coords correspond to virtually random coordinates\n"
-" // on that luxel, and NOT to its center, because recursive triangle subdivision is used\n"
-" // to map the luxels to coordinates on the draw surfaces), which also causes\n"
-" // deluxemaps to be wrong because light contributions from the wrong side of the surface\n"
-" // are added up. To prevent divisions by zero or strong exaggerations, a max()\n"
-" // nudge is done here at expense of some additional fps. This is ONLY needed for\n"
-" // deluxemaps, tangentspace deluxemap avoid this problem by design.\n"
-" lightcolor *= 1.0 / max(0.25, lightnormal.z);\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in tangentspace (hmap2 -light)\n"
-" half3 lightnormal = half3(tex2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb) * 2.0 + half3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
-" half3 lightcolor = half3(tex2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb);\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
-"#define SHADING\n"
-"half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(EyeVector));\n"
-"half3 lightcolor = half3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n"
-"#endif // MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + half3(tex2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
-"#endif // MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + half3(gl_FrontColor.rgb) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
-"#endif // MODE_VERTEXCOLOR\n"
-"#ifdef MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
-"#endif // MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
-"#ifdef SHADING\n"
-"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
-" half diffuse = half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
-"# ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
-" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
-"# else\n"
-" half3 specularnormal = half3(normalize(lightnormal + half3(normalize(EyeVector))));\n"
-" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient + (diffusetex * Color_Diffuse * diffuse + glosstex.rgb * Color_Specular * specular) * lightcolor;\n"
-"# else\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + Color_Diffuse * diffuse * lightcolor);\n"
-"# endif\n"
-"# else\n"
-" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
-"# endif\n"
-" color.rgb *= half(ShadowMapCompare(ShadowMapTC, Texture_ShadowMap2D, ShadowMap_Parameters, ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
-" float2 ScreenTexCoord = Pixel * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
-" color.rgb += diffusetex * half3(tex2D(Texture_ScreenDiffuse, ScreenTexCoord).rgb) * DeferredMod_Diffuse;\n"
-" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * half3(tex2D(Texture_ScreenSpecular, ScreenTexCoord).rgb) * DeferredMod_Specular;\n"
-"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord).rgb);\n"
-"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord)) * 1.0;\n"
-"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
-" color.rgb += half3(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryGlow, TexCoord2).rgb, tex2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord).rgb, terrainblend)) * Color_Glow;\n"
-" color.rgb += half3(tex2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord).rgb) * Color_Glow;\n"
-"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
-" color.rgb = FogVertex(color.rgb, FogColor, EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz, EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w, FogRangeRecip, FogPlaneViewDist, FogHeightFade, Texture_FogMask, Texture_FogHeightTexture);\n"
-" // reflection must come last because it already contains exactly the correct fog (the reflection render preserves camera distance from the plane, it only flips the side) and ContrastBoost/SceneBrightness\n"
-" float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
-" //float4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(half3(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb) - half3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
-" float2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW.zw + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.zw;\n"
-" float2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + float3(normalize(half3(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb) - half3(0.5,0.5,0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.zw;\n"
-" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
-" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
-" // content.\n"
-" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
-" // 'appening.\n"
-" float f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
-" ScreenTexCoord = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
-" color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, half3(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord).rgb) * ReflectColor.rgb, ReflectColor.a);\n"
-" gl_FragColor = float4(color);\n"
-"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_WATER\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
-"#endif // !MODE_DEPTH_OR_SHADOW\n"
+#include "shader_hlsl.h"
char *glslshaderstring = NULL;
--- /dev/null
+"// ambient+diffuse+specular+normalmap+attenuation+cubemap+fog shader\n"
+"// written by Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale\n"
+"// shadowmapping enhancements by Lee 'eihrul' Salzman\n"
+"// GL ES shaders use precision modifiers, standard GL does not\n"
+"#ifndef GL_ES\n"
+"#define lowp\n"
+"#define mediump\n"
+"#define highp\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"attribute vec4 Attrib_Position; // vertex\n"
+"attribute vec4 Attrib_Color; // color\n"
+"attribute vec4 Attrib_TexCoord0; // material texcoords\n"
+"attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord1; // svector\n"
+"attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord2; // tvector\n"
+"attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord3; // normal\n"
+"attribute vec4 Attrib_TexCoord4; // lightmap texcoords\n"
+"varying lowp vec4 VertexColor;\n"
+"#if defined(USEFOGINSIDE) || defined(USEFOGOUTSIDE) || defined(USEFOGHEIGHTTEXTURE)\n"
+"# define USEFOG\n"
+"#define USELIGHTMAP\n"
+"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEOFFSETMAPPING) || defined(USEREFLECTCUBE) || defined(MODE_FAKELIGHT)\n"
+"#define USEEYEVECTOR\n"
+"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
+"# ifdef GL_EXT_gpu_shader4\n"
+"# extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# ifdef GL_ARB_texture_gather\n"
+"# extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# ifdef GL_AMD_texture_texture4\n"
+"# extension GL_AMD_texture_texture4 : enable\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"//# extension GL_ARB_shadow : enable\n"
+"//#ifdef __GLSL_CG_DATA_TYPES\n"
+"//# define myhalf half\n"
+"//# define myhalf2 half2\n"
+"//# define myhalf3 half3\n"
+"//# define myhalf4 half4\n"
+"# define myhalf mediump float\n"
+"# define myhalf2 mediump vec2\n"
+"# define myhalf3 mediump vec3\n"
+"# define myhalf4 mediump vec4\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+"#else // !MODE_DEPTH_ORSHADOW\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+" VertexColor = vec4(gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, 1.0);\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" gl_FragColor = VertexColor;\n"
+"#else // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord1;\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+" TexCoord1 = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy;\n"
+"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
+" TexCoord2 = Attrib_TexCoord4.xy;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_First;\n"
+"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Second;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec4 BloomColorSubtract;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_GammaRamps;\n"
+"uniform lowp float Saturation;\n"
+"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
+"uniform lowp vec4 ViewTintColor;\n"
+"//uncomment these if you want to use them:\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 UserVec1;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 UserVec2;\n"
+"// uniform mediump vec4 UserVec3;\n"
+"// uniform mediump vec4 UserVec4;\n"
+"// uniform highp float ClientTime;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec2 PixelSize;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" gl_FragColor = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
+"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
+" gl_FragColor += max(vec4(0,0,0,0), texture2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2) - BloomColorSubtract);\n"
+"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
+" gl_FragColor = mix(gl_FragColor, ViewTintColor, ViewTintColor.a);\n"
+"// do r_glsl_dumpshader, edit glsl/default.glsl, and replace this by your own postprocessing if you want\n"
+"// this code does a blur with the radius specified in the first component of r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1 and blends it using the second component\n"
+" float sobel = 1.0;\n"
+" // vec2 ts = textureSize(Texture_First, 0);\n"
+" // vec2 px = vec2(1/ts.x, 1/ts.y);\n"
+" vec2 px = PixelSize;\n"
+" vec3 x1 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 x2 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 x3 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 x4 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 x5 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 x6 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 y1 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 y2 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( 0.0,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 y3 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 y4 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 y5 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2( 0.0, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" vec3 y6 = texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + vec2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float px1 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x1);\n"
+" float px2 = -2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x2);\n"
+" float px3 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x3);\n"
+" float px4 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x4);\n"
+" float px5 = 2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x5);\n"
+" float px6 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x6);\n"
+" float py1 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y1);\n"
+" float py2 = -2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y2);\n"
+" float py3 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y3);\n"
+" float py4 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y4);\n"
+" float py5 = 2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y5);\n"
+" float py6 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y6);\n"
+" sobel = 0.25 * abs(px1 + px2 + px3 + px4 + px5 + px6) + 0.25 * abs(py1 + py2 + py3 + py4 + py5 + py6);\n"
+" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2(-0.987688, -0.156434)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2(-0.156434, -0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2( 0.891007, -0.453990)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2( 0.707107, 0.707107)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*vec2(-0.453990, 0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor /= (1.0 + 5.0 * UserVec1.y);\n"
+" gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb * (1.0 + UserVec2.x) + vec3(max(0.0, sobel - UserVec2.z))*UserVec2.y;\n"
+" //apply saturation BEFORE gamma ramps, so v_glslgamma value does not matter\n"
+" float y = dot(gl_FragColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));\n"
+" // 'vampire sight' effect, wheres red is compensated\n"
+" float rboost = max(0.0, (gl_FragColor.r - max(gl_FragColor.g, gl_FragColor.b))*(1.0 - Saturation));\n"
+" gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(vec3(y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
+" gl_FragColor.r += rboost;\n"
+" #else\n"
+" // normal desaturation\n"
+" //gl_FragColor = vec3(y) + (gl_FragColor.rgb - vec3(y)) * Saturation;\n"
+" gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(vec3(y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
+" #endif\n"
+" gl_FragColor.r = texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(gl_FragColor.r, 0)).r;\n"
+" gl_FragColor.g = texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(gl_FragColor.g, 0)).g;\n"
