### Tutorials
- [HALOGENE’S NEWBIE CORNER](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner) has rich information for beginners. **Must read!** You will enjoy the game more!
-- [Overkill Tutorial](overkill-tutorial)
+- [Overkill Tutorial](Overkill_Tutorial)
### Game Mechanics
- [Items](Items)
+++ /dev/null
-Game Modes, Types, Mutators, Mods
-In Xonotic, Game "Modes" and Game "Types" are used interchangably. They both refer to different goals of the game. See a list of game
--- /dev/null
+[Overkill](Overkill_Tutorial) is a special mutator for Xonotic. See its [tutorial](overkill-tutorial) for details.
+Overkill has been merged into the main game and will be available in 0.8 release!
+Server owners looking to run the new overkill on their server will need to change a few things before running their updated server though;
+The following options are required in server.cfg for overkill to run properly:
+exec balance-overkill.cfg
+g_overkill 1
+g_spawn_near_teammate 1
+g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint 1
+g_dodging 1
+g_nades 1
+Optionally, if you wish to use legacy ammo reloading, instead of the new ammo charging system, you may set the following cvar in server.cfg as well:
+g_overkill_ammo_charge 0
+Also, for wall dodging (extra push when dodging against walls), you may also add this to server.cfg:
+sv_dodging_wall_dodging 1
+That's all there is to it! Happy overkilling!
--- /dev/null
+Overkill Tutorial
+Overkill is a Xonotic mod focusing on fast movement, fewer but more powerful weapons, nades and respawning near team mates.
+To excel at Overkill there are two things to practice: aim and speed. If you're feeling old or your reflexes aren't that good, don't despair, since speed is the more important of the two. Some of the best players focus on movement almost exclusively.
+Table of Contents
+* [Movement](#movement)
+ * [Bunny Hopping](#bunny-hopping)
+ * [Laser / Blaster](#laser-blaster)
+ * [Dodging](#dodging)
+ * [Nade Jumping](#nade-jumping)
+* [Weapons](#weapons)
+ * [Basic Weapons](#basic-weapons)
+ * [Super Weapons](#super-weapons)
+ * [Nades](#nades)
+* [Items](#items)
+ * [Health](#health)
+ * [Armor](#armor)
+Every [vanilla movement tip](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#movement) also applies in Overkill. However there is one key aspect making the game way faster - **dodging**. But let's review the basics first:
+Bunny Hopping
+[Same as vanilla](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#bunny-hopping) - instead of just walking around you should always jump because it's much faster. Basically keep the `jump` key (by default `space bar`) pressed all the time. The are only two exceptions to this rule:
+1. you *want* to be slow (to not fall off a ledge)
+2. you need to *sneak*, since bunny hopping makes a lot of noise (you can crouch additionally to further minimize your movement noises).
+The turning and strafing tips also apply: hold `forward` to move straight, release `forward` and press `left` or `right` while moving the mouse slow but steadily in that direction to turn.
+Laser / Blaster
+All weapons in Overkill have the same secondary fire - laser (sometimes called blaster). It pushes the player using it (and also flags and nades), but unlike in vanilla it doesn't deal any damage. So blast away, literally.
+Its main uses are:
+- jumping higher - just aim at the floor and shoot ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3a127HCT0E))
+- climbing walls - no matter how high, just keep shooting the laser at roughly 45° down against the wall
+- accelerating - shoot the floor or wall [slightly behind you](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#wall-blastering) for a noticeable boost.
+- shooting nades or the flag on the ground to make them bounce a little - this is great for separating the flag and the nade when a killed FC dropped both.
+### When starting to move:
+Dodging is Overkill's defining feature. When you want to start moving, **quickly press `forward` twice**. You must be completely still before this and it must be followed by bunny hopping or else you lose your speed as soon as you touch the floor again. (Press `forward`, `forward`, *then* hold `jump` - don't press `jump` before the first `forward` or it won't work).
+You should do this **every time after spawning** because this is the fastest way to start moving. You'll accelerate several times faster than normally.
