// ---------------- COMMAND: HELP ----------------
case "help":
print_to(self, "You can use the following sandbox commands:");
- print_to(self, "^7\"^2item_spawn ^3item^7\" spawns the specified item in front of the player. Only weapons are currently supported");
print_to(self, "^7\"^2object_spawn ^3models/foo/bar.md3^7\" spawns a new object in front of the player, and gives it the specified model");
print_to(self, "^7\"^2object_remove^7\" removes the object the player is looking at. Players can only remove their own objects");
print_to(self, "^7\"^2object_duplicate ^3value^7\" duplicates the object. 'copy' copies the object, 'paste' puts it in front of the player");
print_to(self, "^7The ^1drag object ^7key can be used to grab and carry objects. Players can only grab their own objects");
return TRUE;
- // ---------------- COMMAND: SPAWN ITEM ----------------
- case "item_spawn":
- // only weapons are currently supported
- if(cmd_argc < 3)
- {
- print_to(self, "^1SANDBOX - WARNING: ^7Attempted to spawn an item without specifying its type. Please specify the name of your item after the 'item_spawn' command");
- return TRUE;
- }
- // spawn a new item
- makevectors(self.v_angle);
- WarpZone_TraceLine(self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.origin + self.view_ofs + v_forward * autocvar_g_sandbox_editor_distance_spawn, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self);
- for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i)
- {
- e = get_weaponinfo(i);
- if(e.netname == argv(2))
- {
- W_ThrowNewWeapon(self, i, FALSE, trace_endpos, '0 0 0');
- if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info > 0)
- print("^3SANDBOX - SERVER: ^7", strcat(self.netname, " spawned a ^2", e.netname, "^7 at origin ^3", vtos(e.origin), "\n"));
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- print_to(self, "^1SANDBOX - WARNING: ^7Attempted to spawn an invalid or unsupported item. See 'sandbox help' for allowed items");
- return TRUE;
// ---------------- COMMAND: SPAWN OBJECT ----------------
case "object_spawn":
if(object_count >= autocvar_g_sandbox_editor_maxobjects)