+" gl_FragColor.b = texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(gl_FragColor.b, 0)).b;\n"
+"#else // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_GENERIC\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord1;\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" TexCoord1 = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy;\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" TexCoord2 = Attrib_TexCoord1.xy;\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_First;\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Second;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
+" gl_FragColor = VertexColor;\n"
+" gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" gl_FragColor *= texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" vec4 tex2 = texture2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2);\n"
+" gl_FragColor *= tex2;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+" gl_FragColor += tex2;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" gl_FragColor = mix(gl_FragColor, tex2, tex2.a);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#else // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
+" TexCoord = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy;\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_First;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 BloomBlur_Parameters;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" int i;\n"
+" vec2 tc = TexCoord;\n"
+" vec3 color = texture2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
+" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
+" for (i = 1;i < SAMPLES;i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" color += texture2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
+" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
+" }\n"
+" gl_FragColor = vec4(color * BloomBlur_Parameters.z + vec3(BloomBlur_Parameters.w), 1);\n"
+"#else // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
+"varying highp vec4 ModelViewProjectionPosition;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Refraction;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Reflection;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec4 RefractColor;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec4 ReflectColor;\n"
+"uniform mediump float ReflectFactor;\n"
+"uniform mediump float ReflectOffset;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" vec2 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect.xy * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
+" //vec2 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy + normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5)).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec2(normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
+" gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord).rgb, 1.0) * RefractColor;\n"
+"#else // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_WATER\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
+"varying highp vec3 EyeVector;\n"
+"varying highp vec4 ModelViewProjectionPosition;\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"uniform highp vec3 EyePosition;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
+" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Refraction;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Reflection;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec4 RefractColor;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec4 ReflectColor;\n"
+"uniform mediump float ReflectFactor;\n"
+"uniform mediump float ReflectOffset;\n"
+"uniform highp float ClientTime;\n"
+"uniform highp vec2 NormalmapScrollBlend;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
+" //vec4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+" vec4 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+" //SafeScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xyxy * vec4(1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0, 1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0);\n"
+" // slight water animation via 2 layer scrolling (todo: tweak)\n"
+" vec3 normal = texture2D(Texture_Normal, (TexCoord + vec2(0.08, 0.08)*ClientTime*NormalmapScrollBlend.x*0.5)*NormalmapScrollBlend.y).rgb - vec3(1.0);\n"
+" normal += texture2D(Texture_Normal, (TexCoord + vec2(-0.06, -0.09)*ClientTime*NormalmapScrollBlend.x)*NormalmapScrollBlend.y*0.75).rgb;\n"
+" vec4 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec2(normalize(normal) + vec3(0.15)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+" #else\n"
+" vec4 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec2(normalize(vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5))).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+" #endif\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(0.005, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(0.005, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(-0.005, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + vec2(-0.005, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord.xy = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord.xy, ScreenTexCoord.xy, f);\n"
+" f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(0.005, 0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(0.005, -0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(-0.005, 0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + vec2(-0.005, -0.005)).rgb) / 0.002);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord.zw = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord.zw, ScreenTexCoord.zw, f);\n"
+" float Fresnel = pow(min(1.0, 1.0 - float(normalize(EyeVector).z)), 2.0) * ReflectFactor + ReflectOffset;\n"
+" gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy).rgb, 1) * RefractColor, vec4(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw).rgb, 1) * ReflectColor, Fresnel);\n"
+"#else // !MODE_WATER\n"
+"// common definitions between vertex shader and fragment shader:\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoord2;\n"
+"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
+"varying mediump vec2 TexCoordLightmap;\n"
+"varying mediump vec3 CubeVector;\n"
+"#if (defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) || defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION)) && defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
+"varying mediump vec3 LightVector;\n"
+"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
+"varying highp vec3 EyeVector;\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"varying highp vec4 EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist;\n"
+"varying lowp vec3 VectorS; // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
+"varying lowp vec3 VectorT; // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
+"varying lowp vec3 VectorR; // direction of R texcoord (surface normal)\n"
+"varying highp vec4 ModelViewProjectionPosition;\n"
+"uniform highp vec3 LightPosition;\n"
+"varying highp vec4 ModelViewPosition;\n"
+"uniform highp vec3 LightPosition;\n"
+"uniform highp vec3 EyePosition;\n"
+"uniform highp vec3 LightDir;\n"
+"uniform highp vec4 FogPlane;\n"
+"varying mediump vec3 ShadowMapTC;\n"
+"varying mediump vec3 BounceGridTexCoord;\n"
+"// TODO: get rid of tangentt (texcoord2) and use a crossproduct to regenerate it from tangents (texcoord1) and normal (texcoord3), this would require sending a 4 component texcoord1 with W as 1 or -1 according to which side the texcoord2 should be on\n"
+"// fragment shader specific:\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Color;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Gloss;\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Glow;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryNormal;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryColor;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryGloss;\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryGlow;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Pants;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Shirt;\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_FogHeightTexture;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_FogMask;\n"
+"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Lightmap;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Deluxemap;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Reflection;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenDepth;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenNormalMap;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenDiffuse;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenSpecular;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec3 Color_Pants;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec3 Color_Shirt;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec3 FogColor;\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"uniform highp float FogRangeRecip;\n"
+"uniform highp float FogPlaneViewDist;\n"
+"uniform highp float FogHeightFade;\n"
+"vec3 FogVertex(vec3 surfacecolor)\n"
+" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz;\n"
+" float FogPlaneVertexDist = EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w;\n"
+" float fogfrac;\n"
+" vec4 fogheightpixel = texture2D(Texture_FogHeightTexture, vec2(1,1) + vec2(FogPlaneVertexDist, FogPlaneViewDist) * (-2.0 * FogHeightFade));\n"
+" fogfrac = fogheightpixel.a;\n"
+" return mix(fogheightpixel.rgb * FogColor, surfacecolor, texture2D(Texture_FogMask, myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
+"# ifdef USEFOGOUTSIDE\n"
+" fogfrac = min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) / (FogPlaneVertexDist - FogPlaneViewDist) * min(1.0, min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
+"# else\n"
+" fogfrac = FogPlaneViewDist / (FogPlaneViewDist - max(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist)) * min(1.0, (min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) + FogPlaneViewDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" return mix(FogColor, surfacecolor, texture2D(Texture_FogMask, myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
+"uniform mediump float OffsetMapping_Scale;\n"
+"vec2 OffsetMapping(vec2 TexCoord)\n"
+" // 14 sample relief mapping: linear search and then binary search\n"
+" // this basically steps forward a small amount repeatedly until it finds\n"
+" // itself inside solid, then jitters forward and back using decreasing\n"
+" // amounts to find the impact\n"
+" //vec3 OffsetVector = vec3(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * vec2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
+" //vec3 OffsetVector = vec3(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
+" vec3 OffsetVector = vec3(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
+" vec3 RT = vec3(TexCoord, 1);\n"
+" OffsetVector *= 0.1;\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) - 0.5);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.5 - 0.25);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.25 - 0.125);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.125 - 0.0625);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(texture2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.0625 - 0.03125);\n"
+" return RT.xy;\n"
+" // 2 sample offset mapping (only 2 samples because of ATI Radeon 9500-9800/X300 limits)\n"
+" //vec2 OffsetVector = vec2(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * vec2(-1, 1));\n"
+" //vec2 OffsetVector = vec2(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1));\n"
+" vec2 OffsetVector = vec2(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * vec2(-1, 1));\n"
+" OffsetVector *= 0.5;\n"
+" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
+" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
+" return TexCoord;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_Attenuation;\n"
+"uniform samplerCube Texture_Cube;\n"
+"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
+"uniform sampler2DShadow Texture_ShadowMap2D;\n"
+"# else\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_ShadowMap2D;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"uniform samplerCube Texture_CubeProjection;\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+"uniform mediump vec2 ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 ShadowMap_Parameters;\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+"# define GetShadowMapTC2D(dir) (min(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters.xyz))\n"
+"# else\n"
+"vec3 GetShadowMapTC2D(vec3 dir)\n"
+" vec3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