+### Wall-dodging
+Dodging does not only apply to starting a movement, but can be used on every (more or less) smooth surface next to you. For example you can bunny hop alongside a wall and press the `forward` key in quick succession to gain more speed. You can do this multiple times with only a short cooldown time. You can reach very high speeds using wall dodging. Good maps to try this out are [Tarx](Maps#tarx) and [Equinox](Maps#equinox).
+The fastest way to accelerate is a combination of both wall-dodging and blastering. This can **double your speed** when done right.
+Martin-t made a video containing all the above mentioned movement tricks with key presses shown:
+[![Movement tutorial](https://i.imgur.com/ioa82aJ.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omrOV09Oo04)
+*Link to video - middle click to open in new tab*
+Nade Jumping
+Desperate times call for desperate measures. Sometimes you need to get away *really* fast. One way to do that is to let a *nade* (see the [nade entry](#nades) in the weapons section below) explode in your hand. This can be done by either facing in the opposite direction of where you want to be hurled or by being in the upward motion of a jump when the nade explodes. [Space Elevator](Maps#space-elevator) is a good map to try this out. You can see this in action in [this video](https://youtu.be/KN98jADZBgk?t=5m34s).
+Since a nade does about 160 damage you need additional armor or health for this trick, otherwise you'd just commit suicide.
+Basic Weapons
+Every player has the same three weapons. You don't have to collect them and you also have infinite ammo. The only thing you have to care about is to choose the right weapon for a task and timing the reloads.
+- **Vortex** (also called *nex*, long distance, perfectly precise)
+ - the main weapon, good in almost every situation
+- **Shotgun** (close range, with spread)
+ - more damage than vortex but only in short range
+ - faster rate of fire
+ - slows enemies down - shoot them when they're jumping across a chasm to make them fall
+- **Machine Gun** (also called *uzi*, mid-range weapon with a bit of spread)
+ - spread increases gradually, better shoot short bursts
+ - also slows enemies down
+ - can deal small amounts of damage through walls
+ - great for removing armor shards from enemies, finish them off with a vortex shot afterwards
+Two more tips:
+- **Never reload in the middle of a fight.** Switch to a different gun instead, it's much faster.
+- Whenever you're safe, **reload**. Don't run around with only a single bullet remaining.
+Super Weapons
+Those weapons have to be picked up and are only available on some maps.
+- **Heavy Machine Gun**
+ - this is like the machine gun - just bigger, faster, with a larger ammo capacity and *way* more powerful
+ - point at general direction of the enemy, keep the trigger pulled, enemy dead
+- **Rocket Propelled Chainsaw Launcher**
+ - this sounds more fun than it actually is, basically it's a rocket launcher
+ - slow rockets (not very suitable for long range), huge damage, quite a damage radius
+ - you'll have a hard time not killing yourself with it, so you better jump around while using it and not aim at walls next to you or the ground under your feet
+*Nade* is the shorthand term for *grenade*. Nades deal quite a lot of damage in a large radius. Keep in mind they bounce off walls and fall down stairs. Due to their damage radius they even hurt players behind walls.
+You can arm a nade by pressing the `drop weapon` bind (by default the `g` key). After that a countdown of about 5 seconds starts until the nade explodes. You have to press the `drop weapon` key again to throw it. You can throw a new nade every few seconds.
+To excel at nading here are a few tips:
+- Keep the nade in hand until just before the explosion and throw it at an enemy. That way the nade won't bounce off and the enemy has no way to dodge it. You throw with more force the longer you wait.
+- You can use nades like a mine by dropping it on the floor at a place where an enemy will very likely be in a few moments (e.g. the flag spot in a CTF match). You can easily drop a nade without bouncing by crouching before releasing it.
+- There is another key bind for nades that works by holding the `hook` keybind to arm and releasing it to throw. **Don't use that one**, Overkill is too fast for it. You can't afford to keep a key pressed for several seconds. Use the `drop weapon` bind instead.
+- Jumppads usually works for nades, too.
