$(MAKE) CC=i486-mingw32-gcc UNAME=MINGW32 -C $(BASEDIR) clean
$(MAKE) CC=i486-mingw32-gcc UNAME=MINGW32 -C $(BASEDIR) DESTDIR=distro/win32/$(BINDIR) PREFIX=/ install
+ @mkdir -p $(BINDIR)/doc
+ @groff -mandoc $(BINDIR)/man1/gmqpak.1 | ps2pdf - $(BINDIR)/doc/gmqpak.pdf
+ @groff -mandoc $(BINDIR)/man1/qcvm.1 | ps2pdf - $(BINDIR)/doc/qcvm.pdf
+ @groff -mandoc $(BINDIR)/man1/gmqcc.1 | ps2pdf - $(BINDIR)/doc/gmqcc.pdf
+ @rm -rf $(BINDIR)/man1/
@zip -r $(BINDIR) $(BINDIR)
@rm -rf $(BINDIR)
.D1 creates a PAK with the files specified
.It Li gmqpak -file new1.pak -c directory.
.D1 creates a PAK from files within the directory, including subdirectories and files.
See <>.
.It Li 5) string vtos(vector) = #5;
.D1 Convert a vector to a string.
.It Li 6) void error(string...) = #6;
-.D1 Print at most 8 strings to stdout and then exit with an error.
+.D1 Print strings to stdout and then exit with an error (limited to 8 arguments)
.It Li 7) float vlen(vector) = #7;
.D1 Get the length of a vector.
.It Li 8) string etos(entity) = #8;