achievement_id serial NOT NULL,
achievement_cd integer NOT NULL,
player_id integer NOT NULL,
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT achievements_pk PRIMARY KEY (achievement_id),
CONSTRAINT achievements_fk001 FOREIGN KEY (achievement_cd)
REFERENCES xonstat.cd_achievement (achievement_cd) MATCH SIMPLE
"version" character varying(15) NOT NULL,
descr character varying(100) NOT NULL,
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT db_version_pk PRIMARY KEY (version)
game_id bigserial NOT NULL,
- start_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ start_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
game_type_cd character varying(10) NOT NULL,
server_id integer NOT NULL,
map_id integer NOT NULL,
duration interval,
winner integer,
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT games_pk PRIMARY KEY (game_id),
CONSTRAINT games_fk001 FOREIGN KEY (game_type_cd)
REFERENCES xonstat.cd_game_type (game_type_cd) MATCH SIMPLE
player_id integer NOT NULL,
hashkey character varying(44) NOT NULL,
active_ind boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT hashkeys_pk PRIMARY KEY (player_id, hashkey),
CONSTRAINT hashkeys_fk001 FOREIGN KEY (player_id)
REFERENCES xonstat.players (player_id) MATCH SIMPLE
pushes integer,
pushed integer,
carrier_frags integer,
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT player_game_stats_pk PRIMARY KEY (player_game_stat_id),
CONSTRAINT player_game_stats_fk001 FOREIGN KEY (player_id)
REFERENCES xonstat.players (player_id) MATCH SIMPLE
actual integer NOT NULL,
max integer NOT NULL,
frags integer NOT NULL,
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT player_weapon_stats_pk PRIMARY KEY (player_weapon_stats_id),
CONSTRAINT player_weapon_stats_fk001 FOREIGN KEY (player_id)
REFERENCES xonstat.players (player_id) MATCH SIMPLE
player_id serial NOT NULL,
nick character varying(64),
"location" character varying(100),
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT players_pk PRIMARY KEY (player_id)
max_players integer,
pure_ind boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
active_ind boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
- create_dt timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
+ create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT servers_pk PRIMARY KEY (server_id)