+### Shooting nades
+You can also use nades like a rocket launcher by throwing a nade in front of you and then hitting it with the vortex. This propels the nade very far and causes very high damage with quite a bit of spread. It takes a little practice but is definitely worth the effort. Great for getting rid of campers or remote groups of enemies.
+Watch this short video to see what it looks like:
+[![Nexing nades](https://i.imgur.com/dG0m0CD.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qE3_YBYp50)
+*Link to video - middle click to open in new tab*
+There's not much to say here except **take everything you get**. If you think there's no reason to pick up items because you'll quickly die anyway, you're wrong! Without any pickups a single vortex hit will instantly kill you. So **don't ignore items**, even that tiny 5 armor shard dropped by a killed enemy will keep you alive and win you time to shoot back or get in cover. A fully equipped player (max health at 200 and max armor at 100) will sustain three vortex hits. If the hits don't come in quick succession even four, because you're healing shortly after being hit.
+In a 1on1 game you should even pick up items if you're already maxed out. You won't gain any extra health/armor, but you deprive your enemies of that bonus making it easier for you. When playing in a team however you better leave the items for your teammates in need, especially flag carriers in CTF.
+|Mega (100): |
+|![][h_mega] |
+[h_mega]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/s92ftsza0q7r8daau47z.png
+|Mega (100): | Big (50): |Medium (25): | Small (5): |
+|![][a_mega] | ![][a_big] |![][a_medium] | ![][a_small]|
+[a_mega]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/havtb83g2yglb201q84t.png
+[a_big]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/jyi1aj1vx6rrrckx7zgt.png
+[a_medium]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/ijq1xmxw797e1klv1l.png
+[a_small]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/5zl9javsx6dasvom21gv.png
+The small (5) shard is dropped by killed enemies. As noted above, it's more useful than it looks.
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+++ /dev/null
-Overkill is a special mutator for Xonotic. See its [tutorial](overkill-tutorial) for details.
-Overkill has been merged into the main game and will be available in 0.8 release!
-Server owners looking to run the new overkill on their server will need to change a few things before running their updated server though;
-The following options are required in server.cfg for overkill to run properly:
-exec balance-overkill.cfg
-g_overkill 1
-g_spawn_near_teammate 1
-g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint 1
-g_dodging 1
-g_nades 1
-Optionally, if you wish to use legacy ammo reloading, instead of the new ammo charging system, you may set the following cvar in server.cfg as well:
-g_overkill_ammo_charge 0
-Also, for wall dodging (extra push when dodging against walls), you may also add this to server.cfg:
-sv_dodging_wall_dodging 1
-That's all there is to it! Happy overkilling!
In the Multiplayer menu of the game, you can see many different types of servers. Many of them use special mutators/configurations to provide certain game experience. The following gives some examples. Note that servers come and go so you may not find some of them at certain time.
-- [Overkill](overkill-tutorial) is a special mutator that [requires special settings](Overkill-setting).
+- [Overkill](Overkill_Tutorial) is a special mutator that [requires special settings](Overkill_Setting).
- Some servers specialize in **vehicles** fight in large maps. Some servers specialize in a certain types of map, e.g. maps with city landscapes, space maps, famous Quake maps, etc.
- Some servers focuses on one specific game type. For example, **duel** servers allow only two players to fight each other; there are also **CTF**-only servers. [Defrag](http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=3869) servers provides special maps for only Race-related modes.
- Some servers only allow **shotguns**. Some servers give you **grenades**. Some servers give you unconventional weapons, i.e. **new toys**.
+++ /dev/null
-Overkill Tutorial
-Overkill is a Xonotic mod focusing on fast movement, fewer but more powerful weapons, nades and respawning near team mates.
-To excel at Overkill there are two things to practice: aim and speed. If you're feeling old or your reflexes aren't that good, don't despair, since speed is the more important of the two. Some of the best players focus on movement almost exclusively.