+" vec2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / max(max(adir.x, adir.y), adir.z);\n"
+" vec4 proj = textureCube(Texture_CubeProjection, dir);\n"
+" return vec3(mix(dir.xy, dir.zz, proj.xy) * aparams.x + proj.zw * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
+"# else\n"
+"vec3 GetShadowMapTC2D(vec3 dir)\n"
+" vec3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
+" float ma = adir.z;\n"
+" vec4 proj = vec4(dir, 2.5);\n"
+" if (adir.x > ma) { ma = adir.x; proj = vec4(dir.zyx, 0.5); }\n"
+" if (adir.y > ma) { ma = adir.y; proj = vec4(dir.xzy, 1.5); }\n"
+" vec2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / ma;\n"
+" return vec3(proj.xy * aparams.x + vec2(proj.z < 0.0 ? 1.5 : 0.5, proj.w) * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#endif // defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+"# ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
+"float ShadowMapCompare(vec3 dir)\n"
+" vec3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(dir);\n"
+" float f;\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) shadow2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, vec3(center + vec2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z)).r \n"
+" vec2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
+" f = dot(vec4(0.25), vec4(texval(-0.4, 1.0), texval(-1.0, -0.4), texval(0.4, -1.0), texval(1.0, 0.4)));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" f = shadow2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, vec3(shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z)).r;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# if defined(GL_ARB_texture_gather) || defined(GL_AMD_texture_texture4)\n"
+"# ifdef GL_ARB_texture_gather\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) textureGatherOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, ivec2(x, y))\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) texture4(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + vec2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale)\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" vec2 offset = fract(shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5), center = (shadowmaptc.xy - offset)*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
+" vec4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, -2.0));\n"
+" vec4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, -2.0));\n"
+" vec4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, -2.0));\n"
+" vec4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 0.0));\n"
+" vec4 group5 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 0.0));\n"
+" vec4 group6 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 0.0));\n"
+" vec4 group7 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 2.0));\n"
+" vec4 group8 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 2.0));\n"
+" vec4 group9 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 2.0));\n"
+" vec4 locols = vec4(group1.ab, group3.ab);\n"
+" vec4 hicols = vec4(group7.rg, group9.rg);\n"
+" locols.yz += group2.ab;\n"
+" hicols.yz += group8.rg;\n"
+" vec4 midcols = vec4(group1.rg, group3.rg) + vec4(group7.ab, group9.ab) +\n"
+" vec4(group4.rg, group6.rg) + vec4(group4.ab, group6.ab) +\n"
+" mix(locols, hicols, offset.y);\n"
+" vec4 cols = group5 + vec4(group2.rg, group8.ab);\n"
+" cols.xyz += mix(midcols.xyz, midcols.yzw, offset.x);\n"
+" f = dot(cols, vec4(1.0/25.0));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" vec4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, -1.0));\n"
+" vec4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, -1.0));\n"
+" vec4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, 1.0));\n"
+" vec4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, 1.0));\n"
+" vec4 cols = vec4(group1.rg, group2.rg) + vec4(group3.ab, group4.ab) +\n"
+" mix(vec4(group1.ab, group2.ab), vec4(group3.rg, group4.rg), offset.y);\n"
+" f = dot(mix(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), vec3(1.0/9.0));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# ifdef GL_EXT_gpu_shader4\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) texture2DOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, ivec2(x, y)).r\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) texture2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + vec2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r \n"
+"# endif\n"
+" vec2 center = shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5, offset = fract(center);\n"
+" center *= ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
+" vec4 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0), texval( 2.0, -1.0)));\n"
+" vec4 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0), texval( 2.0, 0.0)));\n"
+" vec4 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0), texval( 2.0, 1.0)));\n"
+" vec4 row4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec4(texval(-1.0, 2.0), texval( 0.0, 2.0), texval( 1.0, 2.0), texval( 2.0, 2.0)));\n"
+" vec4 cols = row2 + row3 + mix(row1, row4, offset.y);\n"
+" f = dot(mix(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), vec3(1.0/9.0));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" vec2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, offset = fract(shadowmaptc.xy);\n"
+" vec3 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec3(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0)));\n"
+" vec3 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec3(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0)));\n"
+" vec3 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, vec3(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0)));\n"
+" vec3 cols = row2 + mix(row1, row3, offset.y);\n"
+" f = dot(mix(cols.xy, cols.yz, offset.x), vec2(0.25));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+" f = step(shadowmaptc.z, texture2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" return mix(ShadowMap_Parameters.w, 1.0, f);\n"
+"# else\n"
+" return f;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#endif // !defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(MODE_DEFERREDLIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(USESHADOWMAPORTHO)\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 BackgroundTexMatrix;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 ModelViewMatrix;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
+" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
+" TexCoord2 = vec2(BackgroundTexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
+" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
+" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+" VectorS = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
+" VectorT = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
+" VectorR = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" // apply offsetmapping\n"
+" vec2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord);\n"
+"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
+"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
+" if (texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a < 0.5)\n"
+" discard;\n"
+" float alpha = texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a;\n"
+" float terrainblend = clamp(float(VertexColor.a) * alpha * 2.0 - 0.5, float(0.0), float(1.0));\n"
+" //float terrainblend = min(float(VertexColor.a) * alpha * 2.0, float(1.0));\n"
+" //float terrainblend = float(VertexColor.a) * alpha > 0.5;\n"
+" vec3 surfacenormal = mix(vec3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2)), vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)), terrainblend) - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
+" float a = mix(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2).a, texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a, terrainblend);\n"
+" vec3 surfacenormal = vec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
+" float a = texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a;\n"
+" gl_FragColor = vec4(normalize(surfacenormal.x * VectorS + surfacenormal.y * VectorT + surfacenormal.z * VectorR) * 0.5 + vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), a);\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 ModelViewMatrix;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" ModelViewPosition = ModelViewMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 ViewToLight;\n"
+"// ScreenToDepth = vec2(Far / (Far - Near), Far * Near / (Near - Far));\n"
+"uniform highp vec2 ScreenToDepth;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 DeferredColor_Ambient;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 DeferredColor_Diffuse;\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 DeferredColor_Specular;\n"
+"uniform myhalf SpecularPower;\n"
+"uniform myhalf2 PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" // calculate viewspace pixel position\n"
+" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
+" vec3 position;\n"
+" position.z = ScreenToDepth.y / (texture2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord).r + ScreenToDepth.x);\n"
+" position.xy = ModelViewPosition.xy * (position.z / ModelViewPosition.z);\n"
+" // decode viewspace pixel normal\n"
+" myhalf4 normalmap = texture2D(Texture_ScreenNormalMap, ScreenTexCoord);\n"
+" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(normalmap.rgb - myhalf3(0.5,0.5,0.5));\n"
+" // surfacenormal = pixel normal in viewspace\n"
+" // LightVector = pixel to light in viewspace\n"
+" // CubeVector = position in lightspace\n"
+" // eyevector = pixel to view in viewspace\n"
+" vec3 CubeVector = vec3(ViewToLight * vec4(position,1));\n"
+" myhalf fade = myhalf(texture2D(Texture_Attenuation, vec2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)));\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" // calculate diffuse shading\n"
+" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(LightPosition - position));\n"
+" myhalf diffuse = myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" // calculate directional shading\n"
+" vec3 eyevector = position * -1.0;\n"
+" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(eyevector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a);\n"
+"# else\n"
+" myhalf3 specularnormal = normalize(lightnormal + myhalf3(normalize(eyevector)));\n"
+" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+" fade *= ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector);\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" gl_FragData[0] = vec4((DeferredColor_Ambient + DeferredColor_Diffuse * diffuse) * fade, 1.0);\n"
+" gl_FragData[0] = vec4(DeferredColor_Ambient * fade, 1.0);\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" gl_FragData[1] = vec4(DeferredColor_Specular * (specular * fade), 1.0);\n"
+" gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
+"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
+" vec3 cubecolor = textureCube(Texture_Cube, CubeVector).rgb;\n"
+" gl_FragData[0].rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
+" gl_FragData[1].rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 BackgroundTexMatrix;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 ModelToLight;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 ShadowMapMatrix;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 BounceGridMatrix;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" VertexColor = Attrib_Color;\n"
+" // copy the surface texcoord\n"
+" TexCoord = vec2(TexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
+" TexCoord2 = vec2(BackgroundTexMatrix * Attrib_TexCoord0);\n"
+"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
+" TexCoordLightmap = vec2(Attrib_TexCoord4);\n"
+" BounceGridTexCoord = vec3(BounceGridMatrix * Attrib_Position);\n"
+" // transform vertex position into light attenuation/cubemap space\n"
+" // (-1 to +1 across the light box)\n"
+" CubeVector = vec3(ModelToLight * Attrib_Position);\n"
+"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" // transform unnormalized light direction into tangent space\n"
+" // (we use unnormalized to ensure that it interpolates correctly and then\n"
+" // normalize it per pixel)\n"
+" vec3 lightminusvertex = LightPosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
+" LightVector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) && defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
+" LightVector.x = dot(LightDir, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.y = dot(LightDir, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.z = dot(LightDir, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
+"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
+" vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w = dot(FogPlane, Attrib_Position);\n"
+" VectorS = Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz;\n"
+" VectorT = Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz;\n"
+" VectorR = Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz;\n"
+" // transform vertex to camera space, using ftransform to match non-VS rendering\n"
+" gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position;\n"
+" ShadowMapTC = vec3(ShadowMapMatrix * gl_Position);\n"
+" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
+"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"uniform myhalf2 PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 DeferredMod_Diffuse;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 DeferredMod_Specular;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 Color_Ambient;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 Color_Diffuse;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 Color_Specular;\n"
+"uniform myhalf SpecularPower;\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 Color_Glow;\n"
+"uniform myhalf Alpha;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform mediump vec4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+"uniform lowp vec4 ReflectColor;\n"
+"uniform highp mat4 ModelToReflectCube;\n"
+"uniform sampler2D Texture_ReflectMask;\n"
+"uniform samplerCube Texture_ReflectCube;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 LightColor;\n"
+"uniform myhalf3 LightColor;\n"
+"uniform sampler3D Texture_BounceGrid;\n"
+"uniform float BounceGridIntensity;\n"
+"void main(void)\n"
+" // apply offsetmapping\n"
+" vec2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord);\n"
+"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
+" // combine the diffuse textures (base, pants, shirt)\n"
+" myhalf4 color = myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord));\n"
+"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
+" if (color.a < 0.5)\n"
+" discard;\n"
+" color.a *= Alpha;\n"
+" color.rgb += myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Pants, TexCoord)) * Color_Pants + myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Shirt, TexCoord)) * Color_Shirt;\n"
+" myhalf terrainblend = clamp(myhalf(VertexColor.a) * color.a * 2.0 - 0.5, myhalf(0.0), myhalf(1.0));\n"
+" //myhalf terrainblend = min(myhalf(VertexColor.a) * color.a * 2.0, myhalf(1.0));\n"
+" //myhalf terrainblend = myhalf(VertexColor.a) * color.a > 0.5;\n"
+" color.rgb = mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryColor, TexCoord2)), color.rgb, terrainblend);\n"
+" color.a = 1.0;\n"
+" //color = mix(myhalf4(1, 0, 0, 1), color, terrainblend);\n"
+" // get the surface normal\n"
+" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2)), myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)), terrainblend) - myhalf3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
+" myhalf3 surfacenormal = normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
+" // get the material colors\n"
+" myhalf3 diffusetex = color.rgb;\n"
+"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
+" myhalf4 glosstex = mix(myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2)), myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)), terrainblend);\n"
+"# else\n"
+" myhalf4 glosstex = myhalf4(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" vec3 TangentReflectVector = reflect(-EyeVector, surfacenormal);\n"
+" vec3 ModelReflectVector = TangentReflectVector.x * VectorS + TangentReflectVector.y * VectorT + TangentReflectVector.z * VectorR;\n"
+" vec3 ReflectCubeTexCoord = vec3(ModelToReflectCube * vec4(ModelReflectVector, 0));\n"
+" diffusetex += myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_ReflectMask, TexCoord)) * myhalf3(textureCube(Texture_ReflectCube, ReflectCubeTexCoord));\n"
+" // light source\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
+" myhalf diffuse = myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + diffuse * Color_Diffuse);\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
+" myhalf3 specularnormal = normalize(lightnormal + myhalf3(normalize(EyeVector)));\n"
+" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
+" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * (specular * Color_Specular);\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
+" color.rgb *= LightColor;\n"
+" color.rgb *= myhalf(texture2D(Texture_Attenuation, vec2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)));\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+" color.rgb *= ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector);\n"
+"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
+" color.rgb *= myhalf3(textureCube(Texture_Cube, CubeVector));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#endif // MODE_LIGHTSOURCE\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
+"#define lightcolor LightColor\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in modelspace (q3map2 -light -deluxe)\n"
+" myhalf3 lightnormal_modelspace = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap)) * 2.0 + myhalf3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
+" myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap));\n"
+" // convert modelspace light vector to tangentspace\n"
+" myhalf3 lightnormal;\n"
+" lightnormal.x = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorS));\n"
+" lightnormal.y = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorT));\n"
+" lightnormal.z = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorR));\n"
+" lightnormal = normalize(lightnormal); // VectorS/T/R are not always perfectly normalized, and EXACTSPECULARMATH is very picky about this\n"
+" // calculate directional shading (and undoing the existing angle attenuation on the lightmap by the division)\n"
+" // note that q3map2 is too stupid to calculate proper surface normals when q3map_nonplanar\n"
+" // is used (the lightmap and deluxemap coords correspond to virtually random coordinates\n"
+" // on that luxel, and NOT to its center, because recursive triangle subdivision is used\n"
+" // to map the luxels to coordinates on the draw surfaces), which also causes\n"
+" // deluxemaps to be wrong because light contributions from the wrong side of the surface\n"
+" // are added up. To prevent divisions by zero or strong exaggerations, a max()\n"
+" // nudge is done here at expense of some additional fps. This is ONLY needed for\n"
+" // deluxemaps, tangentspace deluxemap avoid this problem by design.\n"
+" lightcolor *= 1.0 / max(0.25, lightnormal.z);\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in tangentspace (hmap2 -light)\n"
+" myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap)) * 2.0 + myhalf3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
+" myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap));\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+"myhalf3 lightnormal = myhalf3(normalize(EyeVector));\n"
+"myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(1.0);\n"
+"#endif // MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap)) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
+"#endif // MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + myhalf3(VertexColor.rgb) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
+"#endif // MODE_VERTEXCOLOR\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
+"#endif // MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
+"#ifdef SHADING\n"
+"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" myhalf diffuse = myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
+"# ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
+"# else\n"
+" myhalf3 specularnormal = normalize(lightnormal + myhalf3(normalize(EyeVector)));\n"
+" myhalf specular = pow(myhalf(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient + (diffusetex * Color_Diffuse * diffuse + glosstex.rgb * Color_Specular * specular) * lightcolor;\n"
+"# else\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + Color_Diffuse * diffuse * lightcolor);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" color.rgb *= ShadowMapCompare(ShadowMapTC);\n"
+" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
+" color.rgb += diffusetex * myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_ScreenDiffuse, ScreenTexCoord)) * DeferredMod_Diffuse;\n"
+" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_ScreenSpecular, ScreenTexCoord)) * DeferredMod_Specular;\n"
+" color.rgb += diffusetex * myhalf3(texture3D(Texture_BounceGrid, BounceGridTexCoord)) * BounceGridIntensity;\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+" color.rgb += mix(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_SecondaryGlow, TexCoord2)), myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord)), terrainblend) * Color_Glow;\n"
+" color.rgb += myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord)) * Color_Glow;\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+" color.rgb = FogVertex(color.rgb);\n"
+" // reflection must come last because it already contains exactly the correct fog (the reflection render preserves camera distance from the plane, it only flips the side) and ContrastBoost/SceneBrightness\n"
+" vec4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
+" //vec4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+" vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW.zw + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.zw;\n"
+" vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec3(normalize(myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.zw;\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord = mix(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
+" color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, myhalf3(texture2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord)) * ReflectColor.rgb, ReflectColor.a);\n"
+" gl_FragColor = vec4(color);\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_WATER\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_DEPTH_OR_SHADOW\n"
--- /dev/null
+"// ambient+diffuse+specular+normalmap+attenuation+cubemap+fog shader\n"
+"// written by Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale\n"
+"// shadowmapping enhancements by Lee 'eihrul' Salzman\n"
+"// FIXME: we need to get rid of ModelViewProjectionPosition to make room for the texcoord for this\n"
+"#if defined(USEREFLECTION)\n"
+"#if defined(USEFOGINSIDE) || defined(USEFOGOUTSIDE) || defined(USEFOGHEIGHTTEXTURE)\n"
+"# define USEFOG\n"
+"#define USELIGHTMAP\n"
+"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEOFFSETMAPPING) || defined(USEREFLECTCUBE) || defined(MODE_FAKELIGHT)\n"
+"#define USEEYEVECTOR\n"
+"#ifdef HLSL\n"
+"//#define texDepth2D(tex,texcoord) tex2D(tex,texcoord).r\n"
+"#define texDepth2D(tex,texcoord) dot(tex2D(tex,texcoord).rgb, float3(1.0, 255.0/65536.0, 255.0/16777216.0))\n"
+"#define texDepth2D(tex,texcoord) tex2D(tex,texcoord).r\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float Depth : TEXCOORD0\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" Depth = gl_Position.z;\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float Depth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+"// float4 temp = float4(Depth,Depth*(65536.0/255.0),Depth*(16777216.0/255.0),0.0);\n"
+" float4 temp = float4(Depth,Depth*256.0,Depth*65536.0,0.0);\n"
+" temp.yz -= floor(temp.yz);\n"
+" gl_FragColor = temp;\n"
+"// gl_FragColor = float4(Depth,0,0,0);\n"
+"#else // !MODE_DEPTH_ORSHADOW\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR0\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" gl_FrontColor = float4(gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, gl_Position.z, 1.0);\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR0,\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+" gl_FragColor = gl_FrontColor;\n"
+"#else // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord4 : TEXCOORD4,\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"out float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" TexCoord1 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\n"
+"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
+" TexCoord2 = gl_MultiTexCoord4.xy;\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_First : register(s0),\n"
+"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Second : register(s1),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_GammaRamps : register(s2),\n"
+"uniform float Saturation : register(c30),\n"
+"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
+"uniform float4 ViewTintColor : register(c41),\n"
