--- /dev/null
+#include "monster.qh"
+#ifdef SVQC
+const int MON_MOVE_NONE = BIT(0);
+const int MON_MOVE_NORMAL = BIT(1);
+const int MON_MOVE_2D = BIT(2);
+const int MON_MOVE_BOUNCE = BIT(4);
+const int MON_MOVE_TOUCH = BIT(5);
+const int MON_MOVE_JUMP = BIT(6);
+const int MON_ATTACK_MELEE = BIT(0);
+const int MON_ATTACK_TOUCH = BIT(1);
+.int frame_walk, frame_run, frame_idle, frame_melee, frame_shoot, frame_death, frame_pain;
+// here come the fields
+.bool mon_jumpoff;
+.float mon_touchdelay, mon_touchangle;
+.float touch_timer; // reused field
+.float mon_jumpdelay, mon_jumpheight;
+.float jump_delay;
+.float shot_dmg, shot_radius;
+.float mon_proj_speed, mon_proj_speed_up;
+.int mon_movetype, mon_attacks, mon_attacktype;
+void M_CustomMonster_Touch(entity this, entity toucher)
+ if((this.mon_movetype & MON_MOVE_TOUCH) && time < this.touch_timer && vdist(this.velocity, <, this.speed))
+ {
+ fixedmakevectors(toucher.angles);
+ this.velocity = v_forward * this.speed2;
+ this.touch_timer = time + this.mon_touchdelay;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!(this.mon_attacks & MON_ATTACK_TOUCH))
+ return;
+ if(IS_DEAD(toucher))
+ return;
+ if(toucher.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid)
+ return;
+ if(toucher.takedamage == DAMAGE_NO)
+ return;
+ if(!toucher.iscreature)
+ return;
+ if(time < this.attack_finished_single[0])
+ return;
+ if(toucher.mdl == this.mdl || SAME_TEAM(this, toucher))
+ return; // friendly
+ vector vdir = normalize(toucher.origin - this.origin);
+ if(vdir.z <= this.mon_touchangle)
+ {
+ Damage(toucher, this, this, this.dmg, DEATH_MONSTER_ZOMBIE_MELEE.m_id, toucher.origin, '0 0 0');
+ this.attack_finished_single[0] = time + this.delay;
+ }
+void M_CustomMonster_Attack_Grenade_Touch(entity this, entity toucher)
+ PROJECTILE_TOUCH(this, toucher);
+ // only 'explode' if we touch a player (or equally humanoid creature)
+ if((IS_PLAYER(toucher) || IS_MONSTER(toucher)) && this.velocity)
+ turret_projectile_explode(this);
+void M_CustomMonster_TargetEnemey(entity this)
+ if(time >= this.last_enemycheck)
+ {
+ if(!this.enemy)
+ {
+ this.enemy = Monster_FindTarget(this);
+ if(this.enemy)
+ Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_sight, 0, false, CH_VOICE);
+ }
+ this.last_enemycheck = time + 1; // check for enemies every second
+ }
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO?
+ Monster_Attack_Check(this, this.enemy, weaponentity);
+bool M_CustomMonster_Attack(int attack_type, entity actor, entity targ, .entity weaponentity)
+ switch(attack_type)
+ {
+ {
+ if(actor.mon_attacks & MON_ATTACK_MELEE)
+ return Monster_Attack_Melee(actor, actor.enemy, actor.dmg, actor.anim_melee, actor.attack_range, actor.delay, DEATH_MONSTER_ZOMBIE_MELEE.m_id, actor.wait); // just fall back to zombie melee deathtype
+ return false;
+ }
+ {
+ if(actor.mon_attacks & MON_ATTACK_PROJECTILE)
+ {
+ float psize = 1.6;
+ if(actor.mon_attacktype == MON_ATTACKTYPE_FIREBALL)
+ {
+ psize = 0.8;
+ }
+ entity proj = turret_projectile(actor, SND_Null, psize, 0, DEATH_MONSTER_ZOMBIE_JUMP.m_id, ptype, true, true);
+ setorigin(proj, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(actor));
+ if(actor.mon_attacktype == MON_ATTACKTYPE_GRENADE)
+ {
+ proj.nextthink = time + 3;
+ proj.gravity = 1.0;
+ settouch(proj, M_CustomMonster_Attack_Grenade_Touch);
+ set_movetype(proj, MOVETYPE_TOSS);
+ proj.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ }
+ makevectors(actor.angles);
+ W_SetupProjVelocity_Explicit(proj, v_forward, v_up, actor.mon_proj_speed, actor.mon_proj_speed_up, 0, 0, false);
+ UpdateCSQCProjectile(proj);
+ actor.attack_finished_single[0] = time + (actor.delay * random());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+spawnfunc(monster_custom) { Monster_Spawn(this, true, MON_MONSTER.monsterid); }
