--- /dev/null
+bool autocvar_cl_polytrails = false;
+float autocvar_cl_polytrail_segmentsize = 10;
+float autocvar_cl_polytrail_lifetime = .2;
+CLASS(PolyTrail, Object)
+ ATTRIB(PolyTrail, polytrail_follow, entity, NULL)
+ ATTRIB(PolyTrail, polytrail_tex, string, string_null)
+ /** Lifetime per segment */
+ ATTRIB(PolyTrail, polytrail_lifetime, float, autocvar_cl_polytrail_lifetime)
+ ATTRIBARRAY(PolyTrail, polytrail_rgb, vector, 3)
+ ATTRIBARRAY(PolyTrail, polytrail_alpha, float, 3)
+ ATTRIBARRAY(PolyTrail, polytrail_thickness, float, 3)
+ /**
+ * Increase as necessary if the buffer is overflowing
+ * symptom: tail of trail is wrong
+ * cause: projectiles are too fast for the segment size
+ */
+ const int POLYTRAIL_BUFSIZE = 1 << 7;
+ /** One or more positional points */
+ ATTRIBARRAY(PolyTrail, polytrail_bufpos, vector, POLYTRAIL_BUFSIZE)
+ /** Time of input */
+ ATTRIBARRAY(PolyTrail, polytrail_buftime, float, POLYTRAIL_BUFSIZE)
+ /** Current read index */
+ ATTRIB(PolyTrail, polytrail_bufidx, float, -1)
+ /** Counts positions stored */
+ ATTRIB(PolyTrail, polytrail_cnt, float, 0)
+ #define POLYTRAIL_SEEK(_p, _rel) ((POLYTRAIL_BUFSIZE + (_p).polytrail_bufidx + (_rel)) % POLYTRAIL_BUFSIZE)
+ void Trail_draw();
+ ATTRIB(PolyTrail, draw, void(), Trail_draw)
+ void Trail_draw() {
+ PolyTrail this = self;
+ if (wasfreed(this.polytrail_follow)) this.polytrail_follow = NULL;
+ if (!this.polytrail_follow) {
+ float when = this.polytrail_buftime[this.polytrail_bufidx];
+ if (time - when > this.polytrail_lifetime) {
+ remove(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ setorigin(this, this.polytrail_follow.origin);
+ if (this.polytrail_cnt < 0 || vlen(this.origin - this.polytrail_bufpos[this.polytrail_bufidx]) >= autocvar_cl_polytrail_segmentsize) {
+ int i = POLYTRAIL_SEEK(this, 1);
+ this.polytrail_bufpos[i] = this.origin;
+ this.polytrail_buftime[i] = time;
+ this.polytrail_bufidx = i;
+ this.polytrail_cnt = bound(this.polytrail_cnt, i + 1, POLYTRAIL_BUFSIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ int count = this.polytrail_cnt;
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ int idx = POLYTRAIL_SEEK(this, -i);
+ float when = this.polytrail_buftime[idx];
+ if (time - when >= this.polytrail_lifetime) {
+ count = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ vector from = this.origin;
+ for (int i = 0, n = count; i < n; ++i) {
+ int idx = POLYTRAIL_SEEK(this, -i);
+ float when = this.polytrail_buftime[idx];
+ vector to = this.polytrail_bufpos[idx];
+ // head: 0, tail: 1
+ float rtime = (time - when) / this.polytrail_lifetime;
+ noref float rdist = i / n;
+ vector rgb = lerpv3ratio(this.polytrail_rgb[0], this.polytrail_rgb[1], this.polytrail_rgb[2], rtime);
+ float a = lerp3ratio(this.polytrail_alpha[0], this.polytrail_thickness[1], this.polytrail_alpha[2], rtime);
+ int thickness = lerp3ratio(this.polytrail_thickness[0], this.polytrail_thickness[1], this.polytrail_thickness[2], rtime);
+ vector thickdir = normalize(cross(normalize(to - from), view_origin - from)) * (thickness / 2);
+ vector A = from + thickdir;
+ vector B = from - thickdir;
+ vector C = to + thickdir;
+ vector D = to - thickdir;
+ R_BeginPolygon(this.polytrail_tex, DRAWFLAG_SCREEN);
+ R_PolygonVertex(B, '0 0 0', rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(A, '0 1 0', rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(C, '1 1 0', rgb, a);
+ R_PolygonVertex(D, '1 0 0', rgb, a);
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ from = to;
+ }
+ }
+ CONSTRUCTOR(PolyTrail, entity _follow) {
+ CONSTRUCT(PolyTrail);
+ this.polytrail_follow = _follow;
+ }
+REGISTER_MUTATOR(polytrails, true);
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(polytrails, EditProjectile) {
+ return = false;
+ if (!autocvar_cl_polytrails) return;
+ PolyTrail t = NEW(PolyTrail, self);
+ t.polytrail_tex = "gfx/trails/plain.tga";
+ t.polytrail_rgb[0] = '1 0 0';
+ t.polytrail_rgb[1] = '0 1 0';
+ t.polytrail_rgb[2] = '0 0 1';
+ t.polytrail_alpha[0] = 1;
+ t.polytrail_alpha[1] = 0.5;
+ t.polytrail_alpha[2] = 0;
+ t.polytrail_thickness[0] = 10;
+ t.polytrail_thickness[1] = 5;
+ t.polytrail_thickness[2] = 0;
return vret;
+float lerpratio(float f0, float f1, float ratio) { return f0 * (1 - ratio) + f1 * ratio; }
+float lerp(float t0, float f0, float t1, float f1, float t) { return lerpratio(f0, f1, (t - t0) / (t1 - t0)); }
+float lerp3ratio(float f0, float f1, float f2, float ratio)
+ int mid = 0.5;
+ return ratio < mid ? lerpratio(f0, f1, ratio / mid) : ratio > mid ? lerpratio(f1, f2, (ratio - mid) / mid) : f1;
+vector lerpvratio(vector f0, vector f1, float ratio) { return f0 * (1 - ratio) + f1 * ratio; }
+vector lerpv3ratio(vector f0, vector f1, vector f2, float ratio)
+ int mid = 0.5;
+ return ratio < mid ? lerpvratio(f0, f1, ratio / mid) : ratio > mid ? lerpvratio(f1, f2, (ratio - mid) / mid) : f1;
vector lerpv(float t0, vector v0, float t1, vector v1, float t)
return v0 + (v1 - v0) * ((t - t0) / (t1 - t0));