+"uniform float4 UserVec1 : register(c37),\n"
+"uniform float4 UserVec2 : register(c38),\n"
+"uniform float4 UserVec3 : register(c39),\n"
+"uniform float4 UserVec4 : register(c40),\n"
+"uniform float ClientTime : register(c2),\n"
+"uniform float2 PixelSize : register(c25),\n"
+"uniform float4 BloomColorSubtract : register(c43),\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+" gl_FragColor = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
+"#ifdef USEBLOOM\n"
+" gl_FragColor += max(float4(0,0,0,0), tex2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2) - BloomColorSubtract);\n"
+"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
+" gl_FragColor = lerp(gl_FragColor, ViewTintColor, ViewTintColor.a);\n"
+"// do r_glsl_dumpshader, edit glsl/default.glsl, and replace this by your own postprocessing if you want\n"
+"// this code does a blur with the radius specified in the first component of r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1 and blends it using the second component\n"
+" float sobel = 1.0;\n"
+" // float2 ts = textureSize(Texture_First, 0);\n"
+" // float2 px = float2(1/ts.x, 1/ts.y);\n"
+" float2 px = PixelSize;\n"
+" float3 x1 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 x2 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 x3 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 x4 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 x5 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x, 0.0)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 x6 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 y1 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 y2 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( 0.0,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 y3 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 y4 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 y5 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2( 0.0, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float3 y6 = tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + float2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb;\n"
+" float px1 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x1);\n"
+" float px2 = -2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x2);\n"
+" float px3 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x3);\n"
+" float px4 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x4);\n"
+" float px5 = 2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x5);\n"
+" float px6 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x6);\n"
+" float py1 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y1);\n"
+" float py2 = -2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y2);\n"
+" float py3 = -1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y3);\n"
+" float py4 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y4);\n"
+" float py5 = 2.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y5);\n"
+" float py6 = 1.0 * dot(float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y6);\n"
+" sobel = 0.25 * abs(px1 + px2 + px3 + px4 + px5 + px6) + 0.25 * abs(py1 + py2 + py3 + py4 + py5 + py6);\n"
+" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2(-0.987688, -0.156434)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2(-0.156434, -0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2( 0.891007, -0.453990)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2( 0.707107, 0.707107)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor += tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1 + PixelSize*UserVec1.x*float2(-0.453990, 0.891007)) * UserVec1.y;\n"
+" gl_FragColor /= (1.0 + 5.0 * UserVec1.y);\n"
+" gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb * (1.0 + UserVec2.x) + float3(1,1,1)*max(0.0, sobel - UserVec2.z)*UserVec2.y;\n"
+" //apply saturation BEFORE gamma ramps, so v_glslgamma value does not matter\n"
+" float y = dot(gl_FragColor.rgb, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));\n"
+" // 'vampire sight' effect, wheres red is compensated\n"
+" float rboost = max(0.0, (gl_FragColor.r - max(gl_FragColor.g, gl_FragColor.b))*(1.0 - Saturation));\n"
+" gl_FragColor.rgb = lerp(float3(y,y,y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
+" gl_FragColor.r += r;\n"
+" #else\n"
+" // normal desaturation\n"
+" //gl_FragColor = float3(y,y,y) + (gl_FragColor.rgb - float3(y)) * Saturation;\n"
+" gl_FragColor.rgb = lerp(float3(y,y,y), gl_FragColor.rgb, Saturation);\n"
+" #endif\n"
+" gl_FragColor.r = tex2D(Texture_GammaRamps, float2(gl_FragColor.r, 0)).r;\n"
+" gl_FragColor.g = tex2D(Texture_GammaRamps, float2(gl_FragColor.g, 0)).g;\n"
+" gl_FragColor.b = tex2D(Texture_GammaRamps, float2(gl_FragColor.b, 0)).b;\n"
+"#else // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_GENERIC\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"float4 gl_Color : COLOR0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+"out float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+"out float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR\n"
+" gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" TexCoord1 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" TexCoord2 = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy;\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR0,\n"
+"float2 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float2 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_First : register(s0),\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Second : register(s1),\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+"#ifdef USEVIEWTINT\n"
+" gl_FragColor = gl_FrontColor;\n"
+" gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" gl_FragColor *= tex2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1);\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" float4 tex2 = tex2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2);\n"
+" gl_FragColor *= tex2;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+" gl_FragColor += tex2;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" gl_FragColor = lerp(gl_FragColor, tex2, tex2.a);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#else // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0\n"
+" TexCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_First : register(s0),\n"
+"uniform float4 BloomBlur_Parameters : register(c1),\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+" int i;\n"
+" float2 tc = TexCoord;\n"
+" float3 color = tex2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
+" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
+" for (i = 1;i < SAMPLES;i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" color += tex2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb;\n"
+" tc += BloomBlur_Parameters.xy;\n"
+" }\n"
+" gl_FragColor = float4(color * BloomBlur_Parameters.z + float3(BloomBlur_Parameters.w), 1);\n"
+"#else // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
+"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"out float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2\n"
+" TexCoord = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Refraction : register(s3),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Reflection : register(s7),\n"
+"uniform float4 DistortScaleRefractReflect : register(c14),\n"
+"uniform float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect : register(c32),\n"
+"uniform float4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect : register(c31),\n"
+"uniform float4 RefractColor : register(c29),\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+" float2 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect.xy * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
+" //float2 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy + normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" float2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" float2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy;\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
+" gl_FragColor = float4(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord).rgb, 1) * RefractColor;\n"
+"#else // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_WATER\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
+"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"out float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2\n"
+" TexCoord = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;\n"
+" float3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Refraction : register(s3),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Reflection : register(s7),\n"
+"uniform float4 DistortScaleRefractReflect : register(c14),\n"
+"uniform float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect : register(c32),\n"
+"uniform float4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect : register(c31),\n"
+"uniform float4 RefractColor : register(c29),\n"
+"uniform float4 ReflectColor : register(c26),\n"
+"uniform float ReflectFactor : register(c27),\n"
+"uniform float ReflectOffset : register(c28),\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+" float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
+" //float4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+" float4 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+" //SafeScreenTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xyxy * float4(1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0, 1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1200.0);\n"
+" float4 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + float2(normalize(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xy).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect;\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord.xy = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord.xy, ScreenTexCoord.xy, f);\n"
+" f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord.zw = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord.zw, ScreenTexCoord.zw, f);\n"
+" float Fresnel = pow(min(1.0, 1.0 - float(normalize(EyeVector).z)), 2.0) * ReflectFactor + ReflectOffset;\n"
+" gl_FragColor = lerp(float4(tex2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord.xy).rgb, 1) * RefractColor, float4(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord.zw).rgb, 1) * ReflectColor, Fresnel);\n"
+"#else // !MODE_WATER\n"
+"// TODO: get rid of tangentt (texcoord2) and use a crossproduct to regenerate it from tangents (texcoord1) and normal (texcoord3), this would require sending a 4 component texcoord1 with W as 1 or -1 according to which side the texcoord2 should be on\n"
+"// fragment shader specific:\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"float3 FogVertex(float3 surfacecolor, float3 FogColor, float3 EyeVectorModelSpace, float FogPlaneVertexDist, float FogRangeRecip, float FogPlaneViewDist, float FogHeightFade, sampler Texture_FogMask, sampler Texture_FogHeightTexture)\n"
+" float fogfrac;\n"
+" float4 fogheightpixel = tex2D(Texture_FogHeightTexture, float2(1,1) + float2(FogPlaneVertexDist, FogPlaneViewDist) * (-2.0 * FogHeightFade));\n"
+" fogfrac = fogheightpixel.a;\n"
+" return lerp(fogheightpixel.rgb * FogColor, surfacecolor, tex2D(Texture_FogMask, float2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
+"# ifdef USEFOGOUTSIDE\n"
+" fogfrac = min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) / (FogPlaneVertexDist - FogPlaneViewDist) * min(1.0, min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
+"# else\n"
+" fogfrac = FogPlaneViewDist / (FogPlaneViewDist - max(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist)) * min(1.0, (min(0.0, FogPlaneVertexDist) + FogPlaneViewDist) * FogHeightFade);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" return lerp(FogColor, surfacecolor, tex2D(Texture_FogMask, float2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace)*fogfrac*FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r);\n"
+"float2 OffsetMapping(float2 TexCoord, float OffsetMapping_Scale, float3 EyeVector, sampler Texture_Normal)\n"
+" // 14 sample relief mapping: linear search and then binary search\n"
+" // this basically steps forward a small amount repeatedly until it finds\n"
+" // itself inside solid, then jitters forward and back using decreasing\n"
+" // amounts to find the impact\n"
+" //float3 OffsetVector = float3(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * float2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
+" //float3 OffsetVector = float3(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
+" float3 OffsetVector = float3(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1), -1);\n"