-Table of Contents
-* [Movement](#movement)
- * [Bunny Hopping](#bunny-hopping)
- * [Laser / Blaster](#laser-blaster)
- * [Dodging](#dodging)
- * [Nade Jumping](#nade-jumping)
-* [Weapons](#weapons)
- * [Basic Weapons](#basic-weapons)
- * [Super Weapons](#super-weapons)
- * [Nades](#nades)
-* [Items](#items)
- * [Health](#health)
- * [Armor](#armor)
-Every [vanilla movement tip](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#movement) also applies in Overkill. However there is one key aspect making the game way faster - **dodging**. But let's review the basics first:
-Bunny Hopping
-[Same as vanilla](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#bunny-hopping) - instead of just walking around you should always jump because it's much faster. Basically keep the `jump` key (by default `space bar`) pressed all the time. The are only two exceptions to this rule:
-1. you *want* to be slow (to not fall off a ledge)
-2. you need to *sneak*, since bunny hopping makes a lot of noise (you can crouch additionally to further minimize your movement noises).
-The turning and strafing tips also apply: hold `forward` to move straight, release `forward` and press `left` or `right` while moving the mouse slow but steadily in that direction to turn.
-Laser / Blaster
-All weapons in Overkill have the same secondary fire - laser (sometimes called blaster). It pushes the player using it (and also flags and nades), but unlike in vanilla it doesn't deal any damage. So blast away, literally.
-Its main uses are:
-- jumping higher - just aim at the floor and shoot ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3a127HCT0E))
-- climbing walls - no matter how high, just keep shooting the laser at roughly 45° down against the wall
-- accelerating - shoot the floor or wall [slightly behind you](Halogenes_Newbie_Corner#wall-blastering) for a noticeable boost.
-- shooting nades or the flag on the ground to make them bounce a little - this is great for separating the flag and the nade when a killed FC dropped both.
-### When starting to move:
-Dodging is Overkill's defining feature. When you want to start moving, **quickly press `forward` twice**. You must be completely still before this and it must be followed by bunny hopping or else you lose your speed as soon as you touch the floor again. (Press `forward`, `forward`, *then* hold `jump` - don't press `jump` before the first `forward` or it won't work).
-You should do this **every time after spawning** because this is the fastest way to start moving. You'll accelerate several times faster than normally.
-### Wall-dodging
-Dodging does not only apply to starting a movement, but can be used on every (more or less) smooth surface next to you. For example you can bunny hop alongside a wall and press the `forward` key in quick succession to gain more speed. You can do this multiple times with only a short cooldown time. You can reach very high speeds using wall dodging. Good maps to try this out are [Tarx](Maps#tarx) and [Equinox](Maps#equinox).
-The fastest way to accelerate is a combination of both wall-dodging and blastering. This can **double your speed** when done right.
-Martin-t made a video containing all the above mentioned movement tricks with key presses shown:
-[![Movement tutorial](https://i.imgur.com/ioa82aJ.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omrOV09Oo04)
-*Link to video - middle click to open in new tab*
-Nade Jumping
-Desperate times call for desperate measures. Sometimes you need to get away *really* fast. One way to do that is to let a *nade* (see the [nade entry](#nades) in the weapons section below) explode in your hand. This can be done by either facing in the opposite direction of where you want to be hurled or by being in the upward motion of a jump when the nade explodes. [Space Elevator](Maps#space-elevator) is a good map to try this out. You can see this in action in [this video](https://youtu.be/KN98jADZBgk?t=5m34s).
-Since a nade does about 160 damage you need additional armor or health for this trick, otherwise you'd just commit suicide.
-Basic Weapons
-Every player has the same three weapons. You don't have to collect them and you also have infinite ammo. The only thing you have to care about is to choose the right weapon for a task and timing the reloads.