+#endif // SVQC
+#ifdef SVQC
+METHOD(CustomMonster, mr_think, bool(CustomMonster this, entity actor))
+ TC(CustomMonster, this);
+ if((actor.mon_movetype & MON_MOVE_JUMP) && time < actor.jump_delay)
+ {
+ actor.velocity_z += actor.mon_jumpheight;
+ actor.jump_delay = time + (random() * actor.mon_jumpdelay);
+ }
+ if(actor.mon_movetype & MON_MOVE_2D)
+ {
+ Monster_Move_2D(actor, actor.speed, actor.mon_jumpoff);
+ M_CustomMonster_TargetEnemey(actor); // not called by regular code in this case
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(actor.mon_movetype & MON_MOVE_NORMAL)
+ return true;
+ // none handled automatically
+ M_CustomMonster_TargetEnemey(actor); // not called by regular code in this case
+ return false;
+METHOD(CustomMonster, mr_pain, float(CustomMonster this, entity actor, float damage_take, entity attacker, float deathtype))
+ TC(CustomMonster, this);
+ setanim(actor, actor.anim_pain1, true, true, false);
+ actor.pain_finished = actor.animstate_endtime;
+ return damage_take;
+METHOD(CustomMonster, mr_death, bool(CustomMonster this, entity actor))
+ TC(CustomMonster, this);
+ setanim(actor, actor.anim_melee, false, true, true);
+ return true;
+#ifdef GAMEQC
+METHOD(CustomMonster, mr_anim, bool(CustomMonster this, entity actor))
+ TC(CustomMonster, this);
+ // TODO? Can this even be made to work with CSQC?
+#ifdef SVQC
+ vector none = '0 0 0';
+#define GF(fm,df) ((actor.(fm)) ? actor.(fm) - 1 : (df))
+ actor.anim_walk = animfixfps(actor, vec3(GF(frame_walk, 1), 1, 1), none);
+ actor.anim_idle = animfixfps(actor, vec3(GF(frame_idle, 0), 1, 1), none);
+ actor.anim_melee = animfixfps(actor, vec3(GF(frame_melee, 2), 1, 5), none); // analyze models and set framerate
+ actor.anim_shoot = animfixfps(actor, vec3(GF(frame_shoot, 3), 1, 5), none); // analyze models and set framerate
+ actor.anim_run = animfixfps(actor, vec3(GF(frame_run, 1), 1, 1), none);
+ actor.anim_die1 = animfixfps(actor, vec3(GF(frame_death, 2), 1, 1), none);
+ actor.anim_pain1 = animfixfps(actor, vec3(GF(frame_pain, 0), 1, 1), none);
+#undef GF
+ return true;
+#ifdef SVQC
+METHOD(CustomMonster, mr_setup, bool(CustomMonster this, entity actor))
+ TC(CustomMonster, this);
+ // hardcode some defaults so it isn't completely b0rked
+ if(!actor.health) actor.health = 100;
+ if(!actor.attack_range) actor.attack_range = 150;
+ //if(!actor.speed) { actor.speed = 200; }
+ //if(!actor.speed2) { actor.speed2 = 400; }
+ if(!actor.stopspeed) { actor.stopspeed = 100; }
+ if(!actor.damageforcescale) { actor.damageforcescale = 0.15; }
+ if(!actor.mon_touchdelay) { actor.mon_touchdelay = 0.2; }
+ if(!actor.mon_jumpdelay) { actor.mon_jumpdelay = 4; } // note: randomized
+ if(!actor.mon_jumpheight) { actor.mon_jumpheight = 300; }
+ if(!actor.mon_touchangle) { actor.mon_touchangle = 0.7; }
+ if(!actor.shot_dmg) { actor.shot_dmg = 50; }
+ // need to do this here, as the main code doesn't check the monster's spawnflags
+ if(actor.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_SWIM)
+ actor.flags |= FL_SWIM;
+ if(actor.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_FLY)
+ {
+ actor.flags |= FL_FLY;
+ set_movetype(actor, MOVETYPE_FLY);
+ }
+ if(actor.mon_movetype & MON_MOVE_BOUNCE)
+ set_movetype(actor, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE); // LOL
+ FOREACH(Items, it.netname == actor.debris,
+ {
+ actor.monster_loot = it;
+ break;
+ });
+ if(actor.mon_movetype == MON_MOVE_2D)
+ actor.ticrate = sys_frametime; // accuracy required
+ actor.monster_attackfunc = M_CustomMonster_Attack;
+ settouch(actor, M_CustomMonster_Touch);
+ return true;
+METHOD(CustomMonster, mr_precache, bool(CustomMonster this))
+ TC(CustomMonster, this);
+ return true;