+" float3 RT = float3(TexCoord, 1);\n"
+" OffsetVector *= 0.1;\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) - 0.5);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.5 - 0.25);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.25 - 0.125);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.125 - 0.0625);\n"
+" RT += OffsetVector * (step(tex2D(Texture_Normal, RT.xy).a, RT.z) * 0.0625 - 0.03125);\n"
+" return RT.xy;\n"
+" // 2 sample offset mapping (only 2 samples because of ATI Radeon 9500-9800/X300 limits)\n"
+" //float2 OffsetVector = float2(EyeVector.xy * ((1.0 / EyeVector.z) * OffsetMapping_Scale) * float2(-1, 1));\n"
+" //float2 OffsetVector = float2(normalize(EyeVector.xy) * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1));\n"
+" float2 OffsetVector = float2(normalize(EyeVector).xy * OffsetMapping_Scale * float2(-1, 1));\n"
+" OffsetVector *= 0.5;\n"
+" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
+" TexCoord += OffsetVector * (1.0 - tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).a);\n"
+" return TexCoord;\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+"# define GetShadowMapTC2D(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters) (min(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters.xyz))\n"
+"# else\n"
+"float3 GetShadowMapTC2D(float3 dir, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters, samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection)\n"
+" float3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
+" float2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / max(max(adir.x, adir.y), adir.z);\n"
+" float4 proj = texCUBE(Texture_CubeProjection, dir);\n"
+" return float3(lerp(dir.xy, dir.zz, proj.xy) * aparams.x + proj.zw * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
+"# else\n"
+"float3 GetShadowMapTC2D(float3 dir, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters)\n"
+" float3 adir = abs(dir);\n"
+" float ma = adir.z;\n"
+" float4 proj = float4(dir, 2.5);\n"
+" if (adir.x > ma) { ma = adir.x; proj = float4(dir.zyx, 0.5); }\n"
+" if (adir.y > ma) { ma = adir.y; proj = float4(dir.xzy, 1.5); }\n"
+"#ifdef HLSL\n"
+" return float3(proj.xy * ShadowMap_Parameters.x / ma + float2(0.5,0.5) + float2(proj.z < 0.0 ? 1.5 : 0.5, proj.w) * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, ma + 64 * ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
+" float2 aparams = ShadowMap_Parameters.xy / ma;\n"
+" return float3(proj.xy * aparams.x + float2(proj.z < 0.0 ? 1.5 : 0.5, proj.w) * ShadowMap_Parameters.z, aparams.y + ShadowMap_Parameters.w);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#endif // defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+"# ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
+"float ShadowMapCompare(float3 dir, sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters, float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale, samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection)\n"
+"float ShadowMapCompare(float3 dir, sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4 ShadowMap_Parameters, float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale)\n"
+" float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters, Texture_CubeProjection);\n"
+" float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(dir, ShadowMap_Parameters);\n"
+" float f;\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) tex2Dproj(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4(center + float2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z, 1.0)).r \n"
+" float2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
+" f = dot(float4(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25), float4(texval(-0.4, 1.0), texval(-1.0, -0.4), texval(0.4, -1.0), texval(1.0, 0.4)));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" f = tex2Dproj(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float4(shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, shadowmaptc.z, 1.0)).r;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# if defined(GL_ARB_texture_gather) || defined(GL_AMD_texture_texture4)\n"
+"# ifdef GL_ARB_texture_gather\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) textureGatherOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, int2(x, y))\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) texture4(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + float2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale)\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" float2 offset = frac(shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5), center = (shadowmaptc.xy - offset)*ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
+" float4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, -2.0));\n"
+" float4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, -2.0));\n"
+" float4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, -2.0));\n"
+" float4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 0.0));\n"
+" float4 group5 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 0.0));\n"
+" float4 group6 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 0.0));\n"
+" float4 group7 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-2.0, 2.0));\n"
+" float4 group8 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 0.0, 2.0));\n"
+" float4 group9 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 2.0, 2.0));\n"
+" float4 locols = float4(group1.ab, group3.ab);\n"
+" float4 hicols = float4(group7.rg, group9.rg);\n"
+" locols.yz += group2.ab;\n"
+" hicols.yz += group8.rg;\n"
+" float4 midcols = float4(group1.rg, group3.rg) + float4(group7.ab, group9.ab) +\n"
+" float4(group4.rg, group6.rg) + float4(group4.ab, group6.ab) +\n"
+" lerp(locols, hicols, offset.y);\n"
+" float4 cols = group5 + float4(group2.rg, group8.ab);\n"
+" cols.xyz += lerp(midcols.xyz, midcols.yzw, offset.x);\n"
+" f = dot(cols, float4(1.0/25.0));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" float4 group1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, -1.0));\n"
+" float4 group2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, -1.0));\n"
+" float4 group3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval(-1.0, 1.0));\n"
+" float4 group4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, texval( 1.0, 1.0));\n"
+" float4 cols = float4(group1.rg, group2.rg) + float4(group3.ab, group4.ab) +\n"
+" lerp(float4(group1.ab, group2.ab), float4(group3.rg, group4.rg), offset.y);\n"
+" f = dot(lerp(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), float3(1.0/9.0));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# ifdef GL_EXT_gpu_shader4\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) tex2DOffset(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center, int2(x, y)).r\n"
+"# else\n"
+"# define texval(x, y) texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, center + float2(x, y)*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r \n"
+"# endif\n"
+" float2 center = shadowmaptc.xy - 0.5, offset = frac(center);\n"
+" center *= ShadowMap_TextureScale;\n"
+" float4 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0), texval( 2.0, -1.0)));\n"
+" float4 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0), texval( 2.0, 0.0)));\n"
+" float4 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0), texval( 2.0, 1.0)));\n"
+" float4 row4 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float4(texval(-1.0, 2.0), texval( 0.0, 2.0), texval( 1.0, 2.0), texval( 2.0, 2.0)));\n"
+" float4 cols = row2 + row3 + lerp(row1, row4, offset.y);\n"
+" f = dot(lerp(cols.xyz, cols.yzw, offset.x), float3(1.0/9.0));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" float2 center = shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale, offset = frac(shadowmaptc.xy);\n"
+" float3 row1 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float3(texval(-1.0, -1.0), texval( 0.0, -1.0), texval( 1.0, -1.0)));\n"
+" float3 row2 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float3(texval(-1.0, 0.0), texval( 0.0, 0.0), texval( 1.0, 0.0)));\n"
+" float3 row3 = step(shadowmaptc.z, float3(texval(-1.0, 1.0), texval( 0.0, 1.0), texval( 1.0, 1.0)));\n"
+" float3 cols = row2 + lerp(row1, row3, offset.y);\n"
+" f = dot(lerp(cols.xy, cols.yz, offset.x), float2(0.25,0.25));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+" f = step(shadowmaptc.z, tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy*ShadowMap_TextureScale).r);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" return lerp(ShadowMap_Parameters.w, 1.0, f);\n"
+"# else\n"
+" return f;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#endif // !defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(MODE_DEFERREDLIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(USESHADOWMAPORTHO)\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"float4 gl_Color : COLOR0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 BackgroundTexMatrix : register(c4),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewMatrix : register(c12),\n"
+"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR,\n"
+"out float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"out float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
+"out float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
+"out float4 VectorR : TEXCOORD7 // direction of R texcoord (surface normal), Depth value\n"
+" TexCoordBoth = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0);\n"
+" gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;\n"
+" TexCoordBoth.zw = float2(Backgroundmul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0));\n"
+" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
+" float3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+" VectorS = mul(ModelViewMatrix, float4(gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
+" VectorT = mul(ModelViewMatrix, float4(gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
+" VectorR.xyz = mul(ModelViewMatrix, float4(gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz, 0)).xyz;\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" VectorR.w = gl_Position.z;\n"
+"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
+"float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
+"float4 VectorR : TEXCOORD7, // direction of R texcoord (surface normal), Depth value\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
+"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Color : register(s1),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Gloss : register(s2),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryNormal : register(s4),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryGloss : register(s6),\n"
+"uniform float OffsetMapping_Scale : register(c24),\n"
+"uniform half SpecularPower : register(c36),\n"
+"#ifdef HLSL\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragData0 : COLOR0,\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragData1 : COLOR1\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+" float2 TexCoord = TexCoordBoth.xy;\n"
+" // apply offsetmapping\n"
+" float2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord, OffsetMapping_Scale, EyeVector, Texture_Normal);\n"
+"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
+"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
+" if (tex2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a < 0.5)\n"
+" discard;\n"
+" float alpha = tex2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord).a;\n"
+" float terrainblend = clamp(float(gl_FrontColor.a) * alpha * 2.0 - 0.5, float(0.0), float(1.0));\n"
+" //float terrainblend = min(float(gl_FrontColor.a) * alpha * 2.0, float(1.0));\n"
+" //float terrainblend = float(gl_FrontColor.a) * alpha > 0.5;\n"
+" float3 surfacenormal = lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2).rgb, tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb, terrainblend) - float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
+" float a = lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2).a, tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a, terrainblend);\n"
+" float3 surfacenormal = tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb - float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n"
+" float a = tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord).a;\n"
+"#ifdef HLSL\n"
+" gl_FragData0 = float4(normalize(surfacenormal.x * VectorS + surfacenormal.y * VectorT + surfacenormal.z * VectorR.xyz) * 0.5 + float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), a);\n"
+" float Depth = VectorR.w / 256.0;\n"
+" float4 depthcolor = float4(Depth,Depth*65536.0/255.0,Depth*16777216.0/255.0,0.0);\n"
