_receiveshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow reception. Defaults to 1 on everything (world shadows). 0 = receives NO shadows. > 1 = receive shadows only from corresponding keyed entities (see above) and world. < 1 = receive shadows ONLY from corresponding keyed entities.
_clone: copies brushes from entity with identical _clonename. Still needs a single brush that will get replaced.
_clonename: template name so one can clone from it
-min: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
-max: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
+mins: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
+maxs: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
targetname: if targeted by a misc_model, its brushes get inserted into this
_celshader: Sets the cel shader used for this geometry. Note: omit the "textures/" prefix.
_receiveshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow reception. Defaults to 1 on everything (world shadows). 0 = receives NO shadows. > 1 = receive shadows only from corresponding keyed entities (see above) and world. < 1 = receive shadows ONLY from corresponding keyed entities.
_clone: copies brushes from entity with identical _clonename. Still needs a single brush that will get replaced.
_clonename: template name so one can clone from it
-min: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
-max: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
+mins: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
+maxs: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
targetname: if targeted by a misc_model, its brushes get inserted into this
_celshader: Sets the cel shader used for this geometry. Note: omit the "textures/" prefix.
_receiveshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow reception. Defaults to 1 on everything (world shadows). 0 = receives NO shadows. > 1 = receive shadows only from corresponding keyed entities (see above) and world. < 1 = receive shadows ONLY from corresponding keyed entities.
_clone: copies brushes from entity with identical _clonename. Still needs a single brush that will get replaced.
_clonename: template name so one can clone from it
-min: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
-max: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
+mins: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
+maxs: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
targetname: if targeted by a misc_model, its brushes get inserted into this
_celshader: Sets the cel shader used for this geometry. Note: omit the "textures/" prefix.
_receiveshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow reception. Defaults to 1 on everything (world shadows). 0 = receives NO shadows. > 1 = receive shadows only from corresponding keyed entities (see above) and world. < 1 = receive shadows ONLY from corresponding keyed entities.
_clone: copies brushes from entity with identical _clonename. Still needs a single brush that will get replaced.
_clonename: template name so one can clone from it
-min: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
-max: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
+mins: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
+maxs: override automatically found maximum coordinate bounds
targetname: if targeted by a misc_model, its brushes get inserted into this
_celshader: Sets the cel shader used for this geometry. Note: omit the "textures/" prefix.
Triggers targets when a given magic word has been said
-------- KEYS --------
message: message to wait for (can start or end with * for wildcards)
target3: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
target4: all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.
target_random: instead of triggering ALL matched entities, trigger ONE of them by random
+movedir: if TUBA is set, this is a string of "instrument+1 mintempo maxtempo". Components can be set to 0 to not match.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
IGNORE_SAY: do not respond to "say" messages
IGNORE_TEAMSAY: do not respond to "say_team" messages
REPLACE_OUTSIDE: also perform the replacement when outside the radius (to hide the "secret word")
CONTINUE: even if this magic ear matched, continue looking for further matches/replacements (useful for swear word filters)
NODECOLORIZE: do not decolorize the input string before matching
+TUBA: the message is a space separated note sequence that must be played on the @!#%'n Tuba or the @!#%'n Accordeon. For example, 4.25 means a quarter note at pitch 4, where 0 is base pitch (red team primary fire with no motion). For secret triggers to open doors, use 4.25 0.25 4.25 2.25. The first one to encode a rickroll in this gets slapped with the shotgun.
+TUBA_EXACTPITCH: the note pitch must be accurate and cannot be transposed
/*QUAKED weapon_fireball (1 0 .5) (-30 -30 0) (30 30 32) FLOATING