-- **Vortex** (also called *nex*, long distance, perfectly precise)
- - the main weapon, good in almost every situation
-- **Shotgun** (close range, with spread)
- - more damage than vortex but only in short range
- - faster rate of fire
- - slows enemies down - shoot them when they're jumping across a chasm to make them fall
-- **Machine Gun** (also called *uzi*, mid-range weapon with a bit of spread)
- - spread increases gradually, better shoot short bursts
- - also slows enemies down
- - can deal small amounts of damage through walls
- - great for removing armor shards from enemies, finish them off with a vortex shot afterwards
-Two more tips:
-- **Never reload in the middle of a fight.** Switch to a different gun instead, it's much faster.
-- Whenever you're safe, **reload**. Don't run around with only a single bullet remaining.
-Super Weapons
-Those weapons have to be picked up and are only available on some maps.
-- **Heavy Machine Gun**
- - this is like the machine gun - just bigger, faster, with a larger ammo capacity and *way* more powerful
- - point at general direction of the enemy, keep the trigger pulled, enemy dead
-- **Rocket Propelled Chainsaw Launcher**
- - this sounds more fun than it actually is, basically it's a rocket launcher
- - slow rockets (not very suitable for long range), huge damage, quite a damage radius
- - you'll have a hard time not killing yourself with it, so you better jump around while using it and not aim at walls next to you or the ground under your feet
-*Nade* is the shorthand term for *grenade*. Nades deal quite a lot of damage in a large radius. Keep in mind they bounce off walls and fall down stairs. Due to their damage radius they even hurt players behind walls.
-You can arm a nade by pressing the `drop weapon` bind (by default the `g` key). After that a countdown of about 5 seconds starts until the nade explodes. You have to press the `drop weapon` key again to throw it. You can throw a new nade every few seconds.
-To excel at nading here are a few tips:
-- Keep the nade in hand until just before the explosion and throw it at an enemy. That way the nade won't bounce off and the enemy has no way to dodge it. You throw with more force the longer you wait.
-- You can use nades like a mine by dropping it on the floor at a place where an enemy will very likely be in a few moments (e.g. the flag spot in a CTF match). You can easily drop a nade without bouncing by crouching before releasing it.
-- There is another key bind for nades that works by holding the `hook` keybind to arm and releasing it to throw. **Don't use that one**, Overkill is too fast for it. You can't afford to keep a key pressed for several seconds. Use the `drop weapon` bind instead.
-- Jumppads usually works for nades, too.
-### Shooting nades
-You can also use nades like a rocket launcher by throwing a nade in front of you and then hitting it with the vortex. This propels the nade very far and causes very high damage with quite a bit of spread. It takes a little practice but is definitely worth the effort. Great for getting rid of campers or remote groups of enemies.
-Watch this short video to see what it looks like:
-[![Nexing nades](https://i.imgur.com/dG0m0CD.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qE3_YBYp50)
-*Link to video - middle click to open in new tab*
-There's not much to say here except **take everything you get**. If you think there's no reason to pick up items because you'll quickly die anyway, you're wrong! Without any pickups a single vortex hit will instantly kill you. So **don't ignore items**, even that tiny 5 armor shard dropped by a killed enemy will keep you alive and win you time to shoot back or get in cover. A fully equipped player (max health at 200 and max armor at 100) will sustain three vortex hits. If the hits don't come in quick succession even four, because you're healing shortly after being hit.
-In a 1on1 game you should even pick up items if you're already maxed out. You won't gain any extra health/armor, but you deprive your enemies of that bonus making it easier for you. When playing in a team however you better leave the items for your teammates in need, especially flag carriers in CTF.
-|Mega (100): |
-|![][h_mega] |
-[h_mega]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/s92ftsza0q7r8daau47z.png
-|Mega (100): | Big (50): |Medium (25): | Small (5): |
-|![][a_mega] | ![][a_big] |![][a_medium] | ![][a_small]|
-[a_mega]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/havtb83g2yglb201q84t.png
-[a_big]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/jyi1aj1vx6rrrckx7zgt.png
-[a_medium]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/ijq1xmxw797e1klv1l.png
-[a_small]: http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/5zl9javsx6dasvom21gv.png
-The small (5) shard is dropped by killed enemies. As noted above, it's more useful than it looks.
\ No newline at end of file