+"// float4 depthcolor = float4(Depth,Depth*256.0,Depth*65536.0,0.0);\n"
+" depthcolor.yz -= floor(depthcolor.yz);\n"
+" gl_FragData1 = depthcolor;\n"
+" gl_FragColor = float4(normalize(surfacenormal.x * VectorS + surfacenormal.y * VectorT + surfacenormal.z * VectorR) * 0.5 + float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), a);\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewMatrix : register(c12),\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION,\n"
+"out float4 ModelViewPosition : TEXCOORD0\n"
+" ModelViewPosition = mul(ModelViewMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"#ifdef HLSL\n"
+"float2 Pixel : VPOS,\n"
+"float2 Pixel : WPOS,\n"
+"float4 ModelViewPosition : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ViewToLight : register(c44),\n"
+"uniform float2 ScreenToDepth : register(c33), // ScreenToDepth = float2(Far / (Far - Near), Far * Near / (Near - Far));\n"
+"uniform float3 LightPosition : register(c23),\n"
+"uniform half2 PixelToScreenTexCoord : register(c42),\n"
+"uniform half3 DeferredColor_Ambient : register(c9),\n"
+"uniform half3 DeferredColor_Diffuse : register(c10),\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+"uniform half3 DeferredColor_Specular : register(c11),\n"
+"uniform half SpecularPower : register(c36),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Attenuation : register(s9),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDepth : register(s13),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenNormalMap : register(s14),\n"
+"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_Cube : register(s10),\n"
+"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
+"# else\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection : register(s12),\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+"uniform float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale : register(c35),\n"
+"uniform float4 ShadowMap_Parameters : register(c34),\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragData0 : COLOR0,\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragData1 : COLOR1\n"
+" // calculate viewspace pixel position\n"
+" float2 ScreenTexCoord = Pixel * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
+" //ScreenTexCoord.y = ScreenTexCoord.y * -1 + 1; // Cg is opposite?\n"
+" float3 position;\n"
+"#ifdef HLSL\n"
+" position.z = texDepth2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord) * 256.0;\n"
+" position.z = ScreenToDepth.y / (texDepth2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord) + ScreenToDepth.x);\n"
+" position.xy = ModelViewPosition.xy * (position.z / ModelViewPosition.z);\n"
+" // decode viewspace pixel normal\n"
+" half4 normalmap = half4(tex2D(Texture_ScreenNormalMap, ScreenTexCoord));\n"
+" half3 surfacenormal = half3(normalize(normalmap.rgb - half3(0.5,0.5,0.5)));\n"
+" // surfacenormal = pixel normal in viewspace\n"
+" // LightVector = pixel to light in viewspace\n"
+" // CubeVector = position in lightspace\n"
+" // eyevector = pixel to view in viewspace\n"
+" float3 CubeVector = mul(ViewToLight, float4(position,1)).xyz;\n"
+" half fade = half(tex2D(Texture_Attenuation, float2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)).r);\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" // calculate diffuse shading\n"
+" half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(LightPosition - position));\n"
+" half diffuse = half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" // calculate directional shading\n"
+" float3 eyevector = position * -1.0;\n"
+" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(eyevector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" half3 specularnormal = half3(normalize(lightnormal + half3(normalize(eyevector))));\n"
+" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * normalmap.a));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+" fade *= half(ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector, Texture_ShadowMap2D, ShadowMap_Parameters, ShadowMap_TextureScale\n"
+", Texture_CubeProjection\n"
+" ));\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" gl_FragData0 = float4((DeferredColor_Ambient + DeferredColor_Diffuse * diffuse) * fade, 1.0);\n"
+" gl_FragData0 = float4(DeferredColor_Ambient * fade, 1.0);\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" gl_FragData1 = float4(DeferredColor_Specular * (specular * fade), 1.0);\n"
+" gl_FragData1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
+"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
+" float3 cubecolor = texCUBE(Texture_Cube, CubeVector).rgb;\n"
+" gl_FragData0.rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
+" gl_FragData1.rgb *= cubecolor;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"float4 gl_Vertex : POSITION,\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix : register(c8),\n"
+"float4 gl_Color : COLOR0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3,\n"
+"float4 gl_MultiTexCoord4 : TEXCOORD4,\n"
+"uniform float3 EyePosition : register(c24),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 TexMatrix : register(c0),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 BackgroundTexMatrix : register(c4),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelToLight : register(c20),\n"
+"uniform float3 LightPosition : register(c27),\n"
+"uniform float3 LightDir : register(c26),\n"
+"uniform float4 FogPlane : register(c25),\n"
+"uniform float3 LightPosition : register(c27),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ShadowMapMatrix : register(c16),\n"
+"out float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR,\n"
+"out float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
+"out float2 TexCoordLightmap : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
+"out float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"out float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD3,\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"out float4 EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist : TEXCOORD4,\n"
+"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) && defined(USEDIFFUSE) || defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
+"out float3 LightVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"out float3 CubeVector : TEXCOORD3,\n"
+"out float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
+"out float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
+"out float3 VectorR : TEXCOORD7, // direction of R texcoord (surface normal)\n"
+"out float4 gl_Position : POSITION\n"
+" gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;\n"
+" // copy the surface texcoord\n"
+" TexCoordBoth = mul(TexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0);\n"
+" TexCoordBoth.zw = mul(BackgroundTexMatrix, gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy;\n"
+"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
+" TexCoordLightmap = gl_MultiTexCoord4.xy;\n"
+" // transform vertex position into light attenuation/cubemap space\n"
+" // (-1 to +1 across the light box)\n"
+" CubeVector = mul(ModelToLight, gl_Vertex).xyz;\n"
+"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" // transform unnormalized light direction into tangent space\n"
+" // (we use unnormalized to ensure that it interpolates correctly and then\n"
+" // normalize it per pixel)\n"
+" float3 lightminusvertex = LightPosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
+" LightVector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION) && defined(USEDIFFUSE)\n"
+" LightVector.x = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.y = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" LightVector.z = dot(LightDir, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+" // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n"
+"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
+" float3 EyeVectorModelSpace = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVector.x = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.y = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n"
+" EyeVector.z = dot(EyeVectorModelSpace, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
+" EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w = dot(FogPlane, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" VectorS = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz;\n"
+" VectorT = gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz;\n"
+" VectorR = gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz;\n"
+" // transform vertex to camera space, using ftransform to match non-VS rendering\n"
+" gl_Position = mul(ModelViewProjectionMatrix, gl_Vertex);\n"
+" ShadowMapTC = mul(ShadowMapMatrix, gl_Position).xyz;\n"
+" ModelViewProjectionPosition = gl_Position;\n"
+"#endif // VERTEX_SHADER\n"
+"void main\n"
+"#ifdef HLSL\n"
+"float2 Pixel : VPOS,\n"
+"float2 Pixel : WPOS,\n"
+"float4 gl_FrontColor : COLOR,\n"
+"float4 TexCoordBoth : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
+"float2 TexCoordLightmap : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"#ifdef USEEYEVECTOR\n"
+"float3 EyeVector : TEXCOORD2,\n"
+"float4 ModelViewProjectionPosition : TEXCOORD3,\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"float4 EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist : TEXCOORD4,\n"
+"#if defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) || defined(MODE_LIGHTDIRECTION)\n"
+"float3 LightVector : TEXCOORD1,\n"
+"float3 CubeVector : TEXCOORD3,\n"
+"float4 ModelViewPosition : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+"float3 VectorS : TEXCOORD5, // direction of S texcoord (sometimes crudely called tangent)\n"
+"float3 VectorT : TEXCOORD6, // direction of T texcoord (sometimes crudely called binormal)\n"
+"float3 VectorR : TEXCOORD7, // direction of R texcoord (surface normal)\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Normal : register(s0),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Color : register(s1),\n"
+"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Gloss : register(s2),\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Glow : register(s3),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryNormal : register(s4),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryColor : register(s5),\n"
+"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryGloss : register(s6),\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_SecondaryGlow : register(s7),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Pants : register(s4),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Shirt : register(s7),\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_FogHeightTexture : register(s14),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_FogMask : register(s8),\n"
+"#ifdef USELIGHTMAP\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Lightmap : register(s9),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Deluxemap : register(s10),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Reflection : register(s7),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDepth : register(s13),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenNormalMap : register(s14),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDepth : register(s13),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenNormalMap : register(s14),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenDiffuse : register(s11),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ScreenSpecular : register(s12),\n"
+"uniform half3 Color_Pants : register(c7),\n"
+"uniform half3 Color_Shirt : register(c8),\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+"uniform float3 FogColor : register(c16),\n"
+"uniform float FogRangeRecip : register(c20),\n"
+"uniform float FogPlaneViewDist : register(c19),\n"
+"uniform float FogHeightFade : register(c17),\n"
+"uniform float OffsetMapping_Scale : register(c24),\n"
+"uniform half2 PixelToScreenTexCoord : register(c42),\n"
+"uniform half3 DeferredMod_Diffuse : register(c12),\n"
+"uniform half3 DeferredMod_Specular : register(c13),\n"
+"uniform half3 Color_Ambient : register(c3),\n"
+"uniform half3 Color_Diffuse : register(c4),\n"
+"uniform half3 Color_Specular : register(c5),\n"
+"uniform half SpecularPower : register(c36),\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+"uniform half3 Color_Glow : register(c6),\n"
+"uniform half Alpha : register(c0),\n"
+"uniform float4 DistortScaleRefractReflect : register(c14),\n"
+"uniform float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflect : register(c32),\n"
+"uniform float4 ScreenCenterRefractReflect : register(c31),\n"
+"uniform half4 ReflectColor : register(c26),\n"
+"uniform float4x4 ModelToReflectCube : register(c48),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ReflectMask : register(s5),\n"
+"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_ReflectCube : register(s6),\n"
+"uniform half3 LightColor : register(c21),\n"
+"uniform half3 LightColor : register(c21),\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_Attenuation : register(s9),\n"
+"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_Cube : register(s10),\n"
+"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
+"# else\n"
+"uniform sampler Texture_ShadowMap2D : register(s15),\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"uniform samplerCUBE Texture_CubeProjection : register(s12),\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+"uniform float2 ShadowMap_TextureScale : register(c35),\n"
+"uniform float4 ShadowMap_Parameters : register(c34),\n"
+"#endif // !defined(MODE_LIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(MODE_DEFERREDLIGHTSOURCE) && !defined(USESHADOWMAPORTHO)\n"
+"out float4 gl_FragColor : COLOR\n"
+" float2 TexCoord = TexCoordBoth.xy;\n"
+" float2 TexCoord2 = TexCoordBoth.zw;\n"
+" // apply offsetmapping\n"
+" float2 TexCoordOffset = OffsetMapping(TexCoord, OffsetMapping_Scale, EyeVector, Texture_Normal);\n"
+"#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n"
+" // combine the diffuse textures (base, pants, shirt)\n"
+" half4 color = half4(tex2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord));\n"
+"#ifdef USEALPHAKILL\n"
+" if (color.a < 0.5)\n"
+" discard;\n"
+" color.a *= Alpha;\n"
+" color.rgb += half3(tex2D(Texture_Pants, TexCoord).rgb) * Color_Pants + half3(tex2D(Texture_Shirt, TexCoord).rgb) * Color_Shirt;\n"
+" half terrainblend = clamp(half(gl_FrontColor.a) * color.a * 2.0 - 0.5, half(0.0), half(1.0));\n"
+" //half terrainblend = min(half(gl_FrontColor.a) * color.a * 2.0, half(1.0));\n"
+" //half terrainblend = half(gl_FrontColor.a) * color.a > 0.5;\n"
+" color.rgb = half3(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryColor, TexCoord2).rgb, float3(color.rgb), terrainblend));\n"
+" color.a = 1.0;\n"
+" //color = half4(lerp(float4(1, 0, 0, 1), color, terrainblend));\n"
+" // get the surface normal\n"
+" half3 surfacenormal = normalize(half3(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryNormal, TexCoord2).rgb, tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb, terrainblend)) - half3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));\n"
+" half3 surfacenormal = half3(normalize(half3(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb) - half3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));\n"
+" // get the material colors\n"
+" half3 diffusetex = color.rgb;\n"
+"#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEDEFERREDLIGHTMAP)\n"
+" half4 glosstex = half4(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryGloss, TexCoord2), tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord), terrainblend));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" half4 glosstex = half4(tex2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" float3 TangentReflectVector = reflect(-EyeVector, surfacenormal);\n"
+" float3 ModelReflectVector = TangentReflectVector.x * VectorS + TangentReflectVector.y * VectorT + TangentReflectVector.z * VectorR;\n"
+" float3 ReflectCubeTexCoord = mul(ModelToReflectCube, float4(ModelReflectVector, 0)).xyz;\n"
+" diffusetex += half3(tex2D(Texture_ReflectMask, TexCoord).rgb) * half3(texCUBE(Texture_ReflectCube, ReflectCubeTexCoord).rgb);\n"
+" // light source\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
+" half diffuse = half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + diffuse * Color_Diffuse);\n"
+"#ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
+" half3 specularnormal = half3(normalize(lightnormal + half3(normalize(EyeVector))));\n"
+" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
+" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * (specular * Color_Specular);\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
+" color.rgb *= LightColor;\n"
+" color.rgb *= half(tex2D(Texture_Attenuation, float2(length(CubeVector), 0.0)).r);\n"
+"#if defined(USESHADOWMAP2D)\n"
+" color.rgb *= half(ShadowMapCompare(CubeVector, Texture_ShadowMap2D, ShadowMap_Parameters, ShadowMap_TextureScale\n"
+", Texture_CubeProjection\n"
+" ));\n"
+"# ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n"
+" color.rgb *= half3(texCUBE(Texture_Cube, CubeVector).rgb);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"#ifdef USESHADOWMAP2D\n"
+"// float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(CubeVector, ShadowMap_Parameters, Texture_CubeProjection);\n"
+"// float3 shadowmaptc = GetShadowMapTC2D(CubeVector, ShadowMap_Parameters);\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float2(0.1,0.1)).rgb);\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale).rgb);\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(shadowmaptc.xyz * float3(ShadowMap_TextureScale,1.0));\n"
+"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, float2(0.1,0.1)).rgb);\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale).rgb);\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(shadowmaptc.xyz * float3(ShadowMap_TextureScale,1.0));\n"
+"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
+"// color.r = half(shadowmaptc.z - texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
+"// color.r = half(shadowmaptc.z);\n"
+"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ShadowMap2D, shadowmaptc.xy * ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
+"// color.r = half(shadowmaptc.z);\n"
+"// color.r = 1;\n"
+"// color.rgb = abs(CubeVector);\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(1,1,1);\n"
+"#endif // MODE_LIGHTSOURCE\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+"#ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(LightVector));\n"
+"#define lightcolor LightColor\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in modelspace (q3map2 -light -deluxe)\n"
+" half3 lightnormal_modelspace = half3(tex2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb) * 2.0 + half3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
+" half3 lightcolor = half3(tex2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb);\n"
+" // convert modelspace light vector to tangentspace\n"
+" half3 lightnormal;\n"
+" lightnormal.x = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, half3(VectorS));\n"
+" lightnormal.y = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, half3(VectorT));\n"
+" lightnormal.z = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, half3(VectorR));\n"
+" // calculate directional shading (and undoing the existing angle attenuation on the lightmap by the division)\n"
+" // note that q3map2 is too stupid to calculate proper surface normals when q3map_nonplanar\n"
+" // is used (the lightmap and deluxemap coords correspond to virtually random coordinates\n"
+" // on that luxel, and NOT to its center, because recursive triangle subdivision is used\n"
+" // to map the luxels to coordinates on the draw surfaces), which also causes\n"
+" // deluxemaps to be wrong because light contributions from the wrong side of the surface\n"
+" // are added up. To prevent divisions by zero or strong exaggerations, a max()\n"
+" // nudge is done here at expense of some additional fps. This is ONLY needed for\n"
+" // deluxemaps, tangentspace deluxemap avoid this problem by design.\n"
+" lightcolor *= 1.0 / max(0.25, lightnormal.z);\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+" // deluxemap lightmapping using light vectors in tangentspace (hmap2 -light)\n"
+" half3 lightnormal = half3(tex2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb) * 2.0 + half3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"
+" half3 lightcolor = half3(tex2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb);\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
+"#define SHADING\n"
+"half3 lightnormal = half3(normalize(EyeVector));\n"
+"half3 lightcolor = half3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n"
+"#endif // MODE_FAKELIGHT\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + half3(tex2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap).rgb) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
+"#endif // MODE_LIGHTMAP\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + half3(gl_FrontColor.rgb) * Color_Diffuse);\n"
+"#endif // MODE_VERTEXCOLOR\n"
+"#ifdef MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
+"#endif // MODE_FLATCOLOR\n"
+"#ifdef SHADING\n"
+"# ifdef USEDIFFUSE\n"
+" half diffuse = half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal)), 0.0));\n"
+"# ifdef USESPECULAR\n"
+" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(reflect(lightnormal, surfacenormal), normalize(EyeVector)))*-1.0, 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
+"# else\n"
+" half3 specularnormal = half3(normalize(lightnormal + half3(normalize(EyeVector))));\n"
+" half specular = half(pow(half(max(float(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal)), 0.0)), SpecularPower * glosstex.a));\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient + (diffusetex * Color_Diffuse * diffuse + glosstex.rgb * Color_Specular * specular) * lightcolor;\n"
+"# else\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * (Color_Ambient + Color_Diffuse * diffuse * lightcolor);\n"
+"# endif\n"
+"# else\n"
+" color.rgb = diffusetex * Color_Ambient;\n"
+"# endif\n"
+" color.rgb *= half(ShadowMapCompare(ShadowMapTC, Texture_ShadowMap2D, ShadowMap_Parameters, ShadowMap_TextureScale));\n"
+" float2 ScreenTexCoord = Pixel * PixelToScreenTexCoord;\n"
+" color.rgb += diffusetex * half3(tex2D(Texture_ScreenDiffuse, ScreenTexCoord).rgb) * DeferredMod_Diffuse;\n"
+" color.rgb += glosstex.rgb * half3(tex2D(Texture_ScreenSpecular, ScreenTexCoord).rgb) * DeferredMod_Specular;\n"
+"// color.rgb = half3(tex2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord).rgb);\n"
+"// color.r = half(texDepth2D(Texture_ScreenDepth, ScreenTexCoord)) * 1.0;\n"
+"#ifdef USEGLOW\n"
+" color.rgb += half3(lerp(tex2D(Texture_SecondaryGlow, TexCoord2).rgb, tex2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord).rgb, terrainblend)) * Color_Glow;\n"
+" color.rgb += half3(tex2D(Texture_Glow, TexCoord).rgb) * Color_Glow;\n"
+"#ifdef USEFOG\n"
+" color.rgb = FogVertex(color.rgb, FogColor, EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.xyz, EyeVectorModelSpaceFogPlaneVertexDist.w, FogRangeRecip, FogPlaneViewDist, FogHeightFade, Texture_FogMask, Texture_FogHeightTexture);\n"
+" // reflection must come last because it already contains exactly the correct fog (the reflection render preserves camera distance from the plane, it only flips the side) and ContrastBoost/SceneBrightness\n"
+" float4 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n"
+" //float4 ScreenTexCoord = (ModelViewProjectionPosition.xyxy + normalize(half3(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb) - half3(0.5,0.5,0.5)).xyxy * DistortScaleRefractReflect * 100) * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect;\n"
+" float2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW.zw + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.zw;\n"
+" float2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + float3(normalize(half3(tex2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).rgb) - half3(0.5,0.5,0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.zw;\n"
+" // FIXME temporary hack to detect the case that the reflection\n"
+" // gets blackened at edges due to leaving the area that contains actual\n"
+" // content.\n"
+" // Remove this 'ack once we have a better way to stop this thing from\n"
+" // 'appening.\n"
+" float f = min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" f *= min(1.0, length(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord + float2(-0.01, -0.01)).rgb) / 0.05);\n"
+" ScreenTexCoord = lerp(SafeScreenTexCoord, ScreenTexCoord, f);\n"
+" color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, half3(tex2D(Texture_Reflection, ScreenTexCoord).rgb) * ReflectColor.rgb, ReflectColor.a);\n"
+" gl_FragColor = float4(color);\n"
+"#endif // FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_WATER\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_REFRACTION\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_BLOOMBLUR\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_GENERIC\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_POSTPROCESS\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_SHOWDEPTH\n"
+"#endif // !MODE_DEPTH_OR_SHADOW\n"